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/lit/ - Literature

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15231110 No.15231110 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you value literacy in people? Would you have illiterate peers? What about romantic partners? Maybe you'd find illiteracy cute, like a small child or animal.
>tfw no illiterate wife to read things to

>> No.15231119

I wouldnt care at all

>> No.15231165
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Someone being illiterate is a hard thing to be indifferent to. They could hardly use the internet, they can't be texted or emailed, they can't watch foreign movies or play video games that have reading. Not to mention job prospects

>> No.15231798

Being raised on the internet, I heavily overestimated the English skills of the average person. I only recently got my first cell phone, and it's weird to realize that all your family members speak in slang and gibberish. I don't think I'm particularly good at writing or anything like that, but apparently I'm stuck up and pretentious about it.

>> No.15231813

I really don't care, Im a useless retard too

>> No.15231861

How the fuck can someone not read and write lmao

>> No.15232323

Oh... based

>> No.15232448

I would imagine it would be a farmer in a third would country. First, I would feel a sense of harmless envy as I reflect upon his simple and humble life. Then, I would contemplate if my life is not worth living, or if it is the farmer’s life not worth living. I conclude that he lives the better spiritual life,
but I’m too proud to give up my comforts. A somber, but satisfactory conclusion of my daydream.

>> No.15232482

I wouldn't mind but as long as we had a few things in common we really and could socialize well and were in love

>> No.15232599

>What about romantic partners?
If you go home with somebody, and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em!

>> No.15232614

>They could hardly use the internet, they can't be texted or emailed, they can't watch foreign movies or play video games that have reading. Not to mention job prospects
All objectively good traits in a wife

>> No.15232673

A lot of my friends don't read books. One time a group of them laughed at me cuz I asked them If they read something.

They are great friends, got one to read half of Jurassic park on a plane. He loved it and never finished it

>> No.15232714

I don’t think OP meant like that. They meant someone who can’t even read store names. Originally, literate just meant someone who could read or write- no matter how basic.

>> No.15232796

Yea there isn't really anyone like that in USA except maybe crack whores

>> No.15232809

OP isn’t asking if you have illiterate peers. They are asking WOULD you have illiterate peers. It’s hypothetical, not factual.

>> No.15232826
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>tfw no illiterate Mongolian wife

>> No.15232831
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If I could I would, but I don't know how

>> No.15232840

Hey butterfly are you a chick or a dude

>> No.15232894
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You'd be surprised. Illiteracy is difficult to account for because many people keep it secret; there really are some people who just "didn't learn how to read or write" even after getting through school. How they got through seems to be case to case and dependent on generation -- but they're out there.
Don't bother man: Trannyfly's trip got stolen or something so who can even say who's the real one now.
Why do you want illiterate friends?

>> No.15232902

>tfw no daughter wife to bond with by teaching her how to read

>> No.15233581
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>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who will meekly have to come up to you whenever she needs something read
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who needs lists with drawings or symbols on them for grocery shopping
tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who will sit with you in your study and have you read books to her like a child
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who needs you to order for her at restaurants
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who will get frustrated or embarrassed at her own ineptitude and dependence
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who feels like she's disappointing and disgracing you by being illiterate
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who will try her hardest to learn how to read and ask you to teach her
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who will pout and cry when she struggles and falters
>tfw no qt illiterate daughter wife who finally begins to become literate and feels such pride in her growth she cries
>tfw no qt literate daughter wife who writes you a short childish and simple love letter as a thank you
This is hell and we are burning

>> No.15233676

why live

>> No.15233930

It would make it very hard to cheat or even become mentally corrupt or depraved

>> No.15234048

thank you for this vintage kek

those were the days

>> No.15234145

The ability of any of my colleagues to properly articulate him/herself is scarce, and I am in a line of work necessarily employing only the highly educated. Hence, most people are retards. If you can't master anything as primitive as the niceties of your native language and adapt it to convey your ideas, you probably can't do anything to a very great degree of competence.

>> No.15234289

What if the only book my S.O. read(s) is/was the Bible and finds any other form of literature useless/boring.

>> No.15234347

That’s sounds like Hasidic Jews and Wahhabis Muslims. They consider reading anything, studying anything or doing anything that’s not religious as pointless.

>> No.15234415

FUCK THAT, I could never date or befriend an illiterate. How would they even navigate the world? They would express themselves through memes and soundbytes, pre-recorded lines. They would never be able to find the correct and proper words for their desires or emotional states. It would literally be like talking to an NPC. Why the fuck would I communicate with subhumans?

>> No.15234427


I got her pregnant

>> No.15234433

then she’s based and you should put lots of babies in her

>> No.15234443

Samsara keeps spinning. Kill yourself and try again in the next life.

>> No.15235226

Mongolia, like all former communist countries, has a very high literacy rate

>> No.15236440

No problem

>> No.15236583

>Maybe you'd find illiteracy cute, like a small child or animal.
My foreign wife's weird syntax and accent indeed make my peepee diamond hard.
As a qualified retard, I can't even understand her native language though.

>> No.15236602

just get an azn waifu retard

>> No.15236690
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Actually neat question, though this has devolved into a very gay thread. I work with a lot of ESL filipinos in my field (maritime). I like most of them, and they can be exremely proficient at the job while simultaneously being almost incapable of speaking english, and certainly unable to read it. I find most of them easy to work with, often times easier than some very literate people. That being said it is their second language and i'm sure most of them read and speak Tagalog or another native tongue. All in all I like working with them, regardless if they can read as well as I.

>> No.15236726

Utter illiteracy would be unacceptable for me. That being said, I've never had a partner who read nearly as much as I do. But that's okay with me as long as she's a curious and thoughtful enough person that I can talk to her about various things I've gleaned from my reading. For me, curiosity is much more important in a romantic partner than sheer intellect.

>> No.15236971

>this has devolved into a very gay thread
nuh uh