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/lit/ - Literature

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15218695 No.15218695 [Reply] [Original]

>Realize that i'm such a midwit that to truly get the most value out of books i'll have to read them twice in a row
>way too lazy and ADD to ever do it
I'm done boys.

>> No.15218840

>me!me!me! Please talk about me!

>> No.15219364
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but i'm the only person who exist

>> No.15219389


You and You
and me when your're not you
but mostly you

>> No.15219448
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>Curiously enough, one cannot read a book; one can only reread it. A good reader, a major reader, and active and creative reader is a rereader.”

>> No.15219467

If you're Add try to pick authors that have a minimalist writing style like Vonnegut

>> No.15219478

This makes me happy

>> No.15219869

That's the case for everyone when it comes to good literature. You can't expect to completely appreciate a book written by an author likely more intelligent than yourself (who spent years or even decades refining their work) in a single reading.

>> No.15220131

i think you will get better comprehension with time, even if it will not come easy just keep reading.

>> No.15220137


>> No.15221584

Learn to stop being a gay solipsist.

>> No.15221606

>Realize that i'm such a midwit that to truly get the most value out of books i'll have to read them twice in a row
Harold Bloom read the same books over and over to get value out of them. He read Hamlet probably 1,000 times over his life. dont feel ashamed of rereading.
>way too lazy and ADD to ever do it
dont dismiss yourself like that anon. you can always change. self-control is like a muscle; you build it slowly

>> No.15222897

hahaha nice meme
but you have to put some effort man
we may not have not ever reach the level of education other people have so we have to compensate and put the double effort
we all are gonna make it /bro/s