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File: 204 KB, 397x514, 1925_kurt_gödel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15225583 No.15225583 [Reply] [Original]

gödel and cantor, two of the greatest mathematician-logicians of the last 150 years (the others are hilbert, most probably an atheist, and frege, a protestant, at least nominally), gödel and cantor, i was saying, believed in god.
how do militant atheists cope with it?

>> No.15225599
File: 192 KB, 960x956, 1583807857971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not believing in some form of God. Disgusting. Bugmen deserve torture.

>> No.15225620

>pic not related

>> No.15225621

It always amazes me how stupid American intellectuals are.

>> No.15225622

atheists mostly take ease in the scicomm giants spouting drivel, and stephen hawking being atheist as well. I'm a physics grad student and we no one's puts stephen hawking in the pantheon of all-time greats. there's always some fedora tipping that bleeds through where a redeemable scientist could have been made apparent

>> No.15225633

pic tangentially related

>> No.15225640

not at all

>> No.15225642

A little bit. At least in spirit.

>> No.15225654

having an appreciation for philosophy isn’t related to religiosity at all. philosophers are more likely to be atheists than the general public

>> No.15225665

Hawking deserves to be top 20 all time at least. Especially with the discovery of the AMPS firewall and that EPR=ER

>> No.15225688
File: 125 KB, 887x887, 04bdd9afdaa72c6a9de724e11ea4f42c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subject was believing in God, not religiosity. Surprisingly some of them did believe in God. Here's a more apt picture, anyway, for the capricious lady.

>> No.15225694

For someone namedropping logicians, you seem rather spectacularly incapable of logical reasoning.

>> No.15225714

>appeal to authority

>> No.15225716

> thread is about logicians who blieved in god
> he implies atheists are bugman
this is a specimen of the the typical christcuck brainlets who gave birth , due to their completely inability to think logically , to contemporary militant atheism as a form of reaction.

>> No.15225737

Most atheists are soulless bugmen, yes. Materialism is the quintessential bugman worldview. And "militant atheism" is just a bunch of faggot r*dditors whinging on Plebbit about muh Pope or some shit. They have the imagination of a turd and the understanding of a parrot. Nonentities.

>> No.15225744

>thinking everything is a debate
I bet you also count your internet debate victories, you silly goat.

>> No.15225750

lmao you interent atheists talk like brown machines and can't even apply the fallacies you evoke. i never implied that we must believe in god because some logicians believed in it. i said that faith in god and logic a perfectly compatible, since the former is an empirical induction, like any experimentum crucis in physics, while the latter is a non-empirical formal system.

>> No.15225756

> brown

>> No.15225762

Save it for your shrink.

>> No.15225781

>Take your meds! xD
Typical bugman response. This means he feels corralled and insecure.

>> No.15225794 [DELETED] 

in refined terms, an atheist is what accademics phenomenist, like hume or berkely. that is, someone who doesn't believe in the kantian noumenon.
it is a perfectly respectable position.
if by materialism you mean mechanism/determinism, well, that is the most ancient and quintessential european mindset, and was discovered by the greeks themselves : homer "believed" in the moira/ananke and "believed" that the "soul" to be a physiological secretion, that is, worthless after leaving the body. your bizarre faith in a magic ghost inside a body-machine is quintessentially asiatic and came in europe much later.

>> No.15225801 [DELETED] 

> accademics phenomenist
*accademics call a phenomenist

>> No.15225809

in refined terms, an atheist is what call accademics a phenomenist, like hume or berkely. that is, someone who doesn't believe in the kantian noumenon.
it is a perfectly respectable position.
if by materialism you mean mechanism/determinism, well, that is the most ancient and quintessential european mindset, and was discovered by the greeks themselves : homer "believed" in the moira/ananke and "believed" the "soul" to be a physiological secretion, that is, worthless after leaving the body. your bizarre faith in a magic ghost inside a body-machine is quintessentially asiatic and came in europe much later.

>> No.15225834

Who cares, if they were atheist would you also be? Are your beliefs dictated by other people? The religious threads just make this board utter shit and just keep showing how dumb christians are

>> No.15225842

What is the extent of God's involvement in the world? He created it and then let the simulation running? Does he give a shit about us or is it a fun experiment?

>> No.15225846

>reuploads his reply
>it's still wrong
Jesus Christ. Why so nervous?
>it is a perfectly respectable position
Is it, though? If you're able to respect a blank piece of paper, yea, why not.
>if by materialism you mean mechanism/determinism, well, that is the most ancient and quintessential european mindset, and was discovered by the greeks themselves : homer "believed" in the moira/ananke and "believed" the "soul" to be a physiological secretion, that is, worthless after leaving the body.
I wouldn't count the Greeks as chiefly Europeans (Faustians). I think Spengler was right into thinking they were their own thing. Geographically they were, but not otherwise. Yes, they influenced Europe but they were their own thing.
> your bizarre faith in a magic ghost inside a body-machine is quintessentially asiatic and came in europe much later.
I never stated my faith. And what's wrong with Asia, again?

>> No.15225851


>> No.15225854

Literally a made up quote

>> No.15225859

i never said it. see >>15225750
it's quite paradoxically that the atheists always think of the great men of the past in terms of role models.

>> No.15225929

i reposted it because there were too many typos, im walking right now so my english is even worse than the usual.
> phenomenalism
the problem with ontology is that it is not a logical deduction but an hypostasis of a negative (i mean skeptical) "attitude" towards both perception and the universals, it belongs to psychology not to philosophy.
> Greeks
the modern civilization and the ancient greek one are in perfect continuity. not just because the greeks have been a constant model for us, but also because the medieval scholasticism is a direct prosecution of the neo-platonic scholasticism. one can't even separate them.
"faustian" is a meaningless definition. even the idea of qualifying a civilization with an adjective is petty and coarse as much as militan atheism. it is a label, it comes from the hegelian mania of labelling everything and thinking you are done with it.
>I never stated my faith.
you stated you are an anti-determinist. of course you must think that there is some other agent in the world no subjected to the physical laws (moira, ananke, logos, mechanism, etc)
> And what's wrong with Asia, again?
asians are lower forms of life compared to europeans, and asian thought mirrors it.

>> No.15226042

>how do militant atheists cope with it?
what is there to cope with? it's one's own business what he believes in. I will come to my own conclusions.

(not to say that Heisenberg didn't believe in God)

>i never implied that we must believe in god
compare to the previous post
>how do militant atheists cope with it?
you sure seem to be implying something there
>faith in god and logic are perfectly compatible
true, but one of them doesn't need the other

>> No.15226098

> true, but one of them doesn't need the other
atheists in general think that science and religion are opposed, and that a man who can think scientifically can't think religiously. also, neither of them need each others.
> compare to the previous post
what previous post?

>> No.15226128

>4 religious vs 4 atheists
I see no contradiction, their religious views lead into those positions directly

>> No.15226401

This is why people dislike theists.
You're allowed to think your own ideas you know? I know it's scary and shit, but you should try sometimes, even if some famous guys don't think the same as you.

Also, here's the million dollar question that typically blows theists minds:
Why do you need science? Why do you need math? Why don't you literally explain everything with "god did it like this and that's it"? What drives a theist to go for scientific answers? What drove them in the past even when the church had official, unquestionable answers? What drives them to further push back the god of the gaps into a new gap? Why are you all such hypocrites.

>> No.15226407

>Look mom I posted the debunked image again.
I bet the fathers of quantum mechanics turn in their graves every time some alt-right type posts them to defend the existence of some christian divine figure, as if this is what they were talking about.

>> No.15226472

militant atheists can't cope with anything that disagrees with them just like christlarpers
normal human beings, regardless of their religious outlook, don't even need to cope with someone not sharing their opinions

>> No.15226498

>Why do you need science? Why do you need math? Why don't you literally explain everything with "god did it like this and that's it"? What drives a theist to go for scientific answers?
The elation of discovering God behind every aspect of his creation

>> No.15226515
File: 785 KB, 1280x1722, 1280px-L.N.Tolstoy_Prokudin-Gorsky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, there are plenty of Christian leftists. Leave us out of this.

>> No.15226531

this retard is still here?

>> No.15226646

iq shredders are real

>> No.15227078
File: 140 KB, 1300x956, nerd-picking-on-jock-bjr11m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Typical bugman response
call me a bugman again
i dare you