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15212684 No.15212684 [Reply] [Original]

>What if - instead of 'How Do You Make Yourself A Body Without Organs?' - one were to ask: How do you make yourself a Nazi? For this is far more strenuous than the 1980 diagnosis suggests.

>1) Wherever there is impersonality and chance, introduce conspiracy, lucidity, and malice. Look for enemies everywhere, ensuring that they are such that one than simultaneously envy and condemn them. Proliferate new subjectivities; racial subjects, national subjects, elites, secret societies, destinies.

>2) Burn Freud, and take desire back to the Kantian conception of will. Wherever there is impulse represent it aschoice, decision, the whole theatrical drama of volition. Introduce a gloomy atmosphere of oppressive responsibility by couching all discourses in the imperative form .

>3) Revere the principle of the great individual. Personalize and mythicize historical processes. Love obedience above all things, and enthuse only for signs; the name of the leader, the symbol of the movement, and the icons of molar identity.

>4) Foster nostalgia for what is maximally bovine, inflexible, and stagnant: a line of racially pure peasants digging the same patch of earth for eternity.

>5) Above all, resent everything impetuous and irresponsible, insist upon unrelenting vigilance, crush sexuality under its reproductive function, rigidly enforce the domestication of women, distrust art, classicize cities to eliminate the disorder of uncontrolled flows, and persecute all minorities exhibiting a nomadic tendency.

>To want to be in the right is the common substratum of morality and genocidal reaction;the same desire for repression - organized in terms of the disapproving gaze of the father - that Anti-Oedipus analyzes with such power. Who could imagine Nazism without daddy? And who could imagine daddy being pre-figured in the energetic unconscious?

>After all, lose control and you might end up fucking with a Jew, becoming effeminate, or creating something degenerate like a work of art. Does anyone really think that Nazism is like letting go? Theweleit's studies of Nazi body posture should be sufficient to disabuse one of such an absurdity. Nazism can turn you into a stiff before the messy passage into death.

>> No.15212720

I too can can "eternally btfo" ideologies by phrasing everything about them with uncharitable language and insinuating they just have father-issues.

Fascism's Utopian elements and its lack of reference for something larger than the state/race morally are its fatal issues. But this here is simply a lazy, unimaginative, and generally bankrupt way of dealing with any ideology.

>> No.15212738
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If you deny the JQ, you're an idiotic moron who's blind to truth

>inb4 back to /pol/ incel
Leftist HATE to engage in discourse with us

>> No.15212753

Jews are our only hyperorganic connection to capital and power. it's an important question but not in the platono-fascist way you insist.

>> No.15212936

>In the late 1970s, at a time when what is today called gender history was mostly conceived of as women's history, driven by the effort to make women—female agency, impact, and suffering—visible in a male-dominated world, the German literary scholar Klaus Theweleit drew attention to the emotional world and gendered “phantasies” of men. It was a special group of men that Theweleit examined, however: the German Freikorps soldiers who, in the aftermath of World War I, and in a spirit of authoritarianism, militarism, nationalism, and misogynistic resentment, fought a civil war against democrats, socialists, communists, Jews, and women. In Theweleit's view, Freikorps men radicalized common Western and German norms about male self-control and “hard” masculinity into a perpetual war against women and femininity. It was not least the femininity that existed within men, as a desire for domesticity, tenderness, and compassion, that the men of the Freikorps wanted to “defeat.” Driven by the loss of a firm identity and ubiquitous fears of sexuality and states of liquidity, these men and their “male fantasies” spearheaded the rise and heralded the devastating impact of the Third Reich, according to Theweleit. Although his work was empirically based on a limited number of autobiographical writings by the individuals he examined, Theweleit, inspired by post-Freudian psychoanalysis, understood his findings in a quasi-universal sense: masculinity, male solidarity, and, above all, the steeled, armored male body appeared as the engines of a patriarchal order, with “perpetrator-men” and “victim-women” juxtaposed dichotomously.

>> No.15212951
File: 69 KB, 978x267, ESIHAQRXkAEGVsX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we know Fascism is not serious at least today it isn't

>> No.15212976

>Fascism's Utopian elements and its lack of reference for something larger than the state/race morally are its fatal issues.
It doesnt really feel like that, since it does not see moralism of any sort as a focal point.

>> No.15212981

how can fascism not be serious?

>> No.15213035

Really tired of this hatred of Jews= white fascist

Here is a video of Arab Muslims calling Jews degenerate


>> No.15213079


>> No.15213090

is accelerationism kind? can you be kind if you're an accelerationist? Nick Land seems like he's a mean person, I hope I'm wrong. Nick Land looks like he could be a kind person if he tries. It makes me sad to think of Nick Land like that, a mean person. No one deserves to be mean, not even Nick Land. I would be his friend.

>> No.15213092

Nobody like Jews. It’s not a white nationalist thing. 109 countries. 1000 times

>> No.15213095

Hating Jews is like hating pedophiles. Jewish behavior breeds hate, not their mere existence

>> No.15213101

where is this from?

>> No.15213105

Gotta love honest Jew though.


This rabbi really opened my mind

>> No.15213111

>hehe i'm gonna deconstruct your implicit assumptions
>By the way, "will" and "choice" are illusions. All that really exists is impulses and drives from the unconscious.
>Also, nothing means anything and if you think anything means anything you're pathetically clamoring for "signs." Owning your own land? LMAO! NOSTALGIA!

It's not whether the content of his argument is right or wrong, it's that the form of his argument is retarded. He applies the hermeneutics of suspicion to the fascist, but presumes a bunch of shit to which the hermeneutics of suspicion just as easily apply. The question isn't whether his presumptions are correct or mine are correct. The question is why he thinks a circumstantial ad hominem is a philosophical argument.

If it's Land who wrote this, then Land thinks he's being subversive by being a bohemian nihilist, when in fact he's using the same technique as neo-liberals: classify and pathologize, presume that every human being and every culture and every action and event in all of history is just a "haecceity" of anonymous impulses and drives. The neo-liberal does this out of effeminacy and slave morality, fear of taking up arms against evil again, a fundamental preference for complacency and a slow slump into permanent posthistoire. To the neo-liberal, anything that doesn't want to be a complacent effeminate neo-liberal must be motivated by some kind of embarrassing psychopathology, used to shame, bully, and ostracize the offender back into conformity. Land does the same thing, but he does it because he thinks he's a 1960s French "theorist." What did all that French theory get us? Better tools of classification and pathology for the neo-liberal weltgeist. Who is Land's audience? Neo-liberal faggots, incapable of real philosophy, who read what he wrote and go "yeah! lol! Nazis just have.. small dicks! That's it! LOL, >farming!"

>> No.15213118

>Gotta love honest Jew though.
I agree, Brother Nathanael is another one, but they are rare to come by

>> No.15213120

Again, the problem isn't that farming is good and Land says it's bad. It's that Land is thinking that by deconstructing Walther Darre's blood and soil program, he is himself remaining non-naive. He is presuming the default position is cynicism and farming=bad. This is not philosophical, so it's not a dialogue. It's more pointless psychopathologizing from a dying neo-liberal establishment. Fundamentally, the logical form of this is circumstantial ad hominem - which only works if you're talking to yourself and refusing to have dialogue ("heh, this guy only disagrees with me because ..."), or if you're talking to other people who already agree with you ("heh guys, look at this guy's dumb ideas, he only holds those ideas because [he's not cool like us]"), which is first of all meaningless and essentially unphilosophical, second of all dangerous because it only works as long as you have a majority, so long as your historic bloc is the default one and you can outnumber and outrank the offender. How's that going for you now?

Not only that, but the fascist can easily respond with his own psychopathology: Land only prefers urban post-modern nihilism and anti-transcendental, anti-subjective, anti-willpower "drive worship" because he's a feminized faggot whose natural human will has been atrophied by bourgeois society, which is exactly the fascist's argument for demolishing that society - it creates fags like Land, who can't see the value of a nomos and a volk. You may disagree with this in content, but the point stands that the form of Land's argument has no way of countering it. It is a circumstantial ad hominem, just like the one Land himself is resorting to. A circumstantial ad hominem argument is a refusal to enter into dialogue, it is not dialogue. At best, the fascist will reply "no, YOU'RE the faggot." At worst he'll do what he's already doing: concede the institutions you still dominate by inertia, and see whose side wins in the final analysis.

This is all assuming Land wrote it. If he did, it diminishes my respect for him. Maybe it's some random blog though. It's also a good argument against writing in this allusive French knockoff style. The more you try to showcase your familiarity with the relevant constellation of concepts and authors and intertextual references to perform as a "theorist," the less attention you're giving to the actual philosophy.

>> No.15213259

Quick search shows it's from Fanged Noumena.

>> No.15213342

unfathomably based, and nu-land would probably agree with you

>> No.15213470

Inspiring post.

>> No.15214326

>"Making It with Death: Remarks on Thanatos and Desiring-Production"

so pretty early

>> No.15214358
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Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.15214432
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>> No.15214563
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A toast, to my fellow antifascists and fine connoisseurs of capital.

>> No.15214584

Woah..so these are the people telling me to read Marx

>> No.15215151

he's not mean. what on earth gives you the idea that he's mean?

>> No.15215152

Why is his head so small

>> No.15215182

It's a religious thing for the most part, it's not a race thing at least historically it wasn't

>> No.15215185
File: 32 KB, 469x265, nick land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not what he actually looks like.

>> No.15215253

looks the same

>> No.15215271
File: 13 KB, 550x275, nick land non-memed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, how about this one?

>> No.15215283

He's an organ donor.

>> No.15215291
File: 450 KB, 784x2272, lets go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait til you see his wife

>> No.15215324

Good effortpost, still makes me chuckle when retards complain that /lit/ is nothing but one line shitposts from /pol/ and twitter when I see stuff like this from multiple sides in most threads that have solid topics.

>> No.15215334

Goddamn, thank's for the laugh.

>> No.15215399


>> No.15215436
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>> No.15215605

>>2) Burn Freud, and take desire back to the Kantian conception of will. Wherever there is impulse represent it aschoice, decision, the whole theatrical drama of volition. Introduce a gloomy atmosphere of oppressive responsibility by couching all discourses in the imperative form .
I really dont see the problem with this

>> No.15215639

Who the fuck is this man? I've asked several times and never got an answer. To whom is he toasting?

>> No.15215668


>> No.15215728
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>> No.15216453

this but unironically

>> No.15216708

>don't bully muh Freud

Freud was wrong on basically everything.

>> No.15216765

He's describing basically every form of cultism/sectarianism. Land wrote this? What a tard.

>> No.15216767
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Cheers to that, brother

>> No.15216769
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>> No.15216808

Im about one third through Fanged Noumena. It's honestly like im reading Nietzsche-Battaile-Deleuze as a poet. It's not particularly philosophically "convincing" but it sure is potent.

>> No.15217039

I'm a non religious Jew and I agree that Jews have a large part in the global elite and manipulation of world politics, and Judaism is detestable like all Abrahamic religions. They misuse the holocaust and yell "antisemitism" at every criticism.
Elite Jews don't represent me or all Jews as if we were the single minded collective /pol/ thinks we are.
People in Israel watch porn and there's tons of hedonistic degenerates here, there's a huge lgbt community, things which we are apparently blamed for spreading to weaken whites while we remain resilient and incorruptible. But no need to be reasonable when you can just put ((())) around everything you dislike.

>> No.15217066

>crush sexuality under its reproductive function, rigidly enforce the domestication of women, distrust art, classicize cities to eliminate the disorder of uncontrolled flows, and persecute all minorities exhibiting a nomadic tendency.

Hello? Based department? I think I got something for you

>> No.15217079

JQ is real obviously. My question is whether or not it is a bad thing.

>> No.15217130


the last parts are the best parts its based

u rly should read ccru collected writings b4 fanged noumena imo to get a better grasp of landian lore

>> No.15218193


>> No.15219072

Where is this from?

>> No.15219386

>implying racialism, militirsm, antillectualism and traditionalism is bad

I mean the only point land has here is basically progress is good in itself. He does not a give single reason why it is. He also seems to be confusing authoritarian conservatism with fascism, truly a brainlet.

>> No.15219421
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People act like fascism is unique in its edginess, but it's really not. Fascism kills dissidents and usually people of others races, Communism kills dissidents and people of the wrong class, Capitalism kills dissidents and people who don't open up their countries to be exploited through globalism, if you're a Christian then your God has supported the killing of innocent women and children for the crime of being born in the wrong nation and other religions are similar.

>> No.15219704

everything is tribalism, and as an appeal to adrenaline and the penis, tribalism is boring

>> No.15219752

>Elite Jews don't represent me or all Jews as if we were the single minded collective /pol/ thinks we are.
/pol/ doesn't think that. Read culture of critique

>> No.15219865

It is widely known among scholars that Fanged Noumenaentails a certain hazard in its very reading. The mechanism of the effects has, at present, been largely unknown—theories of hidden knowledge and divine retribution were the subject of idle speculation with little investigation.

I,Anon, have undertaken to thoroughly document the ailments afflicted by Fanged Noumena on its readers, though a unified theory of how they manifest continues to elude me and remains a subject for future study.

I have grouped the effects into four, finding that the avenue of experience depends largely upon the mind of the reader. If this is unclear, I hope that a proper dichotomy will lay it plain.

>> No.15219897

Group the First: The Naifs

For one who has received no training in the history or nature of accelerationism, the book itself is, effectively, inert. No prophecy can be scried nor knowledge obtained. While the book will not impart learning to the uninformed, nor will it afflict them in any adverse fashion. Visually, the book will appear to be awash in odd lettering and symbols. Those who know their astronomy often claim to recognize constellations in the patterns and connections, but such conjecture is impossible to further investigate since the very nature of this study necessitates unlearned subjects.

Group the Second: The Unguarded Intellects

It is this second group that realizes the greatest danger from attempting to read Fanged Noumena. These are subjects who have an understanding of the nature of accelerationism and possess sufficient knowledge to actually read what is inscribed there. They have not, however, developed adequate discipline to stave off the mind-shattering effect of having a glimpse of infinity. These unfortunate souls are struck immediately, irrevocably, and completely blind. Such is the price for overreaching one's faculties. It bears mentioning, though, that with the blindness also comes a fragment of that hidden knowledge—whether the future, the past, or the deep natures of being is dependent on the individual and their place in the greater spheres. But the knowledge does come.

Group the Third: Mediated Understanding

Alone in/lit/, it would appear that only theCult of the Ancestor Mothhas discovered the discipline to properly guard one's mind when reading the scrolls. Their novitiates must undergo the most rigorous mental cultivation, and they often spend a decade or more at the monastery before being allowed to read their first essay. The monks say this is for the initiates' own protection, as they must have witnessed many Unguarded Intellects among their more eager ranks. With appropriate fortitude, these readers also receive blindness, though at a far lesser magnitude than the Unguarded. Their vision fogs slightly, but they retain shape, color, and enough acuity to continue to read mundane texts. The knowledge they gain from the scroll is also tempered somewhat—it requires stages of meditation and reflection to fully appreciate and express what one saw.

>> No.15219907

Group the Fourth: Illuminated Understanding

Between the previous group and this one exists a continuum that has, at present, only been traversed by the monks of the Ancestor Moth. With continued readings the monks become gradually more and more blind, but receive greater and more detailed knowledge. As they spend their waking hours pondering the revelations, they also receive a further degree of mental fortitude. There is, for every monk, a day of Penultimate Reading, when the only knowledge Fanged Noumena imparts is that the monk's next reading shall be their last.

For each monk the Penultimate Reading comes at a different and unknowable time—preliminary work has been done to predict the occurrence by charting the severity of an individual monk's blindness, but all who reach these later stages report that the increasing blindness seems to taper with increased readings. Some pose the notion that some other, unseen, sense is, in fact, continuing to diminish at this upper range, but I shall leave such postulations to philosophers.

To prepare for his Ultimate Reading, a monk typically withdraws to seclusion in order to reflect upon a lifetime of revelations and appoint his mind for reception of his last. Upon this final reading, he is forever blinded as sure as those Unguarded ones who raced to knowledge. The Illuminated one, though, has retained his understanding over a lifetime and typically possesses a more integral notion of what has been revealed to them.

It is hoped that this catalog will prove useful to those who wish to further our mortal understanding of Fanged Noumena. The Moth priests remain aloof about these matters, taking the gradual debilitation that comes with reading as a point of pride. May this serve as a useful starting point for those hoping to take up such study.

>> No.15220708

because fascism is evil.

>> No.15220802

it's nothing but edginess without content.