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15238647 No.15238647 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kabbalah just Shankara's advaita-vedanta in Jewish form?
What are some good resources for goyim to learn about it?

>> No.15238721

You don't have the nefesh for it :,) don't even try

>> No.15238797

>There are 2 souls, a Nefesh Elokis and Nefesh Habahamis, a G-dly soul and an animalistic soul. Goyim only have the animalistic soul. All physical desires and worldly pleasures come from the Nefesh Habahamis. The Nefesh Elokis just wants the pleasure of G-d, learning Torah and doing Mitzvos. We are able to use the animalistic soul for the service of G-d, but you need to put in a lot of effort. Goyim don't have a Nefesh Elokis, just a Nefesh Habahamis.

Which rabbi can one purchase it from? Is the local rabbi fine? I'll tell him that my great-great-grandmother was Jewish.

>> No.15238812

Reminds me of jung's spirit of the depths versus the spirit of the times

>> No.15238834

Read Kaplan and Scholem. Essential for beginners.

The Invisible Stairway might help with Hebrew correspondences.

I suggest reading Sefer Yetzirah then Bahir then Zohar. That way you get a feel for the development. Want to read Etz Chayim by Luria but waiting for translation to be complete...

Best of luck!

Avoid people who say to study hermetic qabalah exclusively or that you have to be a forty year old rabbi...

>> No.15238845
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Goyim have only a nefesh bahamis like an animal. Some animals, like an amoeba are alive, but low functioning. Some, like a dog or a chimpanzee are very high functioning. A goy is an animal, nevertheless so high functioning that he has similar capabilities and intelligence just like one endowed with Tzelem Elokim. But due to his lack of TzE, he cannot relate to Hashem and views the Briah as random, without intention or purpose. He desires to destroy any being with high level TzE, such Am Yisroel, in order to eliminate Hashem from this world. He is the progeny of the Nachash Hakadmoni, which was the most intelligent of the animals.

>> No.15238856

This is some scientology meets Islam stuff

>> No.15238886

Seconding this. I'm almost done with Inner Space Introduction to Kabbalah by Aryeh Kaplan which I have found to be a very thorough introduction.

>> No.15238945

All of mankind, non-Jews included, are Tzelem Elokim

>> No.15239106

Yes, it was written by Jewish pilgrims returning from India in the 13th century.

>> No.15239342

Chabad trash isn't Kabbalah/Judaism, friend.
The Tanya isn't authoritative for anyone but Chabad.

>> No.15240023



>> No.15240159
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>Is Kabbalah just Shankara's advaita-vedanta in Jewish form?

>> No.15240212

Kabbalah is a process pluralism like Whitehead. Like the anti-advaita.
There's a dissertation online you can Google on this.
Read Tree Of Souls by Schwartz and On The Kabbalah And It's Symbolism by Gershom Scholem.

>> No.15240225

>process pluralism
So they are like advaita but invert unchanging nature to a process and invert One into ten sephirot?

>> No.15240249

>Chabad trash isn't Kabbalah/Judaism
Are they considered heretics by orthodox jews?

>> No.15240263

The tree is the ten in the one and the one in the ten. Decad. Teractys. Pythagorean shit. And it goes beyond. Ein sof aur is like zen nothingness. There's astrological doctrines. Linguistic gematria. Esoteric physiology. Tikkun is like gnosticism or alchemy. Tzimtzum results in trinitarian pluralism. But almost Schellingesque.

>> No.15240818

You don't mess with the Zohar

>> No.15240823

>Kabbalah is a process pluralism like Whitehead.
The Ein Sof is unchanging like Brahman is, all multiplicity and change proceeds from the eternal and immutable Ein Sof in Kabbalah just as in Advaita the same is true of Brahman.

>> No.15240857

What relation does the Ein Sof have to YHWH?

>> No.15241162

Nothing at all like Advaita.

>> No.15241165

This is false.

>> No.15241208

The non-duality of Man.

>> No.15241805

Yes, by some, but not all.
Read up Rav Shach's opinion on them for example.

>> No.15242706

None, it's an invention

>> No.15242803

Is Gershom Scholem good and reliable to learn about Kabbalah? I have basically no background on it.

>> No.15242812

He and Aryeh Kaplan are the most well respected scholars on the subject in the west.

>> No.15242832

>Goyim don't have a Nefesh Elokis, just a Nefesh Habahamis.
That is the kind of shit that Christianity condemned gnosticism for. However it can be rightly interpreted in a spiritual sense because the spirit brings Liberty. Then they are merely symbols which express different kinds of states of being that people can be in. But the flesh will only interprete as "my tribe is good and others are bad and inferior." because the flesh cannot understand the things of the spirit due to it being an animal soul.

>> No.15242838

>Is Kabbalah just Shankara's advaita-vedanta in Jewish form?
That’s kinda of a douchey way to put it, but yes, if you want to put like that. Ein Sof = God in pre-manifestation stage as limitless void = Nirguna Brahman (Brahman in the featureless, impersonal state).

The similarities get more tenuous here, but then you could say Ein Sof descending into Kether is like Nirguna Brahman (impersonal Brahman) descending into Saguna Brahman (personal Brahman). After that it’s unlikely there’s exact correspondences between Advaita Vedanta and Kabbala, since Kabbala is more like emanationism and Advaita more like monism.

However, you could compare Kabbalah maybe to Samkhya (Samkhya dividing the world between a pure, transcendent, featureless all-pervading Purusha, and an increasingly mechanical, subdivided material Prakriti). Every Westerner who gets into Hinduism seems to latch onto Advaita Vedanta since it’s cool and exotic, and overlooks other schools of Hindu philosophy like Samkhya. In this comparison, Ein Sof could be like Purusha, and the Tree of Life represent Prakriti (matter, the material universe, as well as the body).

Some more New Agey people, finally, make a comparison between the mapping of the Tree of Life onto the human body with the Indian chakra system in traditions like kundalini yoga, tantra, Shaktism, etc. This may be true too, who knows. Even Central Asian/Middle Eastern Sufis (who were influenced by and freely exchanged ideas with Hindu yogis, and these Sufis then went on to influence the development of the Kabbala in Europe through their connections with Jewish scholars in Spain, if I remember correctly) have some sects which believe in the activation of different “centers” in the body being connected with spiritual experiences, just like some Indian yogis claim that kundalini rising throughout the chakras leads to spiritual experiences.

>> No.15242855

A good resource is Kosher Torah on YouTube I think, but the stuff mentioned earlier like Kaplan and Scholem are key.

>> No.15242967

>That is the kind of shit that Christianity condemned gnosticism for.
t. triggered animalistic goy too lazy to convert and keep the mitzvot

>> No.15243276

Jewish supremacy at work, but if the goyim did the same thing they'd be condemned.

>> No.15243300

You're having trouble understanding that chosen doesn't necessarily mean better. The Hebrews as first shown by Moses were a heathen mob, ready to worship whatever idol was available whenever things got though.

>> No.15243307

Not me, I know they're not better lol, but this is how they see themselves. They think they are humanity's guiding light and act like it.

>> No.15243314

My point is merely that being chosen to act as a light for all other nations (goyim) does not mean in any way that Jews are better.

>> No.15243334

Ah yeah, the different parts of the body shit right? Nah man, that's just a veiled way of denying you think you're better (*remember, lying to goyim is allowed if it advances jewish interests). If jews aren't better, then why should they be this supposed guiding light? Why do they think their desert god holds sway over all people?

>> No.15243341

very hard to learn kabbalah unless you know hebrew

>> No.15243344
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i'm gonna read it soon as well so I can learn what our masters are scheming in other dimensions

>> No.15243354

Christian believe in the morality of their book, Muslims believe in the morality of their book, so do Jews.

What's the difference to you?

>> No.15243375

Well first of all, they're all wrong. But the main difference is that Christianity and Islam are open to anyone, anywhere, while Judaism is essentially an ethno-religion. If literally anyone could become part of this enlightened sub-group of humans it'd be a different story, but you have to be part of the tribe or married into it.
Then there's the part of Christians and Muslims believing in a watered-down version of the jewish desert god which is used to subvert their own cultures/peoples.

Now I'd like to hear an answer to this
>Ah yeah, the different parts of the body shit right? Nah man, that's just a veiled way of denying you think you're better (*remember, lying to goyim is allowed if it advances jewish interests). If jews aren't better, then why should they be this supposed guiding light? Why do they think their desert god holds sway over all people?

>> No.15243392

Judaism accepts converts, your premise is mistaken.

And it seems you have wrong idea spouting antisemitic hogwash on a board for literary discourse, your nonsense here will not get an answer you'd accept.

>> No.15243401

Judaism AND Islam are both superior to christianity. that is a fact

>> No.15243415

Only under very strict regulations is conversion allowed, which still makes it *essentially* an ethno-religion. Jewish converts I used to go to school with confirmed this.

Now what was anti-semitic about what I said? Disagreeing doesn't make it anti-semitic.

>> No.15243419

But I guess it's the standard tactic, everytime someone questions something he gets called an anti-semite. This is how you create anti-semites.

>> No.15243424

Why is it that Jews are so often sex obsessed degenerates then?
Is it all just eons of psychologic projection manifested into tribal dogma?

>> No.15243427

I will admit, I respect Judaism as a religion because you care about the quality of your converts over quantity. not like Christards just trying to get as many mindless followers as they can to parrot propaganda.

>>15243401 Is correct though, and I would still choose to be initiated into some sekret Sufi order over Judaism

>> No.15243432

take the o9a pill and experience both

>> No.15243437
File: 1.16 MB, 1620x2260, Esoteric Islam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some sufi shit

>> No.15243438

o9a are literal satanist occultists being controlled by Sabbatean-Frankism

>> No.15243441

>t. someone who has no idea what they're talking about
do you just sperg out and type in whatever comes to mind?

>> No.15243443


>> No.15243449

No, ive looked into the o9a. Their philosophy is literally based around breaking societal taboos, its exactly the same as Sabbatean Frankism.

If im wrong then "pill" me on them

>> No.15243455

You're not wrong

>> No.15243464

Christians are the Chosen People. Christian have superseded the Hebrews and claimed and been awarded their birthright by wearing the skin of a lamb before the Father, just as Esau lost his birthright to Jacob. Pharisaism is a false religion and they have rejected both the Son and the Father.

>> No.15243484

Holy shit shut the fuck up, you guys are just the modern day pharisees

>look at me, ive accepted my lord and saviour look how humble I am, I am better than you, let me teach you the laws of God
>What? Giving to the poor? no no no. all you need to do is accept jewsus as your lord and saviour. all your charity means nothing if you dontt

>> No.15243486

Cope, Christians who believe this are doing their best mental gymnastics to fit the desert cult into their own history. You're just larping as jews.

>> No.15243488

The very idea that Jews share a type of disdain for other nations has been discredited by the achievements Jewish people gave to the world for little in return (until recently such gestures were returned with pogroms).

Your average Jew who cares about this type of stuff is not interested in adding more hostility to an already hostile world.

>> No.15243500

If they have this special soul that is supposed to make them more devout, why circumcize in an effort to reduce the animalistic drives? Shouldn't they be naturally resistant?

>> No.15243508

>The very idea that Jews share a type of disdain for other nations has been discredited by the achievements Jewish people gave to the world for little in return
Holy shit you actually believe this? You really think you are a beacon of light to the world of the goyim? I would rather you take all your achievements back where they came from and let the rest of the world in peace instead of meddling in it.

>> No.15243520
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t. shabbos goy

>> No.15243522

stay mad

>> No.15243524

t. supremacist jew

>> No.15243536

Says the guy who believes in the jewish god but at the same time pretends his people is now the chosen people lol

>> No.15243547
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literally how is counter-subverting the tribe serving it?

>> No.15243555
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>You really think you are a beacon of light to the world of the goyim?
Why yes, I do believe with my animalistic nefesh that the Jews are an Or onto the goyim, how could you tell?

>> No.15243564

You know I would be cool with Jewish supremacy if you guys actually acted like Jesus, or even Solomon.
But most ethnic Jews dont even follow the religion

>> No.15243576
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Can a fellow non-christian help me with flushing my toilet? I left some Jewish Spiritual excrement in it and decided to flush, but then remembered it was the holy day where we cannot even tie our shoelaces as per the five books of Moshe Rabeinu (aleichi shalom).

>> No.15243592

different but I get your point. sabbattean frankists believe that sin = good, yadda yadda while o9a believes that infriltrating other ideologies for your own personal growth is beneficial

>> No.15243600
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Woah I didn't know Judaism was this based. I want to convert now. Do I keep silent about knowing that I am a mere animal in the Jewish eye? I feel like that might make them think I'm only converting to gain full humanity.

>> No.15243604

I get that, but they both function in the same way. Both infiltrate other ideologies, both believe that "morals" and "social taboos" should be inverted.

The only thing im not sure about is the endgame of o9a. Sabbateans do it because they think the Messiah will come faster, but why does o9a do it? just for shits and gigs?

>> No.15243613

The idea is that Jews were selected to do a certain task ordained by God and they received their instructions through the Torah.

Chosen is a responsibility, not an award.

>> No.15243636

>not an award
Good goy... I'm sure the rabbis teach the same things among themselves when you leave the classes for the goyim.

>> No.15243679

Believe me, we don't want you taking that responsibility and politely suggest you fuck off. We didn't ask you to "enlighten" us. Like I said, if you went to your desert caves and kept to yourselves I'd have no issue with jews, but you seem to have some delusions of grandeur and simply can't. stop. meddling.

>> No.15243739

How is this not supremacism if you think you are somehow elevated above all other people?

>> No.15243754

What is wrong with keeping Mitzvot? They're just annoying limitations on when it's permitted to turn on the light anyways. I doubt it leaves much time for controlling the world (which is never even mentioned in the Torah).

Defenders of the suggestions that Judaism promotes a superiority complex also admitted to have no problem with saying they are better than Jews, Muslims, people of colour..

>> No.15243802

Pilpul. You know very well it's not just keeping mitzvot, it's about all the stuff mentioned above (being a beacon of light to other nations) which you keep dodging. Why can't you keep mitzvot to yourselves? Why does it have to involve the rest of the world?

>Defenders of the suggestions that Judaism promotes a superiority complex also admitted to have no problem with saying they are better than Jews, Muslims, people of colour..
I don't think ANY people is better than another. I don't think I'm better than jews, muslims, or people with different skin tones. That's just your projection you supremacist.

>> No.15243823

>“Jews may lie to non-Jews; Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”Baba Kamma 113a“Jews may lie to non-Jews; Jews may use lies to circumvent a Gentile.”Baba Kamma 113a

> “Jews must always try to deceive Christians.” Zohar 1160a

> Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."

>Libbre David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death."

I could go on quoting from your scriptures...

>> No.15243859

There are no such verses to suggest a hatred for non-jews.

There are, however, collections of "Talmud verses" circulating online that were deliberately mistranslated and / or quoted out of context in order to paint Jews in a negative light.

>> No.15243864

>this guy unironically calls himself a shabbos goy
Lmao. I thought it was just a 4channel meme.

>> No.15243876

> “One should and must make false oath, when the goyin ask if our books contain anything against them. Then we are bound to state on oath that there is nothing like that.” Utszabot. The Book of Jore Dia, 17.

> Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly."

>Libbre David 37: “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of the rabbinic books, he ought to give only a false explanation. Who ever will violate this order shall be put to death."

>“Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.” Schabouth Hag. 6b.


>> No.15243973

There are no such verses in the Talmud, you have been purposely misled by antisemitic factions. I'd suggest cutting contact with anyone who told you these things as they do not have your best interests at heart.

>> No.15244006

Haha sure. You just keep reinforcing it. If you look back through this thread, your purposely dodging tough questions and countering with the overplayed "but muh mitzvot" and "anti-semitic!!1!" say more than all your misleading words.

>There are no such verses in the Talmud, you have been purposely misled by antisemitic factions. I'd suggest cutting contact with anyone who told you these things as they do not have your best interests at heart.

>“One should and must make false oath, when the goyin ask if our books contain anything against them. Then we are bound to state on oath that there is nothing like that.” Utszabot. The Book of Jore Dia, 17.

But the jews do have my best interests at heart right?

>> No.15244146

Could you please provide links to these quoted paragraphs?
If I google them, all I get is links to stormfront and friends.

>> No.15244339

Can all the goyim please leave the thread?

>> No.15244359


>> No.15244402

I asked you to prove a source for these quotes and you hadn't done that yet.

The contributions of the Jewish people have been so numerous one should be suspicious of those who speak against it.

>> No.15244487

Besides bashing Jewish orthodoxy and culture with weak arguments, what is your point?

>> No.15244573

Didn't Scholem literally state Jewish mysticism is dualist?