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File: 284 KB, 1622x2048, Epicurean paradox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15221741 No.15221741 [Reply] [Original]

Literally impossible to refute

>> No.15221751

Where did he say this faggot

>> No.15221768

>"Just believe, bro". -Guenon

>> No.15221783

Monotheism is trash. Radical or mitigated dualism is better.

>> No.15221998

Why would God want to prevent evil? He created it. God is not his creation. All things are for his purpose, the pot shouldn't say to his maker, where are my handles, etc. This argument is dumb

>> No.15222016

I reject the first premise.

>> No.15222065

Evil exists because this Universe is the alpha version. He'll remake it without evil a few trillion years from now.

>> No.15222073

>Could he have created a universe with free-will but without evil
No, because even an all-powerful being can't make a square circle. By making a circle square, it stops being a circle.

In the same vein, if you made a person incapable of evil, he will have lost his free-will by definition.

>> No.15222088 [DELETED] 

>still debating wether there is superman in the clouds
where did it all go so wrong

>> No.15222123

this is irrefutable, brainlets here can't read a single book that is why this board is filled with asinine atheists
i'll give ye a hint: evil depends on what is good, demons are naturally good

>> No.15222134

based. evil is the privation of some Good

>> No.15222146

read serious theology. no one believes this.

>> No.15222173

>No, because even an all-powerful being can't make a square circle. By making a circle square, it stops being a circle.
He probably could, to be honest.
In surfaces with negative curvature you can have squares with more than 5 sides (the five sided square on the pseudosphere being the most famous example), to say nothing of the weirdnesses possible in manifolds with non-constant curvature. Triangles with angles summing to more than 180 degrees are also a common construction (to give an example, on a sphere take a point A in the equator, walk a fourth of it's circumference and take a second point B. Let C be one of the poles of the sphere, the triangle ABC has three straight angles).
A square circle isn't as logically impossible as you think (in a space using a L^1 norm all "circles" are "squares" anyway).
An omnipotent being could easily tinker with the fundamental proprieties of space to create the physical universe you describe. It wouldn't even be logically inconsistent

>> No.15222210

Evil is a concept, not a substance. Like darkness or cold. Still, evil exists.
>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

>> No.15222243

>serious theology
Serious larp is still larp, just more autistic

>> No.15222256 [DELETED] 

this kek

>> No.15222285

>can't fathom believing in anything
"yea that's rational, but only because it's autistic"

>> No.15222313

evil does not exist in itself, that is what i'm saying. to exist it depends on what is good

>> No.15222316

>if you don't believe in my jeebus kikerino on stickerino you don't believe in anything

>> No.15222403

free will therefore evil exists
not so hard

>> No.15222426

Gnosticism solves most if not all of this.

>> No.15222632

i think he was referring to the standard l2 norm though, no need to invoke any of the lp stuff, but you're right
however, i dislike the basic premise found in op's question because it fails to say whether such a god has its powers confined within the logic of the universe or not
because if it's confined, then being all powerful means being able to do only that which doesn't break the boundaries
and even if there's infinitely many things to be done, not everything can be done
i don't understand why people in 2020 refuse to read even the most basic shit when posting stuff online

>> No.15222692 [DELETED] 

Humans don't have free will you retard.

>> No.15222711

>inb4 cites a Sam Harris tier debunked experiment

>> No.15222735

>Why would God want to prevent evil?
Supposed benevolence
An omniscient god would have no need to run a simulation to learn anything
>square circle

>> No.15222741
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>square circle

>> No.15222743

Leibniz refused him in his confessions.

>> No.15222758

This assumes that God is "good" and should be judged as a common (21st century) man.

>> No.15222796
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>> No.15222818

All these pseuds who claim to read the Urantia book and immediately shill cucktianity make me think they're midwits who didn't even read the book because it actually says all religions lead to the same end and putting one faith on a pedestal is religious arrogance.

>> No.15222842

Based and Leibnizian

>> No.15222857

Claiming that something you don't understand the purpose of as being Evil is the result of resentful slave mentality
Embrace the universe as one unending Good

>> No.15222916
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>> No.15222954

what does larping mean? unironically askin

>> No.15223030

pls dont give me the urbandictionary definition XD

>> No.15223113
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>it actually says all religions lead to the same end
Not really. It says religions can be good or evil, they can be of varying degrees of quality or truthfulness, but they are all good (relatively) insomuch as they lead one to God.

All religions based on fear, emotion, tradition, and philosophy I term the intellectual religions, while those based on true spirit experience I would term the true religions. The object of religious devotion may be material or spiritual, true or false, real or unreal, human or divine. Religions can therefore be either good or evil.
(92:7.3) The many religions of Urantia are all good to the extent that they bring man to God and bring the realization of the Father to man.

>> No.15223132

Why is God bound to the logic of this universe in particular? Like, if we imagine Him merely bound by logic, if he were to have the power to pick and choose axioms them, again, there's no reason to imagine our world is the only possible one.

>> No.15223155
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195:10.18.Christianity is an extemporized religion, and therefore must it operate in low gear. High-gear spiritual performances must await the new revelation and the more general acceptance of the real religion of Jesus. But Christianity is a mighty religion, seeing that the commonplace disciples of a crucified carpenter set in motion those teachings which conquered the Roman world in three hundred years and then went on to triumph over the barbarians who overthrew Rome. This same Christianity conquered—absorbed and exalted—the whole stream of Hebrew theology and Greek philosophy. And then, when this Christian religion became comatose for more than a thousand years as a result of an overdose of mysteries and paganism, it resurrected itself and virtually reconquered the whole Western world. Christianity contains enough of Jesus' teachings to immortalize it.

>> No.15223180

Sure, god is not 'all powerful' in the sense that the idea of free will itself is that he has sacrificed some of this power to each individual, for the purpose of free will

So we end up here. Why do people think this is some kind of GOTCHA? well you got me

>> No.15223186

Based and checked

>> No.15223202

Nah that’s retarded

>> No.15223224

prove otherwise

>> No.15223225
File: 154 KB, 607x608, Peterson is a moral fag_edited-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evil Exists
nice spook mate

>> No.15223243

Good doesn’t exist in itself, it depends on what is evil

>> No.15223253

I reject the options for 'Then why is there Evil?'
The reason for evil is to provide for a Free Will universe.
No amount of evil can be so bad as to negate the higher good of the existence of free will.

>> No.15223273

So evil is necessary to have free will? There’s no possible way to allow for free will and not have evil?

>> No.15223305

Yes there is no possible way to allow for free will and not have evil.
Omnipotence and omniscience does not imply doing the undo-able or knowing the unknowable.

>> No.15223312
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human reasoning and thinking can't comprehend god and to think otherwise is to put yourself on the same level as god, or rather, to try to bring god down to our level. stfu epicuro

>> No.15223316

Is there free will in heaven?

>> No.15223323

I don't think 'free with limitations' is free enough for the argument, no. To make evil an impossibility is to leave choice between good and okay

>> No.15223324


>> No.15223330

how can Evil exist to provide for a Free Will universe when Evil denies people the opportunity to exact Free Will?

>> No.15223463

whatever subsists by itself is good (existence is not evil in itself, evil needs existence in order to exist)

>> No.15223474

free will is the ''result'' of evil, both become actualized together

>> No.15223486

Nah. Whatever exists by itself is evil (existence isn’t good in itself, good needs existence in order to exist)

>> No.15223489

Can't tell if that blew your mind or you didn't get it

>> No.15223492

Is evil objectively bad

>> No.15223526

No. Evil and bad are perpendicular to each other.
>heterosexual rape
evil but not bad
>consensual gay sex
bad but not evil

>> No.15223546

my last reply to you
evil does not produce anything, it does not derive anything from itself, it is parasitic, it makes things decay; what is good produces other things, gives being, this is itself good

>> No.15223550

>>consensual gay sex
>bad but not evil
This is heavily contextual assuming no archaic sexual ideals

A situation where only 2 guys and 1 woman exist? Gay sex at the expense of heterosexual is bad
A situation where 8 billion people exist and a small minority are homosexual? come on

>> No.15223562

Nah good doesn’t produce anything. Evil gives being and good is parasitic on that
>my last reply to you
cowardice is evil

>> No.15223566
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>> No.15223565

you know what is bad but not evil? punishment for homosexual degeneracy
gay sex is evil, it is indulgence in waste

>> No.15223571

He probably means hedonism and egoism.

>> No.15223591

Let's get straight to the point, you'd consider two guys kissing and cuddling evil even if they refrain from having sex. YAWEH sure loves watching over priests who diddle little boys though.

>> No.15223603

>mistaking institutional crimes with religious crimes

>> No.15223610

Gay sex is bad because it does not produce a child (which is to be said for all contracepted straight sex as well), and it is not evil so long that it doesn't violate freedom, consent, and wellbeing.

>> No.15223616

Ho shit how will OP ever recover?

>> No.15223621

Holy mother of based

>> No.15223626

>religious crimes
Or to put it briefly, jewish drivel.

>trying to reason with christcucks
Kek have fun wasting your time.

>> No.15223683

you're so far up your own ass I'd think you yourself were gay

>Gay sex is bad because it does not produce a child
I still think on an individual level this may not be the case since propagation of the human species can still be taken care of by other individuals in the society. I'm not sure every individual needs to avoid neutral dead ends like homosexuality

>> No.15223694


>> No.15223761

Evil exists to punish sins, and as a byproduct of mans will. God is a loving God. But also a just God. He would not eradicate all suffering so that we may live in absolute pleasure like heathens.

>> No.15223780

Gay sex is bad because it spreads disease

>> No.15223848

Well hetero sex spreads disease too, so by that logic the only thing to do is to enforce monogamy, which gay sex isn't mutually exclusive with

>> No.15223885

If it was kissing and cuddling between two friends in a nonsexual way like a child and his father it wouldnt be bad, simple

>> No.15223907

Based as fuck
Happy I am an atheist now

>> No.15223931

I would first like to point out one thing, you massive less than middle wit, that even if Epicurus had not said this, the argument still stands. Please, for the love of all that is holy, learn how to use your fucking noggin.

Secondly, this is analytical chart based off the testimonia and letters we have written by him or from testimonia written by his followers who claim it was arguments. Much of his writings are lost after the Alexandrian age.

>> No.15223935

> Evil exists

Good and evil are literally hallucinations.

>> No.15224043
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In the Afterlife it seems so, up to a point.

111:3.1.The mistakes of mortal mind and the errors of human conduct may markedly delay the evolution of the soul, although they cannot inhibit such a morontia phenomenon when once it has been initiated by the indwelling Adjuster with the consent of the creature will. But at any time prior to mortal death this same material and human will is empowered to rescind such a choice and to reject survival. Even after survival the ascending mortal still retains this prerogative of choosing to reject eternal life; at any time before fusion with the Adjuster the evolving and ascending creature can choose to forsake the will of the Paradise Father. Fusion with the Adjuster signalizes the fact that the ascending mortal has eternally and unreservedly chosen to do the Father's will.

>> No.15224274

it sounds like that’s saying it is possible to have free will without evil

>> No.15224305

ok i will kill your family and you can't say that's evil

>> No.15224335

This argument is built on a falsified classical logic.
Dialetheism is true and paraconsistent logic is the actual logic of reality and existence
Does God exist? I don't know. But we already know that things can exist and not exist, that there are things that are true and not true, without logical explosion, so literally none of this applies.
If God exists he 100 is able to create a rock so heavy he can't lift it AND he can lift it AND he can't at the same time in paraconsistent true contradiction. If you can't understand this you're just a retard.

>> No.15224344

He 100% is able*

>> No.15224345


>> No.15224365

>what are second-order desires

>> No.15224382


>> No.15224387

>contradictions can be true

Never, ever type anything again.


>> No.15224408

read https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/dialetheism/

>> No.15224414

You have a low IQ and are not educated in mathematics or logic and don't understand reality.
Paraconsistent logic IS the logic of reality and dialetheism is correct

>> No.15224427

Where anon?
Where bitch?
Where? Where? Where?

>> No.15224442

It's somewhat misleading to say that he created evil. It's a privative so it doesn't actually exist except as a lack of something that should be there.
Like I said above, it doesn't have a positive existence, but it does have a negative one that needs to be accounted for, namely why are there these privations in things.
this is stupid, shut up.
This is correct.
demons are not naturally good, you are retarded.
No. you are dumb. Stop being gnostic and come to Christ.
I'll just address the first and last points. You can love something and still allow it to suffer for any number of reasons(could be maturity, exercise, punishment), and a cylinder has nothing to do with the actual point which is that God can't create logically incoherent things.
are you an orthodox or just christian? The ambiguity about God is very orthodox, unless you're just talking about an ambiguity of his intentions.

>> No.15224446

incredible, just breathtaking

>> No.15224461

You know I was thinking, what if we draw a line backwards from Evil Exists and think about the story of Adam and Eve hence I think this Paradox becomes possible to refute.

>> No.15224486


>> No.15224585
File: 10 KB, 223x226, 1558548820656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, like, couldn't an entity simply create a system with its own laws ? like physics and stuff... that represented the phenomenology aspect of said system, which in turn would transpire a series of events, by itself ?
So, in this universe, which would have been an autonomous system, we would exist, and we would evolve, and would create morals, i.e. good and evil, but being only a small fraction of this universe we could perceive only a fraction of it, therefore our perception would be faulty and biased, creating inherently defective morals, couldn't this be the case ?
But, being a big universe, some smart people eventually understand this default error and humbly recognize their own inability to create good enough moral compass, They could go even beyond and to say like "any morals that we create comes from our limited perceptions, therefore would be limited. It would be fair to say there are no good nor evil, only our perceptions of it."

>> No.15224640

>Paraconsistent logic

>> No.15224653

>evil exists
I disagree.

>> No.15224662

> the only thing to do is to enforce monogamy

>> No.15224666


>> No.15224715

why is there hell

>> No.15224809

you can loop at the bottom

>> No.15224822

>God is not all powerful
This only works on Christians.

>> No.15224828

would God be good if he didn't give us free will?
but free will implies in evil

>> No.15224886

fuckk my brain bro... don't do this to me....

>> No.15224983

God's Good =/= Our Good

>> No.15225156
File: 241 KB, 1032x960, based department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Impotent rage basedboys who can't handle that their grade 10 philosophy just got BTFO

>> No.15225161

> Does God want to prevent evil?
>Then God is not good
Literally anything God does is by definition good.

>> No.15225165

You didn't have to OP like that

>> No.15225169

Put me in the cap boys. First time I've actually wanted to be included in a screencap in a long while.

>> No.15225170

Indeed, it's just not good.

>> No.15225175
File: 56 KB, 736x733, 9bf6fa31c9b27fb3e2769081ab602d93--beef-bodies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is this guy.

He gets his dick sucked 24/7 and every single time he posts a woman makes sure she sticks her tongue down his inch-wide pee-hole.

>> No.15225182


>> No.15225273

Absolutely based

>> No.15225290

Meme mortal morals do not apply to God. This faggot wants to judge God as if he were his boss or his shit uncle lmao

>> No.15225313


>> No.15225351
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>> No.15225379

ITT: Christcuck mental gymnastics

>> No.15225383

So your gay?

>> No.15225412

>I can't answer the argument so I'll make a belligerent tautology
Why do Christians have to be this way?

>> No.15225684


>> No.15226453

Out of curiosity, how do you define "good"?

>> No.15226509

Ok, so you wouldn't object if I raped your mom and took all your money. This wouldn't be an evil act since evil doesn't exist. Ok pm me your address.

>> No.15226513

Time and place for everything. God loves the evil just as God loves the good.

>> No.15226520
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Mind you, not for the evil, and not for the good. God just loves.

>> No.15226640

Here's a better flowchart.
>Is it possible for God to love x?
>If yes, then x.

>> No.15227035

Classical logic is the actual pseudoscience

The logic of reality is paraconsistent, we literally use the fact that reality is paraconsistent in technologies like MRI scans.

>> No.15227040


>> No.15227076

based hedonist - did you realize Epicurus also did not believe in evil?

>> No.15227083

bad =/= evil

>> No.15227093

Did you just same fag 30 times? Jesus mate

>> No.15227098

There is no purpose to imperfection. Suffering is bad? yes, and eudaemonia is still possible.

>> No.15227126

No way. Even if humans were incapable of experiencing conditioned goods like satisfaction or pleasure they could still be tortured to hell.

>> No.15227131

Could God have created a world without evil but with free will? Is this not precisely what heaven is supposed to be?

>> No.15227140

Not even coherent.

>> No.15227146

Prove it.

>> No.15227161

>know better than god.

>> No.15227433

Jews are 80% atheistic, and they sacrifice their foreskins to Lucifer for earthly power.

>> No.15227452

atheshits eternally and absolutely B.T.F.O.

>> No.15227503

Replace "evil" with "suffering".

Logic still holds.

>> No.15227534

no it doesnt, the word "suffering" is not as objectively bad as the word "evil" is, so it doesnt follow, a god that wishes for his creation to learn something would make it suffer, thats what ultimately makes god "good" from our perspective

>> No.15227861

I could love an evil woman. Can God not do the same?

>> No.15228655

Atheshit can't believe this many people are religious on the internet.

Welcome to the future my man, the future religious movement is growing. I would accept Islam at this point buddy.

>> No.15228677

how would you quantify evil vs suffering? what's the difference between the two?

>> No.15228766

Well, you can help somebody do evil, and you can even feel good about it, like they can feel good about doing evil. However, the target of the evil may suffer, though they may also be nescient.

>> No.15228795

Substitute evil for niggers then. What now?

>> No.15228812

>haha yeah man I’d take literally any religion so long as it btfos atheistcucks epic style on my anime imageboards
You’re not religious and don’t have the capacity to be

>> No.15228825

>we literally use the fact that reality is paraconsistent in technologies like MRI scans.

>> No.15228839

>I would accept Islam at this point buddy.
Islam and all abrahamic cults are atheistical.

>> No.15228853 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15228861

You're viewing things too materialistically. Many of us, especially those who are spiritual here, don't even associate themselves with a Japanese subculture, let alone Anime.

We're simply religious Americans who are utilizing a superior method of communication, due to the ennobling nature of the loss of pride associated with anonymity, one of the great sins today.

>> No.15228903 [DELETED] 

If God executed your proposed 'word with free will without evil' it'd be dysfunctional because it's contradictory. This world is perfect down to the last detail. That's what you idiots haven't taken into account.

God can only create the possible. How would you ask God to create the impossible? That's beyond omnipotence.

That said, this is purely the theologic argument. There's more to the ethical one.

>> No.15228948

If you get past Japanese butthurt over losing their God in WW2, Anime is surprisingly immaterial.

>> No.15228960

>christfags thinking this supports their god delusion

>> No.15228984

>You're viewing things too materialistically
t. the guy adopting religion to troll the libtards

>> No.15228985

>everyone else has a permission to be wrong except Christians

>> No.15229001

everyone else is right except christcucks

>> No.15229033

this, how do they go around the fact that their god clearly has the conception of what is and what isn't evil? rejecting the first premise means rejecting god

>> No.15229130

>Could God have created a Universe with free will but without evil?
>Then why didn't he?

The true Good is freedom of all things, not freedom of good things only, the latter is not even less good, it is all bad.

>> No.15229298

holy fuck just pick a goddamn book instead of babbling shit about God being not so godlike.
Bro just read a passage of st augustine about evil and move the fuck on but I guess that's too much for your chimpanzee brain
The basest based

>> No.15229317

>The true Good is freedom of all things
Why ?

>> No.15229333

holy shit niggers exist

>> No.15229355

U mad

>> No.15229418

>Kek have fun wasting your time.
You can't really expect to talk these types out of their doctrine; I do this for curiosity and amusement.
Maybe. I mean "bad" in the sense that it goes against the biological purpose of sex which is procreation.
Homosexuality is a useless side effect of heterosexuality.
STD is neither exclusive nor inherent to gay sex.
>You can love something and still allow it to suffer for any number of reasons(could be maturity, exercise, punishment)
Not as an omnipotent being, no. Necessary evil to a benevolent spirit implies a lack of choice on their part.
An omnipotent god would not subject man to the problems of immaturity and weakness, and would not incentivize man to commit acts worthy of punishment. And punishment itself is a sentimental imperfection of man.
>cylinder has nothing to do with the actual point which is that God can't create logically incoherent things
It's worth noting that a square circle is technically possible in the form of a cylinder of which the height and diameter are of equal length.
As for said point, if omnipotence is defined as including the ability to break logic, it actually argues against the possibility of true omnipotence; that only logical omnipotence is possible for any given being to possess.

>> No.15229440

That just makes Christianity an alien faith, similar to Gnosticism.

>> No.15229451

>STD is neither exclusive nor inherent to gay sex.
Male homosexuality is the most disease filled sex combination. Female homosexuality is the least.
I think it implies that my lesbian and futa fantasies are the most based, and gay faggots and women are wrong, while thirsty men are being delusional.

>> No.15229498
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>If God is all-knowing, he would know what we would do if we were tested, therefore no need to test us

I reject this. Why would there be no need to test us? It's like saying "if God does or makes anything there's no need for him to do or make anything because he already knows what will happen." His knowledge doesn't mean "no need to test us."

>> No.15229506

people in this board are really stupid, read this:

>> No.15229523

Maybe it's just anal lmao

>> No.15229628
File: 177 KB, 623x702, 1586947315750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loool niggas still be trotting out the Augustinian theory of evil as a cope to get out of the logical problem of evil lmao

>> No.15229819

I have never seen atheists more anally blasted than they are ITT good job bro.

>> No.15229861

most based post on /lit/ right now

>> No.15229931

>>>15222123 #
>>>15222313 #
>>>15223463 #
>>>15223546 #
all of those posts were BTFO though

>> No.15230025


Freedom in good things only would not be Good if one were to desire Evil.

>> No.15230027

where then?

>> No.15230043

The replies

>> No.15230045

only because God is not that powerful, doesn't mean you should go against him, he's still more powerful than you. and maybe the outcome if you fight against god is even worse

>> No.15230063

they were all answered

>> No.15230094

I find he has a way of pushing you in the right direction if you are directed against him in some way. It is certainly some form of punishment though, nothing too severe.

>> No.15230096

>Something exists that God didn't create

>> No.15230156
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>> No.15230211

It's not just that, because Africa shows that AIDS is common.

>> No.15230464

There is no evil. Life is a blessing. If it is not, then know that you are at fault.

>> No.15230596

Concepts do not exist for God

>> No.15230765

Litterally super easy to refute.

Your bottom NO is fallacy

To not being able to do something that is impossible, eg. something that is intristicaly contradictory, does not imply that god is not all powerfull.

implying that if god can not create fee will without evil means he is not all powerfull is same like saying he is not all powerfull for not being able to create round cube or dry liquid. if you give being free will, they can chose to do evil. end of story.

>> No.15230992
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Came here to say this, i appreciate you.

>> No.15230998

>then why didnt he?
>to test us?
>to toy with us?
you dont answering the question you handwave it away and call it a day.
Why a all powerfull all knowing good god let us have free will for evil? If you have said bad things ok but you jumped on evil not bad.
>then why didnt he?

>> No.15231011

why would one assume ridding evil totally is even a worth while concept? balance is usually what is preached and thats for a good reason. sometimes you need to use evil. fully enslaved to "good" will destroy you.

>> No.15231049

He did it because having free will is better than not having evil and being robots.

>> No.15231064

without free will it would not be "us". just a machines. If he wanted to have any sentience aside from himself, evil is neccesary consequence.

So he faced choice between no sentient life and sentient life that includes evil. And sentient life that includes evil is objectively better choice. objectively because it is better for free willed sentient life to exist with some evil then to not exist at all. Or would you rather not exists at all? Would you rather that your loved ones to whom some evil did happen never existed? i suppose no.

>> No.15231163

sounds more like god dont care or exist in the frist place.
but he is acourding to your words NOT ALL POWERFULL. An ALL POWERFULL GOOD GOD had made a universe where every sinner is midly tased for doing what he clearly dont want us to do. Its dont block our free will and its also proof to everyone: god is real.

But we life in a world where childrapist can do the work without beeing notis for decades.
>ITS THE PRICE OF FREE WILL now go to my brand of church and worship my moral rotten and uncraring god

>> No.15231382
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>I have never seen atheists more anally blasted than they are ITT good job bro.

>> No.15231733

>Being more common among gay couples means being exclusive
Retard making retard tier takes that everyone already knows about.

>> No.15232209

What is evil though? As long as you can't prove evil exists I agree with >>15222016.

>> No.15232211

this line of thinking can bring us to moral relativism where evil thing like rape and murder is ok becouse god dont care or isnt good.
Becouse if free will needs evil this means god had no idea (isnt all knowing) how to do it or no choice (aka no power) to do it other wise. You fucked yourself back into Epicurean paradox. Of couse the other option is he is evil and knows to well how much problems he couse on us mortals.
So pick one...

>> No.15232217


>> No.15232235
File: 37 KB, 447x653, lmfao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In response to the question of how evil could exist in a good universe, Chrysippus replied "evil cannot be removed, nor is it well that it should be removed."[77] Firstly, he argued, following Plato, that it was impossible for good to exist without evil, for justice could not be known without injustice, courage without cowardice, temperance without intemperance or wisdom without foolishness.[78] Secondly, apparent evils exist as a consequent of nature's goodness, thus it was necessary for the human skull to be made from small and thin bones for reasons of utility, but this superior utility meant that the skull is vulnerable to blows.[78] Thirdly, evils are distributed according to the rational will of Zeus, either to punish the wicked or because they are important to the world-order as a whole.[79] Thus evil is good under disguise, and is ultimately conducive to the best. Chrysippus compared evil to the coarse jest in the comedy; for, just as the jest, though offensive in itself, improves the piece as a whole, "so too you may criticize evil regarded by itself, yet allow that, taken with all else, it has its use."[80]

Based stoic BTFO ep*curist degenerate

>> No.15232236

so he dont know everything but knows everything.
Becouse you test something becouse you dont know but why did you test something if you know the outcome?
If for shit and giggles god did a fine job to let us the last 100.000 years suffer. Hack he only hat the time to tell us "the real story" in the last 2000years at a time with no real recording tech or network. Its like he is an idiot, a evil fucker, or someone who dont cares.

>> No.15232252

Mardānfarrox and other Zoroastrians actually dealt with the first premise in an intelligent way unlike Christcucks. I don't see the issue with saying God is not omnipotent.

>> No.15232255

There is a huge gaping hole in this "paradox"
In that it takes "test" in the sense that god is trying to figure something out from us, and as such refutes "all knowing".
But this isn't what god is doing by testing us.
It's a trial for humanity. He is TESTING US.
We must go through hardship for some reason that only he knows.
This doesn't justify evil. But explains it's presence. And it doesn't mean god doesn't love us either, he does. But he wants to see us succeed.

>> No.15232261

Did I stutter?

>> No.15232275

It's the same as saying: there is no green or red, only our perceptions of it. Yet without something existing making it occur green to us, we couldn't perceive it as green. Same with evil and good. Except that we rarely perceive things that are actually evil, it's a childish and religious term that barely fits our modern self understanding.

>> No.15232293

>we rarely perceive things that are actually evil, it's a childish and religious term that barely fits our modern self understanding.
Go back to plebbit.

>> No.15232315

Cry harder.

>> No.15232322

I'm not crying because I know I am right without a benefit of doubt. I know for sure there is a hell awaiting you.

>> No.15232330

Whats wrong with saying evil doesn't exist?

>> No.15232341

Where do you derive your knowledge from?

>> No.15232353

Evil definitely exists. If you're asking for a complex ontological justification, then I don't have the time for that right now.

>> No.15232359

But the first premise of the Epicurean paradox is "evil exists" which is false.

>> No.15232374

Nope, evil definitely exists. Both good and evil exist as independent principles that exist in conflict. They are not complementary either. Evil is not simply the lack of Good. It exist as its own independent principle. They have separate ontological natures.

>> No.15232381

>can't prove the first premise
>you just have to accept it on faith
is this how atheists cope?

>> No.15232382

>as independent principles that exist in conflict
as independent principles in conflict*

>> No.15232388

>Except that we rarely perceive things that are actually evil
Maybe you don’t

>> No.15232396

Is it totally impossible for free willed entities to exist without producing evil?

>> No.15232399

Nah none of them were

>> No.15232401

You interpreted me as being an atheist? You're definitely poorly read.

>> No.15232415

Wow, this makes so much sense! I must read this book!

>> No.15232418

I don't care what you are, you haven't proved the first premise. Evil doesn't exist. If you think it exists, the fault is with you.

>> No.15232446

Well, you know, if I want to give a rigorous philosophical proof, it takes time. We can approach it from a different angle, which would speed things up. What are your own views in this regard? Are you a monotheist? How does the good principle relate to your god then? Once you answer these, we can proceed if you're interested and have some energy for it.

>> No.15232454 [SPOILER] 
File: 443 KB, 1506x3976, 1588205937444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gay "sex" is not actual sex, it is men masturbating into each others' assholes. It is intrinsically unhealthy.

>> No.15232550
File: 48 KB, 850x400, quote-there-is-an-old-illusion-it-is-called-good-and-evil-friedrich-nietzsche-46-39-94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15232570

what a retarded take

>> No.15232605

>Whats are your own views in this regard?
Evil doesn't exist. Is there a different answer you want here?
>Are you a monotheist
Yes, but also pantheistic.
>How does the good principle relate to your god then?
It is a teleological principle of existence or nature.

>> No.15232651


>> No.15232656

>Yes, but also pantheistic.
based retard

>> No.15232667

the absolute state of christlarpers.

>> No.15233493

If evil exsisting is false then satan is not evil? Is the bible all the sudden false too?!
This makes more questions then answers bro. I think you played yourself. Or is new point we reached just a test of god?

>> No.15233510


i fixed your text

>> No.15233534

Its not by our words that we debate good and evil and if god have something to do with it.
Its the claim of beliefers of "insert christians brand here". They qoute there goatfarmer book that god is good and satan is evil. If good and bad isnt real we get some problems who is the "hero" of the story they try to sell.