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/lit/ - Literature

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15238510 No.15238510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it biased toward the far-left?

>> No.15238527

Incredibly biased. Wikipedia is already biased, RationalWiki takes it to a whole new extreme. It's no wonder Google likes to list it in the top results when you search for someone they don't like.

>> No.15238528

It does have a charmingly antiquated Daily Show liberalism slant to it, but the real bias is toward the admin's ego.

>> No.15238530

if i wanted to read what Jewish trannies thought about politics i would just come to /lit/

>> No.15238549

Is that an issue

>> No.15238563

It makes tradcucks and third positionists sperglords seethe while their sites get taken down by the dozen so it can't possibly be bad.

>> No.15238571

it's basically just an encyclopedia run by redditors

>> No.15238578
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 1588213195429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's biased for people too low IQ to understand the REAL modern philosophers - Big Yud

>> No.15238616

>Yudkowsky has also written several works of fiction. His fanfiction novel, Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, uses plot elements from J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series to illustrate topics in science.

Please tell me one of you guys added this as a joke.

>> No.15238789

It's exactly what I'd expect from that face.

>> No.15238799

He actually wanted to get in contact with Rowling to publish his "rationalist" fanfic

>> No.15238815

Center-left bias at most

>> No.15238818

Big Yud can't be refuted

>> No.15238836


>> No.15238844
File: 33 KB, 502x380, i468zfactmx21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to smart for diet

>> No.15238869 [DELETED] 

/lit/ discord server F8HhZJu

>> No.15238873
File: 40 KB, 480x480, 1540680828820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A man like this truly exists

>> No.15238884

didn't answer the question

>> No.15238900

Jesus fucking christ man

>> No.15238911

Eat a dick tripfag

>> No.15238942


He’s not wrong, Jews are genetically programmed to be slobs

>> No.15238943

i believe anyone can get reasonably fit by just doing some bodyweight exercises every day and eating mostly meat and plants

>> No.15238947


>> No.15238962

>Wikipedia is already biased
[citation needed]

>> No.15238963

>dude big words

>> No.15238966

i realize that plants is a dumb category. I meant green stuff

>> No.15238969

Very biased. Is like metapedia, but for the left.

>> No.15238982

More like Big Spud.

>> No.15238992

You believe that because you have a good metabolism and you're probably under 30.

>> No.15239002

Yes trannoid bias is an issue

>> No.15239003

You believe that because you're lazy

>> No.15239013

Gluttony is a sin against God.

>> No.15239046

>Center-left bias at most
You are kidding, right?
They are full SJW.

>> No.15239071

Like I said, center-left. "SJW" is a meaningless pejorative that can be applied a corporation with "socially conscious" branding just as easily as it could be applied to whatever your far-left bogeyman is

>> No.15239097

this is more dense and harder to read than Nick Land, I'm impressed

>> No.15239105

Can't cry bias if you're a right-winger

>> No.15239116

Ah, I see, you are from that extreme part of the far-left that thinks anyone to the right of Pol Pot is a bourgeois centrist.

>> No.15239145

And I see that you're a fucking retard whose only concern is muh purple haired trannies

>> No.15239150

Were you waiting just to say that?

>> No.15239199

Were you waiting to reply for dramatic effect?

>> No.15239346

Center-left is the person you find after a hard day's work in the pub who's concerned with economic issues. The people who run RW are the onions-infused reee-ers who are mostly preoccupied with social justice. In other words, far left.

>> No.15239362

No, it shits just as much on far left weirdos. There just aren't that many since they tend not to believe in chinese viking ghosts or Jewish trans-dimensional vampires or whatever.

>> No.15239382

What else do you need to do? Some ridiculous fad diet? Fitness is just regular, appropriate exercise and a reasonable diet.

>> No.15239398

It shits on people like Jason Unruhe but ironically defends much, much crazier whackjobs like that tranny freakshow Contrapoints

>> No.15239500

They’re military intelligence.

>> No.15239502

It calls ContraPoints a she. That's enough.

>> No.15239547

They should rename it as ShlomoWiki

>> No.15239563

Or Honwiki or Trannywiki or Dilationwiki

>> No.15239680

fat fuck kys

>> No.15239840

It's very anti-Israel though

>> No.15239929

it's undoubtedly biased towards breadtube dipshits

>> No.15239992


>> No.15240074

yes also not /lit/ kys