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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 24 KB, 400x400, offyachest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1520927 No.1520927 [Reply] [Original]

Narratology is to the study of Literature what 'what-if' scenarios are to History.

>> No.1520933

You are to /lit/ what herpes is to my dick.

>> No.1520940 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 1834x1826, christmas card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't use this board for actual discussion of literature. I use other online websites for this because i have observed the level of stupidity this board entails and i know that if i did want to discuss a literary essay there are very few people who will have read it.
And if i shared that essay with /lit/ there are very few people who will read it.

fuck the police.

>> No.1520943

A blessing for the greater good of humanity as a whole?

>> No.1520946
File: 31 KB, 661x601, lit in a nutshell 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't use this board for actual discussion of literature. I use other online websites for this because i have observed the level of stupidity this board entails and i know that if i did want to discuss a literary essay there are very few people who will have read it.
And if i shared that essay with /lit/ there are very few people who will read it.

fuck the police.

>> No.1520947

Post-colonialism ruined Literary Theory.

>> No.1520948

attacking something as redundant as narratology and comparing it to a populist branch of history is a bit like complaining about commercials on TV. who gives a fuck?


>> No.1520954
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and pic related

>> No.1520957


oh no you fucking didn't girlfriend!

>> No.1520959

im glad you can find time to write up posts like these between googling pictures of people and putting names of tripfags on them and dumping them on /lit/

>> No.1520964

I should think this is a case of the blind man mistaking the tail for the Elephant or however that dumb story goes; I should think post-colonialism is simply another symptom of Western decadence

>> No.1520965
File: 39 KB, 600x417, qePef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post on 4chan
>New board called /lit/ is made
>Expect nothing but the finest forms of dialectic

I think something has gone wrong in your thought pattern processing bro.

>> No.1520969
File: 33 KB, 598x448, timetostop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the majority of your posts are about bumping sages posts, it's time to stop.

>> No.1520970

brownbear i didn't know you studied exalted subjects like lit theory

>> No.1520971
File: 120 KB, 1021x663, lit tripfags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this the picture you are referring to?

i expect some levels of intelligence and discussion about lit theory

>> No.1520972


>> No.1520977

>Posting on 4chan
>EXPECTS Others to conform to his standard of what intelligence is metered by through his standard of discussion
>Post image where he is noted alongside other Tripfags as a means of authority on /lit/

Still seems to be a gaping gap in your cognitive abilities bro.

>> No.1520979


well i do

i'm working on a collection of essays to share with /lit/
i'm scanning them over the course of a few weeks

>> No.1520981

you can't trade shit for gold

>> No.1520983

If they're your essays, you can keep them.

>> No.1520986

And yet another thread falls into the obscenely desperate clasping hands of the tripfags.

Good job, Anons.

>> No.1520990


Meh don't worry Brownbear is just a moany bitch, the tripfags pretty much run this board only one or two are okay D&E being one of them. Don't let it completely ruin your time here.

Although I do admit a large portion of the other tripfags are here to try and make themselves seem as smart as possible to other people and all they want is constant recognition.

>> No.1520992


true that.

please read my post.
if i'm scanning a collection of essays they're obviously not going to be mine.
they're from a variety of writers and concern critical lit theory.

or is that not something that interests you

>> No.1520995

Oh I'm sorry you didn't write them? Its just something you're interested in? Oh I see that completely changes it.

No. Even stuff you find interesting I wish for you to keep to yourself. On the issue of things that fascinate you, please be as greedy as Ayn Rand in a chocolate store on her menstrual cycle.

>> No.1520996

>they're from a variety of writers and concern critical lit theory.

How about a name or two brownbore

>> No.1520997

I have access to all relevant articles.

>> No.1521000

lol, brownbore


>> No.1521004

it's true. he does

>> No.1521005

yeah...cosmic. just wow.

>> No.1521007


>> No.1521008

Bodeleian master race.

>> No.1521011

I think we bullied Brownbore out of this thread.

>> No.1521013
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>> No.1521014

Brownbore, faggot of /lit/, bitch on my board. My dick, his hole. Bro-wn-bore: the tip of the tongue taking a trip of three steps down the palate to tap, at three, on the teeth. Bro. Wn. Bore.

>> No.1521023

no im still here, writing up the writers and titles of these essays for you uneducated pleabians

>> No.1521027

And what is that when it's at home? It doesn't seem to be a word.

>> No.1521028

also, why do people seem to think that Brownbore is a new name D&E coined for me?

newfags up in here?
serious question

>> No.1521030

>/lit/ - Brownbear
Strool bory co.

>> No.1521038
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>> No.1521044

another thread ruined by brownbore

>> No.1521048

Another thread ruined by that guy who likes to post that Arcueid copypasta

>> No.1521050
File: 30 KB, 264x229, aladdin grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


already told you deepandfaggy
here's a few i have written down:

Edward W Said - the world, the text & the critic (the essay not his book)
Ferdinand De Saussure - place of language in the facts of speech
Jacques Derrida - Margins of Phiosphy
Foucalt - History of Sexuality
Karl Marx & Frederich Engels - Social Being & Social Consciousness
Raymond William - Dominant, Residual and Emergent
Vivien Jones - Women in the 18th century (constructs of femininity)
Mary Poovy - The proper lady and the woman writer
Julia Kreiveta & Rrthur Goldhammer - Stabat Matter
Ellen Moers - Female Gothic
Frantz Fanon - Black Skin, White Masks
Collection of Essays & Authors - (concerning) Nationalism (The Question of Definition)
Edward W Said - Jane Austen & Empire

there's about 30 others, the usual suspects, orwell, tolstoy etc blah blah blah blah

>> No.1521052

So entry level essays that are pretty easy to get hold of?

>> No.1521054

The butthurt has now become sentient and is posting.

Also to be the second person here to correct you its "plebeians" not "pleabians". Brownbore you have outdone yourself today.

>> No.1521055
File: 28 KB, 325x222, bowser receives HIV test results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't use this board for actual discussion of literature

So leave.

>> No.1521056

Gotta say man. I've seen you around and tried to be nice, supported you a little, said I wanted to read your MW2 fanfic, felt sorry for you when you said your life is sad and lonely and you just sit at home playing videogames and getting high.But you're also a fucking dick sometimes. I don't feel so sorry for you anymore. And I no longer want to read your stories. (I originally thought they were stories involving modern warfare... not Modern Warfare as in Call of Duty Modern Warfare).

>> No.1521057

That's not too bad BB, they are pretty advanced and as far as I can tell the Russian Formalist, Reader-Response and Psychoanalytic teams are left a little wanting, but not too shabby all the same.

>> No.1521059
File: 76 KB, 519x600, Batman laughing face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you haven't read any of those essays

>> No.1521062


>> No.1521064
File: 86 KB, 550x400, 17WCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been anon posting on /lit/ since its inception about a year ago. seen tripfags come and go, good and bad. being 4chan, most were bad. as fucking annoying as brownbear is, hes not nearly as bad as arceuid.

>> No.1521065

Yeah I saw his post; he was talking to some guy who hadn't read any of those essays

>> No.1521067

mfw when I have read things that I think are important that you haven't read and I will than consider you intellectually inferior for not consuming the same pieces of literature that I don't. Also known as a contradiction in your argument from your first post image Brownbore


>> No.1521068


DEFINATELY got some stuff on reader response and psychoanalytic, but i cannot for the life on me recall them

will be compiling a proper list, scanning and sharing sometimes soon though

>> No.1521069

What about brax?

>> No.1521071


>> No.1521074


but i don't say things are 'entry-level' or 'easily available' like you did in your post when i haven't read them

it's okay to admit i'm more intelligent bro, everybody knows it already, you've embarrassed yourself enough in this thread.

>> No.1521075

While it's true that I'm illiterate, since the only person who can read on lit is Brownbear, I own or have ebooks of most of those.

>> No.1521078

im sorry.

>> No.1521079

brownbore lmao

>> No.1521085

I dont really see any difference between anons and tripfags. You guys are all retarded.

>> No.1521090


of course you do bro.
of course you do

>> No.1521093

Even if I have embarrassed myself, I am pretty sure conclusively thanks to you being a tripfag we have a constant record of your fuck ups. Just like this thread.

I though remain Anonymous, and its pathetic you rarely address any of the points that have been made to you throughout this thread.

>> No.1521103
File: 50 KB, 1302x296, Screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am pretty sure conclusively thanks to you being a tripfag we have a constant record of your fuck ups
we do, green oval:

>> No.1521107


so now you're saying you haven't read the essays?
Please get your story straight?

and yes i am man enough to post with an identity, to face the consequences of my actions, instead of hiding behind a thin veil of unified identity

>> No.1521110

also nice to see an anon acknowledging the lack of responsibility posting as Anonymous has.

>> No.1521114

There are to or three different people replying to you.

>> No.1521117

not that it matters to tripfags that still bump troll threads and are proud of their own stupidity.

>> No.1521120


tha's from a post a 1 star goodreads thread btw tybrax

>> No.1521121
File: 93 KB, 720x576, oip87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.1521122


yeah it'd be much easier if they took some responsibility for their posts. by, oooh i dunno, maybe adopting a name.

>> No.1521125

You should write to moot and demand he enforce names on here.

>> No.1521126

Some of us get all the attention we need from friends and family.

You don't, and that's cool.

>> No.1521128

>You don't, and that's cool
im about the only trip that admits it. D&E lies to us. BB lies to himself.

>> No.1521130

Tybrax lies to us and himself

>> No.1521133

I want everyone to have a trail everywhere and all the time.

How come I am so responsible on a board on the internet and nobody else takes as much credit as I do?

I leave obviously a vast swathe of intellectual comments like the ripples of a boat and yet others are happy with not being recognized.

I run around the streets begging someone has heard of me, yet alas it seems my internet life will have to stay virtual...for now!

Woe is me

A production of "Brownbore: The Dream to be a more melodramatic Keats" directed by Darren Aronofsky.

>> No.1521134

Being self-aware is good bro, but come on admit it, in that context it's really not.

>> No.1521135


also you were bitching to us last night after fucking an ugly girl at a party, remember? :/

>> No.1521136

>"fucking" an ugly "girl" at a "party"

>> No.1521137

What? Derp+Faggy is gay, dude.

>> No.1521138

hence the bitching about how meaningless the night was. d&e wants so badly to relate to his fellow bros but most humanities students are jackasses so his pretentiousness prevents him.

pretty sad really.

>> No.1521140


i bathe in the attention you lavish upon me

>> No.1521141

Dude we've all fucked ugly girls, its the way of life.

Don't worry D&E I understand, we've all been there. Except brax of course.

>> No.1521142

thats why you used to get major butthurt about my posts on /lit/ right? they fact that you couldnt just ban me like on the tiny.chat made you mad as hell.

>> No.1521143

The tantrum is classic aspie behaviour.

It can be overcome, with time.

>> No.1521144

Sometimes I worry that /lit/ is too small a community. This is like arguing with my roommates for fucks sake. Why do I keep coming back here? Well admittedly because we have decent threads once in a while.

>> No.1521145

>it's the way of life to do things you regret
not all of us are as dumb as you guys. really you're that pathetic you'd sleep with someone you don't find attractive?

>> No.1521147

I have and do. My penis at times makes very valid arguments.

Heck I imagine if I had a binbag and you were here I would make a whole and have sex with you.

>> No.1521148

You must suffer in order to grow as a person.

But, personally, no. Never had that problem. Though looks aren't everything.

>> No.1521149

As for me, I return here, cuz I have nothing better to do with my free time. Its not like I should use it for reading, right?

>> No.1521151


no bro i'm there now, come down and we'll chit-chat

>> No.1521160

you have no self-control and are obsessed with sex. congrats.

>You must suffer in order to grow as a person
no actually most productive people are pretty emotionally healthy i think.

i was talking about a month or two ago. im not sure why you ban me sometimes right now, probably just fancy. also i appreciate the offer but i dont really feel like tiny.chat right now. just going to listen to music or play viday or read maybe when /lit/ gets boring.

>> No.1521161

>you have no self-control and are obsessed with sex. congrats.

This is only considered a negative trait by a majority of people when it starts inhibiting on other important aspects of your life.

Also I don't know about you (speculating your virginity) but I enjoy sex, it surprisingly makes me feel good. If at times I am given the opportunity to do this why is this considered unhealthy by your standards?

Unless you're one of those people who believe in monogamy? Which is an entirely social construct and we must remember that biologically it suits us better.

Or and this is my final theory, you love that show The Big Bang Theory and believe that annoying character who is celibate is smart because of this?

In summation you continue to stun me with your ignorance Brax.

>> No.1521162

To be able to cope with suffering is part of being emotionally healthy. And self control is meaningless.

>> No.1521168

>If at times I am given the opportunity to do this why is this considered unhealthy by your standards?
hurr durrr we were talking about regretting it this whole time. having sex with someone you find unattractive and regretting it later is unhealthy.

>And self control is meaningless
nope. see above.

>To be able to cope with suffering is part of being emotionally healthy
i dont really understand this but its probably a meaningless point. im saying someone thats been molested is probably less productive than someone thats just average.

>> No.1521171

my thread

>> No.1521178

maybe if you manned-up and stopped going all BEE about your life to us all the god-damn-freaking time it wouldn't have happened, beta .

>> No.1521181

I have sex with someone. Later I regret it. Could be 5 minutes after or even 2 years later. Regret is present through pretty much all relationships I know relationships I regret having that lasted over the course of a couple years.

How can you say having sex with someone and regretting sex is always bad?

Now on the issue of finding someone unattractive is that all their is to you for sex?

>> No.1521182

That was just once you cruel son of a bitch

>> No.1521186

THis isn't Japan between the 50s and the 80s, productivity =! mental health.

If you break down the moment you experience suffering, you are not emotionally healthy.

>> No.1521188

Nobody has mentioned regrets apart from you. The issue then is not sleeping with people who are unattractive, but doing things you regret. Being self destructive, which is similar, is not healthy, but doing things we regret is pretty normal.

>> No.1521194

>last night
>last time
>the time before that......

you are a loser if you regret things mean you are an idiot i have no regrets in life.

yes you fucking moron and if you are replying to me in this way i assume you are talking to me about regrets. started here >>1521135

oh ok so if someone is raped and cannot function/become depressed they are just emotionally healthy and an emotionally healthy person in that situation would be fine.....

like i said stupid point.

>> No.1521196

just emotionally unhealthy

>> No.1521198

>more lies

>> No.1521200


>i have no regrets in life
heyy guys i tried to hug a girl at my bookclub and ask her for coffee and now i feel shitty because the made up girl at the made up book club rejected me in my imagination.

>> No.1521203

I'd feel pretty shitty too if I couldn't even get a date in my imagination

>> No.1521207

Brax some quick brash questions.

I don't mind if you're a virgin, heck if anything I understand. But have you even been in a relationship?

I mean even something a week long. I think you could survive understandably but just wish to know your emotional/relationship background.

>> No.1521210


and.... i cant find old posts on green oval somehow.
someone help he talked about how his ugly roommate and he and another girl went out to a party.

>> No.1521211

no i havent.

>> No.1521213

Me so solly :(

I will make wuv to you's!

>> No.1521214

i didn't find the question offensive and im not desperate to have one. i think having a bff would be nicer and more important to have first.

>> No.1521215
File: 13 KB, 122x125, -_-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well can I have those essays or wh...

>> No.1521216

Everybody does seem to be getting things off their chest in this hellhole of a thread...

I'm gonna go ahead and say it, yes I view the vast majority of people going into English/Philosophy majors with contempt. I try to be fair and acknowledge that job opportunities do exist for these degrees but the cold reality is most of you really are going to end up with shit jobs and miserable lives. Hart Crane was a brilliant poet mooching off friends and family until he jumped into a ship's propellers.

>> No.1521220

no one likes you really. that's why you need to be a 'bro'.

>> No.1521222

Tripfags, just like every other thread on this shitty fucking board.

>> No.1521223

also someone elses loss is nothing to feel contempt over. stop lying to yourself moron.

>> No.1521369

This board is too fucking small, we need some other morons to come in here.

I'm serious this shit is ridiculous.

>> No.1521374

agreed. i think the tripfags have driven a lot of poeple away tbh. i dunno what to do except ask moot for obligatory anons or something

>> No.1521376

Brohemoth is a pretty cool guy, he is the heart and soul of literature.

>> No.1521384

Meh, only a couple of Tripfags are to blame. Not all of them are complete elitist bitches. However I would say sometimes I appreciate the fact we have driven away the majority of Twilight troll threads, and the Ayn Rand storm has significantly quietened.

However on the flipside with this board being so small and some of the Tripfags as i have previously said act pretty erratically. I imagine though however if we were all tripfags, or if I were one myself I imagine people would develop a huge hatred for me (and rightfully so, I'm a dick too) simply because of how small this board is and how easy it is to see posts from the same person over and over again.

>> No.1521387

>However on the flipside with this board being so small and some of the Tripfags as i have previously said act pretty erratically. I imagine though however if we were all tripfags, or if I were one myself I imagine people would develop a huge hatred for me (and rightfully so, I'm a dick too) simply because of how small this board is and how easy it is to see posts from the same person over and over again.

i didn't understand much of this tbh

>> No.1521389
File: 23 KB, 400x366, kanye_west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but a literature doesnt have an heart or soul

>Meh, only a couple of Tripfags are to blame. Not all of them are complete elitist bitches.

he's saying im a beautiful person.

>> No.1521391

Sorry haven't slept for a while, basically.

Small board, plus mostly tripfags posting and plus the fact its a slow board means more likely to see tripfag posts from the same user.

Pretty much the model in which tension between anons and Tripfags starts.

>> No.1521399

ok thanks
yeah i see what you mean. i just feel it's gotten quiter that's all. though, maybe you might well be right: that most of those were Twilight/ should i buy a kindle thread.

hope you get some rest bro.

>> No.1521404

I like that guy, I know who he is and he's a lot funnier than you

>> No.1521407

I always thought what-if scenarios were fun .__.

>> No.1521409

>Pretty much the model in which tension between anons and Tripfags starts
maybe if one of them is a moron.

>> No.1521503

The end of Cider House Rules annoyed me to no end.

>> No.1521544

Most of the tripfags on this board are just generally horrible human beings.

>> No.1521552

Thanks for letting us know, tripfag Courage Wolf's Penis

>> No.1521558

See CW that is the sort of shitty attitude you have that simply begets such worthless posting

>> No.1521563

Why reply to worthless posts?

>> No.1521570

maybe his response will magically make them not worthless, as their only worth will then be in teh fact that he responded to them

>> No.1521583

That whole scenario is worthless and depressing.

>> No.1521616

the worse part about this post is that wolf actually believes he's different