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15209911 No.15209911[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you lift weights? if no, why not? its the best antidepressant possible.

>> No.15209912

i used to before my gym closed.

>> No.15210056

Lift at home bro, pushups pull ups

>> No.15210061

having sex is a better antidepressant if you are male

>> No.15210062

Yes; it doesn't help actual depression

t. hollow man

>> No.15210067

is it tho? i go and hate myself for being a worthless weakling despite having gone for like 1.5 years. cardio is a lot better an anti-depressant and even that doesn't work for me much

>> No.15210078

Yessir! Finally getting into good shape, and spring is here!

Still reasonably depressed tho... but it helps!

>> No.15210130

Yes. Becoming physically strong improved my mental clarity and made the world around me seem more malleable and under my control. I feel like I can actually determine my future now, all thanks to picking up heavy shit. SO WORTH IT GUYS.

>> No.15210131

people will laugh at my frail dyel body in the gym

>> No.15210139

I started doing body weight exercises while housebound

>> No.15210157

This is the way to go. Calisthenics isn't making me bulk, but instead i'm getting more toned, a nice change of pace from the gym.

>> No.15210180

yeah it doesn't do anything for straight up neurochemical depression. but for those who don't have chronic/clinical depression, healthy lifestyle habits is usually a pretty great help. I hope you feel better, hollow man. Hope you come across someone to fill you right up. Love you baby.

>> No.15210222

people laugh at beginners of everything. being a newbie is just part of life. i think it stems from remembering when we were all new at something and a desire to laugh at our old selves. you shouldn't take it personal at all. they aren't laughing at you out of any sort of malice.

this is all assuming anyone's even paying attention to you. also you can't even go to the gym right now. get on your floor and do as many sets of 10 push ups, 30 second planks, and sets of 15 squats as you can.

>> No.15210286
File: 45 KB, 327x556, shankara327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to lift 7x day/week before spiritual transformation
Dont care about the body anymore and still in decent shape .
Theres limitless confidence when its not grounding in body or anything in particular

>> No.15210302

>posts on /lit/

>> No.15210328

this kek

>> No.15210427
File: 116 KB, 1050x1400, shankara4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitposting is the expression of brahman ,for a higher nature compels me
there is no doer

>> No.15210441

lol, lifting weights doesn’t stop depression. no action does. only meditation and contemplation can kill your depression. believe me i was really fucked up and it brought me back to life.

>> No.15210499

explain this one anon

>> No.15210522

I don’t know how to. I used to go to the gym twice a week and it didn’t change anything really. My 15 yr old brother who does Muy Thai is in much better shape than me and could probably knock me out. I want to learn how to fight so I can defend myself and be more confident in social situations but I’m shy of joining a boxing gym.

>> No.15210548
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Feel the reality spiritual concepts not just as empty words but the thing they point to, sink deeper into it until an inner change occurs

>> No.15210554

I used to. I got really disgusted with overly obsessive fitness culture, it’s commodification, and how crowded it always is when I was depressed and stopped going. It’s just bizarre to me that pay to go to these places and lift weights only basically crowded around people who take it way to seriously either for vain reasons or no reason at all.

>> No.15210639

because I'm not depressed desu ga

>> No.15210755

going to a gym and then feeling superior to the other people at the gym is max pseud.

>> No.15210820

I never said I felt superior. I said it felt bizarre because I was depressed. Can you read?

>> No.15211060

How do you suggest I perform meditation? So far Ive just been starting by following my breath and going from there, and this has helped me a lot. But do you suggest I follow any techniques or methods to develop further or is it fine to keep going my own way without instruction?

>> No.15211075

It wont make you more confident. Confidence comes from within yourself, you have to find it inside of you.

>> No.15211113

Yes, it feels good to have a fit body and to look attractive, even though I'm not ridiculously impressive like the top 1% of /fit/.

>> No.15211117

Not now due to quarintine but yes I did

I injured my right hip doing deadlifts and after a couple months it doesn't hurt anymore unless I do heavy deads

Instead now I do heavy cleans (I know they have nothing to do with each other) and it was fun as fuck

What I'm doing now is using gas carafes to try to move some weight, and just bought a pullup bar.

>> No.15211130

doing things that require commitment and improve your health and appearance will inevitably result in a confidence increase

>> No.15211177



>> No.15211198

I'm suddenly in new accomodation and can't get my weights here right now. I've also been ill, when I'm feeling better I'm getting back on bodyweight/calisthenics stuff.

>> No.15211231

Used to. Then started working and got into playing Jazz on my spare time, so now I only do breath work and meditate a couple of times a week and once in a while a full sesh o Raja Yoga.

>> No.15211332

It’s not true, are you trying to convince me or yourself? It’s not true confidence, it’s surface level. I know because I transformed my body and I didn’t become confident, I just liked how my body looked more. Confidence has to come internally and can’t be dependent on external factors. I am much more confident now and it was completely an internal process. Beliefs such as “I am confident because my body is nice” are ultimately hollow which is why there are so many muscular people who aren’t confident and who can’t attract women.

>> No.15211348


>> No.15211366


>lifting weights doesn’t stop depression. >no action does.
>only meditation and contemplation can kill your depression

What an idiot!

>> No.15211377

I can't afford to lift weights, i already have too many hobbies as it is.

>> No.15211383

ive been doing girly pushups

>> No.15211397

I mean it’s true, are you depressed? Have you ever been truly depressed or suicidal? I was and I cured myself through meditation, and I can tell you for a fact everything else is shit advice. Drugs don’t cure depression. I can tell from your post you didn’t learn how to meditate.

>> No.15211401



>> No.15211403

I do some basic calisthenics, I've been thinking about going to the gym, but I live 20km from a city and I don't think that it's worth buying a bus card for every month since it's 2-3 times as much as a gym membership.

>> No.15211414

I get depressed when i lift because then i find out I'm a pussy.

>> No.15211422

Didn't read lol

>> No.15211439

>a newbie is just part of life.
Right. The real shame is being a noob.

>> No.15211449

It can at least teach you, "Yes, I can set my eyes on a goal, stick to working at it, and overcome discomfort and the monotony of consistency to succeed in accomplishing said goal."

>> No.15211640

>needing antidepressants
I don't want people to think I'm overcompensating, like you obviously are.

>> No.15211681

calisthenics is so gay. I did it for two years before I started using actual weights and the difference in my strength levels is unreal. If you want to actually get strong use weights.

>> No.15211718

I was suicidal and lifting weights cured me. There’s more than one solution to any problem and different things work for different people faggot

>> No.15211752

How though? I go to shit if I’m not constantly active and watching what I’m eating.

>> No.15211762

What would you do if you couldn’t lift though?

>> No.15211944

Cardio is generally found to be better for depression, but any rigorous exercise is very good. It's so good that some places are working on figuring out how to prescribe it as treatment. The only real barrier is making sure people actually do it.

>> No.15211953


>> No.15212056
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I do intuitive meditation but i already realized atman so i can reside in natural self
good its not for retards

>> No.15212182

Did you say something? I'm not paying attention.

>> No.15212207

but u already did
not gonna make it

>> No.15212464
