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/lit/ - Literature

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15200290 No.15200290 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is it about and should I buy it?

>> No.15200296

Libgen my bro. One of the only useful things I've ever learned here. I downloaded a pdf of that just a couple of days ago

>> No.15200348

Basically, if you like JG Ballard (The Atrocity Exhibition or Empire of the Sun in particular), it should appeal to you. It's essentially the elaboration of strange and largely unrecognised pseudo-scientific ideas about evolution that can be defined as recapitulation theory, but expanded to a cosmological scale: a good summation is the quote "A nervous system is how a universe feels pain". Take Schopenhauer's idea that reality is nothing more than "nervous s(t)imulation", extend that upwards into the sphere of mind (an even more precise model of the world), couple it with the freudian death drive and you get Spinal Catastrophism; or, the innate tendency for inorganic matter to increase its sensitivity to suffering in order to force the organism to return into the inorganic exteriority from whence it came.

If that sounds like balls-to-the-wall batshit nonsense to you, then it isn't worth your time. But I thought it was a pretty fun romp, personally.

>> No.15200362

innate tendency for organic* matter, sorry

>> No.15200365
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>It worked
Thanks now I only need to figure out what the fuck I'm reading.

>> No.15200403
File: 466 KB, 500x775, Spinal Catastrophism_ A Secret History.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you find value in reading it? What do you recommend as a warm-up? Honestly it sounds like some crazy but interesting shit.

>> No.15200459

Like I said, if you've read The Atrocity Exhibition and thought to yourself, "this is cool and all, but what in the name of fuck is going on here?" it offers a decent take on the ideas of that book without taking into account the biography of Ballard himself (as most interpretations of TAE are wont to do). But definitely read that, Empire of the Sun, maybe The Drowned World... Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Freud, some D&G too.

There's a shitload of research drawn from scientific, pseudo-scientific and philosophical materials, so it certainly "feels" like a schizo conspiratorial mess of ideas, but its all in service of an analogy for the history of western thought that doesn't take itself too seriously.

>> No.15200493
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Thanks. If this book is a meme, then I have fallen for it.

>> No.15200494

Cyclonopedia is similiar

>> No.15200532

Yeah, absolutely. If you're looking to read something from the urbanomic clique, you should know to expect a pretty bizarre melding of fact and fiction. Anyone who's only take away from it is "pretentious pseud nonsense" is taking it far too seriously. it's meant to be a bit silly, its part of the fun

>> No.15200563

So at best you've learnt some nice little tid-bits of theory and at worst you've read an odd piece of fiction?

>> No.15200606

Sounds fun. It is heartening to know Western philosophy is in a death spiral. The cult of reason and the reign of quantity will end soon.

>> No.15200614

also read it
best book I read this year (not that hard considering I have have had to read fuckloads of non-fiction for school, but still)

it's just a lot of fun, and not in the reductive sense, if you like reading bizarre tomes and esoteric science history shit its a fantastic compilation and synthesis of a bunch of stuff. both entertaining and challenging, but ultimately not hard theory but in the end that doesn't really matter

after writing all this i dont think im selling it... but yeah, relly liked it would recomend

>> No.15200619

Yeah. I mean, even bad ideas can provide springboards for discussion, right? That's why he takes the time to consider even some of the more discredited scientific theories of history. Though, unlike cyclonopedia, it isn't really written in a fictional style with a narrative as such. It's still an "academic" book, even if the subject matter isn't.

>> No.15200624

This, but its more like The drowned world

>> No.15200649
File: 260 KB, 960x960, 1558303562270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So we get to be sincere after this, haha right guys?

>> No.15200662

Reminds me of Nietzsche a bit actually, making poetry, writing songs while having a seemingly incoherent philosophy

>> No.15200680

Nope. Nothing that isn't Nietzschean LARPing makes it out of the future. And I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.15200696

I read this, finished it. The vocabulary was kinda cringe and unnecessarily obscure, but I guess that's an Urbanomic staple.
But overall based book.
I especially liked the part about how intelligence is limited in nervous systems and cannot achieve escape velocity. (Coccygeal Postscriptum)

>> No.15200704

>cringe and unnecessarily obscure
Maybe you are just dumb m8

>> No.15200741
File: 468 KB, 1280x1707, 1578970334338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go to bed guys, thanks for all the advice. Hopefully these books will mould me into enough of a schizo so I can shoehorn my way into a comfortable academic niche later on in life. Until then, good night.

>> No.15200774

Yes fellow anon.

I too would like to figure out how to learn about this incredibly complex an interesting theory of Spinal Catastrophism.

Would any other Urbanomic books help me to get started fellow anons?

>> No.15200844

nigger, I'm not going to consider myself dumb for not knowing: palimpsest, assiduity, ensconcement, tautegory and etc.

>> No.15201104

I also found this recently on amazon and I'm interested but I haven't read a lot of books. Is it pleb-friendly?

>> No.15201138

kek fuck off you faggots

>> No.15201142

No. It is torturously obtuse in many places. Would not recommend unless you have a pretty strong grounding in philosophy and the history of ideas more generally.

>> No.15201163

>Would not recommend

>> No.15201180
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Reminder that all urbanomic threads are shill threads. No one actually reads this meme garbage.

>> No.15201188

take your meds

>> No.15201193

holy shit someone finally summarized the book

>> No.15201204

>9 posters

>> No.15201215

absolutely disgusting

>> No.15201900

you have

>> No.15201958

It always seems like there’s such a concerted effort to stop any discussion about this book or any of their other releases. I’ve seen quite a few threads follow this exact pattern- there’s a bit of discussion and interest, and then maybe three posters come in screaming “SHILL” and shut down all discussion. Putting aside the fact that urbanomic definitely do make shill threads here, is it really so unbelievable that a small percentage of posters (myself included) on here do read their books? Why is there so much resistance to or flat-out denial that anyone on a literature board might be (god forbid) interested in books?

>> No.15202002
File: 193 KB, 400x584, qwD98K9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, either it's a marketing meme or /lit/ is a secret occult order disseminating their rootbeer tapping directives to their operatives through schizo posts in /acc and guenon threads.

>> No.15202034
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How about this

>> No.15202060

i mean that would explain why so much spam is left up

>> No.15202469

>obviously they're shilling
>let's join in

>> No.15202487

thanks, will make sure to read more

>> No.15202521

You can send poems and works to /lit/ Discord with this code: uUwxBUk
We are making a collection of original works

>> No.15202758

holy shit a post that actually sums the book up well and has a sincere opinion? am i posting on opposite /lit/?

>> No.15202789


>> No.15202839

i just read it

>> No.15202936


>> No.15202980
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This description is making me sweat.

>> No.15203002

>From psychoanalysis and myth to geology and neuroanatomy, from bioanalysis to chronopathy, from spinal colonies of proto-minds to the retroparasitism of the CNS, from “railway spine” to Elizabeth Taylor's lost gill-slits, this extravagantly comprehensive philosophical adventure uses the spinal cord as a guiding thread to rediscover forgotten pathways in modern thought.

Tell me more about these "gill-slits."