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/lit/ - Literature

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15227117 No.15227117 [Reply] [Original]

Humanity will be extinct within the next 3 hours.

You, the best among men, the most patrician of all, have been selected by the One Himself to perform a difficult task to you, as a reader: you have to select three works of literature to be preserved from extinction, and sent to the space in hope some alien race finds them.

Which works do you pick, and why?

>> No.15227130

Francis of the Filth paperback, hardcover ebook.

>> No.15227132

1. a really really good encyclopedia that might not have been written yet.
2. Plato's Republic
3. Machiavelli The Prince so he knows why we went extinct

>> No.15227143

the meme trilogy

>> No.15227262

>3. Machiavelli The Prince so he knows why we went extinct


>> No.15227270

A trilogy of Rupi Kapurs’ poems

>> No.15227287

1. Merriam Webster english dictionary
2. Full Encyclopedia
3. Tolkien's bibliogrpahy

>> No.15227289

Cause ppl are marginal and eat each other alive as a rule

>> No.15227372

I just googled her, and how the FUCK does that become #1 bestseller n NYT?

>> No.15227470

Reading OP, it seems the human extintion in the question was caused by external.factors rather that by internal.human fights

>> No.15227790

Can we please cancel the fucking "patrician" meme already? In these last few hours?

>> No.15227964

you would have to pick the Bible, the Vedas, and The Book of the Dead

>> No.15228080


>> No.15228280

The Bible
The Divine Comedy

>> No.15228339

The Prasthānatrayī.

>> No.15228649

>being this pleb

>> No.15229414


>> No.15229439

The New Testament
Plato's Complete Works
Shakespeare's Complete Works

You have religion, philosophy and literature in a nice package.

>> No.15229449

We aren't plebbitors nor twatters. Not how things work here, faggot. In fact, I will use "patrician" more frequently from now on.

>> No.15229450
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I pick nothing.

>> No.15230085

>Plato's Complete Works

Why not Aristotle's though

>> No.15230090

Because he's wrong and Plato is right

>> No.15230102

Too crypto-bugman.

>> No.15230121


1. Ass goblins of Auschwitz
2. 50 Shades of Grey
3. Gucci Mane's autobiography

The aliens will think we were lit as hell.

>> No.15230242

Cause its too boring for me pea brain.

>> No.15230291

I reread it and see it as the opposite unless you mean like a meteor hitting but at this point we can prevent most meteors and nothing galactic is anywhere near us so I'd still put it on us our politics something

>> No.15230346

I wouldn't pick any books. I don't want aliens poisoned by our "thinking".

>> No.15230487

In school you were the kid who started smoking before everybody else weren't you

>> No.15230571

Only one, The Fault in Our Stars.

>> No.15230634

The Bible
Collected works of Hegel
Collected works of Balzac

The Bible defines our theology, Hegel summarizes our ontology and Balzac’s writings display humanity without compare.

>> No.15230747

>Hegel summarizes our ontology
please leave this board and internet in general

>> No.15230763

Actually I was the one who never started smoking.

>> No.15231878


>> No.15232398

how did you make your reply even cringier than your first post kek

>> No.15232442

It's always one or the other

>> No.15232653

Can we agree on

>Magic Mountain

that's humanity in a nutshell

>> No.15232777

Never read anything by Balzac. Any recommendations?

>> No.15233932

This question makes no sense. How is the information being sent to space? Why only 3 works? Couldn't you send some kind of laptop/kindle to space with a grand panoply of classics installed, for the aliens to study? I would also send audio books, dictionaries, thesauruses, anything I could to ensure that the alien linguists could possibly decode the one true Tellurian language (English because all other languages are inferior, including Latin and Ancient Greek). You say works? This includes paintings, this includes age old mathematical discoveries, developments in science, sculptures, videos, movies, music, interactive digital media (including videogames, like minesweeper or virtual chess). This is an ill-thought hypothetical situation, and Humanity didn't even go extinct. Bad post.

>> No.15233972
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Assuming they would have come to many of the same conclusions we would have I think something uniquely human would be best.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Tao Te Ching

>> No.15234004

>Richard III
>Don Quixote
To give the impression we met our ends with laughter.

>Heart Sutra
To give the impression we were noble.

>> No.15234081

Mein Kampf, Lolita and the God Delusion

>> No.15234089

exact same reason ASOIAF is popular. it's schlock targeted at illiterates. The bestseller list stopped being relevant probably a century ago

>> No.15234101

I don't know how you can justify choosing the NT when the OT has Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Solomon.

>> No.15234113

Have you ever heard the phrase, "in the spirit of the question?"

>> No.15234120
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audibly keked

>> No.15235537

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

>> No.15235549

my xenophobic anti-alien pamphlets desu

>> No.15235574

The Collected Works of Peter Sotos
The Collected Works of the Marquis de Sade

>> No.15235581

The Sayings of the Desert Fathers
The Gospel of John
The Symposium

>> No.15235597

Zarathustra is meaningless without knowing Nietzsche's background and the circumstances when it was written. Too much room for interpretation which will make any alien just think it's lul random by some hack on drugs.

>> No.15235639

Mein Kampf
Bronze age mindset

>> No.15235659

autismo analysis
>social retardation level: 8/10
>communication disability: 4/10
>to need for repetitive behavior: 9/10
>aphantasia: 7/10
>narcissistic feeling of superiority: 6/10

concluded score: 85%

>> No.15235778

probably something with illustrations or comic books because aliens won't be able to read english or whatever
or porn

>> No.15235796

1. Das Kapital vol.1
2. Das Kapital vol. 2
3. Das Kapital vol. 3