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>> No.15212722

big nose and small nose idk

>> No.15212743

yeah that's not the same nose. The one on the left is significantly wider at the base. The mouth also looks wider

>> No.15212798

is this another cia attempt at turning french authors into niggers?

>> No.15212811

>implying he wasn't black
only a nigga would have such rhyme and flow in his bars

>> No.15212836

Who was the greatest twink, Rimbaud or Antinous?

>> No.15212859

looks ugly

>> No.15212866
File: 951 KB, 1617x2010, Vergil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15212962

look at those twink lips

>> No.15213949
File: 31 KB, 500x327, Arthur-Rimbaud-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he's still a fucking babyfaced kid in the famous photo. people only post that one because it promotes le tortured deep beautiful genius meme. in the actual accurate one, confirmed by his mother and sister, he looks like a snotty brat, and in his later pics he looks just like the new picture.

>> No.15213981

how did the famous picture impose itself as the standard one if it is so fucking fake?

>> No.15213988

I already told you, and its not fake its just inaccurate. People want to believe he was le beautiful boy

>> No.15214004

thought this was Moot

>> No.15214009

the nose in the right picture there is still quite narrow at the base, it's clearly different than the one in the op

>> No.15214017
File: 198 KB, 677x921, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, this turned out to be more than just a joke...

>> No.15214038
File: 2.32 MB, 1144x1863, RIMBAUD-IN-PV-ENLARGE-e1583436487202 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15214051

Compare a picture of yourself as a boy to one of you as an adult. The facial structure changes to be less androgynous.

>> No.15214074

I am comparing the adult picture of him with the alleged new one.

>> No.15214088


The famous pic and this supposed new one are both from 1871.

>> No.15214285

So he was gang-raped a week before that picture was taken...?

>> No.15214317

according to the fag who discovered the pics lol

>> No.15214488

I've always found these later pictures of him to be the most intriguing. If only we could know what his true purpose in Harar was, if his abandonment of poetry was final...his self-portrait pictured to the left has always fascinated me, for the man of pride displayed here seems to reflect something deeper, more complex than the jungle and the self-righteous venture..

>> No.15214540

Too handsome and not wearing women's clothing

>> No.15215215

The blurriness of the figure (against the fairly sharp focus of the background) suggests slight movement during the exposure -- which could have distorted the facial detail, including the apparent width of the nose... maybe.

>> No.15216628

This. Otherwise the slight eyebrows, the pale frostiness of the eye that's less shaded, that round chin with the obstinate overbite, and the thin down-turned slit of a mouth, all match. So does the surly punk attitude and height--or lack thereof. >>15214038 That the burly fellow on the left could treat him right.

>> No.15216669

is it true his name is pronounced rambo

>> No.15216694

Is this a joke? Yes, that's how french works. im is a nasal vowel which is approximated close enough with the english a sound, and aud, well yeah that's an oh

>> No.15217824


When I was young I wanted to be like Rimbaud and walk around the world writing poems full of visonary metaphors, trying to condense the blood system of galaxies into a handful of verses, trying to dissolve dragons and leviathans in one gulp of cosmic whiskey.

That was when I was 13, 14, 15, 16. After completing high school, I discovered that I really liked comfort, order, routine, peace to work, and also that I wanted to tell stories and create human beings who spoke through poetry. Before long I discovered that a life like Shakespeare's was much more similar to my temper. The biggest boldness I felt like committing was to spend large sums of money on prostitutes. I even graduated from Law to have a good income and a profession that would give me time to write.

I just wonder how I would have reacted to discovering these pictures when I was 13. They would have had a huge impact on my view of Rimbaud.

To this day, I see his life as one of the most exotic, brutal, obsessive and awe-inspiring. His life is a kind of work of art, and it takes a very strong stomach and an absurd determination to create something like that.

I remember Verlaine saying that Rimbaud was rebellious just because he was young, that it was easy to be like that when young, but that when he reached adulthood, he would become a quiet bourgeois, with a large and conservative belly. Ultimately, the man became an arms dealer who crossed Ethiopian deserts so severe that one trip was enough to destroy a man (Rimbaud crossed this horror at least seven times).

Sorry for the blog post. But it brings back memories of twenty years ago for me.

>> No.15217921

where do i start with him? my french is okay

>> No.15217942


Le Bateau Ivre

Is his best poem. It's 100 verses long, so you can read it in a few minutes.

>> No.15218938
File: 338 KB, 688x800, chinese cartoons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life was hard for twinks before instagram filters

>Ross makes no mention at all of the Rue d’Babylone assault – when Rimbaud was almost certainly gang-raped in a Commune barracks.

is there an actual source for this? it would be interesting since I haven't ever heard it before from biographical material but at the same time it could just be wishful thinking to make his life even more like a shojo animu than it already is

>> No.15218981

That’s just some Civil War reenactor having a bad day.

>> No.15220134
File: 622 KB, 1280x853, Rimbaud-in-the-Place-Vendome-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


in the other photo in the series he has a smaller nose

there are more photos than the famous photo in the OP. whether it is him in school, him in north africa, him and verlaine wearing cowboy hats, the paintings and drawings of him taken from life etc. in all of them he has a small nose

the smol cute nose is a fact, A FACT!

>> No.15220210

He was a mercurial gay dude who gave up poetry for histrionic reasons. You can be a genius poet and also a stupid git, nothing mutually exclusive about it.

>> No.15220355

I could never take this 12 year old looking fucker seriously.