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/lit/ - Literature

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15217648 No.15217648 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw bought too many books during the quarantine when i already have a really big backlog
Post your backlogs and other anons say what you should read.

>The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
>On War by Von Clausewitz
>Journey to the end of the Night by Céline
>Dictatorship by Carl Schmitt
>On Diplomacy by Kissinger
>Prisms by Adorno (technically a pdf i got for free but still)
>Man and Technics by Oswald Spengler
>Breed your own Vegetable Varieties by Carol Deppe

>> No.15217683

>George R.R. Martin: Game of Thrones
>Aldous Huxley: The Door of Perception
>Thomas Mann: The Magic Mountain
>Victor Hugo: The Hunchback of Notre-Dame
>James Joyce: Ulysses
>Sigmund Freud: The Interpretation of Dreams
>Michel Houllebecq: Submission
>Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
>Timothy Leary: The psychedelic Experience
>Fyodor Dostoevsky: Crime and Punishment

rate my plans for quarantine summer

>> No.15217698

Id go with Crime and Punishment, as it's one of my favorite books

>> No.15217723

Should I go for a rather old translation from the 1910s or a newer one from the 90s? My university library has a whole spectrum and will open again next week

>> No.15217772

I dont know really, i didnt read it in English

>> No.15218214


>> No.15218279

Hitler volume 1 ascent Volker Ullrich
Unwomenly Face of War
Gulag Archipelago volume 1
Livy books I - V
The Spanish Holocaust
I find that non fiction has more utility than fiction. Even though reading great writers helps build vocabulary.

>> No.15218741
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>that list

>> No.15219021

I have too many books in my backlog to even write down here, they're that numerous. Next on my list is The Prince just because it's short, I'm trying to make a dent in my backlog by getting the briefer works over and done with before tackling heftier tomes

>> No.15219106

>The Brothers Karamazov
>Shakespeare's Use of the Arts of Language
>My family's complete Shakespeare
>The First Philosophers

>> No.15219117

Karamazov is the only one of those ive read, and it's also one of the best books, so.

>> No.15219151

Steppenwolf by Herman Hess
Glass harp by Capote
In cold blood by Capote
Breakfast at Tiffany's by Capote
Under the valcano by Malcolm Lowery
Blood meridian by McCarty
All the pretty horses by McCarty.

Currently I'm reading journey to the east by steppenwolf

>> No.15219278

I'd recommend reading some Shakespeare.

>> No.15219294

I've wanted to get into him, but I cant really find any good translations of Shakespeare on Amazon.

>> No.15219677

never read the Steppenwolf, but a drunk guy at a party insisted once that is was the best and most mind-opening book ever

>> No.15219685

based elephant poster

>> No.15219736

>Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
>The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Yukio Mishima
>The Idiot by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>The Silmarillion by Tolkien
>Anti-tech revolution: why and how by Uncle Ted

All entry core I know but I only really got into reading a year ago lol

>> No.15219738

Is that an elephant picking up fish and putting them into a barrel of water so they don't die?

>> No.15219845

Jules Verne seems like a good start

>> No.15219892

>Silence (reading it right now)
>Spring Snow
>Apostol's Calculus (I might never read it until I take a proofs class)

>> No.15219896

No, it's an elephant reading your prose and putting it where it belongs

>> No.15220073
File: 47 KB, 348x500, big_books_for_a_big_boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My list desu
>Life of James Buchanan - George Ticknor Curtis
>A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
>Flowers In The Attic - V.C. Andrews
>An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser
>The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
>The Babysitter - R.L. Stine
>Ramona the Pest - Beverly Cleary
>The Boxcar Children 1-19 - Gertrude Chandler Warner
>Days of Rage - Bryan Burrough
I second Jules Verne, but Silmarillion would be pretty cool too.

>> No.15220882

>Breed your own Vegetable Varieties by Carol Deppe
is this any good?

>> No.15221707

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion