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15208611 No.15208611 [Reply] [Original]

what am i in for?

>> No.15208649

a litmus test

>> No.15208655
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Pic related

>> No.15208658


>> No.15208663

is it still an enjoyable read if i am obese

>> No.15208667

no it is not for you

>> No.15208669

No, half of the book is insults and mockery towards you

>> No.15208804

A whole lot of LARP
Also prepare to be called "filtered" as soon as you have even the slightest point of critique.

>> No.15208822

Illegible nonsense that is supposed to filter out high iq readers so only the gullible and prone to cultish adoration of a self-important midwit remain. At least that's what I gathered from the last thread, the OP of which never delved into the actual content of the book.

>> No.15208826

It's pretty striking that this book should already look like an outdated meme. It came out barely two years ago and it already look like it's behind the curve. Meanwhile you can still read Lasch or any other decent cultural essayist and think they're as relevant as ever.

>> No.15208834


>> No.15208845

I think you mean """filtered"""

>> No.15208849

>t. fat incel virgin

>> No.15208892

I'm fit, I'm based and redpilled, I have a girlfriend and we both love bronze age art. Still, whoever keeps making threads about this book is a retard and as far as I can gather the author is also a retard.

>> No.15208942

However, I’ve seen people become fit and improve their lives after reading this book.

>> No.15208957

>and we both love bronze age art
Lmao only a virgin would say something like this
It's more relevant now than when jt camr out

>> No.15208966
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you're almost there, you simply don't realise that it actually filters out subhuman middlebrow "analysts" such as yourself

>> No.15208976


>> No.15208982

>this level of larp

>> No.15208983

Clearly 110 is the smartest guy in the pic.

>> No.15209000

he is the most retarded but also the most based, and probably the intended demographic for this book

>> No.15209022

This book is an lsd trip in which the author realizes the underlying connection between beautiful animals such as jaguars, lifting weights, Schopenhauer, Mishima, Heraclitus, Spengler and sees that this fire that connected those seemingly unrelated things was what animated the Sea People during the Bronze Age Collapse.
Then, at the peak of the trip, he realizes the future and has a prophecy: that the sea people will come again and will destroy civilization once again, letting life and beauty flourish

>> No.15209036

He looks way to much like a thinking man for that desu, judging from his demeanor he is likely a rationalist.

>> No.15209049

So how are they connected and what animated the sea people? And why should civilization be destroyed, why would you want to be an ogga booga man?

>> No.15209055
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He looks like he is thinking very intently on the merits of Asuka vs Rei or how many chicken nuggets he has left in the fridge, I judge that he is a devotee of the Costanza pill

>> No.15209083

yes at the cost of obesity being enjoyable

>> No.15209089

He explains in the good
In short
>you can't know that
>it's not something rational
>only a few civilizations have positive characteristics, like the ancient greeks, western civilization a few centuries ago etc, for most of history civilizations were hellholes that reduced humans to a yeast like inferior being both physically and psychically. Even the ancient greeks believed this so many of them "went natives" for a few months with the Scythians

>> No.15209635

Miami Beach Nietzsche

>> No.15209648

doesn't sound that deep desu

>> No.15209652

Really? It feels like it was mostly relevant for the memes and for drumming a kind of overplayed martial masculinity among aimless internet simpletons.
And now the simpletons are still confined to their rooms and they seem as irrelevant as ever.

>> No.15209659

That makes me wonder, I was fat as a child but I'm /fit/ now, does that make me impure of soul for BAP's mindset or can I change my ways in his eyes?

>> No.15209663

yeah, do a 40 day water fast like Jesus Christ and come out shredded on the other side

>> No.15209671

So basically Gay Lovecraftian Hentai Vision?