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15212670 No.15212670 [Reply] [Original]

So, lately because of my philosophy/science studies Im coming to believe more and more in "conciousness creates matter",and cyclical time,however I dont believe in karma,reincarnation,lamas(I mean in their power, i believe a person known as "lama" can exist),etc

Is there any buddhist book i would benefit from reading? I dont want to come across as a cringy secularist,im honestly interesting in mixing ancient wisdom with modern science.
>which school is more like this;theravada,zen,tibetan,mahayana, vajrayana,?

>> No.15213366

Under the Boddhi Tree

>> No.15213736
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>I dont want to come across as a cringy secularist but [insert cringy secularist shit]
read more

>> No.15214030

without a doubt vajrayana

>> No.15214106

try MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra by Nagarjuna

>> No.15214283

Honestly, your meme is a bit too accurate.

>> No.15214349

I have very little doubt that you believe in karma as it is actually known by buddhists. You're gonna find pretty quickly that a lot of the seemingly out there things are more reasonable when looking past their poor cultural translations. If you have any interest in Zen maybe start with R.H .Blyth's translations. I don't have an opinion on Zen's accuracy in relation to wider Buddhism, I just think it can be more intuitive to certain people.

>> No.15214364

Buddhism by Richard Gard part of the series Great Religions Of Modern Man.
Best overview using source materials.
Not on libgen, but the whole set usually goes for $7 online, the Judaism and Hinduism ones are great too

>> No.15214387 [SPOILER] 
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The Way of Zen by Alan Watts

>> No.15214423
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>> No.15215994

There is more proof for reincarnation than for the afterlife of the Abrahamic religions.

>> No.15215999

I'm reading Illuminatus Trilogy right now, it's pretty funny

>> No.15216008

The very basics of reincarnation and karma are not difficult to believe but some of the things claimed in the Pali Canon can be a bit whacky.

>> No.15216127

>conciousness creates matter
Hinduism better fits this than Buddhism, try reading the Bhagavad-Gita

>> No.15216803

can you explain this

>> No.15216907

Egoism > Buddhism
Your spirit, it is does exist, is not You. You are Your everything, including your wild bodily impulses and their counteracting 'logic'. To believe that consciousness shapes reality, yet is but a mere passenger on your body-vessel is spooky and dumb.

>> No.15216927
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Nearly any of Alan Wallace's books. He's a Buddhist lama, a trained scientist, and has a PhD in comparative religion. He loves talking about science and Buddhism. Choosing Reality ior Embracing Mind are probably the best books of his on the subject. There's a lot of things from him on YouTube too.

>> No.15216934

See Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson, for example.

>> No.15218028

Not buddhist, but Carl Jung's work may be of great value to you. Especially if you come from a more scientific background.

>> No.15219123

Go straight to the source and read a small anthology of Buddhist scriptures

'In the Buddha's Words' Edited and translated by Bhikkhu Bodhi

>> No.15220467

heh, that spinny thing remind me of that finger wheel that zooms zooms been using.