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File: 347 KB, 1594x2400, the things they carried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15219193 No.15219193 [Reply] [Original]

What are the worst books you had to read during highschool
Hard mode: no holocaust

>> No.15219220

Realtalk: Would Catcher In the Rye even exist in the same form without the holocaust?

>> No.15219223

The worst book I ever read was Night by Ellie Wissel.

>> No.15219323
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The school realized that 90% of the students weren't actually reading the books so they tried to get "interesting" books
This was in fucking senior year

>> No.15219607

That shitty book that was written by some african that is only being forced to be read because he's african.

>> No.15219748
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My entire school district was forced to read this across multiple grade levels. I barely remember it, but I do remember it being trash.

>> No.15219776


The only redeeming thing about this book is already having read it when the 3rd class in a row has it for required reading

>> No.15219802

What's wrong with 'The Things They Carried'?

>> No.15219866

>Woah war is harsh dude

>> No.15219878
File: 33 KB, 488x488, five people you meet in heaven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the definition of fake deep

>> No.15220529

that's a good book though

>> No.15220743

The Kite Runner was shit

>> No.15220780

Not even but hey, bad teachers are bad.

I had to read a Thousand Splendid Suns [sic?] freshman year of college. Hands down the worst shit an institution had normie me read.

>> No.15220808

Welcome to pretty much every piece of art on war
I thought it was more about how the spiritual weight soldiers carry is much heavier and more taxing than any amount of physical things they could carry

>> No.15220840

>Not even but hey, bad teachers are bad.
The teacher I had that year was terrible. We only read about a third of the stories in the book out of order, maybe it's passable when read in the intended way.
God I fucking hated that teacher, made us memorize the dates of a bunch of minor events of the Vietnam War before reading it and had to memorize what each of the guys was physically carrying for the test

>> No.15220883
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i read pic rel junior year.
>half black half asian kid gets adopted by hippie boomer parents
>has a 5 year old full black adopted sister
>MC is complete self insert, he's a loser but is also somehow chad who becomes captain of the swim team and carries the team so they all get letterman jackets
>steals the racist antagonists gf
>at the end the racist's dad tries to murder the little black girl at graduation for some reason
>hippie boomer dad jumps in front of her and dies, but saves her
>also at one point the little nigger child tries to scrub off her skin with steel wool because she thinks it will turn her white
this was all written at like a 3rd grade level.
even before i became religious, this book disturbed me on a deep level with how retarded and blasphemous it was.

>> No.15220927

There should be a law or something banning YA novels from the curriculum past like 8th grade
>even before i became religious, this book disturbed me on a deep level with how retarded and blasphemous it was.
I has next to nothing to do with Christianity aside from a few motifs. I have no idea why it got so popular other than a somewhat interesting premise, which it doesn't use well

>> No.15220950

>next to nothing to do with Christianity
>presents a false image of what Heaven is
>I have no idea why it got so popular
>Albom was born on May 23, 1958 to a Jewish family[4]
every. single. time.

>> No.15220952

>Welcome to pretty much every piece of art on war
That's the problem, reading the book feels no different from listening to old dudes share their war stories.

>> No.15220967

Give the things they carried another shot. It's really well written and one of the more interesting war novels I've read.

>> No.15221014


>> No.15221032
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Cafeteria Christians truly are retarded. If you're going to believe in God at least do it the right way instead of falling for this schlock

>> No.15221215

>There should be a law or something banning YA novels from the curriculum past like 8th grade
if i ever have kids i am sending them to a private school if i can afford it

>> No.15221254
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I like O'Brien. Its not the most profound shit but some of the stories really stick. Like the guy drowning in shit in the field

>> No.15221529

I second this. It's boomercore, but it's good. It's got that "raw" attitude that defined the boomer generation. O'Brien is the generation that realized that the trip of the seventies was over. There was only death waiting for them. It's a snapshot of history.

>> No.15221679

Yes. Why wouldn't it? No one gave a shit about the Holocaust in 1951.

>> No.15221694

Wasn't made to read any bad books. Did have bad teachers who didn't understand the books they were teaching, though.

>> No.15221710

Angela's Ashes. Good, miserable story of the son of Irish immigrants struggling in an impoverished family with dying siblings and a father out of a job because he can't stop drinking. Go figure

>> No.15221720

night was really bad.

>> No.15221736
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I hated The Awakening and The Scarlet Letter a lot, but thinking about this terrible book still makes me mad. In second grade we had a unit centered around this book. The idea was we would read it every day for a week and then read it to our parents. The book was repetitive, and repeatedly reading it in class made it worse. When I took it home to read to my mom I tried to trick her by skipping pages (I was sitting in a different chair than she was) but she caught on and made me read the whole goddamn book.

In retrospect I should have asked my dad to sign the sheet saying I read it. He knew I could read just fine and probably would have done it.

>> No.15221740
File: 39 KB, 398x575, corinne-winters-as-hester-prynne[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Scarlet Letter

>> No.15221776
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If we're doing pre-high school, A House on Mango Street and Seedfolks were terrible.

Honestly anything with this style of cover art should probably just go straight into the trash.

>> No.15221782

Wtf you talking about nigger?! Are you an illiterate? What I got from it was that war was a complex and confusing thing that COULDNT be summed up as just “war is bad”. That’s exactly why I liked it. He intentionally throws shade on the holier than thou gay ass college protesters. Some of the characters actually ENJOYED parts of it and where ashamed that they did. It was all about there being strong emotions that COULD NOT be expressed as simply “this is bad” there was gruesome traumatic things but he doesn’t go “this bad guys” he focused o. The feeling not the gay morality.

Did we read the same shit?

>> No.15221814

different flavors and attributes of
>woah, war dude

>> No.15221828
File: 29 KB, 318x450, the lagoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst short story I've ever read

>> No.15221839
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I agree with you anon that book is awful pic related worst book all time period

>> No.15221841

And? That’s a good thing. Not preaching, but recounting.

>> No.15221851

The Blue Lagoon is one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Maybe the word "lagoon" is cursed, wouldn't be surprising.

>> No.15221859

You can reduce any book to a simple statement and call it bad, but that's not an argument. Take the Tunnel by Gass, I can reduce it to:
>whoa fascists exist because they're bored

>> No.15221873

Boring as hell
Especially when the guy literally had an opportunity to escape the draft but was too retarded

>> No.15221919

None of his stories are even about war, they're stories about anything else happening to take place in war. If you don't know how to read, please keep your retarded opinions and observations to yourself.

>> No.15221937
File: 48 KB, 340x487, operationdeltafarce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who says you shouldn't judge something by its cover is full of shit. Sometimes a cover tells you everything you need to know.

>> No.15221985


Reading stories from Canterbury Tales. We had to read many of the stories in old English first, & it was a massive pain.

>> No.15222014

Yah, war and peace is also “boring” in the same way, what’s your point? I think magic tree house is more your speed. Sorry that war isn’t all shorty shorty bang bang.

>> No.15222039

Storm of Steel isn't like this.

>> No.15222043

Based response. I haven't read the book but people who boil down war fiction as "woah, war dude" are cringe.

>> No.15222056
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>why are whities such meanies :(

>> No.15222141

Cannery Row. It was assigned junior year and when the first day came for class discussion literally nobody had read it. She admitted she didn't like it either and we dropped it that day. We didn't do another novel for that semester lol, she was based.

>> No.15222142

Thanks, last time I read it was like 7 years ago, so it’s not Fresh in my mind, but what I remember was that there was no obvious morality coming from the author himself. Specific characters did, but that’s because people irl do. What I remember was that he focused on the experience. Sometimes it got real trippy too. It was kind of an anthology of multiple characters. Things happen, but he just recounts the experience, and more often than not, the character doesn’t know what to make of it. Some of them felt the greatest joy, others completely broke. Some just had a mediocre time of nothing particularly interesting. More concerned with their chocolate bar than anything and joking with their buddies. Sometimes it felt real good shooting a gook, sometimes got buddy buddy with a jovial local old rice farmer, other times it was terrifying and morally and viscerally repulsive. Nothing was more “real” than another thing. Unironically I think it’s one of my favorite war stories.

>> No.15222198

I think this guy has an interesting take on war. I don’t agree with everything he says, but it being a stage for the greatest and worst, the extremes of everything, I think is poignant, and a reason it’s glorified. It’s a crusable of life.


>> No.15222203
File: 149 KB, 1280x1194, npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to Robert Anton Wilson, 50% of humanity right now are robotic npcs stuck in their own reality tunnel. They are subject to their most basic impulses (emotional and subservient) and cannot accept other people's reality tunnels. How do you think we will achieve the utopia he claims in Prometheus Rising. It feels like the upper class will always want to keep their stranglehold over the rest of the population. And why not? The vulgar commoners can all die because they are disgusting. Why should immortality be given to them? They cannot appreciate the finer details of culture.

>> No.15222239

>No one gave a shit about the Holocaust in 1951
That is complete bullshit

>> No.15222385

You need to look more into the historiography of the Holocaust anon.

People knew about it, it was wide public knowledge, but there was no "Holocaust studies" or government-mandated Holocaust classes or the general Holocaust industry. It was just one more Bad Thing The Other Side Did During The War. This is probably literally the case for Salinger himself.

>> No.15222410

To Kill a Mockingbird.

It's just not that good.

>> No.15222415

All the Pretty Horses
will probably never read McCarthy again

>> No.15222418

The people in my high school class enjoyed it and imagined ourselves in the same scenario. It was pretty messed up though when they blew up that dog for fun tho

>> No.15222446

I liked Mango street until like the tenth story where its implied she got raped at the fair and then it went up its own ass

>> No.15222485

The things they carried is good though.
Bad: The Great Gatsby

>> No.15222535

>Stunning.- John Green
That made me laugh so fucking hard when I saw it

>> No.15222545
File: 27 KB, 600x539, wtf_fish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sula by Toni Morrisson
If they're gonna make us read black people they should've just stuck with Chinua Achebe and Shakespeare

>> No.15222558
File: 22 KB, 260x398, 32E30FB8-A99C-4B38-94CC-0ACEFDF3723A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else have to read this trash?

>> No.15222588

Tale Of Two Cities and Martian Chronicles were OK. Otherwise, they were pretty much all bad. Scarlet Letter and Tess Of The Durbervilles were the worst.

>> No.15222597

For ppl saying books like the great gatsby, Scarlett letter, etc r bad, I have a feeling that you’ve never read a truly bad book.or it becomes “I don’t like this and it’s popular so it’s bad”.

>> No.15222762

Yam is love
Yam is life
They literally kill a white man and steal his bike

>> No.15222807

The only good anglo

>> No.15222873

Wish I had read O'Brien in high school, he's better than 99.9% of the fucking dogshit they forced us to read in my high school like To Kill A Mockingbird and fucking kike frank.

>> No.15222927
File: 2.94 MB, 1455x2244, coon ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only Ausfailians will have had to pretend to read this. A native coon plays sportsball. That's the story. Put things in perspective at my school I had one English teacher tell us he only did that job cause he wasn't qualified for anything else. Another apologised for making us do Shakespeare because "it is really boring."

We also had a unit on "toxic masculinity." Fuck I still reflect on how even a bad day as an adult isn't half as shitty as an average day at school. I swear school is a conspiracy to make you hate learning

>> No.15223056

The Awakening was the only assigned book that I never finished. Whenever I think of it, I associate it with what Jack Nicholson said about how to write women in As Good As It Gets.
>"I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.

>> No.15223071
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a book about niggers being niggers

>> No.15223260

Yah, though that’s what you do when you get desensitized. I think everyone should blow up a dog at least once in their life.

>> No.15223764

I was supposed to read that and dropped it like three pages in because I can't stand McCarthy's style.

>> No.15223800 [DELETED] 

worst was the handmaid's tale
best was the great gatsby. short yet oddly fun to discuss in a classroom setting.

>> No.15223864

Jane Eyre or Beloved

>> No.15223897

i chose this for my grade 6 or 8 (can remember i had the same teacher) final english project because i had previously learned how rabbit my hot mommy milky teacher was about the not-z-s in a swastika-based art incident several months prior. got a hella high mark.

>> No.15223903

in other cases maybe, but that book is trash desu

>> No.15223917

the awakening is a massive redpill on what women actually think and want.

>> No.15223922 [DELETED] 

yes. the rape scene should have been longer and more explicit
fuck you i l

>> No.15223928

because it's actually good and not boomer trash

>> No.15223946

the best takes on war, all that you need, are those from antiquity. war and conflict are as much basic parts of life as hunting, fucking, or death. war also serves valuable and necessary social purposes and is important fro the mentality of your people.

>> No.15223954

yes. the rape scene should have been longer and more explicit
fuck you i love delta farce

>> No.15223984

Anyone here a leaf who had to read The Jade Peony? That was shit. I fucking hate gooks so much.

>> No.15223990

"And so they were: Paul D Garner, Paul F Garner, Paul A Garner, Halle Suggs and Sixo, the wild man. All in their twenties,
minus women, fucking cows, dreaming of rape, thrashing on pallets, rubbing their thighs and waiting for the new girl--
the one who took Baby Suggs' place after Halle bought her with five years of Sundays.
Maybe that was why she chose him. A twenty-year-old man so in love with his mother he gave up five years of Sabbaths
just to see her sit down for a change was a serious recommendation.
She waited a year. And the Sweet Home men abused cows while they waited with her. She chose Halle and for their first
bedding she sewed herself a dress on the sly"

Beloved, The Great American Novel

>> No.15224028

I changed schools a few times between 2nd and 12th and I've had to read House on Mango street three freaking times.
I have no way of objectively judging the book anymore because i've built up so much antipathy towards it.

>> No.15224031

I've heard great things about this one, why did you hate it anon?

>> No.15224232

I know I'll have to read Blood Meridian one day, but my god that mid-century masculine pessimism is boring

>> No.15224243

That novel was a trip. Only Morrison I've read but man

>> No.15224298

Yeah I had to read stories from Canterbury Tales in Jr High. Wish I could have read something amazing like The Things They Carried.

>> No.15224313

The Things They Carried was pretty based. Fucking Faulkner was the worst I had to read - The Unvanquished was just pure timewasting garbage.

>> No.15224323
File: 46 KB, 317x475, montana 1948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't read Blood Meridian for forever because I thought it was like this book, which sucks cock.
>you are ten
>you live in Montana with your family and a Native maid
>your injun friend is ill
>your uncle, who is a doctor, rapes your Native maid and later kills her
>your father, the sheriff, is too beta to arrest his brother and incur the wrath of his father
>okay son we'll arrest him but put him in the basement to not make a public show of it
>your uncle commits suicide in the basement
>your family moves out of town

>> No.15224361

Gr8 b8

>> No.15224386

I had to read Night, The Sunflower, and Diary of a Young Girl over 4 times each from Middle to High School. I honestly think the hammering of holocaust literature is probably why most people my age( I'm 19) unironically laugh about the holocaust. I took a History of the Holocaust class and five people got sent out of the hall for telling jokes about Jews being oven dodgers. On the plus side I had a really old English teacher that made us read Shakespeare, Milton, Alighieri, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Flannery O'Connor, and Chauncer so at least I had a good foundation for literature awareness. I was in AP English but my friends that were in the basic classes just read trash like A Raisin in the Sun, Night, The Sunflowers, Number the Stars, and the Alchemist. No wonder so many Americans hate reading, they've only had trash to read for all of high school.

>> No.15224483

uncle sounds based and lit the women of conquered peoples are for your pleasure.

>> No.15224508

I took a film studies class and it was fucking amazing, our teacher was on the cusp of hollywood before settling down and getting married. We actually learned about what actually makes good cinematography, acting, plot, pacing, and watched classic films like Citizen Kane, Casablanca, Kubrick, etc.
Imagine if that class had you watching 80's action movies and 00's adam sandler movies instead and made you pull something meaningful out of it, you'd hate watching movies if you didn't know any better. That is the problem with why kids don't read.

>> No.15224555

The Handmaid's Tale. Generic purple prose and a boring protagonist. Ham-fisted generic message. Didn't like it one bit.

>> No.15224724
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Far from the worst but I can remember not giving a shit about a single character and just wanting to get to the next book. Which turned out to be something completely forgettable about the plight of inner city yoofs.

>> No.15224765

Film studies people fucking LOVE die hard and the matrix, you larper

>> No.15224786

I mean like the 5 dollar bin walmart movies, that's the literary equivalent of what kids are reading.

>> No.15224836

handmaid's tale

>> No.15224860

War and piece and anything by Dostoevsky. Russian Classical is the worst piece of shit I ever read. Glad I don’t have to anymore.

>> No.15224869

I absolutely fucking hated The Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.15224871

What the fuck? What else was on the reading list

>> No.15224979

The book in OP's image, Macbeth, some poems (The poetry unit was mostly just memorizing biographical information about American poets) , and 1984

>> No.15225011

Actually just read this and only recently found out it's a common hs text. I really liked it ....

>> No.15225026

Not anything by that tim winton cunt. God I hated him.

>> No.15225068
File: 400 KB, 1558x2400, 81jaenzktAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 9th grade everyone picked their own book and I couldn't find anything I liked and just picked a random book called Games to Play After Dark. It's literally the musings of a bored housewife who dreams of living a more exciting life, but nothing happens through the whole book, it's like a sequel to a romantic comedy where both characters have grown apart and aren't rekindling shit. Imagine Notes from Underground but the author nor the main character knows fuck all about philosophy and just complains about his liver. If American Psycho was 300 pages of a review of a single restaurant, you'd have this book. The fucking thing doesn't even have a wikipedia page but it does have 2.6 stars on goodreads.com. Who put this shit in my school's library?

>> No.15225072


>> No.15225116
File: 206 KB, 1399x2289, AF3A2E1B-1E08-4C03-9272-79DCCF8775A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just awful.

>> No.15225135

>negress travels back in time to the antebellum south to lecture a plantation owner
I came here to post this one. I'm actually surprised anyone else even read it.

>> No.15225149

>Notes from Underground but the author nor the main character knows fuck all about philosophy and just complains about his liver.

>> No.15225677

atwood is fucking hack, yet everyone here in leafland sucks her off.

>> No.15225683

because you're retarded

>> No.15225691

Salinger served you fucking retard

>> No.15225695

>thinking literally anyone "served" to stop holobunga

>> No.15225739

didnt he write the score for star wars?

>> No.15225805

go back to /pol/ and/or high school

>> No.15225889

sounds like you're the one in need of high school history classes

>> No.15225916

The Outsiders

>> No.15225923

The Things They Carried is excellent. Way to out yourself.

>> No.15225926

Way to read only the first chapter.

>> No.15225931

>Did we read the same shit?
It's obvious the anon you're responding to didn't read shit.

>> No.15225936

Because that book is a /lit/ meme. May as well read pulp Vietnam sniper novels while you're at it.

>> No.15225945

McCourt's prose is excellent (though his subsequent memoirs are less engaging). Thus far all this thread has shown me is that /lit/ got to read some interesting stuff off the beaten path of 1984, Brave New World, Shakespeare, etc. and someone didn't appreciate it.

>> No.15225950

It's pretty on the page.

>> No.15225955

Morrison's far better, but at least you didn't have to Read the Bluest Eye or Beloved (even if those books are good).

>> No.15225960

Drowning in the ocean?

>> No.15225970

I had a problem caring for anyone in Parable of the Sower, past the walled community section, which did give an excellent sense of dread.

>> No.15225974

They do sometimes, but they also watch classics you've never heard of.

>> No.15225983

In high school? Where the fuck did you grow up? Also, that book's hilarious.

>> No.15226035
File: 20 KB, 242x385, 12004090n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about an attack on a german ship full of civilians during WWII. The protagonist is the son of one of the passengers. His son hears all the ramblings of his grandmother on the attack and becomes a nazi. The protagonist then discovers that his son is posting on a nazi-online-forum. At the end there is the obligatory nonsensical murder.
All written as boring as possible.

>> No.15226359

What? The ending supports this reading pretty well

>> No.15227269
File: 33 KB, 323x500, Eichmann-in-Jerusalem-9780140187656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was forced to read this by my retarded southern Italian philosofy teacher in 13th grade. (we have 5 years of high school in Italy). I kid you not that fucking greasy midget retard made us study Simon weil and Hanna Arendt instead of heidegger.

>> No.15227308


>> No.15227376

These are the mandatory and recommended books in Hungarian high schools at age 14. What do you think?

Homérosz: Odüsszeia (részletek)
Szophoklész: Antigoné, Oidipusz király
Biblia (Károli Gáspár ford.)
Mózes I. könyve,
Máté evangéliuma (részletek)
Dante Alighieri: Devine comedy, Hell (parts)
François Villon: Le Testament (parts)
William Shakespeare: Romeo és Júlia, Szentivánéji álom, Hamlet

Trencsényi-Waldapfel Imre (összeáll.): Görög regék és mondák
Boronkay Iván (összeáll.): Római regék és mondák
Homérosz: Íliász
Héliodórosz: Sorsüldözött szerelmesek
Longosz: Daphnisz és Chloé
Titus Maccius Plautus: A hetvenkedő katona
Publius Vergilius Maro: Aeneis
Publius Ovidius Naso: Átváltozások
Joseph Bédier: Trisztán és Izolda (más feldolgozás is használható)
Giovanni Boccaccio: Dekameron
Cervantes: Don Quijote
William Shakespeare: Lear király, Othello, Macbeth, III. Richard, Vízkereszt, vagy amit akartok, Sok hűhó semmiért, Ahogy tetszik, A vihar, Tévedések vígjátéka
Kapcsolódó modern szövegek
Spiró György: Fogság
Umberto Eco: A rózsa neve
Tom Stoppard: Rosencrantz és Guildenstern halott

Contemporary youth lit:
Bódis Kriszta: Carlo Párizsban
Dragomán György: A fehér király
Kemény Zsófia: Én még sosem
Finy Petra: Madárasszony

>> No.15227528

Must've been nice reading real books in school instead of
>holocaust novel
>civil rights novel
>holocaust novel
>slavery novel
>holocaust novel
>YA fiction
>holocaust novel

>> No.15227547


>> No.15227574

that actually summarizes american public school literature perfectly...
I would be happy with it

>> No.15228388

Just read this and this dudes on it. For christs sake it's got a character obsessed with some girls virginity and he imagines her takin big cummies from other dudes. Its 4chans book

>> No.15228406

>Todd Burpo
Sounds like a fake name made up to sound exceedingly american.

>> No.15228486

To Kill A Mockingbird. I don't even think it's a distinctly poorly written book, and some of the passages were comfy, but the setting and subject matter and its moralistic tones didn't do it for me.

>> No.15228578

That book is so simple and stupid I don't even know how can it be considered literature.

>> No.15228593

I love All the Pretty Horses, why didn't you guys like it?

>> No.15228628

It’s pretty obvious that the retard hasn’t read the book