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/lit/ - Literature

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15199914 No.15199914 [Reply] [Original]

Just got into literature, is it normal that authors always tell you what the character is saying to himself? Are these "inner thoughts" only a technique in fiction, because I've never experienced anything like this.

>> No.15199918

Literally a soulless bugman

>> No.15199924

they're a thing breh sometimes I talk so much with myself in my thoughts I stop noticing where I am

>> No.15199941

What types of inner thoughts do you not experience? Can you not think with words that you basically hear in your head?

>> No.15199946

I am confused by your question. Do you not have inner thoughts?

>> No.15199954

Nope, I just tried today for the first time. I don't hear the voice if I don't try to imagine how I'll be saying it

>> No.15199956

What do you experience when you think? Is it images? Feelings? What? Can you describe what it's like to think?

>> No.15199981
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>> No.15199991
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>Just got into literature, is it normal that authors always tell you what the character is saying to himself? Are these "inner thoughts" only a technique in fiction, because I've never experienced anything like this.

>> No.15199999
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Based. Your just born a jivanmukta, anon. Your completely detached from your mind, now just realize it by praying to an idol.

>> No.15200006

Some people are just walking empty vessels that only produce thought in response to stimulus from the outside environment. They don't even know them self what they will reply to someone when they are spoken to. Words just come out their mouths when talked to, their opinions, views and thoughts are alien to them self until someone makes them speak.

>> No.15200021
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Please be bait

>> No.15200022
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>> No.15200026

Goddam zombie. We are living in the Kali Yuga and he is an avatar from the realm of gross quantity

>> No.15200036
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So i participated in a neurological experiment somewhat recently (it turned out to be about mindfulness, which disappointed me greatly) and a short time into the test the chick running it started checking the electrode cap during one of the breaks saying they seemed to be getting interference in a few electrodes at the temporal lobe (T7 and TP9 (?) it could be TP7 and T9 (?), something like that). anyway, after checking it and seeing that everything was okay, they continued the test, and mentioned that whenever the guided meditation part of the test occurred the activity in these electrodes would die down and then start up again when that period was over. The woman conducting the experiment noted that it was very strange and that she hadn't seen it before, and whether i would mind if she emailed a recording of the EEG to some of her colleagues. i said sure, why not? So here i am freaking out thinking i have some sort of brain cancer or something (my father died of it, so i'm worried it may be genetic), but i come in for the next session and the researcher tells me that the cap was fine, but the electrodes were picking up my internal speech! (as it turns out, internal speech activates the same area of the brain as external hearing and speaking). This was relieving as it meant i didn't have a tumor or something like that, and the lapses of activity during the meditation—so called—was due to the insistence of 'clearing your mind and focusing on the sensations around you'. But then it dawned on me that none of the other participants, nor any other test subject the experimenter had ever had, recorded a constant enough internal speech to pick up on the EEG. Now, i may just have a classic case of the 'tism or some other mental illness causing an overactive internal monologue, or it may be that my 'style' of thinking is excessively verbal, but it really struck me that most people apparently don't have a very present internal voice. I guess it's just one of those things that you are so familiar with that you take it for granted that everyone experiences the world the same way as you. weird, huh?

>> No.15200066
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There is such a thing as lexical vs impressionistic thinking and I guess you'll be far on the left of that spectrum, probably with all the other autists.
That's what I hope all this is and the NPC thing isn't true, though the more I meet people the more i'm starting to realize there's people who just don't think at all.

>> No.15200074

I have thoughts in the form of an inner monologue but it's as if I'm hearing an actual voice in my head, that's normal, isn't it? Same for imagining pictures, I can imagine the concept of an image but I don't actually see it, that would be a hallucination. Right?

>> No.15200150

Congrats, you’re a playable character

>> No.15200175

If you're 'hearing' internal thought as verbal dialogue rather than it simply occurring to you as a vision apprehended in its totality, you may as well read it all aloud -- you'll get more out of it.

>> No.15200205
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how do I know if I'm playable or non-playable?

>> No.15200216

If you can't think things to yourself in different voices or imagine an object in various different colors and shapes you're an imaginlet.

>> No.15200219

>most people apparently don't have a very present internal voice
Just as the brain is unable to distinguish film/television from reality, there was a time when others' speech was just as intrusive to our own thought -- less to empty when the vessel is shallow, and from the sound of it the other participants Selves would be expected to have been distributed and subordinated to lower drives, manifested in comparable neurological biases to other areas of the brain.

>> No.15200227

Schizos thinking you're normal

>> No.15200242
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It's such hilariously obvious bait that the real bugmen are actually those who are replying seriously.

>> No.15200389

I thought this was normal lol?

>> No.15200436

So you're an NPC. Well done.

>> No.15200462

This is probably a bait thread, but do these people really exist? Those without internal monologues?

>> No.15200478

The jews are like this. All of their grasping after worldly things is to fill the inner void they are hollow people

>> No.15200809

I do but they're not phrased in discussional sentences.

>> No.15200920

yeah, i researched this topic quite thoroughly last week or so, but it's not easy to find good info on. my guess is that most people like that won't be on the internet; they're not going to be very literate and their spelling is still based on sounding things out like a kindergartener.

>> No.15200972

Thinking in words, that is, hearing words in your head that you consciously control to formulate ideas, is the most common form of thought and the vast majority of the human population does this.

>> No.15201424

you should unironically lurk more

>> No.15202242

i hope its bait

>> No.15202748


Fuckin kek, do we have an actual NPC in the thread?

>> No.15202756

Probably a Larp but, I'm pretty sure I know some people who are like this.

>> No.15203020

I know for a fact that most people I've seen are like this

>> No.15203070

>the electrodes were picking up my internal speech! (as it turns out, internal speech activates the same area of the brain as external hearing and speaking).
you are not that braindead then

>> No.15203191

Can confirm, I realized awhile ago that I haven't had actual distinct thought in my head since early childhood...

>> No.15203300

>because I've never experienced anything like this
So the legends were true?

>> No.15203504
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>inner thoughts
>I've never experienced anything like this

>> No.15203562
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Literature on how to stop being an NPC?

>> No.15203918

This. checked.
Was Jordan (pbuh) an NPC?

>> No.15204036
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>Can you describe what it's like to think?
It's fun

>> No.15204087
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>It's fun
Can confirm. I also think and it's fun

>> No.15204095
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those number are godly

>> No.15204106
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Moving from overactive internal monologue head based consciousness to -> present grounded heart base consciousness , intuitively thinking far more efficiently without being separated from the moment.
How can normies even compete?

>> No.15204167

My thoughts are kinda like flashes of concepts and images. Rarely will I build a full sentence and read it to myself in my head. I can if I want to, but it doesn't really happen spontaneously. In fact, it sounds pretty limiting to have an internal monologue. Aren't you guys kinda stuck in the prison of your own words? What happens when someone says "picture a red barn"? Does the monologue starts then as well?

>> No.15204271


>> No.15204393

>lexical vs impressionistic thinking
i looked up lexical vs impressionistic thinking and all i got was some anime youtuber?

>> No.15204433

>and the lapses of activity during the meditation—so called—was due to the insistence of 'clearing your mind and focusing on the sensations around you'.

could the modern sensation of more people reporting lack of internal dialogue in their brain have something to do with there being too much stimuli to focus on around us? so many sensations such that we're occupied all the time and we don't have that breathing room space to dialogue internally. the internet could be the chief cause of this.

>> No.15204464

kek what did you expect from a moeposter

>> No.15204479

>Just as the brain is unable to distinguish film/television from reality

Uh... what...?

>> No.15204502

How do I ascend into an NPC? How do I shut out all thought from my mind?

>> No.15204621

Have you tried Buddhism?

>> No.15204745

NPCs have thought, they just don't have critical thinking, or at least not enough

>> No.15204790

UG is an NPC though. I stand by what I said.

>> No.15205014
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>In one small study, for example, 16 college students were given short stories before being randomly sampled to find out what they were thinking during the course of reading. Only a quarter of their sampled thoughts featured words at all, and just 3% involved internal narration.

>> No.15205099

Anyone else constantly have music playing in the background in their head in addition to whatever they're thinking?

>> No.15205150

A friend of mine insists they have no internal monologue. He is not an idiot, but he isn't smart either... his interests in things do not really extend beyond parroting what other people say about certain things, i have never seen him really arrive at a conclusion on his own. I always assumed that was the kinda guy he was, but now I wonder if its due to a lack of internal monologue. I just can't comprehend how a person makes complex decisions without first 'debating' it in their own head.

>> No.15205160

How do you reach new insights about the world around you without being able to articulate them even to yourself?

>> No.15205166

Yeah I pretty much always have some sort of song stuck in my head, but I can have the song in my head while also 'listening' to my internal monologue. I think this is pretty normal, but also probably more common amongst people who 'like' music.

>> No.15205190

Does anyone else's "inner voice" manifest as a separate entity? A second, similar but distinct you?

>> No.15205325

It happens intuitively. Language can be used, but it is much faster to process thoughts without.

Here is an example of getting insight without inner monologue. Say I go to a job interview, and I sense the person interviewing me is reluctant or uninterested in some way. There won't be this "Hmm... I wonder what's wrong" sentence echoing in my mind for a second (does inner monologue follow the same speed as spoken language??), instead it will be a quick series of associations (which, btw, isn't that what our languages are based on and mapped to, an underlying, faster hardware to process meaning?). First it will be this sense that the person is closed off, then some process within me will survey what the causes could be, maybe I have a stain on my shirt, maybe it's something I said, etc. When this is going on, I'll have images/memories in my mind. Then this process may determine that yeah, this thing I said earlier, that totally ruined the mood. All this will take place within an instant, and it comes to my conscious mind without verbal narrative or active concentration required. It's like my conscious knew that it wasn't going well, then my subconscious sees it too, goes in the workshop, and comes back very quickly with an understanding of the situation.

Afterward, I can play with that insight verbally, I can explain it, put it into words if I want to, but inside my own mind, there isn't much language used while this is going on. And if I think about it again afterward, bringing it back is kinda like pulling again that structure of associations and examining it (and maybe other links are noticed then), rather than using words to interact with it or explore it further.

How would that situation play out, for someone with an internal monologue? I suspect the same process would happen, except the conscious mind would feel this need to describe linguistically each piece of the insight as it comes up? Surely people with internal monologue aren't the author of each of their thoughts, the language is a label they put on the random noise the subconscious throws at them.

>> No.15205345


>> No.15205353

>Surely people with internal monologue aren't the author of each of their thoughts, the language is a label they put on the random noise the subconscious throws at them.

>> No.15205363
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>some people don't have an internal voice
Literal NPC bugmen

>> No.15205393

>has internal monologue
>without first 'debating' it in their own head
I can't tell if you're baiting or if I'm actually somehow defective

>> No.15205615

I believe that's a symptom of schizophrenia.

>> No.15205648

No the same process happens - in that the situation is understood intuitively, and put into 'words' after the fact. In this sense, the act of putting it into 'speech' is kind of superfluous. However, by doing so, I find that I am able to reach deeper levels of insight or nuance than I would otherwise have been able to - though this more applies to critical thinking tasks, rather than relatively simple interactions like in a conversation.

Let's say I'm working on an essay, I need to make a (relatively) unique argument or contribution to some topic. You do this by understanding what has been said before, and applying it to a new context. For me, reaching this 'new' level of understanding (that is, a level that I haven't seen written or heard said before), requires me to 'discuss' it in my head. Almost like I'm having a Platonic dialogue with myself. Often, if I'm composing, and I reach a 'mental block', I will go for a walk around the neighborhood, and during this walk I will "talk to myself" internally, in an attempt to resolve the issue. Similarly, if there is some sort of political debate occurring the media (say, how should we respond to Covid), I will discuss the issue in my own head, again in the form of an internal Platonic dialogue. Same for emotional issues, let's say there's a conflict in some relationship I'm in, and I'm struggling to understand why my partner is acting the way they are. I will have an internal conversation about it and it allows me to more easily see things "from the other side."

I suppose I could reach these conclusion intuitively, but I feel like I am able to understand issues far more complexly if I 'verbalize' them than if I rely entirely off intuition. By 'verbalizing' I am able to catch flaws in my logic that I would not have noticed had I not put them into 'speech'. I feel like this is well observed fact, it's kind of the whole principle behind prayer or something like the Ignatian spiritual exercises.

>> No.15205669

You'd be wrong.

>> No.15205843

I can picture a red barn, but I also have an ever-present internal monologue that accompanies it. They can coexist but I'm not always thinking in 'pictures' or a nebulous idea web.

>> No.15205862

Jordan Peterson is literally the most intelligent, well-read, and influential man currently on the planet. Just buy his self-authoring program and books. You'll be right as rain.

>> No.15205870

What do you call a book that is 100% the fictional characters inner thoughts?

>> No.15205874

A bad book.

>> No.15205895

Imagining being a thoughtlet who has to mediate his experiences and iseas through internal debate and monologue. Chad doesn’t even think, he merely intuitively knows by existing what the right thing is to do.

>> No.15205904

It's kind of astounding you've never heard of those terms before

>> No.15205918


>> No.15205924

i wrote a short story on a feral human who never learned a language, so he just acted without an internal monologue. then i learned there were actually people functioning like that lol

>> No.15205949

You can probably have an internal monologue without a language, non internal monologuers are even below that

>> No.15205982


>> No.15205995

Isn't internal dialogue ego? The fact we form an identity on what we say?

>> No.15206604

Are they really that common? i've never seen them put on a dichotomy together.

>> No.15207619
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James Joyce invented consciousness in the early 1920's. Before that, people couldn't think inside their heads but had to 'discourse' with others. This is why the Greeks did all academic pursuits orally and then wrote down what was said: they literally weren't able to hold an internal conversation. It's notable that Socrates thought the voice in his head a 'daemon' other than himself. We should all thank Joyce for bringing us this gift.

>> No.15207627

So much larping in this thread

>> No.15207636
File: 169 KB, 700x875, 1587629344785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you're a baby and haven't yet learned language, you're actually able to grasp more complex metaphysical geometry. The more you structure your mind, the smaller your world becomes, and the less able you are to contemplate the true machinations

>> No.15207637

its like something always taking notes, then trying to think of implications of it.

>> No.15207642

I can toggle this, but i cant toggle the voice.

>> No.15207660

I mean I do have an inner dialog, but I don't think there's anything that special about being able to dialogue with yourself in your head, most of my most profound thoughts are visual scenes. I think inner dialog is kind of a reddit way of thinking

>> No.15207662

t. soulless

>> No.15207664

I don't have an inner monologue. I have feelings and thoughts that I can arrange and make sense of using words if I make the effort to write them down. If I am going about my day, I don't have a literal voice speaking to me. I just take in information and let intuition do the rest.

>> No.15207670

OP confirmed jivanmukta

>> No.15207672

i think this might be a visual learning/ active learning thing, idk im retarded desu

>> No.15207678

t. redditor larping as neo from the matrix

>> No.15207694

I miss jp.

>> No.15207725

>I think inner dialog is kind of a reddit way of thinking


>> No.15207737

Okay you know what, I was the first on the JBP hate train and I'm jumping off. The dude has been through a lot, and no one deserves what comes with that kind of fame. Here he is just trying to have a chill moment and we're incinerating him over it.
He may be a pseud, but he's not a terrible man and we should be nicer to him. Sorry to be a faggot about it

>> No.15207744

>I think inner dialog is kind of a reddit way of thinking
This is such a strange board

>> No.15207745

I'm just saying it's not that special, there are more interesting ways of thinking than looping back dialogue to yourself. "OMG INNER DIALOGUE" is very reddit

>> No.15207797

it really has nothing to do with reddit and trying to be elitist about not thinking in words is ridiculous

Who are you even representing with this?

>> No.15207846

>I'm just saying it's not that special
Literally this is exactly what everybody else is saying. Internal monologue ISN'T special, exactly - it is NORMAL. What everybody is weirded out by is people who DON'T have an internal monologue.

>> No.15208074

playable means you are able to be possessed and swayed by ideas - you are able to be 'played'. The same cannot be said for NPCs, who are better off being unconscious in this world.

>> No.15208121

not that anon, but by 'collecting' the image or idea of whatever it is I want to think about and morphing it in my mind however I wish, like a cube or a dog or a tree rotating inside and outside of itself or ageing and dying and rotting away or the components that make up those things to more complex ideas that are difficult to imagine unless they are represented with words.. although many times words won't follow and logical pattern but will just present themselves as well. Its also pretty slow to use internal monologue when I can understand the concept in an instant, only then do I translate the idea into words.

>> No.15208444
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Only when I've been hungover, I don't know if it's tinnitus or dehydration meaning more neuronal crosstalk, but I will hear murrmured rock music or classical music that isn't there - I can even make out the prosody of the lyrics but not individual words.
Unlikely, I'm a heavily visual learner. I need to see everything either in the form of colour coded diagrams or like looping GIFs in order to understand them. And yet I've always been a very verbal-linguistic person too, always been known as a "wordy guy". However when I try to listen to or speak in a language other than English I have to imagine the words printed out like from a typewriter on thick white paper before I understand/can say them.
Even writing thesse sentences now I am very clearly seeing a tree-branch diagram to describe the 'colour coded diagrams', I'm very clearly seeing the stiffness of the last frame on a grey iamgeless but looping gif which has the dithering artefacting.
And yet my internal monologue is a very clear distinct voice that won't shut the fuckity fuck up.

>> No.15208806

i can't make sense of this picture, it's actually starting to hurt.

>> No.15209120

I think so, too. I find myself unable to focus on anything, even on thinking, if I spend too long a time browsing the Internet or playing games. So I started lowering the time spent on electronics..
What a fucking mess we've made our society.

>> No.15209297

In my thoughts I have myself and the other individuals that carry the other side of the conversation, but they're just me (except devil's advocate).

>> No.15209310
File: 556 KB, 803x813, F0EF1C65-AA99-4854-8E12-977D1C6F080C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name one object

>> No.15209312

>watched digibro last week and is now a psychologist
I mean I'm doing the same with my family but still

>> No.15209386

I debate in my head too.

>> No.15209408

Are these art installations?
Amazing point to make.

>> No.15209418

Jordan Peterson deserves very little pity, to pity him is missing the point. he could have just smoked some canadian weed and cured his depression and weight problems, but he had to make a big medical thing about it to justify the way he treated those he deemed undesirables

>> No.15209423

how can non monologuers make critical decisions? like I get that you can ponder and daydream in pure visuals but how can you apply logic to the real world? some mental tasks like arithmetic is very visual to me (colorful blobs interacting or numbers smashing into eachother in my mind's eye) but I could never make a decision using that sort of imagery. How can you know that what you say is logically sound and rational without using words in your head? genuinely curious, I'm not here to call out some 'npc'.

>> No.15209445

>When you're a baby and haven't yet learned language, you're actually able to grasp more complex metaphysical geometry
and how the fucking did you verify this?

>> No.15209451

imagine finding out that you're actually a hylic automaton from posters on /lit/
Lynchian, Lovecraftian... David Foster Wallacian

>> No.15209466

They seem like Deep Dream generated images.

>> No.15209738

He asked a baby

>> No.15209759

As a less verbal thinker, I feel like I could ask the same question. Language is so arbitrary, how can it be the only tool for making logic checks, instead of simply thinking about the logical relationships themselves?

When you play chess, are you unable to figure out the logic of a situation if you don't describe everything with words? If I take the knight, then the bishop takes the pawn, but if I move rook he'll need to move queen back and won't protect bishop anymore. If this happens, do you need to speak all those words in your mind? Why is language necessary, can't you just "see" that this is how the game can play out?

Are there any here who speak more than one language and consider themselves verbal thinkers? Do you only use your native language for those monologues? Can you use the other languages? Do they sometime mix?

>> No.15209845

I've always had a strong internal monologue, and when i was younger it would sometimes bother that i could never stop hearing myself in my mind. I've since resolved those kinds of issues with meditation, but since I've been a child I've had occasions where my inner monologue has this sense of being screamed inside of my head, and it'snot possible to consciously stop the screaming monologue. It used to feel very disconcerting, but in the rare situations that it happens now I simply notice it and then it goes away after some time.

>> No.15209877


Tagged my previous post. I was raised speaking spanish and english, but my main language is english. Whenever i speak spanish conversationally I temporarily switch into spanish speaking internally, but overall I am most comfortable speaking in english so my mind seems to switch back to English as long as I am not reading/speaking/writing in Spanish. Whenever I don't know a word in spanish it will usually come in english instead, and i can then mix it into english if the person I'm speaking too also knows some english.

>> No.15209957

AI generated specifically for the purpose of simulating what some people experience during a stroke.
Everything looks familiar in texture but you can't quite make out a specific object.
It seemed like a good visual analogy for what happens in my imagination with the song lyrics or the charts or gifs
I've been looking for more of these, but seen this one before

>> No.15210167

My internal monologue about this picture is making my pee pee hard. does that mean I'm a marxist now?

>> No.15210485

I'm a native swedish speaker, but I have been thinking in english ever since I learned the language. It now takes deliberate effort to think in my home tongue.

>> No.15211183

I speak both english and spanish, my mother tongue.
I consider myself to express more assertive in english and more poetical in my native language.
Yet, when I need to express myself as an alpha, whatever language I speak. I try to think in english.
Or when I try to generate a lingüistic effect I think on the text in spanish and translate it loosely, saying mine texts be formalist procedures in order to achieve an aesthetic reaction from the reader.

>> No.15212644

Npc bump

>> No.15212828

I use to have one a lot but im realizing as an adult im losing it more and more.

Am I becoming the stupid?

>> No.15212921

came here to post this
Yes they do

>> No.15212972

If there are people out there without even an internal monologue or voice how the fuck do they read? Do they have to read out loud? Im so confused.

>> No.15212988

What's the source?

>> No.15213070
File: 239 KB, 657x661, 88CE0130-7E22-473E-94D6-73334A49B740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question isn’t whether someone has internal monologue or not — one can practice, and not use it — but the far more interesting question is what the fuck is wrong with people who don’t have a mind’s eye? I’m not joking, some people don’t have the ability to visualize things in their mind. If I said to you picture an apple and imagine eating it, some people would not be able to do this. This is completely astounding to me. Visually thinking is one thing but complete lack of visuals seems terrifying. It’s apparently called aphantasia and quite a lot seem to have it.

>> No.15213072
File: 359 KB, 428x428, 1582247746479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss the whole
>He Subvocalises
Neme from a few years ago? You can read without speaking. You also may only speak while you read, and not at other times.

>> No.15213104

Is some peoples visual thinking more clear than others? I could picture someone eating an apple while reading this but its not HD 1080p or anything crazy.

>> No.15213154

>specifically for the purpose of simulating what some people experience during a stroke.

This is not true and you will not be able to find a source to support this claim.

>> No.15213167

Shutup retard these are just mind fuck pictures that have been floating around on the internet for probably over a decade now.

>> No.15213209

mine is 4k get rekt visualet

>> No.15213225

t. lives under a rock

>> No.15214809

Nein. Nein. Nein. Nein. Nein.

>> No.15214865

Where are they from then? Provide sources.

>> No.15214931
File: 41 KB, 300x459, 8885736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. It's called Visual Agnosia.

>> No.15214958

Yes. Sometimes I try to fight it, but it never really seems to go away.

>> No.15214994


>> No.15215014

Not having any inner monologue and sub vocalizations is so 2018. Go ask in the archives.

(Actually, help me out. What year did we find that out?)

>> No.15215028

can you guys use mental imagery to imagine a perpetual motion? like a ball bouncing on the spot indefinitely?
i have this problem when i do this, i can't seem to make the motion stop

>> No.15215077

How did you decide to make this thread?
Did you just picture the idea of a thread about lack of inner speech in your mind and then started talking about it out loud?

>> No.15215087

Imagine the ball is a plump, jiggling breast instead.

>> No.15215243
File: 69 KB, 1024x684, 1581546744146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15215250


>> No.15215262

This is what started the NPC meme a couple years ago, Anon. Normalfags not having an inner monologue.

>> No.15215269
File: 281 KB, 1265x604, NPCs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not this again

>> No.15215270

how distinctly unpoetic your life must be

>> No.15215282

Why is /lit/ so full of shills all of a sudden?

>> No.15215548

what unifies these posts beyond low-effort?

>> No.15215672

Try searching for the term organic portal it means the same as npc

>> No.15215697

I think about personal action in Finnish and history philosophy and such in English. Not always and I've reduced English thinking by reading less in English. English is for power fantasies it's a different personality which makes me wonder what kind of me appears when I reach sufficient fluency in Greek

>> No.15215977

The monologue is not really important. If you watch your thoughts carefully, you'll notice you already know the entire thought before you "say" it. The monologue serves no actual purpose.

>> No.15215995

Pushing the dum dum agenda ofc
>LOL it's impossible to accurately gauge inner processes!

>> No.15216010
File: 101 KB, 800x450, 2B393938-488E-40B8-975B-B5841A0283AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think in full sentences when I’m paying attention.

>> No.15216203

Percentage-wise, how often are you paying attention?

>> No.15216217
File: 36 KB, 480x542, 1585470918246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mindfulness literally stops you from thinking
Maybe the memes about it being a form of societal control weren't far off...

>> No.15216240

Not counting sleep, 50% — my difference is really between perceiving and thinking about what I’m perceiving

>> No.15216269

this is a meme. limiting abstract thought to the confines of linear language is a retarded brainlet move. more effective to think in pure association of concepts and forms.

>> No.15216444

no. You have to choose between two thoughts, when making a decision.

>> No.15216466

are you so dumb that you need to think in words?

>> No.15216541

Rational action is dependent on monologue

>> No.15216893
File: 254 KB, 880x1114, AFDD6961-8E36-4853-8C59-D0D72093BCEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only way I’ve ever been able to silence all my inner thoughts is when I take shrooms

>> No.15216935

Holy shit. Other people have this too?

>> No.15216976

i know exactly what you mean, i like to imagine a pot being stirred clockwise, and then suddenly stirred counterclockwise. i try to imagine it so that it suddenly and seamlessly begins stirring counterclockwise but it always splashes and the soup continues to spin clockwise a bit from the momentum. its impossible for me to imagine the pot suddenly begging to be stirred the other direction

>> No.15217021

How do I attain this power...?

>> No.15217033

No. Even dogs are capable of syllogistic thinking.

>> No.15217087

What if I have inner speech and occasionally use it to think things through but in general only think in intuitive terms non-generally?

>> No.15217129
File: 746 KB, 2275x1373, meditation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just meditate with our MeditationBand™ to relieve all that stress anon. Don't think anon, just let our guided meditation take you to a happy place.

>> No.15217682

The jooz live in your head rent-free, that's hardly better than having nothing there at all

>> No.15218077

I mean, it isn't terrible bait. OP has the bait be the implication of his statement rather than outright stated, so people have to respond to clarify, then respond again to mock OP.