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File: 199 KB, 1920x1360, px35i653xqe41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15219905 No.15219905 [Reply] [Original]

A man forms an activist-terrorist group to advocate for the rights of the mildly unintelligent (IQ's ranging from 75 to 90). He forms a plot to suicide bomb the university of Cambridge's three largest lecture halls.

>> No.15219916

You're a loser and I'm not. Please stop posting on /lit/ you're making everyone here more of a loser.

>> No.15219930

Just post about your book already, pleb

>> No.15219990


>> No.15220684
File: 576 KB, 500x738, 9199f4a2f958b592b00452821125f87f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about the image, there is a solution for that? I don't want to be like this forever (almost 10 years with this problem)

>> No.15220893

Drink a lot of alcohol

>> No.15220962
File: 61 KB, 750x701, 6itmggpug6941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if going from 19 to 20 will change anything

>> No.15221604

Routine meditation incorporating the 2 day rule and practicing critical thinking and taking action accordingly.

>> No.15221742

Those memes are modern horoscopes, they apply to almost everyone.
If you're struggling that much try St Johns Wart and vitamin D supplements.
Don't take too much V*D if your white and in the norther hemisphere you'll wan't about 10ug, if your darker you'll want more. Research what your national health service recommends.
For Johns wart typically just take however many the box says.
Reasearch indicates the wort is a potent antidepressant, it's a herbal supplement so you dont need a prescription.
It interferes with opiates though.

>> No.15221754

29 here.
Still stuck
Still going nowhere
Ironically all started going down hill when I decided to be a good boy and go to college stop drugs and alcohol, stop being an asshole etc.
Makes no sense.
It's like life is teaching me that I shouldn't do good.
Which is probably true.
I worry when I don't do good or perfect.
Then I shut down.
So whatever it is that's bothering you or you are doing wrong, stop givign a shit about it and just do what you want to do.
Make sure you have a job though or go to school or write.
Whatever it is make something your baseline of existence and then do the things you like.
You work to get loaded every weekend?
You study because hot chicks are walking around on campus
Stop thinking about what's moral and acceptable or how things should be
Just do it.
Just start doing "it" and let "it" grow over time.
As long as you aren't a huge piece of shit or a serial killer you'll be fine.
That's what everybody else does and you aren't going to fix it.
no way.