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/lit/ - Literature

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15213925 No.15213925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>He never had sex
>He thinks he can understand literature

>> No.15213937
File: 3.53 MB, 2272x2672, roast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15213962
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>he only had sex with women
>thinks he can understand literature

>> No.15213998

While it is possible to understand literature without sex, it is pretty much impossible to understand sex without literature.

And God, it is all a horrible farce. But damn, sex is so nice and sweet we just can't help ourselves, most of us.

>> No.15213999

based amphibious homo

>> No.15214044

holy based

>> No.15214046

>has only had sex with adults
>thinks he can understand literature

>> No.15214060

>has only had sex with homo sapiens
>thinks he can understand literature
nothing personnel calf

>> No.15214061

>he has only penetrated
>thinks he can understand literature

>> No.15214070

Do prostitutes count? I've had sex with plenty of prostitutes.

>> No.15214075

only for dostoevsky

>> No.15214076

no, you are autistic and illiterate, so doesn't count.

>> No.15214090

it is a bonus if you get syphilis, the STD #1 among geniuses

>> No.15214095

>He has sexual desires
>He thinks he can understand literature

>> No.15214097

sounds like a pretty qualifying criteria to understand litterature if you aks me bruva

>> No.15214113

Is syphillis transmittable from pussy to mouth?
For penetration they always ask to put condom and rare are those that do BBBJ (for what I'm willing to pay), but all of them like to be eaten out.

>> No.15214130

do you seriously eat out prostitutes

>> No.15214136
File: 23 KB, 450x437, Ppoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he eats out hookers

>> No.15214145

Because you think I give a fuck about myself, my health, my dignity, or anything at all, if I'm at the level where I visit prostitutes? Is seeing a whore normal but eating her out not?

>> No.15214162

It's like the difference between being a drug user and being a crack den-dwelling methhead. So yes, there is a difference.

>> No.15214181
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There's none. If you do drugs at all, you deserve to be shot, period.

>> No.15214186

You aren't any better than roasties and the sex-obsessed whores who wallow in sheer hedonism. You can only reach true enlightenment in a monogamous, possibly chaste and romantic/friendly same-sex relationship as Plato intended.

>> No.15214220

You're paying them to fuck you. Why would you give a shit about their pleasure?

>> No.15214240

>not slipping off the condom and going bb
safe sex isnt real sex

>> No.15214241

what does hooker pussy taste like?

>> No.15214242
