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15205827 No.15205827 [Reply] [Original]

>Hans Heinz Holz warned that "Stirner's egoism, were it to become actualized, would lead to the self-destruction of the human race."

>Edmund Husserl once warned a small audience about the "seducing power" of Der Einzige -- but never mentioned it in his writing.

>In hiss opus magnum Joel writes: 'The Ego' is the "most rampant heretic book a human hand has ever written", and Stirner laid with it the foundation for a veritable "devil's religion."

>Even Nietzsche appears, according to Kolakowski, "weak and inconsistent compared to him [Stirner]." The "destruction of alienation", that Stirner aims for, he says, amounts to "the return to authenticity", and this would be "nothing else than the destruction of culture, the return to animality [...] the return to the pre-human status."

>Calasso too regards Stirner's "Egoist" or rather "Owner" as an "artificial barbarian", an "anthropological monster" etc.. 'The Egoist' is the "writing on the wall", signalling the doom of occidental culture.

>Theodor Adorno once admitted to his inner circle that it was Stirner alone who had "let the cat out of the bag". However, he took care to avoid arguing such ideas or even mentioning Stirner's name.

>NevertheIess in his study of Nietzsche, [Klages] was prompted to commemorate the author Stirner as a "sheer demoniacal dialectician." Stirner, he says, is the reason why Nietzsche is of paramount importance, because "the day on which Stirner's program becomes the will-guiding conviction of all, this alone would suffice for it to be the 'doomsday' of mankind."

>> No.15205857

Can't wait for the day Stirner topples Nietzsche. Humanity will finally be rid of Western Civilization.

>> No.15205880

Stirner was a crypto marxist

>> No.15205911

I have yet to find a more useless philosopher than Stirner.

>> No.15205927
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Here's Deleuze's take on Stirner. That "the truth of the dialectic is nihilism" is a pretty important discovery.

>> No.15205932

>it's another "Stirner's ideas could have destroyed civilization" thread
Haven't seen one of those in quite a while actually. I would almost miss the time when there was at least one on the front page everyday.

>> No.15206044

>Civilization must be preserved

>> No.15206080

Stirnerism is a spook.

>> No.15206114

I always thought those posters turned into guenon posters