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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 316 KB, 994x1600, Karl-Marx-1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15223573 No.15223573 [Reply] [Original]

For someone who understood capitalism so well, why was he such a fucking loser? He was a NEET, and his family would've starved to death if it weren't for Engels.

>> No.15223580

>was paid to write articles
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15223611

Unlike you, anon, Marx dedicated his life to the study of the society he lived in for the betterment of his fellow man, and was supported by his loving and deep friendship with both his compatriot Engels and his family. There's no crime to commitment to a cause, and at least he wasn't projecting his insecurities onto renowned historical figures on an anime message board,.

>> No.15223643

That was the gayest thing I ever read and Karl Marx sounds like a fag

>> No.15223646

It's fact. He had to write letters to Engel and beg him for money.

Engels wrote many of the articles for him.

>> No.15223664
File: 653 KB, 2720x1811, Osho_HD_044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thousands of pages, and all rubbish, written neither logically nor rationally, but as if someone had gone insane. Karl Marx goes on writing anything that happens in his mind. Sitting in the British Museum, surrounded by thousands of books, he went on writing and writing. You know, it was almost an everyday ritual that he had to be dragged out of the museum at closing time. He had to be forced to leave; otherwise he would not go. Once in a while he was even taken out unconscious.

Now this man has become a god! There is something like an unholy trinity: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and of course Lenin - these three people have become almost like gods to millions of people on the earth. It is a calamity, but I still mention the book - not that you should read it, but so that you do not. Underline what I have said: Do not read it. You are already in a mess. Enough of it. No need for Das Kapital.

Fourth: Remember that Marx is also a Jew. This is a whole line of Jews. Fourth, Sigmund Freud, another Jew. His great work is Lectures on Psychoanalysis. I don't like the word analysis, nor do I like the man, but he managed to create a great movement just like Karl Marx. He is also one of the dominant figures of the world.

Jews have always dreamed of dominating the world. They are really dominating. The three most important men who can be said to be dominating this age are Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Albert Einstein. All three are Jews. The Jews have achieved their dream, they are dominating. But Marx is wrong as far as economics is concerned; Freud is wrong because mind is not to be analyzed, but to be put aside so that you can enter into the world of no-mind.

Albert Einstein is of course right in his theories about relativity, but he proved himself to be utterly foolish when he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt proposing to make the atom bomb. Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the thousands of people who died there, burned alive, are all pointing towards Albert Einstein. It was his letter that started the process of making atom bombs in America. He could never forgive himself; that is the good part of the man. At least he realized that he had committed one of the greatest sins possible. He died in utter frustration. Before he died he said, "I would never, never, never again like to be born a physicist, but only to be a plumber."

And he was one of the greatest minds in the whole history of man. Why was he so frustrated with being a physicist? Why? For the simple reason that he was not conscious of what he was doing. He became aware only when it was too late_. That is the way of unconscious man: he becomes aware only when it is too late. The conscious man is aware beforehand.

>> No.15223679

this post reeks of incense

>> No.15223693

>don't read a book I haven't read because it's wrong but I haven't read it so I actually have no idea
>Marx, Freud and Einstein were Jews, ergo, Jews run the entire world
>Einstein regretted the actions he made as he matured in later life and this is a bad thing because men should be born mature

How completely retarded must you be to write something like this?

>> No.15223698
File: 896 KB, 961x827, 34t534s897u4fkl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patron saint of losers and critics. His followers couldn't even start a movement without stealing it from greater men.

>> No.15223702

he never wrote shit
his talks are his books

>> No.15223713

Self-help guru retarded

>> No.15223723

What does this even mean? On the first hand, there are books which are clearly penned by a man named Karl Marx who consistently wrote on the same themes, so I don't know what you're trying to claim here. On the second hand, if you're trying to be pedantic about how some of his speeches were written down by others and recorded, I don't really understand what the issue here is? They're still his ideas, and they were synthesised into a paper form for public distribution, wherein they became incredibly popular.

>> No.15223724

If Marx were alive you better believe he would be learning how to weave baskets

>> No.15223745

>Engels wrote many of the articles for him.
Doesn't matter, he was still employed to write them and thus cannot reasonably be classified as NEET.

>> No.15223772

Writing occasional articles isn’t employment. He was a NEET.

>> No.15223956
File: 39 KB, 457x494, 1585096465048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I read Marx when Marxists are the most miserable people?

>> No.15224001

Why are you such a disgusting normalfag? Go back to /pol/ zoomer

>> No.15224003

Because only when Marxists make enough people miserable will they achieve their goals. You see, you can't just go around improving things, you have to make them (seem) so bad and so intolerable that people suddenly snap and make it perfect.

>> No.15224017

Who fucking cares? Your worth is determined by how much of an obedient slave you were to some job? Cope normalfag. Marx lost everything in order to write the most damming critique of capitalism

>> No.15224036
File: 914 KB, 2048x1409, ETGO-KcXYAwA9rJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all miserable, some are more adjusted to their misery than others ie delusions of grandeur. Marxism just looks at capitalism objectively. Capitalism only benefits a small percentage of people every statistic from health, to wage growth, crime, suicide supports what I'm saying

>> No.15224053

>Engels wrote many of the articles for him
no, he translated them because Marx couldn't actually speak English

>> No.15224058

He also worked as an editor. Why are you in /lit/ if you don't think writing is valuable labor?

>> No.15224061

>Marxism just looks at capitalism objectively.

>> No.15224110
File: 218 KB, 1600x900, ESUXDXyWkAAtEtm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's good to understand exploitation

>> No.15224119
File: 94 KB, 499x273, 1582976040799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15224131

Why is it good?

>> No.15224174

>We are all miserable, some are more adjusted to their misery than others ie delusions of grandeur.
This is the most pathetic of all copes. Speak for yourself, dumbfuck.

>> No.15224186

You are so miserable you have no idea how miserable you are, that's how it is, you live in illusion and will die in illusion. What's the saying that's popular here "if only you knew how bad things are" well if only

>> No.15224231

So you don't take wagecuckery dude. The more people who understand it, the more likely something is done about it. Being said, everyone is too drugged, sexed or gamed up to really make a revolution but the cause is noble.

>> No.15224239

>Being said, everyone is too drugged, sexed or gamed up to really make a revolution but the cause is noble.
This is the truth and a tough blackpill to swallow

>> No.15224245



>> No.15224248

It needs to be said that no one who calls themselves a 'marxist' has read Marx, and definitely none of the shitty screamy university types. Marx would've fucking abhorred the disgusting individualism on display with the died hair fourth wave feminists who keep demanding that their right to win every argument because men speak to them meanly. Marxism is about class and economic exploitation, so keep in mind that the cucks who's only reason for being 'communist' is because they have a rich financial capitalist father who they want to piss off badly at thanksgiving aren't actually communists or Marxists.

>> No.15224250
File: 16 KB, 311x326, 1573669774566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are so miserable you have no idea how miserable you are, that's how it is, you live in illusion and will die in illusion.
You have to be eighteen or older to post on this board. Also, consider taking a girlfriend. Intellectualizing your depression isn't smart and it isn't noble. You're not smarter for being a sad sappy sucker, you're just a faggot. I haven't read Marx because I don't want to, and if I decide I do, it's not going to make my life better. Past a certain age this mentality is genuinely the most cringeworthy shit imaginable.

>> No.15224264
File: 583 KB, 708x960, 81b70e5a5d803c154d7c693fe5e95a89e975c7de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15224270

>You have to be eighteen or older to post on this board.
When the midwit feels threatened he screams this everytime

>> No.15224279

Just kidding, I'm a Marxist. You have officially converted me. What is fundamentally different now as opposed to five minutes ago?

>> No.15224282

His family did starve to death. He was from a time when kids worked in coal mines, it wasn't all that easy to make money

>> No.15224283

Hr was worse than a NEET. He was, may allah forgive me for saying this, a journalist.

>> No.15224285

I had a terrible communist teacher back in high school. Let’s call him 0. 0 ruined Marx and communism for me. Everyone someone mentions communism, 0’s face is still buried deep in my mind like an eternal torture.

>> No.15224288

Thrust loosers. Because "winners" are unironically pedo-Satanists. When i hear someone on youtube, to thrust him, he has to be a looser. He has to be mocked, humiliated, ridiculed.
That's how i know he doesn't do it for fame, or money.
Charismatic people should be suspected, especially in our time.

>> No.15224294
File: 31 KB, 300x290, D37EA0DA-44A9-41F3-A5AF-F5936B60493B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For someone who understood capitalism so well
He didn’t focus on technique, and that is why he is a laughing stock today

>> No.15224299

>We are all miserable
>some are more adjusted to their misery than others ie delusions of grandeur.
Anyone who is not miserable is a temporarily embarrassed millionaire voting against their own interests. Gotcha.
>Marxism just looks at capitalism objectively.
What? Marxist analysis uses extremely hostile interpretations of capitalism derived from various premises, ideas, and assumptions about how it works. It is in no way objective and requires buy-in or acceptance of its philosophy, language, and analytical approach before you even get close to discussing capitalism. Talk about delusions.
>Capitalism only benefits a small percentage of people every statistic from health, to wage growth, crime, suicide supports what I'm saying
Cool assertion but capitalism supports most people, not just a small percentage. What you mean is that a small group get the most benefit from the system. It's very doubtful that any past or future attempts at implementing a Marxist vision for national or international life would result in anything but an analogous elite full of despots, managers, and bureaucrats, but with lower prosperity, lower economic growth, less personal freedom, and more coercive and controlling authorities.

>> No.15224308

There is no refuting the abolishment of private property even if you're a nationalist you should agree unless you like being a wagecuck

>> No.15224311

Don't care, sorry.
The only prerequisite to power is to obtain wealth, which itself is not that difficult. The people with the money make the rules, so get the money. It couldn't possibly be more simple.

>> No.15224322
File: 46 KB, 938x635, 1587770940702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no answer

>> No.15224342

>The fruit of my labor doesn't belong to me whatsoever
Yikes. Georgists had a better division of public and private, and acknowledged what is due to labor and to capital. Marxists are in for it if they really think the world can function like a university group project- with 1-2 actual workers and 3 freeloaders who get equal reward.

>> No.15224366

You're just a little less fundamentally retarded.

>> No.15224368

Emily Dickinson, the only good American poet, was a NEET.

>> No.15224372

You hate communism because of your teacher, what?

>> No.15224374

You don't sound bitter at all. Thanks for playing.

>> No.15224396

Lmao I need to vent. I know it’s not logical but it too much of a wound now. I fucking hated 0. Not because he was a communist but because he was a cunt. Worst teacher I ever had. You know how you break up with your ex and you hate everything they liked and stood for? It’s like that but not gay

>> No.15224400
File: 133 KB, 308x677, 1574734354595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm so high IQ I'm depressed
>You're not happy you're just entrenched in bullshit that is called society
>God thank you so much Marx daddy
WTF would I read this?

>> No.15224401

Writing is not labor.

>> No.15224410

>I know it’s not logical
You have more self-perception than most people at least.

>> No.15224468

>das it mane
>das what ive been telling you about
>das capital
Marx was such a hack

>> No.15224527

Pretty gay ngl.

>> No.15224613

it actually does

>> No.15224644


>> No.15224877
File: 37 KB, 504x464, 119b5efa50fa5a4bfb43e7f9c39ac9bc-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was a genius in the ranks of Einstein who carefully examined human history and derived laws and tendencies.

It's not his fault that what he found was not convenient for the ruling classes.

>> No.15225127

>marry goyish noble stacey
>she stays with you even as your kids die from poverty and your ass is literally covered in carbuncles
>see your writings form the basis of the first international workingmen’s association in the world’s theoretical and programmatic orientation (at a time when it was actually composed of workers and not just liberal arts students)
>have your rich friend fund all your work so you never have to be a wagie
>develop a scientific account and analysis of modern society, world history, and social reproduction as such for the first time, and present in a literarily unparalleled style
>count heine, considered the greatest german writer of his time by all his contemporaries—even nietzsche—as one of your friends who comes to visit you
>keep rich people across the world awake at night and gain a reputation as a mastermind behind all labor unrest and revolt throughout the world
chad imo

>> No.15225152

Sorry, did you actually say anything in this post?

>> No.15225202


>> No.15225236

>my irrelevant ideological dogma is worthless ah bloo bloo
Are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.15225550


>> No.15225807

>Fourth: Remember that Marx is also a Jew. This is a whole line of Jews. Fourth, Sigmund Freud, another Jew. His great work is Lectures on Psychoanalysis. I don't like the word analysis, nor do I like the man, but he managed to create a great movement just like Karl Marx. He is also one of the dominant figures of the world.
>Jews have always dreamed of dominating the world. They are really dominating. The three most important men who can be said to be dominating this age are Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, and Albert Einstein. All three are Jews. The Jews have achieved their dream, they are dominating. But Marx is wrong as far as economics is concerned; Freud is wrong because mind is not to be analyzed, but to be put aside so that you can enter into the world of no-mind.
>Albert Einstein is of course right in his theories about relativity, but he proved himself to be utterly foolish when he wrote a letter to President Roosevelt proposing to make the atom bomb. Hiroshima and Nagasaki - the thousands of people who died there, burned alive, are all pointing towards Albert Einstein. It was his letter that started the process of making atom bombs in America. He could never forgive himself; that is the good part of the man. At least he realized that he had committed one of the greatest sins possible. He died in utter frustration. Before he died he said, "I would never, never, never again like to be born a physicist, but only to be a plumber."

Holy based...

>> No.15225819

Because genuine communist work doesn't pay.

>> No.15225907
File: 8 KB, 240x300, mises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karl was a fucking faggot.
Read real theory anon

>> No.15226195

Heh. I dislike Marx to no end but I love how this post made anglos seethe. Based.

>> No.15226267

Osho was an open anti-semite?