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15208918 No.15208918 [Reply] [Original]

Post the worst title drops in literature ever. I'll start:
>"After all, we indeed are the brothers Karamazov"

>> No.15208936

And now we come to the end of Finnegan's

(and then you remember that the first sentence of the book starts with "Wake")

>> No.15208938

>... and I thank das it nigga; Das Kapital.

>> No.15209109
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>> No.15209134 [DELETED] 
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>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying
of lot 49.

>> No.15209142
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>> No.15209143
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>Oedipa settled back, to await the crying of lot 49.

>> No.15209174

>My wife and me eventually settled for a small condo farther out of town. This was, after all, Love in the Time of Cholera.

>> No.15209228


Winston stopped at the kiosk. "Six bottles of Victory Gin, please," he said.

"That'll be thirty dollars sixteen," said the girl.

He handed her a note and she counted the change into his hand.

"That's ten, fifteen, nineteen, eighty one, two, three, four. Nineteen eighty-four."


>> No.15209509
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>> No.15209512

fucking lmao

>> No.15209548

>"We have truly become persons of Infinite Jest," said Hal."

Wow wtf Wallace

>> No.15209556
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>so ends the beautiful story of Joseph and his brothers.
Wow really you can't get any more hack than this. I thought we were just meming???

>> No.15209572


>> No.15209573

>...with doubting Thomas left to ponder the miraculity of what the others hat witnessed he saw a young man by the name of Mark scrawling something. "And lo, what are you writing." "I call it "the bible" good sir"

>> No.15209609
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>> No.15209665

A postmodern book shittily inserting the title seems stylistically on brand at least.

>> No.15209717

>and then I finally realized the cock in my cereal... was the fault in our stars

>> No.15209944


>> No.15209964
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>> No.15210008

>"He's some catcher, that catcher in the rye," he observed.
>"He's the best there is," Phoebe agreed.

>> No.15210053
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>ESTRAGON: Charming spot. (He turns, advances to front, halts facing auditorium.) Inspiring prospects.
(He turns to Vladimir.) Let's go.
>VLADIMIR: We can't.
>ESTRAGON: Why not?
>VLADIMIR: We're waiting for Godot

>> No.15210120

>and so I guess you could really say it was a time of war and peace after all

>> No.15210129 [SPOILER] 
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>The terror, which would not end for another twenty-eight years — if it ever did end — began, so far as I know or can tell, with a boat made from a sheet of newspaper floating down a gutter swollen with rain.
The first fucking sentence ... and it's not even witty or forceful or anything.

>> No.15210321

With a sudden, inexplicable feeling of trepidation I picked up the receiver.

At first, my straining ears could make out nothing. Then - oh horror! - out of that awful, ominous silence emerged the sound of breathing. This was no product of human lungs, nor indeed could I possibly attribute it to any animal as yet catalogued or imagined by our zoology. It was a ghastly, wet, slow, sucking, fishy breathing - a blasphemous mockery of all earthly modes of respiration.

Then I heard the click of a replaced receiver.

I fell back into a chair. No longer could I cling to hope, and tell myself that those monstrous and indescribable forces had passed me by. No longer. Not after receiving the call of Cthulhu.


>> No.15210698

Ffs actually kek.

Good show, m’lady.

>> No.15211437

hack frad

>> No.15211490

“So thas it huh? This some kinda book of the new sun?” Severian asked the eunuch.

>> No.15213493

>The revelation from Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it known by sending his angel to his servant John.

>> No.15213529
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>He stood smoking on the pier, right where the man he'd once called Father had fallen on that fateful night. "Don't think I don't know who you really were," he said. Then a laughter rose up in him. He threw his cigarette into wind and said, "Mr. The Best American Short Stories 1986."

>> No.15213623

Pierre stood up abruptly and cleared the desk, "These truly have been times of war and peace

>> No.15213975

>Who knew we were all witnessing The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, Of York, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited Island on the Coast of America, near the Mouth of the Great River of Oroonoque; Having been cast on Shore by Shipwreck, wherein all the Men perished but himself. With An Account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by Pyrates.
What a hack.

>> No.15213994

That one's taken from an old-ass thread in this vein

>Possessed by anger, I drew back my arm and pierced the negro truly in his Heart of Darkness.

>> No.15214010

"Do you want fries with that?"
"Did I ask for fries, dumbass?", thus spoke Zarathustra.

>> No.15214025

>The Sixth Army, under command of Paulus, approached STALINGRAD by way of...
Beevor is such a hack

>> No.15214036
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>“Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.” That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it.
>“Your father’s right,” she said. >“Mockingbirds don’t do one thing but make music for us to enjoy . . . but sing their hearts out for us. That’s why it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird.”


>> No.15214041

>Then spoke Agamemnon, saying unto Diomedes "it is unfortunate you have fallen ill, I 'ad hoped to ride out together in the morning"
Wtf Homer

>> No.15214215

>The sound and the fury were in us all along.

>> No.15214299

>"And what should I call you, little one?" he purred
Nabokov is an overrated hack

>> No.15214417

>no one noticed this one is actually real

>> No.15214435


>a book or electronic resource that lists the words of a language (typically in alphabetical order) and gives their meaning, or gives the equivalent words in a different language, often also providing information about pronunciation, origin, and usage.
>"I'll look up 'love' in the dictionary"

fucking hacks

>> No.15214448
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>> No.15214504

Everyone already knows that

>> No.15215934

i kinda hate this book, and yet its the one classic that normies eat up

>> No.15215997
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“Alas, Poor Yorick; he truly was a creature of A midsummer’s night dream”

>> No.15216012

Based Southern amoral hedonist. You he was going jungle style with the maid

>> No.15216049

Isn’t it riverrun, past Eve and Adams

>> No.15216058

Heh...I guess I was wrong to shoot that Muslim. It turns out, I was the stranger.

>> No.15216193

kek, no wonder Pynchon disowned the book

>> No.15216303

>Maybe the real Journey to the End of the Night was the friends we made along the way

>> No.15216637
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>> No.15217523

"Wow, I finally made it" - exclaimed the Space Wanderer
"So these statues are the Sirens of Titan"
"Nevermind, take me back to Indianapolis"

Really weird for Vonnegut to drop the title like that.

>> No.15217528

It's not a book written by an incredible author, it's a political statement.

>> No.15217551

What is funny about that post? I don't get what the joke is. Does the sentence even make any sense? Or are you laughing because it just kind of sounds funny?

>> No.15217555

It's fun cuz niggers r dumb lmao

>> No.15217562

It's kinda funny if you're a newfag who hasn't seen that post made a thousand times already

>> No.15217681
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>Pynchon actually did this