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/lit/ - Literature

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15197125 No.15197125 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books the Pope doesn't want you to read?

>> No.15197172

The current Pope? Probably the encyclicals written by the Popes before him

>> No.15197180

The Bible
Calvin's Institutes
Luther's Commentary on Galatians

>> No.15197184

Cope. The Pope is infallible but that doesn't mean he has to be consistent

>> No.15197188

Wonder what Francis thinks of The Grand Inquisitor.

>> No.15197201

The gnostic texts.

>> No.15197244


>> No.15197254
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He's probably read him. All the popes of the last 200 or so years have been very /lit/, Francis included.

In particular, being from Argentina, Francis is a big fan of Borges. He supposedly actually met Borges once, when he was a young priest teaching literature at a university. Francis has also directly quoted Borges in one of his apostolic exhortations.

>> No.15197262

imagine if they elected a young pope

>> No.15197267
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Since I have what they call a Jesuit education and the Pope is a Jesuit, I should read everything.

>> No.15197315

Protestantism falls by its own premises. You don't need to read all of that to be convinced of anything, it only will work if you're theologically ignorant. Scott Han, Seraphim Rose and many others proof that knowledgeable Protestants are an oxymoron: or they aren't knowledgeable or they end up becoming Catholics/orthodox.

>> No.15197393

The million dollar question is whether he agrees with the Inquisitor or not.

>> No.15198934
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>> No.15199088

god this show was so obnoxious

>> No.15199107
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has anyone read this? it's one of the first books pope Francis recommended.

he's also a fan of Leon Bloy

>> No.15199110

it was like that on purpose

>> No.15199134

probably, but got to a point where it was just unpleasant to watch. Especially their second series, its like they tried to outdo themselves with each level of degeneracy, half the cardinals are gay and fuck each other at least once an episode, the Pope is also implied as having been a gay lover of one of the cardinals, it was all just cringe worthy

>> No.15199169

they went completely downhill in the 2nd season. all that bullshit filler with cloistered nuns living in a common room as old infirmaries. what a nonsense. not to mention the new pope who is complete cringe

>> No.15199300
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>Pope Francis
So aside from all the tradcath/antitradcath memeing, is Francis actually based or cringe? Is he a genuine Christian?

>> No.15199305


guys, they had a list of banned books. and the index did not include atheist texts, because that everything non-catholic is seen as haram goes without saying for these men. imagine not having a faith weak enough to be endangered by Schopenietzscher.

>> No.15199555

Yeah whole of the writing for the new Pope's character consisted of cryptic pseudo-intellectual platitudes and a weak attempt at sophistication. Not only that but his accent was just awful and unconvincing, sounded like a poor American impersonation rather than a convincing performance - not to mention his entire character essentially being a walking personification of every bland English stereotype of the American writers (particularly when he only choses to accept becoming Pope when he hears that the cardinals were going to elect a Frenchman instead - the writing really can't get anymore crude and unsophisticated than this I think)

>> No.15199560

Even when there's multiple popes they're all still infallible?

>> No.15199566

Yes. Consistency is not Godly

>> No.15199572

The King James Bible.

>> No.15199593

You didn't finish the season. Last 3 episodes were great.

>> No.15199609

i didn't. i didnt get past the 3rd episode

>> No.15199682

>The Bible
>literally read in every single celebration of the RCC

>> No.15199703

Pope John Paul II was fairly young when elected, and many higher clerics disliked this, since his pontificate lasted too much for them. He had a huge mark on the church, which can be criticized, wether you liked him or not.

that was long ago and in a different context. I bet a library worm like B XVI would have hated the Index a lot.

>> No.15199731

>the Vatican Index for banned books was long ago and in a different context
60 years is NOT a long time. And the context of banning books is, was, and will be freedom of the mind. Catholics lack christianity.

>> No.15199767

I find it more complex than that. Many people that were prosecuted by the Inquisition would later be canonized (i.e. Saint John of the Cross), Saint Ignatius of Loyola had some problems in the begginign of his religious life. Some church officials regarded him as "enlightened weirdo" and tried to stop him from teaching. You shoul db e able to differenciate between the church-institution and the Church-People of God, without falling into extremism.

Any human institution can be corruptible. the same way that the Orthodox church canonized the last Tsar (who didn't have an exemplary life) or the same way Christian churches helped in the genocide of Native North Americans, or the witch-burning by protestans throughout the centuries.

>> No.15199789

He’s based. Laudato Si is the most anti-modern encyclical since Pascendi and Querida Amazonia is v /lit/.

>> No.15199814

Didn't John Paul II fast track loads of Saint canonisations? I remember that being controversial. Makes you question the claim that saints are only people we know for sure are in heaven, if church officials can disagree and change the requirements. Nevermind the really old saints who got grandfathered in and who we have little evidence for.

>> No.15199822

Church makes alot of money selling reliquaries on the down low. If you need funds you need more saints people will only believe someone has so many finger bones

>> No.15199831


>> No.15199867

Saint John Paul II governed the Church during a time that the Church grew in 2 aspects:
>lay members' lead
Before Vatican Council II, lay people were less influential. Being influential or having followers is always useful to push for an fficial canonization. When a friar dies, his canonization cause will be pushed by his congregation, which can be pretty big. But how many people work for the recognizion of the sainthood of some common person? His family and friends, maybe, in most cases?
After VCII, lay organizations began growing a lot and now they are more influential: Opus Dei, Legion of Mary, Neocathecumenals, CeL, any Lay Fraternity by traditional congregations... More lay infuence = more lay saints officially recognized

>Growth in Asia and Africa
It's a fact that the church is exponentially growing in these continents.
More members of all sorts = more candidates.

>> No.15199886

sounds pretty accurate desu

>> No.15199892

Yeah the second season was a lot worse. It was just hornier for no real reason, and lost any integral sense of participation in the church. At least Lenny tried to be holy S1.