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15222715 No.15222715 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any reason why any school of philosophy or theology which claims to seek the truth should oppose to construction of a Machine God by complete and total support of the scientific progress? Why wouldn't a self-proclaimed philosopher dream of creating an intelligence greater than his own, aside from petty jealousy and even pettier fears?

>> No.15222725

How does this seek the truth?

>> No.15222734

kek it doesn't. it's the equivalent of fabricating evidence.

>> No.15222751

Its quite apparent that at some point science will yield an artificial intellect greater than that of a human. Why, pray tell, won't such intellect be better than us at seeking the truths of the universe?

>> No.15222760

How would it be "better" exactly? Let's try not to hide in some woolly language.

>> No.15222764

Machines can't know shit about truth, regardless of how smart they are

>> No.15222773

Humans can only build shit in the 3rd dimension. God is in the 4th dimension. Some meme AI is not even close to being God.

>> No.15222776

Say it could with absolute accuracy predict everything that you will ever say or even think in any given situation. It could have a conversation with you and predict in advance every reply you'll give it. Is it not superior to you then?

>> No.15222783

pretty optimistic view on the trajectory and potential of artificial intelligence there bud, might be taking the tech press at their own word a little much doncha think?

>> No.15222802

No, I'm not at all naive about the horrors that men will inflict onto other men by employing the wonders of technology. It's just that I believe a true philosopher would deem it a worthy sacrifice, if the greater truths are found in the end. It's not like people aren't fanfastic at brutalizing one another with or without plasmaguns and neuron chips.

>> No.15222817

I am not a philosopher.

Conversation and words are not the be all and end all of philosophy, neither is the thought of one person.

Can it do anything beyond mere prediction? What is the end towards truth or whatever? It seems like a parlor game.

>> No.15222838

No I mean the wonders of technology might be a little overstated by those who might stand to benefit from a strong belief in the potential of technology. You know what I mean? Maybe someone who was trying to court as many VC bux as possible before the whole startup/department collapsed? Riding a bubble? Know what I mean?
This idea that our technology is advancing at a breakneck speed and we will achieve such incredible heights that they will present impossible ethical dilemmas or massive sacrifices to us is kind of a stretch, accepted as fact due to the marketing efforts of a particularly strong propaganda apparatus.

But y'all ain't ready to hurr dat

>> No.15222917

Human-surpassing AI is just the equivalent of the atomic bomb - it's a weapon created by humanity that has gone too far, with the exception that while nuclear warheads can be controlled, super-advanced AI has the potential not to. And by 'human-surpassing' I mean it from purely mathematical/arithmetical point of view, as our brains haven't yet unfolded their full capacity to 'run' the tasks a quantum computer easily does in turn. There was a quote by Frank Herbert I recently read somewhere that stated that humanity has chosen to walk the unfortunate easy path of passing more and more responsibilities to the machines and thus becoming more reliant on them, gradually letting them take our dominant role as masters of this world and losing authority just as easily, only in the end to inevitably turn into slaves of our own creation or something like that (I don't remember how it went exactly so this is just a loose paraphrase). To sum it up, AI is nothing special and humans will always be the superior ones, hell, AI doesn't even have soul so it's unfair to compare us with something made purely of 0s and 1s.

>> No.15222959

>AI doesn't even have soul
You were so close to not sounding like a brainlet

>> No.15222996

Elaborate then, O wise one

>> No.15223077
File: 2.38 MB, 5330x1968, YOU'LL NEVER SEE GOD COMING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God is in the 4th dimension

>> No.15223092
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man are co-creators with God, science is good. All of it was for fun

>> No.15223099
File: 85 KB, 512x512, UYVIUqXp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dood science fiction is the real philosophy lmao

>> No.15223108

look at this fag

>> No.15223125

Hahahaha oh man. Have we heard anything from any of the dudes used as soi face pictures?
I feel some of them must be random normal guys who accidentally made the face or were in the middle of yelling after not shaving fora a few days or something. The accidental soiboi.
Wonder what it's like for them to see themselves used as one of these images.