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15219113 No.15219113[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any self-help books that aren't a meme?

>> No.15219122


>> No.15219130
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>> No.15219158
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No, but I did like Atomic Habits and Deep Work

>> No.15219182

Copulation, fornication and masturbation were mistakes.

>> No.15219283

Lectures on the Vocation of the Scholar by Fichte

>> No.15219301

If by self-help you mean defeating anxiety, depression, and all other mind fuck states then self-help isn’t what you need. You need a meditation practice. Meditation completely restructured the view of my reality, and I was very fucked up believe me. It only took a few months to see great improvement.

>> No.15219321

tell me more

>> No.15219392

You need to practice it to know so information isn’t too valuable but I can describe my journey a bit. I was plagued with anxiety and bad mood swings. I had an abstract self-image that I would carry around and think about everywhere, how weird I am, how everyone can tell I’m weird. I was completely in my own head around other people, and when I was by myself I was also in my head.

Meditation trained me to live more naturally. It trained my sensitivity so I was able to feel again. At first practice you are plagued with all your thoughts and insecurities, and you eventually learn to not identify with these thoughts, and you just focus on your breathing.

Eventually you get to the point where when you meditate, you aren’t plagued by thoughts (depressive thoughts for me) and you are paying complete attention to your breathing, and eventually you will realise that breathing feels healthy and by cultivating this feeling you will begin to love yourself and find peacefulness.

Then you learn to carry your meditative state of ‘awareness’ (not living in your head) out into the real world where you can learn to exist naturally and spontaneously. If you ever get off track and react to situations poorly, you always have your breathing to return to.

Basically, if you can’t learn to be at peace when you’re by yourself. You have little chance at living a life that won’t be torturous. I don’t get my negative self-image anymore, I can just exist naturally now..

>> No.15219418

How often did you meditate and for how long?

>> No.15219446

Oh my god stop dragging this poor soul into your cult

>> No.15219556

just do ten minutes at a time, don’t force yourself to do it. maybe even build up to ten minutes so start lower. i do it on and off but everyday is best.

sorry for giving advice that will actually work instead of telling him to read depressed philosophers or go on meds

>> No.15219709

I'll look it up. thanks.

>> No.15219723

They work as prep talk, but don't get stuck in the mud reading many of them. Remember their goal is to leech you from your money so they're intentionally made so as to leave open ends and make you feel like you need to read more.

>> No.15219744

When I Say No I Feel Guilty

>> No.15219775

Is this an Akutagawa reference?

>> No.15220186

explain this image immediately. thank you

>> No.15221458

a cult is anything that gets people to think in a certain way for the benefit or ambitions of others, meditation and awareness is something you do for yourself, and it's also something you have the choice not to do and leave/drop it at any time, cults don't give you the choice to easily leave and if you do manage to leave it's because you have had to protect your back in some way so they don't kill you.