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15197122 No.15197122 [Reply] [Original]

Finished reading this today. Aside from the fact that Lynn never even measured the IQ of Somalis directly, do you guys really think I have an IQ of 68? According to this book I'm mentally retarded and basically not even a human. How is that possible? I'm capable of problem solving, abstract thought, critical thinking, self-image and self-reflection.

>> No.15197132

Shut up retard

>> No.15197138
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no, I don't think I will

>> No.15197140

And yet you’re somehow unable to grasp the concept of population average vs individual data points. Go /pol/ bait somewhere else

>> No.15197145

he's right that 68 is ludicrously low though. maybe 80 or something

>> No.15197170
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Learn how to read, anon
I was referring to population average here. You cannot be a functional human and have an IQ of 68.

>> No.15197261

>reducing the sum of human cognition to a single number

Iq is the most retarded concept of all time

>> No.15197280

The results of that book were pretty hotly contested, I don't think it would be fair to write off an entire race of people because of a few studies.

>> No.15197295

>Duude, I'm totally not mentally retarded
>No, I don't understand the concept of statistical averages, but I'm gonna say I do when its brought up when I'm clearly bullshitting anyway
>That'll prove me right

>reducing the sum of human cognition to a single number

People who do this generally are those who lack a high enough IQ to understand what IQ even measures and so project their own reductionistic concepts onto it.

>> No.15197299

>I was referring to population average here.
>do you guys really think I have an IQ of 68?
>I'm capable of problem solving, abstract thought, critical thinking, self-image and self-reflection.
shut the fuck up retard. you most likely have an IQ below 85.

>> No.15197398
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He talks about the envibility of Iq people, by race as they tend to stick together, to create a new under and over class who are seperated by their ability to achieve.

And was he fucking wrong?

Go to Indonesia and you can walk though a fucking slum and then past a gated community.

Blacks, Jews, Whites and every other race in America self segregated anyway.

Please actually read the book and dont larp like you read it.

Anon, where the fuck are your notes you fucking hack.

>> No.15197412
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Unironically neck yourself my man

>> No.15197426

How is this a credible source?

>> No.15197523

Most blacks in America, and also many other western countries have a significant European admixture, which makes it inaccurate to say that they have an average IQ of 68.

>> No.15197544

Somalis probably do not have an average IQ of 68. Not all of the data is good.

Also, immigrants may have a higher average than their home country. Somehow I doubt you are posting on /lit/ from Mogadishu.

>> No.15197588

who are you trying to trick?
because of that admixture their average iq is about 84

>> No.15197641

He didn't say it brings them up to 100.

>> No.15197753

well, what does it measure, in your own words?

>> No.15197773

Not literature or philosophy post it on /sci/. But oh wait it iq isn't science or math either; post it on /x/.

>> No.15197774

your cope is pathetic

>> No.15198199

This is actually IQ correlation to nation states and uses nationality as an analogue to skin tone. It would still be very dubious to compare IQ and skin tone within a population rather than between populations but this says far more about the history and development of states than race and/or IQ.

Barely trying to appear scientific or objective.

>> No.15198241

muh guns germs and steel

>> No.15198290

IQ is fine as a measure of potential for academic success or white-collar professional success in Western countries. But to treat it as a proxy for intelligence in general is ridiculous.

>> No.15198311

can a person with a 68 iq split the atom or work in air traffic control? or, whats the likelyhood?

>> No.15198313

>guns germs and steel
never read it but okay

>> No.15198329

All chapters except one or two are about white people. I don't understand why people obsess over the one chapter in which he discusses race, when the other chapters are far more significant.

I also don't understand why most people ignore his recommendations in the final chapter. The whole point of the book is that the elimination of the social guardrails that put even the least intelligent individual on the path towards marriage and a stable life in the 1950s has left us in a situation in which only the most intelligent members of society are capable of grasping the importance of those practices and striving to emulate them, while the less intelligent members of society are left in a cycle of destructive behavior. Murray was basically saying that these correlations exist now, but they should not exist, and there are things we can do to ensure they cease to exist.

>> No.15198334

have you heard of it? popular book on the things you just talked about. frequently posted on this site whenever the topic is bought up.

>> No.15198344

You probably have retard IQ because
>I'm from X region and average IQ is Z. My IQ is Y! Therefore wrong!

>> No.15198351

I vaguely remember someone at uni talking about it. Good book?

>> No.15198373

no its been disproved long ago

>> No.15198396

okay so want to address what I said or nah?

>> No.15198414

honestly what you said was nonsense

>It would still be very dubious to compare IQ and skin tone within a population rather than between populations
what did you even mean by this

>This is actually IQ correlation to nation states and uses nationality as an analogue to skin tone.
practially every non western country is racially homogeneous.

>> No.15198419

>practially every non western country is racially homogeneous.
Not him, but how did you draw that conclusion?

>> No.15198428

But you’re not capable of understanding averages.

>> No.15198433

statistics and videos which you can look at in wikipedia and look up in youtube. walk-around tours for example. theres hundreds of them for even the worst 3rd world hellhole. mainly capitals if its particularly bad. like honduras or somalia.

>> No.15198445

Has it ever occurred to you that someone who is not from a particular region is likely incapable of noticing the subtle differences in physiognomy that are immediately clear to locals?

Take a look at the demographics and ethnic composition of Kenya, Tanzania, Indonesia, or Malaysia, for instance, and you will see what I mean.

>> No.15198451

One above average somali is not refutation to anti-immigration. You are a speckle in a bucket of browner, slower, and more coarse grains.

>> No.15198462

facial features and expressions

what the fuck does that have to do with anything?

>> No.15198475

you aren't addressing the main point which is that they arent comparing skin tone and IQ rather nationality and IQ.

>practially every non western country is racially homogeneous.
but go ahead and continue using western countries as analogies for white populations

>It would still be very dubious to compare IQ and skin tone within a population rather than between populations
>what did you even mean by this
Suppose you actually go out, measure IQ within a country and arrange that data by skin tone rather than comparing the average IQs of various countries. There are still a significant amount of other relationships that are being measured that could potentially be responsible for an apparent (hypothetical) correlation...

>> No.15198495

I'm saying that these countries are not actually homogeneous. You simply don't know enough about them to be able to tell whether or not they're homogeneous.

>> No.15198499

and like i said. non western countries are racially homogeneous with the exceptions of central/south american slave countries. to which each of them are predominantly latino/mestizo/MEXICAN and minority black.
so what does nationality have to do with your argument?

im not using western countries as analogies for white populations because they are all diverse since the 60s and fading rapidly. dragging down average iqs. i jumped in to this convo you were having with that comment.

>> No.15198501


I interact with Somalis on a daily basis and yes, you do so have an average IQ around room temperature.

>> No.15198504

>I'm saying that these countries are not actually homogeneous.
go on
elaborate on that claim without a cherry pick

>> No.15198508

yeah i doubt a somali is on /lit/. this is a larp.

>> No.15198513

>do you guys think i
>statistics apply to each individual person
desu it is very possible from this inference that you have an iq of 68.

>> No.15198522

>you cannot be a functional human and have an iq of 68
polynesians have societies with avg iq of <60

>> No.15198540

so all of the countries of the Americas, Europe, Australia and New Zealand are not racially homogenous but we can still use them as stand-ins for race when evaluating racial qualities?

Do I really need to explain how nationality could have a significant impact on IQ scores? Obviously my argument depends on my rejection of all these states being racially homogenous.

>> No.15198549

they were heavily colonized and were apart of empires up until like 50 years ago. many military bases still there.

when they were discovered by the spanish...well, just look at their depictions. you tell me if thats a society.

>> No.15198550


No, it isn't. I'm a white retail employee who interacts with Somalis on a daily basis. I know whereof I speak.

>> No.15198552

>only in somalia
God I fucking wish.

>> No.15198554

more so than the bell curve?

>> No.15198562

yeah buddy their iq scores arent high because of the minority populations but go ahead

>> No.15198568

>skin tone map circa 1900 and IQ map circa 2000

>> No.15198578

and a second gen somali living in a slum in britain found its way onto 4chan and is debating bell curve on /lit/?

i mean, within the realms of possibility but as likely as a 68 iq somali being a chemist or a doctor or a lawyer

>> No.15198581

huge think. massive.


>> No.15198594

What's the average black IQ? Like 54?

>> No.15198603

>yeah buddy their iq scores arent high because of the minority populations but go ahead
If minority populations were influencing the data then why not try to account for it? Supposing you are true and minority populations are depressing the average then wouldn't it better demonstrate your racial inferiority hypothesis to attempt to compare racial categories rather than national ones

>> No.15198609

heh epic

>> No.15198615
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>> No.15198616

Why do IQ facts trigger so many people?
So what if some individuals or populations score higher? Do you really have to take it personally and get offended? It is what it is, life just be that way. Just move on already.

>> No.15198622

if we have a iq study in 2020 be sure to ask the goldberg that conducts it. millions of nonwhites have been flooding in since the 2000 study in the pic related.

>> No.15198630
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it ruins their worldview that was injected into them in elementary school or uni. we are all equal. diversity is our strength. absolutely no differences whatsoever and we are interchangeable. no better than our viking ancestors.

>> No.15198642

Do you want to change the point a few more times? Maybe to something even more explicitly racist. It's worked pretty well the last couple of times.

>> No.15198667

>worldview that was injected into them in elementary school or uni.
Was it really? Maybe I'm too old (and not from the US), but I don't remember anything like that.
Sure, they taught us to "not be racist" or whatever, but they never suggested we're all the same.

>> No.15198677

>According to this book I'm mentally retarded
If you don't understand the difference between mean IQ and the IQ of an individual who might be on the far end of the bell, yes, you're retarded.

>ooga boga my country's mean IQ is 68 so my IQ is also exactly 68
Yes. Yes it is.

>> No.15198687

>hurr durr they were colonized and suffered
Every culture on the planet suffered some great atrocity at one point or another. That doesn't explain subhuman IQ levels.

Look at the jews (you should always look at those slimy jews): enslaved and oppressed by babylonians, romans, egyptians, germans, russians, etc., and yet their IQ isn't <70.

IQ is mostly GENETIC. This is the truth people don't want to accept and the reason this book is vilified and hated.

>> No.15198692

No. There's a difference between "contested" (meaning that there were contrasting results from other valid studies) and "hated and rejected without even addressing what it says because otherwise you're rayciss".

The results of this book were never contested.

>> No.15198696

A lot of this is you all being sheltered middle class NEETs that don't have a lot of experience with white trash. I've lived in rural Texas and a good chunk of the white population there is indistinguishable from the niggers. Economic status is what matters not your race

>> No.15198702

>do you guys really think I have an IQ of 68?
yes, because you actually wasted your time reading that garbage book

>> No.15198705


>> No.15198706

Considering that The Bell Curve was NEVER disproved, and I challenge you to disprove a single one of its findings, while Guns Germs and Steel was mostly about Jared Diamond's personal opinions (remember when he says that brown kids are smarter than white kids because that's the impression he got while watching them play?), yes, GGaS was disproved more than The Bell Curve.

>> No.15198717

ty for pointing this out, they'll just go muh jews, muh minorities and ignore any other factors. If other factors are mentioned then to them race must explanatory for deviation and race remains ultimately responsible

>> No.15198734

>Also, immigrants may have a higher average than their home country
it's almost as if intelligence is determined by access to resources, nutrition, social class and environment instead of some smart conveniently white gene

>> No.15198740

it's pretty crazy

>> No.15198743

You must be white trash yourself, if you can't understand the concept of averages.

>> No.15198750

>I don't remember anything like that
The introduction of my biology textbook LITERALLY says "diversity is strength and we must keep in mind that everyone is equal etc." For no fucking reason. It doesn't even talk about IQ and races.

>> No.15198764

>Economic status is what matters not your race
Bullshit. Poor whites score higher in IQ tests than rich blacks. Even adopted blacks who always lived in the best neighborhoods and went to the best schools etc.

Poor whites also commit way less crime than poor blacks. Or even normal blacks.

>> No.15198768

I'm not arguing with the book it's already been disproved many times. What I'm pointing at is the motivation you all have to keep promoting it because in your personal lives you don't usually see how bad white trash can get.

>> No.15198783

that wasnt what i was going for
the colonization was the root of their society because before spanish showed up they were africa-tier savages

>> No.15198790

post a pic or you're lying

>> No.15198799

>Take a trait that is far more heritable than anyone has ever claimed IQ to be but is politically uncontroversial body height. Suppose that I measure the heights of adult males in a poor Indian village beset with nutritional deprivation, and suppose the average height of adult males is five feet six inches. Heritability within the village is high, which is to say that tall fathers (they may average five feet eight inches) tend to have tall sons, while short fathers (five feet four inches on average) tend to have short sons. But this high heritability within the village does not mean that better nutrition might not raise average height to five feet ten inches in a few generations. Similarly, the well-documented fifteen-point average difference in IQ between blacks and whites in America, with substantial heritability of IQ in family lines within each group, permits no automatic conclusion that truly equal opportunity might not raise the black average enough to equal or surpass the white mean. (p. 5)

>> No.15198822

And to piggyback on this size differences are much easier to select for than intelligence. We've bred dogs to many multiples of difference in size but still haven't managed to get one to talk the intelligence difference among them is not that great. The size difference among humans is much smaller and by analogy so should any intelligence difference or it's hard to select for intelligence especially the type of intelligence tested for in IQ tests. It took several speciation events to separate us from our common ancestor with apes and contrary to what some people here would say whites and blacks are still the same species

>> No.15198823

>Every culture on the planet suffered some great atrocity at one point or another
some didn't suffer "at one point" but for centuries, and still are, which is why they're still behind. It's not that hard to figure out, Mr. high IQ
>enslaved and oppressed by babylonians, romans, egyptians, germans, russians, etc., and yet their IQ isn't <70.
they were never enslaved by the egyptians, and roman slavery is not even remotely close to trans-atlantic slavery. Jew slaves were treated like pets, african slaves were treated like cattle.
The jews had the advantage of a culture that deeply encouraged literacy, documentation and the passing down of knowledge (it was the only way to keep Judaism alive), and later on, they lived in a predominantly Christian Europe that prohibited some of the most lucrative industries and business ventures to christians (so much for white intelligence), which is why the jews were pioneers of banking and mastered the craft of getting rich earlier than everyone else. Stop "looking" at the jews like a faggot and actually read their history, you fucking retard.

>> No.15198856

blacks have equal education in america tho. and look at them. speak to one. speak to a hundred. attend public school.

>> No.15198867

You chose a poor analogy. It's very easy to see that different dog breeds have different characters/temperaments.

>> No.15198874

Not really. Pitbulls being vicious is a myth and what makes people choose certain breeds as working dogs is really just physical traits you can train any type of mutt

>> No.15198880


Exactly what is it then? Is there a separate faculty that you use for academic success or difficult work and "intelligence in general"?

>> No.15198884

I come off autistic as fuck in social situations and am in a Math PhD program. I wouldn't be successful at all outside academia

>> No.15198887

Bait thread

>> No.15198890

>a single conjecture and projection on a single point in a book


in all seriousness, >>15198856

>> No.15198891

>blacks have equal education in america tho
are americans this uninformed about how their own people live their lives? holy shit. Have you ever been to a predominantly black school? They are in the poor sector, because obviously they come from poor families. They are ALWAYS underfunded, even more so in the south. They have the shittiest oldest school resources, a scarcity of human resources and underpaid teachers who have to deal with kids who don't even have any food at home. You are unbelievably ignorant. I know you don't give a fraction of a fuck about black people, but use some of that time you spend jacking off and pretending you read on /lit/, and make use of your time to actually read.

>> No.15198897

It was a selected quote from dozens of refutations. Did you actually read my links? of course you didn't you fucking spanlet, you won't read anything unless it's provided to you in a shitty /pol/ chart that confirms your bias

>> No.15198902

>speak to a hundred. attend public school.
>t. sheltered white kid who attends a private school

>> No.15198904


I could probably post more, but I think arguing with someone like you is hopeless. No matter what someone says, you'll stick to your religous dogmas and demand some unattainable proof.

>> No.15198905

social function /=/ intelligence

you have a disability. one that makes you awkward. sensitive to loud noises. weird.
but autists are usually really fucking smart because they dont focus on social function and instead learn everything they can on a random subject.


>> No.15198910

those charts have sources in the picture.

but no, i didnt read your links. the amount of butthurt bell curve caused, im not reading anything of it because people gave their life and blew blood vessels just to vaguely disagree with single points in the book.
similar to what they did to my boy james watson.

>> No.15198929

lol no. i attended public school in Philadelphia.
i hung around them up until high school. i was a wigger. first run in with the cops because i was in a gang set me on the right (white) path. im grateful for a (white) police officer personally setting me straight.
most of my ex-friends are in prison, or drug dealers.

>> No.15198943

So academic success is indicative of general intelligence. You're saying I essentially cannibalized my social ability to be better at school not that my general intelligence is so much greater than anyones.

>> No.15198946

>*is not indicative

>> No.15198960

>first run in with the cops because i was in a gang
what were you doing in a gang? why didn't your white superiority prevent you from being a massive retard?
>set me on the right (white) path. im grateful for a (white) police officer personally setting me straight
see, that's the kind of opportunity that blacks in America don't have.
>most of my ex-friends are in prison, or drug dealers.
I wonder why. Must be the IQ! Definitely not the (white) favoritism from the (white) officer

>> No.15198967

i didnt project something specifically onto you. i generalized. you will find exactly what i said in any study of autists. you cannibalized nothing. your brain is fucked up and its the social abilities you just cant get. thats...autism.

what the fuck.

>> No.15198974

also, your friends probably had much better reasons to be in a gang than you. Imagine having white parents who inherited hundreds of years of passed down culture and knowledge to raise you good, and you still join a gang. What a brainlet.

>> No.15198977

Whatever the point is that my academic success is not at all indicative of general intelligence

>> No.15198983

>what were you doing in a gang? why didn't your white superiority prevent you from being a massive retard?
i was twelve and my registered democrat teachers instilled in me the great values of diversity. and i went to public school in philly. i was a minority. i was petrified of being the loner at the loner table getting pelted with spitballs and food. i won some fights and gained respect of the negros. i was 12 and desperately wanted to fit in. i wasnt born reading bell curve as my green eggs and ham. i grew up listening to eminem and watching chappeles show.

your other two points, i lol at.

>> No.15198993

meh. kids do stupid shit. im not the same impressionable 12 year old growing up in an infested major city.

>> No.15198999

thats what you think.
you are autistic, after all.

>> No.15199015

>>set me on the right (white) path. im grateful for a (white) police officer personally setting me straight
>see, that's the kind of opportunity that blacks in America don't have.

i'll give you hundreds of videos of police officers doing just that. they never listen.

>> No.15199017

Sigh lets try this another way. So people in academia are the most intelligent people in society in your view. But academia has for decades spoken out against this type of racist IQ pandering. If the most intelligent people in society are saying it's wrong who are you to say it's right?

>> No.15199022

>i was twelve and my registered democrat teachers
Wow you had that info on your teachers when you were 12?
>instilled in me the great values of diversity
>I joined a gang because muh diversity
no, you joined a gang because you were a fucking retard. I didn't join a gang when I was 12 and had friends in shcool AND the neighborhood who were in gangs.
>was petrified of being the loner at the loner table getting pelted with spitballs and food
poor you. Crazy that you went through this and still can't bother to put yourself in the others' shoes. That experience of being a minority is, you know.. what minorities have to go through. Except the (white) officer won't set them straight.
>i grew up listening to eminem and watching chappeles show.
that just says more about how absolutely tone-deaf and incapable you are of relating to others. You're either incredibly dumb or your story is completely fabricated.
>your other two points, i lol at.
you've got nothing, ok.

>> No.15199027

So people in academia are the most intelligent people in society in your view

absolutely not. again, what the fuck. you projecting asshole trying to shove words into my mouth like chicken tendies

>But academia has for decades spoken out against this type of racist IQ pandering
leftists control academia. since 60s. this is known.

your spells have no effect on me, wizard

>> No.15199030

>i'll give you hundreds of videos of police officers doing just that. they never listen.
go ahead. post the video of the white officer lecturing the black kid who has absolutely no opportunities and no food at home, or that other black kid who was born into a family of gangbangers and has no way to escape

>> No.15199037

>your whole post
>"you got nothing"

interesting. ironic. fascinatingly ironic.

>> No.15199043

>absolutely not. again, what the fuck. you projecting asshole trying to shove words into my mouth like chicken tendie

Alright so academic success is not the sole indicator of general intelligence. Black people not doing well in school doesn't automatically mean they're dumb

>> No.15199044

wow, another empty non-reply.

>> No.15199045
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somewhat relevant: has anyone read this and what are your thoughts?

>> No.15199058

Brown hands typed this

>> No.15199063


>> No.15199071
File: 7 KB, 227x200, 5852674+_bb05a3d0e8e67ded505f9df04b0b93cc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, tell me about it

>> No.15199075

fragile, weak beta white hands came up with this ad hominem
what? good cops EXIST? holy shit! thanks for the heads up I gotta go tell my dad who is literally a policeman.
where are the videos of these same kids "not listening" though?

>> No.15199078

Why dont black americans stop selling drugs and stealing and get jobs instead? Otherwise this cycle of no opportunities will never end because they poison their communities

>> No.15199086

>Black people not doing well in school doesn't automatically mean they're dumb

the underlying conditions of simply being african. for example. IQ.

>> No.15199085

Im not white. Post your hands though.

>> No.15199093

>Why dont black americans stop selling drugs
why dont white americans stop buying drugs? why don't white politicians stop taking money from drug dealers? why don't they stop this drug "war" that even narcos agree is useless?
>and get jobs instead
because it was only recently that they were able to get jobs, and the damage is already done: their parents were in gangs, there was no other job to have for them, they were born into poverty and to an established culture. Weekly reminder that the CIA introduced drugs to black neighobrhoods.
Your IQ really isn't helping you put two and two together. Are you mentally handicapped by any chance?

>> No.15199095
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illegal goal post move. im flagging you. go to the penalty box.

>> No.15199102

I'll do when you post yours, whiteboy. With timestamp.
your quote, verbatim:
>>i'll give you hundreds of videos of police officers doing just that. they never listen. My reply is that your videos of policemen lecturing kids are useless. You still post the videos.
I must be talking to the lowest IQ retard in this board

>> No.15199105

yeah and the pharmaceutical companies introduced fucking meth to white children for ADHD which apparently everyone has nowadays.
whats your point faggot

>> No.15199116

But this isn't the original argument. What started it was anon saying IQ was predictive of academic success so must also be predictive of general intelligence. You've agreed that academic success alone is not a good indicator of general intelligence from your contempt for modern academia. If you look at economic success for example the predictive ability of IQ drops even steeply compared to the economic conditions you were raised than in academia.

>> No.15199117
File: 40 KB, 620x413, Blaxit-620x413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow black brothers, let's be real for a minute.
White people will never treat us fairly and therefore we'll always perform worse in IQ tests.
Let's take our destiny in our own hands. Let's just go back.

>> No.15199119

>pharmaceutical companies introduced fucking meth to white children for ADHD
controlled amphetamines are not the same as fucking street meth lmao. Keep spewing bullshit. ADHD meds are among the few meds for mental disorders that are actually effective. Now take your meds, spanlet.

>> No.15199127

But Asians have been discriminated in the US as well why are theu doing so well?

>> No.15199128

go back where, larper? Your lazy grandparents brought their grandparents here. They were born here, idiot. Why don't you go back to your irish or italian shithole?

>> No.15199129

you dont get it.

white police officers do wholesome things for the black community. this directly contradicts your shitty sjw view on MUH CORRUPT RACIST COOOOOPS

>> No.15199131

Or give the South to black people. Would be hilarious for the reaction of all the white trash.

>> No.15199136

Lol cope. Im not white retard now post hands

>> No.15199138


>> No.15199142

massive strawman. I can post a black president and MDs who are black, does this destroy your argument about MUH VIOLENT DUMB THUUUUGS?

>> No.15199144
File: 106 KB, 720x441, Blaxit-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just be free from oppression, is all I'm saying.

>> No.15199149 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 1080x720, 1498339773719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im not white retard now post hands

>> No.15199153

Why does 6% of the population commit 50% of violent crime?

>> No.15199159
File: 160 KB, 1100x619, Blaxit-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're already making Africa great again. We can achieve great things if crackas don't get in our way.

>> No.15199160
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massive personal attacks

>does this destroy your argument about MUH VIOLENT DUMB THUUUUGS?
nope. because i understand averages.
stay salty my guy

>> No.15199164

The South is a real shining jewel lol

>> No.15199165

uh, purely economic factors

>> No.15199172
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Where can I get a high IQ Nubian queen to impregnate?

>> No.15199181
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>> No.15199185

I don't even know who he's talking about what population group is 6% of the population?

>> No.15199196

What the fuck is "difficult work"? Like coal mining? Your post is unintelligible.

>> No.15199197

In the US black people make up 13% of the population. 13% commits 50% of the murders but if you dont count chilsren and old people its more accurate to say 6% commits 50%

>> No.15199199

black males

>> No.15199203

What are those crows? They're the same species subspecies is a geographic thing

>> No.15199214

So why don't you not count the black males that don't murder people? I would bet that murders make up less than 0.1% of the population

>> No.15199216

>subspecies is a geographic thing
yeah, like whites-> europe
blacks -> sub saharan africa

>> No.15199224

Im sure there are many good black men who dont murder and im sure they are the majority. But that doesnt change the fact that a minorities has such a large impact on crime

>> No.15199226

lmaoooooooo just stop before someone breaks out more fbi crime and prison data

>> No.15199228

>social function /=/ intelligence
Of course it is. Any cognitive ability that helps an organism adapt to its environment is part of intelligence. In a more rugged setting, the ability to prove mathematical theorems is worth jack shit.

>> No.15199238

you would enjoy the video i linked

>> No.15199265

half-baked blather

>> No.15199278

It's a deeply flawed book, but also IQ is extraordinarily error prone and pretty much impossible to measure that far away from the mean.

>> No.15199281

But you massaged the statistics to make it look worse.

>> No.15199289

Not really but even still its 13% and 50%. Thats huge

>> No.15199307

Don’t you dare bismirch his good name

>> No.15199310

Yes really you halfed the percentage to make it look worse and when asked why you didn't eliminate the other murders from your population you try ignore what you did to begin with

>> No.15199313


>> No.15199327

Severe cope

>> No.15199337

>I wasn't a retarded white gang banger because I understand averages
That's really fantastic. So long as a modest number of white people are on paper civilised enough to balance out your disgusting behaviour, you feel like you're in the good club and are deserving of respect. It is nonsense.

>> No.15199341

Children, elderly do not comment murders. Males age 14-45 do. Women commit less crime than males and most certainly less murders. This makes it roughly 6%. Not 13%. Which would mean ALL blacks age 0-115

Also, >>15199327

>> No.15199345

No, that's a well reasoned criticism. If you're not smart enough to respond that's fine, but try not to fall back on stereotyped behaviours.

>> No.15199346

Oh shut the fuck up already I already explained myself to you

>> No.15199351

Polynesians are in 80s on par with mexico.

>> No.15199352

Men in general are disproportionately more of a problem than blacks. Clearly all men should be put on testosterone blockers from an early age.

>> No.15199360

Why are you so hysterical?
He might be a retarded white gang banger, but that doesn't change the averages between populations.

>> No.15199361

That’s why there’s impossible burgers and Onions and Nintendo switch

>> No.15199363

Again if you eliminate women and children and seniors from the percent why not also eliminate the non-murderers as well. Then you would be left with less than 0.1% of the population committing 50% of the murders. And this is clearly meaningless. You fudged the statistics to support your argument and if this were in a social science paper you would have had professional repercussions from lack of rigor and bias

>> No.15199368

I can actually believe you are below average in intelligence because you've failed to even understand the curve the book was titled after.

>> No.15199378

>Why are you so hysterical?
Why are you projecting hysteria onto my comments? Are you often hysterical? Is everyone around you irl often hysterical? These are important questions for you.

No you haven't. You've said you were a little arsehole who deserves to have been locked up like his black friends but didn't because another white loser "saved" you. And that's all okay because there are white doctorinos out there doing good.

>> No.15199379

Your post is incoherent and idiotic.

>> No.15199380

I’m literally crying please stop being mean to me

>> No.15199384

>, do you guys really think I have an IQ of 68? According to this book I'm mentally retarded and basically not even a human. How is that possible? I'm capable of problem solving, abstract thought, critical thinking, self-image and self-reflection.
Well you've just proven you don't understand what an "average" is supposed to be, so I'm thinking doubt.

>> No.15199391

Quite the opposite. 68 IQ would implicate that they are unable to maintain social cohesion beyond tribal level, farm efficiently etc. which would inevitably end with their countries being in a state of perpetual civil war and famine. Now let's look at Somalia...

Now Lynn did a lot of sloppy things in his studies and book, but there was German guy who fact-checked him and found that the data Lynn provides correlates with "non-sloppy" data he got in a process of fact-checking with factor of 0,85. That being said I remember hearing Edward Dutton, who knew Lynn personally saying that his reputation for sloppiness was well-earned and everyone who knew him would know that if you want to poke holes in anything he wrote you can do it endlessly, but he was always getting the bigger picture more or less properly.

>> No.15199392

From when you were 12?

>> No.15199394

If you take a newborn dog and a newborn child and treat both of them equally, the child will always turn out to be more intelligent. There must be a genetic influence on intelligence.
Since there is genetic variation between human populations, chances are good that this also affects intelligence.

Let me ask you this. If human intelligence is not in part caused by genes, how did human intelligence then evolve? When did it stop evolving so that every human population has the same average intelligence?

>> No.15199400

I'm confused. Are you saying he has a below average IQ or an above average IQ?

>> No.15199402

You don’t know the real stat. You are projecting the 0.1 because you want to believe. You want to cope. You don’t want to turn on the 6oclock news in Chicago and see the 10+ black men shot dead every week. Sometimes in a single weekend.

>> No.15199403

> It would still be very dubious to compare IQ and skin tone within a population rather than between populations but this says far more about the history and development of states than race and/or IQ.
US blacks have IQ one standard deviation lower than US whites. I'm gonna propose one detail - perhaps low IQ-skin tone correlation is little bit coincidental, but the fact that low-IQ countries are poorly developed is not.

>> No.15199406

>but he was always getting the bigger picture more or less properly.
Not plausible.

>which would inevitably end with their countries being in a state of perpetual civil war and famine.
Maybe famine, but civil war would not be implied at all, such a population wouldn't be able to form cohesive enough responses to anything to have a war at all.

There are significant external factors that explains issues with food security (and the US is being significantly affected here).

>> No.15199411

Nah I immediately 180’d in the 8th grade.

Got myself some white stoner friends in highschool and opened my mind man.
Then Trayvon martin happened and that redpilled me.

>> No.15199415

>If you take a newborn dog and a newborn child and treat both of them equally, the child will always turn out to be more intelligent
Actually, not at every time point, same with many other animals. Dogs can reach a similar level of intelligence to a 2 year old in a few months. Cephalopods are intelligent and they live for a year or two at most.

>> No.15199418

What do you mean you're getting your life back on track? It seems like you're blaming everyone else for not being who you wish you were.

>> No.15199420

>Not plausible
Yet it's true. Correlation factor between his data and more rigorously repeated of the studies he used was about 0,85 as I've mentioned which means that the big picture was something he very obviously did get right.

>> No.15199424

Good for you if you can think on your feet, but average doesn't mean everyone is identical. The very cover shows there is a wide array of profiles within any given group.

>> No.15199430

>Maybe famine, but civil war would not be implied at all, such a population wouldn't be able to form cohesive enough responses to anything to have a war at all.
What you don't understand is that "civil war" is just our external understanding of what's happening in Somalia. For them it's basic tribal warfare.

>> No.15199442

I don't know the real stat but it seems reasonable it's certainly less than 1 in 100 people are murderers. Otherwise if every murderer murdered one person that would 1% of the population of the killed every year or 3 million murders.

>> No.15199448

>which means that the big picture was something he very obviously did get right.
No it means there's some sort of "correlation", which I very much doubt you could explain the (in)significance of. Even purely random data can have perfect correlation and can always improve r^2 in modelling. If you build a bad as hell model, you know the fundamentals are wrong, the conclusions you draw don't follow, yeah you can look for things that seem to have turned out to be right but it will purely have been by happenstance.

>> No.15199449

Meant >>15199402

>> No.15199452

I did it all myself. Changing from a dead end to who I am today.
Who I wished I was at twelve after that police officer saved me I am now. A walking example of a good ending.
Unless I get drive by’d ironically because I like the color blue

>> No.15199459

I have a good understanding of the conflict in Somalia and there's some extremely sophisticated war related structures/organisations there. You have no knowledge and that's why it seems plausible it might be village warfare.

>> No.15199464

Are you old enough to be posting on this site? Because you sound like you might be 13.

>> No.15199473

I used some big words somewhere in here I think.

>> No.15199513

Come on, that's such an inane point. I obviously meant once both are developed.

>> No.15199523

>Come on, that's such an inane point
And comparing dogs and children isn't? To try to show that genetics affects intelligence?

We're an animal that needs a lot of input when developing, that's an amazing part of our intelligence and can't be overlooked. However, equally amazing is that some other animals are extremely intelligent without any similar thing going on.

>> No.15199556

no OP, I don't think every Somali has an IQ of 68, this book does not think you're mentally retarded.

>> No.15199726

Anyone have the megalink of this one?

>> No.15199763

A low IQ doesn't mean you'll "act slow" if that makes sense. An 85 IQ black person will act "normal" but will have the abstract problem solving ability of a "slow" white person. But a 70 IQ black will come off similarly "slow". The average IQ there is probably closer to 80 or so if you got people semi-competent schooling.

>> No.15199773

Try Sweden or Minnesota, the Lutheran Church arranges for a lot of them to immigrate as part of refugee resettlement programs

>> No.15199820

kids from rural China, which is even poorer than Black areas in the US, will likely outperform Black Americans by like 2SD on an IQ test in spite of lack of resources.

>> No.15199829

That's because kids from rural China aren't oppressed by white people.

>> No.15199844

If you transplanted those blacks to Africa they'd get the same scores on average. No amount of transfer payments is going to make blacks more genotypically intelligent, neither will deprivations have the analogous effect on the Chinese beyond basic nutrition.

>> No.15199865

Somalia is not a functioning society

>> No.15199889

general intelligence

>> No.15199971

Yeah because the Chinese are already doing it

>> No.15199992

Yes, comparing humans to other animals is not an inane point, as it proves that intelligence is partially genetic.
So while we do require input in our development, differences in IQ between humans are also partially genetic.

So >>15199394
>intelligence is determined by access to resources, nutrition, social class and environment instead of some smart conveniently white gene
is fucking wrong.

>> No.15200001

Meant to quote this post.

>> No.15200039

>blacks have equal education in america
Do you not live in America or are you just sheltered?

>> No.15200072

What's stopping them from staying in school and not disturb lessons as much as they do?

>> No.15200148

>split the atom or work in air traffic control
Who the fuck cares?

>> No.15200251
File: 307 KB, 640x817, 1578930958817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you retards read? I was obviously implying that the average isn't congruent with my life experiences. I'm not the exception, all the Somalis I've encountered in my life are far from mentally challenged drooling morons, they do well academically and can function like any normal human.

>> No.15200272

>all the Somalis I've encountered in my life are far from mentally challenged drooling morons, they do well academically and can function like any normal human

But you've already established yourself to be a fucking retard, so your perspective is that of a retard. How can we trust that you have a proper idea of how a human being should function?

>> No.15200275
File: 39 KB, 356x363, 1579063661149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm real you dummies. I also interact with Somalis and I can confirm that they have three digit IQs

>> No.15200366
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Jesus you're all making the same inane point. Do you guys really think you need a high IQ to grasp the basic concept of averages? You're aware that Lynn didn't measure Somalis, right? He just used the mean IQ of Kenya and Ethiopia for Somalia. So stop being pedantic fucks and actually answer my question.

>> No.15200392

I've only established myself as a retard in that I'm wasting my time on 4chan

>> No.15200401

>So stop being pedantic fucks and actually answer my question.
I don't draw conclusions on individuals based on population data. However, after reading this thread yes, I really do think you have an IQ of 68.

>> No.15200414

>All the Somalis I've encountered in my life are far from mentally challenged drooling morons, they do well academically and can function like any normal human.
Are those Somalis in Somalia or migrants to other nations? If the latter, you have only met Somalis that have been selected for their ability to function good enough to escape from Somalia.
If the former, then you need some perspective on other nations.

>> No.15200438

lol neck yourself, faggot

>> No.15200460

> I can confirm that they have three digit IQs

This is true, but it involves one decimal place.

>> No.15200486

Lol you must be an outlier in the 95th percentile on the scale of Somali IQ. But that probably only puts you at the 50th percentile among whites so you're still a faggot

>> No.15200517
File: 59 KB, 411x575, 1578926722842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in the 95th percentile even among whites
Also, I don't view myself as an outlier at all. My somali immediate family, relatives and friends also excel at academia.

>> No.15200529

>differences in IQ between humans are also partially genetic.
>So >>15199394
>>intelligence is determined by access to resources, nutrition, social class and environment instead of some smart conveniently white gene
>is fucking wrong.
How is it wrong? It can be partially genetic, and it isn't anything to do with how much melanin you pump into your skin dude.

>> No.15200530

>My somali immediate family, relatives and friends also excel at academia.
Almost like there was some factor all your relatives share. What could it be? Maybe you all like to visit the same diner?

>> No.15200536

Whay do you think is the problem with Somalia then?

>> No.15200557

He's not a Somali and the entire thing is a bait thread.

>> No.15200567

As yes, that dastardly brood of Yakub, building their retardation rays

>> No.15200569 [SPOILER] 
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He is talking about GROUPS, not individual outliers. Also you are not a Somali. Anyway, if Somalis are so smart why is Somali such a shithole?

>> No.15200576

>if Somalis are so smart why is Somali such a shithole?
Same could be said of the USA.

>> No.15200587

True, the US is such a shithole that millions of people would refuse to be paid to leave.

>> No.15200636

Because your quote directly denies genetic reasons for differences in human IQ.

Besides, if you agree that differences are partially genetic, what is the point of you arguing it? Nobody claims that skin colour is what affects IQ. It's just that populations with brown skin colours also have genetics that lend themselves to worse IQs.

>> No.15200652

strongest econony in the world


>> No.15200705

>line goes brrrrrrrrrr

>> No.15200708

>Certain races have higher IQs than other races
How do christcucks cope with this fact?

>> No.15200733

Or even rich blacks lmao
The poorest white town in the US has less crime than the richest black town

>> No.15200740

Why would that change anything?

>> No.15200746

Why are you assuming that Brown people have genes for lower IQs when theres no actual evidence of this?

>> No.15200749

You are right, we need to ship all Somalis back to Somalia so you can get away from our horrid country!

>> No.15200761

We're all God's children. but for some reason, God made some of his children smarter than the otherx? and those smart ones can use their intellect to subjugate and even genocide the dumber children?
>inb4 it's alright, they'll go to heaven.

>> No.15200772

>Because your quote directly denies genetic reasons for differences in human IQ.
No it denies that those differences are tied to being white.

>It's just that populations with brown skin colours also have genetics that lend themselves to worse IQs.
Aside from genetic IQ being polygenic, the only thing you can really say about dark skinned populations and genetics is that they're more diverse genetically. All else being equal, there are probably far more smart genes in Africa than elsewhere.

>> No.15200773

You ever have to live around or work with brown people? You will find out fast enough.

>> No.15200778

>You ever have to live around or work with brown people?
Yes, unlike you.

>> No.15200780
File: 84 KB, 995x717, bradleyTBE_1white_nonwhite_populations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mutts can't accept their land is a shithole
the browner it gets the better, thats what you get for serving Mr.shekelstein

>> No.15200787

Yes. They were no noticeably smarter or dumber than the white people I've interacted with.

>> No.15200788

Averages and medians apply to groups, but do not represent an individual of that group, just like an individual's characteristics do not align with the average or median.
Your inability to understand this leads me to believe you have an IQ of 68.

>> No.15200796

The US is in a much better place now than in the 70s though, despite "muh brown people".

>> No.15200800
File: 64 KB, 800x418, 30680-group-praying-facebook.800w.tn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With collective denial and by making sure this topic is considered taboo/sinful.
It seems silly from a scientific/positivist point of view, but it's kinda how humans have evolved.
Certain stories, even if based on a lie, are more useful than cold hard facts.

Besides the fact that Christianity spawned a lot of egalitarian rhetoric, which is now common in secular circles, there's the fact that sub-Saharan Africa is the place with the largest (growing) population of Christians right now.

>> No.15200805

like I said, the browner the better.

>> No.15200807

Being realistic about demonrtrable, intrinsic race differences does not equal killing people. That is a Cultural Marxist strawman which is finally being exorcised from our national consciousness. Only idiots still accept it.

>> No.15200814

lmao shut up, even if it was an 'uncredible source', that does not mean it can't convery statistical analysis accurately.

>> No.15200818

To be equal before God or have equal dignity doesn't mean we have equal abilities. Do you think ancient didn't recognize that people are different? There's nothing requiring intelligent people to subjugate less intelligent people and there's nothing necessarily stopping dumber people from taking power. Do you think dumb people are incapable of genocide?

Christianity has never been an egalitarian religion. This is just pure ignorance of history. How do you think medieval societies were organized? Egalitarianism is a rebellion against Christian society.

>> No.15200828

LOL as if you ever lived anywhere but with your parents!

>> No.15200831

> intrinsic race differences does not equal killing people
really? it's happens in nature all the time, it's how humans evolved to where they're today, it was the driving ideology of the Germans in WW2, and it fully makes sense to me, so your cultural marxist argument doesn't really work, it's alright, keep coping, christcuck

>> No.15200837 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15200841

>his experience doesn't confirm my prejudices
>he MUST be lying

>> No.15200848
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>> No.15200877

No, just because you see it in white populations doesn't mean it transfers to other populations.

>> No.15200890

IQs in brown countries are lower than in non-brown countries. The average IQs of brown people living in non-brown countries are also lower, in line with what can be expected from their countries of origin.
Every data set that can be linked to low IQ, like crime rates, income, etc. is lower for brown people globally. Again, in line with what you'd expect from their countries of origin IQ scores.

On top of that we've begun genetic testing and find genes linked to IQ. What we're finding so far links up perfectly with what can be expected from IQ testing.
You might not realise this, but we're living in one of the last decades before the human genome will be understood.

>No it denies that those differences are tied to being white.
It does not. It directly states that differences in IQ are due to social reasons. The white genes are brought up as something they're not caused by as a separate claim.

>Aside from genetic IQ being polygenic
That makes no difference to whether or not IQ differences are caused by genes. There are lots of polygenic differences in human populations that clearly fall along racial lines.

>the only thing you can really say about dark skinned populations and genetics is that they're more diverse genetically. All else being equal, there are probably far more smart genes in Africa than elsewhere.
Look up some actual data on that. Again, we're making huge strides in understanding the human genome. The results are so far in line with a genetic interpretation of IQ differences.

>> No.15200899

IQ is unscientific.

>> No.15200905

Dude he has no experience. I lived in a lower middle class, mixed race neighborhood: Whites, Asians, and Negroes. There were several crimes including an arson, a gang rape and some muggings. Black people did them all. I was a liberal before I moved there, after 3 years I realised that race is real. I did not want it to be. But just as a matter of survival I learned to never relax around the Blacks.

>> No.15200909

>find genes linked to IQ
interesting, not the anon you're talking to and I don't mean to be spoon fed but can you link source?

>> No.15200910

How so?

>> No.15200914

It's as if phenotype results from an interaction between genetics and environment. Immigrants are a self-selected group. There's more than one variable. Very broadly, people who's ancestors lived in colder places have genetically higher IQs, so there is a relation to skin color.

You have to wonder, why would people look so radically different, but have almost identical brains? Isn't that a little hard to believe?

>> No.15200919

You wish.

>> No.15200959

"Scientific" refers to a process of thought and experiment. Saying IQ is unscientific is like saying height is unscientific, it depends on what you're doing with it.

>> No.15200999
File: 72 KB, 630x706, Chimuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is one of the most tested and used measures in social science. If it doesn't meet the standard of scientific utility, than nothing else in social science does, such as institutional racism, implicit bias or micro-aggressions.

So which is it? Is IQ proven or racism unproven?

>> No.15201034

Social science is a pseudoscience. The only reason why psychology is sometimes credible is because of neuroscience (which is a biology and chemistry discipline). IQ is not based on neuroscience

>> No.15201038
File: 135 KB, 1106x573, FireShot Capture 116 - Race and intelligence - Wikipedia_ - https___en.wikipedia.org_wiki_Race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15201053

There's this guy, for example. I think there's some newer stuff as well. But I don't have the links saved.

>> No.15201063


>> No.15201064

IQ research has far more statistical power and scientific validity than neuroscience, which is mostly nonsense and memes. You’re making the common reddit mistake of assuming that because something looks more “sciencey” (MRI scans, etc.) that it must be true.

>> No.15201067

IQ doesn't have to map to "intelligence" to measure it, though.
You can still say some groups do better than others at IQ tests.

>> No.15201070

There is literally more gentic difference between different black people or different white people than there are between black *and* white people.
Races don't exist.

>> No.15201081

Wrong. You’ve been memed.

>> No.15201083

At least do what everybody else does and scroll down to the sources and pretend to use them.

You know that there are IQ tests that manage without any cultural knowledge at all? They're literally just pattern recognition.

>> No.15201085

Yeah, but at that point what are you even saying? If IQ doesn't really mean intelligence what's the value of the measure? African nations scoring lower becomes meaningless then.

>> No.15201087 [DELETED] 

>meme title
>search up guys name
uh yeah i think I will pass

>> No.15201092

You mean there's more difference between two random white persons than between a random white and a random black person?

>> No.15201098

good b8

>> No.15201100

Colours don't exist, because there are an infinity number of shades of green and shades of yellow.

>> No.15201103

>a fucking blog
>meme title
>search up guys name
uh yeah i think I will pass

>> No.15201107

IQ was used to look for learning disabilities and severe cognitive impairment. It was literally made for that purpose. It’s not the proper measure of intelligent

>> No.15201115

See >>15200959
Nothing in that article suggests IQ is unscientific. Nor does anyone that I know of suggest that IQ is a perfect measurement of innate intelligence or intelligence capacity. That's why we have IQ studies that included information like household income, the relationship status of parents, nationality, etc, so that we can account for other factors besides genetics.

>> No.15201126

>If IQ doesn't really mean intelligence what's the value of the measure?
It seems some people find it interesting, that's reason enough to do it.
Anyway, if you want to go down that path, the concept of intelligence itself is a matter of debate. You could say intelligence doesn't exist, for example.

I'm not one of the previous posters and I try to be exact when I speak. So I generally won't say "this group is more intelligent", but I will say "this group does better at IQ tests" or "this group runs faster at 100m".

>> No.15201132

Incorrect. There is more variation within than between but that is very different from genetic distance. The same thing could be said of chimpanzees and humans.

>> No.15201137

Skin colour is one of the most easy to change human characteristics, because it is immediatly exposed to the outside world. Other factors take much longer to develop in different reactions.
If there are races they have nothing to do with skin colour.

>> No.15201143

>blog written by the author of the paper himself
>linking to the Stürmer of radical leftism

Fine, you brainlet. If you want academic decorum for credibilities sake, take this link.

>> No.15201147

Yeah but Brown countries are also far shittier than white countries and brown people live shittier in white countries. You can still plausibly explain the difference environmentally.

And yes IQ has high heritability but within group heritability isnt the same as between group. I can have a group of kids where the heritability of IQs is very high then split them into two groups who are exposed to different interventions that affect IQ meaning that one group ends up with a higher IQ than the other. The two groups will have different IQ scores for purely environmental reasons but the heritibility amongst the individuals will still be very high.

1) not IQ
2) only one gene
3) i think findings on the topic are more complicated than suggested here

there very well could be meaningful genetic differences but theres not really enough evidence so far.

>> No.15201148

>If there are races they have nothing to do with skin colour
This is a little strong, but I agree that racial differences are much more than skin deep.

>> No.15201150


>> No.15201151

>There are lots of polygenic differences in human populations that clearly fall along racial lines.
Are there now?

>> No.15201155

Here you go, retard>>15199865

>> No.15201159

>IQ was used to look for learning disabilities and severe cognitive impairment
So we should take the fact that Africans score very low seriously.

>> No.15201164

woops, intended to op

>> No.15201166

>You can still plausibly explain the difference environmentally.
No, you can’t. People have been trying and failing for decades.

>> No.15201169

fMRI is divination using pixels.
Also I guess that puts you on the racism is unproven side.

Doesn't addresses my point. Unless you also are on the racism is unproven side.

>> No.15201170

Because IQ strongly correlates with what we typically associate with intelligence. It's the strongest predictive measurement we have for academic success, income, crime, etc. In these studies "intelligence" is defined as these collective attributes.

>> No.15201181


>> No.15201190
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You can easily have a functional human with an IQ of 68. An IQ of less than 70 was considered 'borderline' mental retardation, emphasis on the borderline.
The issue I think you have is that in a high IQ society people conflate two different types of low IQ individuals: those who are otherwise perfectly normal and healthy but just had the bad luck to get a greater share of functional 'low IQ' genes, and those whose mental retardation is a consequence of some other pathology with a host of other mental and physical comorbidities, such as Down's syndrome or Angelman syndrome, where there has been a major chromosomal abnormality. These people behave oddly in addition to having a low intelligence.
A regular person with a low intelligence can perform routine tasks, care for themselves, hold a normal conversation. It's only when they are asked to go out of their everyday comfort zone that they have difficulty, by not understanding instructions etc.

For the record, comparing IQ scores between countries is difficult because of the yet to be explained flynn effect, and even harder in Africa where it's next to impossible to collect a representative sample. The average subsaharan IQ, if they had 1st world conditions, might be closer to 85 (i.e. African American IQs).

>> No.15201196

It all comes down to environmental pressure. In this sense, "exposed" just means how expressed the genes are in an environment and intelligence is just as much exposed as skin.

>> No.15201211

>Yeah but Brown countries are also far shittier than white countries and brown people live shittier in white countries. You can still plausibly explain the difference environmentally.
Of course those countries do worse if their populations do worse cognitively. Low IQ is linked to higher crime rates, for instance. If differences were truly only down to circumstances, then you'd expect to see some non-brown countries in which the brown migrants would do just as well. But that's not happening. Virtually everywhere they do worse. You'd also expect adopted brown kids to do just as well as white/asian kids. But they don't.

That's wrong. Genetic relation is closer between Europeans than between Europeans and Blacks. It simply is that way.

Yes? Colour is polygenic, as is height, as is how their bodies deal with heat and lots more.

>> No.15201240

>That's wrong. Genetic relation is closer between Europeans than between Europeans and Blacks. It simply is that way.
Literally read >>15201181

>> No.15201250

Again, same thing could be said of chimps and humans. More variation within than between.

>> No.15201265

I read it. I don't think it's saying anything that I'd consider controversial. Which part do you think is relevant?

>> No.15201269

>a public statement from the anthropology student body council
You’ve been memed.

>> No.15201278

>Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes.

>Geneticists have come up with a variety of ways of calculating the percentages, which give different impressions about how similar chimpanzees and humans are. The 1.2% chimp-human distinction, for example, involves a measurement of only substitutions in the base building blocks of those genes that chimpanzees and humans share. A comparison of the entire genome, however, indicates that segments of DNA have also been deleted, duplicated over and over, or inserted from one part of the genome into another. When these differences are counted, there is an additional 4 to 5% distinction between the human and chimpanzee genomes

It's cute that you think 6% genetic difference is tiny.

>> No.15201286

>Actual scientist disagree with your pseudoscience
>Bro, don't look at it bro, I'm right

>> No.15201288

Ok nigger

>> No.15201292

>Actual scientist disagree with your pseudoscience
No, they don’t.

>> No.15201298

>Again, same thing could be said of chimps and humans. More variation within than between.
What? No there isn't, there's more variation between than within with chimps and humans.

>> No.15201302

This must be very embarrassing for you

>> No.15201305

You're misinterpreting that data. How do you think people's ancestry and ethnicity are predicted with DNA tests?

>> No.15201308

Can I have a source for that claim?
That AAA link doesn't say anything about that.

>> No.15201318

If there is greater variation within supposed races than between races, how does it make sense to class them as races?

>> No.15201336

They literally do. The idea that "races" are exist in humans has been thoroughly rejected by science. Many times. If you were to ask any biologist or anthropologist, 99.9% of the time they'd tell you races aren't a thing.

>> No.15201343

This Lewontin's fallacy shit is tiring.
>There is more variance in height within each sex than between the sexes. Sexes don't exist.

>> No.15201348

>Evidence from the analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes. This means that there is greater variation within "racial" groups than between them.
From the AAA link.

>> No.15201364

Sexes are defined by completely different criteria than "races", faggot. Your sentence makes no sense.

>> No.15201367

Group A varies from 1-100.
Group B varies from 50-110.
Groups A and B are the same?

>> No.15201369

If your family has 4 different hair colours and your neighbors family has only 1 hair colour, which your family does not have. Who is more closely related to each other? You and your dad or you and their son?

The answer is, your mom is a slut.

>> No.15201379

Because the variation between races can still produce characteristics that don't appear in both races? And can therefore serve to classify both populations into discreet races?

>> No.15201381

You're taking a percentage of difference, not knowing how it is calculated, and then comparing it to another percentage which isn't calculated in the same way. I know this isn't apples to apples because if you take into account absolutely everything you can, there's maybe 0.5% variation in genes across the entire human population. This is much less than the 1.2%.

>> No.15201386

The reason most biologists will tell you race isn’t real is that Watson said the opposite and got blacklisted from the scientific community for it. Anthropologists mostly aren’t scientists so they’re irrelevant.

>> No.15201389

If there is greater variation within supposed species than between species, how does it make sense to class them as species?

>> No.15201395
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Depends which anthropologists or biologists you ask. They're perfectly accepting of the concept in Russia and China.
If you throw out race for not being objective enough, you better throw out subspecies as a concept too, and species. And the whole of linnaean taxonomy as well really.

>> No.15201399

>You're taking a percentage of difference, not knowing how it is calculated, and then comparing it to another percentage which isn't calculated in the same way
No, I’m not.

>> No.15201400

What's your measure of race then? If it isn't how different one is from the other.

>> No.15201407

I don't think that's what I asked:
>You mean there's more difference between two random white persons than between a random white and a random black person?

It seems the AAA link talks about something else. What exactly is the 94% value referring to?

>> No.15201412

>No, I’m not.
No you are, talk through what you think is happening mathematically and I'll tell you where you're wrong.

>> No.15201415

Then why not use any other factor than skin colour? Especially seeing how fragile it is, as it can change in only a few generations.

>> No.15201416

>No you are
No, I’m not.

>> No.15201422

Physical variation.

>> No.15201430

Incorrect. I know the study you're referring to and it is highly flawed because it does not provide a definition of race. It's like asking people if god exists, without providing a definition of god. Someone who doesn't believe in the abrahamic god, but does believe that the universe as we know could have a creator of some kind, might answer no or maybe or even yes depending on how you define god.

If you asked any biologist or anthropologist if there were genetic clusters among humans, I'm sure 99.9% would say yes.

>> No.15201432

Dont say statements like this without some evidence. And Im not saying environment causes the difference just that theres very little evidence for genetic difference at the moment. No studies have unambiguously shown that IQ differences between races have a genetic component.

>Of course those countries do worse if their populations do worse cognitively.

Yes its plausible that those races have less genes for iq and this would probably result in gene-environment interactions. However, thats assuming apriori that there is a genetic difference. Im saying the confound of shittier countries etc is ambiguous enough that you cant say for certain theres a genetic difference in the first place. The ambiguity means both options of no genetic differences or genetic differences is plausible.

Well this is the kind of evidence that would support the fact.

>> No.15201437

Differences can fall into categories that are still grouped together, obviously related.
While a comparatively small number of different genes inbetween populations can produce a big divide, since virtually none of these genes are shared between populations.

>> No.15201441

Physical variation, it literally says it right there.

>> No.15201453

>theres very little evidence for genetic difference at the moment.
There’s a ton of evidence, including actual genes that we’re starting to be able to find
>No studies have unambiguously shown that IQ differences between races have a genetic component
Every IQ study unambiguously shows this. You can account for all the environmental variables you want and there are still race differences in IQ.

>> No.15201455


>> No.15201456
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Nobody ever just used skin color.

>> No.15201460

Ancestral origin of group A is African and group B is Asian. Now the groups are easily distinguish, in the same way a buzzard isn't a vulture though they measure pretty similar.

>> No.15201465

what the fuck you doing on 4chan dude? not specifically replying to this post

>> No.15201477

My sentence is Lewontin's fallacy in a nutshell. Variance is greater within men on x criteria (height, weight, strength), than between men and women. Therefore there is no difference worth talking about except whatever your super duper scientific definition is. The fallacy is that as long as you look at more than a handful of traits you can easily separate men and women without having to look at their junk, just like you do everyday, just like some pleb can look at a photo of an individual and say with certainty they're african, when according to you africans don't exist.

>> No.15201479


>> No.15201493

>However, thats assuming apriori that there is a genetic difference
I'm going to ask you this. How did human IQ evolve and when did it stop? You would never be this careful about any other genetic effect like height or lung volume or efficiency of digestion. In fact you'd never assume that these things are perfectly equal between populations.

>> No.15201500

There are populations in the world that look very similar to each other despite having been physically seperated for millions of years, while other populations are very different-looking while having been seperated for much shorter amounts of time.
These differences are a response to climate and environment and they take hold much faster than any subspecies would ever develop.

>> No.15201509

I literally never said that Africans don't exist. Of Course they exist, but they aren't a "race".

>> No.15201523

Ok, I found it. You should read it to see that it's basically a nonsense argument and no respectable scientist agrees with it:

>> No.15201524

>There are populations in the world that look very similar to each other despite having been physically seperated for millions of years
Populations of...?

>> No.15201533

I just want to clear up what this retard is trying to say.

Take the genes for eye color, the gene for blue, green, and brown eyes(this is a gross simplification for the sake of example) exist in both black and white populations, so they cannot be considered a variance between those two groups but can be considered a difference within those groups despite being rarer or more common in the different groups. And that's the flaw in this line of thinking, it doesn't take into account how expressed the genetic variance is or how that variance i distributed among those populations. The idea of taking a random kenyan and a random german and them being closer genetically than a random member of their own ethnicity would require virtually all of the variance within their ethnicity to be expressed between those two individuals. It would required astronomical luck.

And the chimp anons are right, by that same idea a human and a chimp could be closer genetically to each other than another member of their species.

>> No.15201537

You havent mentioned any of the evidence. stop doing that. the only one ill give you is the genetic thing from this one study that hasnt been published and hasnt been evaluated properly except for the scientists that rejected it. its plausible that theres genetic difference or even cold climate selected for intelligent genes and that study suggests it but theres not almost no evidence; and i guess the scientific community doesnt even want to discuss it.

No IQ study shows that racial differences are genetic. None at all. They show different races have different IQs but not why. Any suggestions at the fact are speculative and ambiguous.

>> No.15201551

>In the 2007 paper "Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations",[17] Witherspoon et al. attempt to answer the question, "How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?". The answer depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity, and the populations being compared. When they analysed three geographically distinct populations (European, African and East Asian) and measured genetic similarity over many thousands of loci, the answer to their question was "never".
Well that settles it, races exist

>> No.15201554

>What is unclear is what this has to do with 'race' as that term has been used through much in the twentieth century—the mere fact that we can find groups to be different and can reliably allot people to them is trivial. Again, the point of the theory of race was to discover large clusters of people that are principally homogeneous within and heterogeneous between, contrasting groups. Lewontin's analysis shows that such groups do not exist in the human species, and Edwards' critique does not contradict that interpretation
From the same article

>> No.15201567


>> No.15201568

That's...wrong. The rate of change due to evolutionary pressure does not depend on what kind of selective pressure it is, but on its severity.
For example the low intensity light of northern climates, which produced white skin, might have been slower than the need to evolve better brains to deal with issues of say, winter climate which needed planning and brain power to deal with.

Also, suppose you're right. That these quick changes exist does not preclude slow changes from also existing.

>> No.15201578

>No IQ study shows that racial differences are genetic. None at all. They show different races have different IQs but not why.
This is the root of the problem: you don’t understand how scientific research works. Every study in which IQ differences between races exist despite accounting for environmental factors (all of them) is proof that IQ variation is genetic.

>> No.15201586
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>> No.15201591

>there are measurable genetic differences between human populations with geographically isolated origins
>b-b-b-but who knows what that has to do with race right guys?

>> No.15201593

So races exist but they aren't that different. Fine.

>> No.15201594

This is just semantic bullshit. See >>15201430

>> No.15201616

Then what's the point of the concept "race"?

>> No.15201620

What's the point of the concept of species?

>> No.15201629

>I'm going to ask you this. How did human IQ evolve and when did it stop? You would never be this careful about any other genetic effect like height or lung volume or efficiency of digestion. In fact you'd never assume that these things are perfectly equal between populations.

Evolution doesnt stop but you nees evidence for your assertions not just speculations. I dont think you can just compare things and assume one applies to another. Your brain is far more complicated to look at than your height. Because our speculations can be so easily wrong its good to be sensitive to what evidence there is and know the difference between a claim where you say theres evidence for this and this is probably the case versus I dont have evidence and Im speculating here.

>> No.15201639

This is a very weird, politically motivated way of thinking that will prevent you from doing good science.

>> No.15201647

There are no IQ studies between race accounting for environmental factors though so I have no idea what youre talking about.

>> No.15201655

Yes there are. You really shouldn’t talk about these things if you don’t have even a basic level of background knowledge.

>> No.15201678

>Your brain is far more complicated to look at than your height.
Exactly. The more genes are involved in a trait, the more likely it is to change.

IQ scores vary according to genetic background. The variance can't be fully accounted for via environmental explanations. Those aren't controversial statements. But therefore genetic IQ variances exist.

>> No.15201681

Post them then. There aren't. The only way to do that is heritability and there are no studies that measure between-group heritability

>> No.15201719

There are IQ tests that work without any environmental or social factors.

>> No.15201737

>There aren't. The only way to do that is heritability
Jesus, no, this is backwards.

>> No.15201738

>Exactly. The more genes are involved in a trait, the more likely it is to change.

Is that something that comes with evidence or something you've speculated on? Either way youre still not providing any direct evidence for the case of IQ.

>IQ scores vary according to genetic background. The variance can't be fully accounted for via environmental explanations. Those aren't controversial statements. But therefore genetic IQ variances exist.

Between individuals but there isnt evidence for between racial groups. Two different things as I have said before. Two groups can plausibly have differences purely environmentally despite within person heritability being high.

>> No.15201812

I hold these things to be self evident. It's not like ample evidence hasn't been posted in this thread. The existing IQ differences, which remain near constant no matter in which country or society these populations live, genes linked to IQ that are being found and which fall along racial lines and comparison of crime rates and IQ scores of whites and blacks at different income levels in the US.

>Between individuals but there isnt evidence for between racial groups.
You're just refusing to budge from your position at this point. Racial groups are made up of individuals. So when individuals have differences along genetic lines, so too have racial groups.

>Two groups can plausibly have differences purely environmentally despite within person heritability being high.
Yeah, but you'd have to show that the appropriate genes don't vary between groups to make such a claim. Because we do know that genetic differences exist between groups. Also that the social reasons for the differences are not caused by a variance in genes.

>> No.15201819

I'm not following you. The environment can affect these tests.

What are you talking about. Studies of heritability are the only way to unambiguously looking at environmental impact for the simple reason that if you can account for heritability, you also now have a metric on the inverse, the environment. There are no methods for studying between-group heritability.

>> No.15201831

Lewtonin's fallacy is bullshit by the way
>In the 70's, a geneticist named Lewontins noticed that the genetic variation between humans was very very small, which was some of the earliest evidence of a significant population bottleneck event which occurred approximately 75,000 years ago, known as the Toba Catastrophe Event. From this data on human genetic variability, Lewontins concluded a few things. Firstly, that more genetic variation exists due to randomness between any two random humans than exists as a result of racial groupings, and secondly, that because of this, we can conclude there is no such thing as race. To the first point, this has been corroborated recently using significantly more powerful tools, which you can read about here.
This data was collected by examining, loosely, large portions of the whole human genome amongst a bunch of different test subjects of multiple ethnicities. Edwards, another geneticist, correctly observed that by looking at specific places in the genome, similar markers could be identified along ethnic groupings, i.e., people from one area tended to have one marker, while people from another tended to have another marker. In 2003, Edwards published an opinions piece in a journal entitled "Human genetic diversity: Lewontin's fallacy" (I believe that is accessible, please let me know if it isn't), in which he correctly points out that genomic markers can be used to accurately track ethnic lineages in individuals. It is important to note that Edwards does not dispute Lewontins statistical analysis.
To clarify, Edwards is correct that genetic markers can be used to accurate track ethnic lineages, and Lewontin was wrong in claiming that doing such was impossible. But Lewontin is not incorrect, nor does Edwards claim otherwise, that more genetic diversity exists between two random individuals than exists as a function of race. 'Lewontins fallacy' is simply the title of the paper Edwards wrote - it is not a field wide rebuke of all of Lewontins work, and indeed, it is at most the reassessment of scientific knowledge when new/more/better data came to light.
Other population scientists, including the evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, have agreed with Edwards insofar as the validity of using genetics to track human genetic lineages, and also agreed with Lewontin insofar as the repeated finding that human genetic variation between random individuals is greater than the variation found as a function of races.

>> No.15201850

There are tons.


>> No.15201859

These tests are literally just pattern recognition. Cultural effects on that are minimal. I guess a civil war or something could affect test scores. But...those kinds of effects are kind of noticeable when making a study.

>> No.15201870

>There are no methods for studying between-group heritability.
There are SAT scores and something like twin studies or transracial adoption studies.

>> No.15201878

Wow, it must be impossible for sub-saharan Africans to differ dramatically from northern Europeans in any one trait. Oh wait a second, their skin is a completely different color. I guess it is possible. Surely nothing like that could happen with intelligence though! Because race doesn't exist so it's impossible.

>> No.15201936

>>>15201738 (You)
>I hold these things to be self evident.
Thats jist stupid

>It's not like ample evidence hasn't been posted in this thread. The existing IQ differences, which remain near constant no matter in which country or society these populations live
and environmental differences can remain constant

>genes linked to IQ that are being found and which fall along racial lines

One single study that was rejected in peer review. Very little evidence. Its suggestive of something but its one study that hasnt been evaluated properly in the scientific community. It may be the beginning of looking at something but thats it. Its not enough yet and before it there was no evidence of those systematic genetic differences. You then have to loom at how much this accounts for in race difference if so.

and comparison of crime rates and IQ scores of whites and blacks at different income levels in the US.

can plausibly still be environmental plus this type of evidence is cherrypicking. "oh look in this specific circumstance things are not as you might expect though I cant be sure other environmental factors might be affecting this"

>You're just refusing to budge from your position at this point. Racial groups are made up of individuals. So when individuals have differences along genetic lines, so too have racial groups.

Only if the races are different along genetic lines which is something there has been almost no evidence on until this study.

>Yeah, but you'd have to show that the appropriate genes don't vary between groups to make such a claim. Because we do know that genetic differences exist between groups. Also that the social reasons for the differences are not caused by a variance in genes.

What do you mean. All I've said in this whole thing is that there is little evidence for the racial difference thing. Im not the one who should be showing anything. Genetic differences may occur between groups but you have to demonstrate this in this particular case.

>> No.15201968

None of these have studies within group differences. Theres no method for this. There have been transracial adoption studies but its very difficult to interpet this. Adoption studies are generally not as good as twins at looking at the particular separation of genetic and environmental but even with twin studies theres no between group method.

>> No.15202020

>can plausibly still be environmental

A very low plausibility. The thing about controlling for the environment is that you can only really control for hypothesized factors. For example, you can hypothesis that socioeconomic status has an effect on IQ. And in fact it does have a positive effect on IQ, though the racial gap actually increases at higher socioeconomic status. Even now as we've controlled for income, nationality, relationship status of parents, and what school you go to, all of which were hypothesized as possible explanations of the racial IQ gap, the gap remains. So before you say it could still be environmental, please suggest a factor you'd like to have controlled.

>> No.15202029

Im convinced youve pulled this out your arse. you should cite something. I.know that people criticise IQ tests for being insensitive to cultures and people do study environmental influences on IQ. For instance its well known that poverty reduces the heritability of IQ.

they dont segregate environmental and genetic cause though.

>> No.15202059

>About one-third of the time (equation M54 = 0.31) an individual will be phenotypically more similar to someone from another population than to another member of the same population.

What is meant by this, exactly?
Doesn't phenotype usually mean evident bodily features?
If so, that doesn't make sense.

>> No.15202061

>environmental differences can remain constant
That's an extraordinary claim. Please name me one example of an environmental effect that remains constant all across the globe in all income brackets, but only amongst one ethnicity.

>One single study that was rejected in peer review.
That was just what was posted in this thread. There's more if you look.

>Only if the races are different along genetic lines which is something there has been almost no evidence on until this study.
We can pinpoint a persons origin thanks to genetics. What do you mean races don't differ along genetic lines?

Please do show me one environmental effect that affects genetic Africans globally and reduces their IQ scores. Your assumption is very tenuous and has even less prove than the genetic explanation. You just seem to blindly take the environmental explanation on faith.

>> No.15202082







>> No.15202112

>None of these have studies within group differences.
Aren't SAT scores posted for different ethnicities?

>there's no between group method.
You're lying. Difficult to interpret does not mean non existant. You know that very well.

Look at the tests. They're literally just lines and blocks. There is no cultural knowledge that can help doing these tests. Everything else is selecting comparable test subjects. Such as university students. Which, btw, gives the advantage to the less intelligent race, as it selects for those individuals that go to university.

>> No.15202152

>A very low plausibility. The thing about controlling for the environment is that you can only really control for hypothesized factors. For example, you can hypothesis that socioeconomic status has an effect on IQ. And in fact it does have a positive effect on IQ, though the racial gap actually increases at higher socioeconomic status. Even now as we've controlled for income, nationality, relationship status of parents, and what school you go to, all of which were hypothesized as possible explanations of the racial IQ gap, the gap remains. So before you say it could still be environmental, please suggest a factor you'd like to have controlled.

There could be various cultural factors and values that could be implicated. Any environmental differences would be probably made up of many types of differences. Diet could even be one even if it accounts for just a small amount of the variance. They could then all add up. Just because the ones you hypothesized didnt close the gap doesnt mean there are others. Its also implausible that these factors by themselves can account for any kind if difference in anything. The reason your wage predicts things is because it mediates the causality of other very complex factors. Not wage in and of itself. Theres a very complex underbelly in environmental factors which could be a reason why generally, people studying heritability in psychology find that any single factor like marital status or socioeconomic status often accounts for very small proportions in the variance of a given trait. There are large swathes of environmental variance that are difficult to tap into. Its difficult to put a plausibility on these things until you actually have some kind of direct evidence.

>> No.15202183

>could could would could could

>There are large swathes of environmental variance that are difficult to tap into. Its difficult to put a plausibility on these things until you actually have some kind of direct evidence.
So you have no evidence, but IQ is totally environmental?

>> No.15202231

Why is this thread filled with unverified assumptions, guesses, theories, mathematical equations and circle-jerk of citations of more theories?

>> No.15202244

Yeah but not HERITABILITY between groups.

Difficult to interpret means complicated and not segregating environmental and genetic effects and not being conclusive of anything either way.
Im not lying. There are no between group methods to estimate heritability.
Im not arguing for non-existent. Im arguing that your side has a lack of evidence.

Just because they are lines and blocks doesnt mean environmental or cultural factors cant affect the test or your brain in a way that affects the test. We know it does so I dont know why youre arguing. We know that theres environmental variability on IQ tests, we know the environment in development can affect cognition, we know that poverty suppresses heritability in IQ tests.

yes we know iq can be different between different races but no one has studied the genetic contribution to that.

>> No.15202267

My argument was never that IQ differences between races was all environemental. It was that there ids very little direct evidence for genetic differences.

My main point in all this is differentiating when you are making an assertiom based on evidence versus speculation.

>> No.15202295

>Theres a very complex underbelly in environmental factors which could be a reason why generally, people studying heritability in psychology find that any single factor like marital status or socioeconomic status often accounts for very small proportions in the variance of a given trait. There are large swathes of environmental variance that are difficult to tap into
Yes but the reason things like socioeconomic status are singled out to control for is that they differ between groups. Blacks in America are typically lower on this scale, which is why it's important to control for. There are probably billions of environmental factors at play in our intelligence, but by controlling for major identifiable ones we also inevitably control for many smaller ones. So the idea of yet unidentified environmental factors can explain the gap seems unlikely, especially when we know intelligence is genetic and these racial groups coincide with genetic clusters. Nutrition, by the way, has been taken into account, it had a small effect.


Seems like you'll never be convinced though. First you denied the existence of race and the genetic variance in racial groups, then you said no studies had accounted for environmental factors, and each time you've been proven wrong you move the goalposts until we're where we are now. So I must concede, that we have not omnisciently controlled for every possible factor.

>> No.15202412

I want to append this post. I think one of the big issues regarding this is why people are interested anyway. For me, it's because we live in a society with an equal outcome mindset and social policies. Like affirmative action and diversity quotas. These policies only make sense under the belief that certain groups under-perform because of systematic environmental factors like discrimination or a history or oppression. As such, since those are active policies, I think the burden of proof should be on them to prove that those are the causes and not genetics.

If it were the other way around, if our society had active policies based on a genetic belief, like that black people shouldn't be allow to breed or something, then I would demand they prove it first.

>> No.15202587

>My argument was never that IQ differences between races was all environemental. It was that there ids very little direct evidence for genetic differences.
Well, you are wrong. We have a lot of evidence for genetic differences. We wouldn't even need to know what genes are to know that these differences are hereditary.

>Yeah but not HERITABILITY between groups.
We do. We know that IQ is partially hereditary. Which means that the differences between groups in IQ, accounted for environmental factors are also hereditary.

>Just because they are lines and blocks doesnt mean environmental or cultural factors cant affect the test or your brain in a way that affects the test.
Prove it. Name me one culture that affects these test results. What culture on earth can't deal with lines and shapes?

>Seems like you'll never be convinced though.
Yes, that Anon is really desperate.

>> No.15202750

What exactly is your gripe with the Minnesota twin study?

Also, imagine we had the perfect methodology that satisfied you. Based on what we know, would you wager the average black IQ is higher, lower, or the same as the average white IQ? It seems like it would be a remarkable coincidence if they were identical. And it would surprise me if it were higher.

I would wager the average black IQ is lower based on the way the world looks and the studies that have been done so far.

>> No.15202776

Because people love giving 400 autistic replies to obvious bait on this board.

>> No.15202787

>Name me one culture that affects these test results. What culture on earth can't deal with lines and shapes?
I accept differences in intelligence. But just because you can't imagine the cultural bias doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Cultures with universal education probably produce people more accustomed to focusing on hours long paper-and-pencil tests. That ability is probably associated with intelligence but practice should also help.

>> No.15202850

>Yes but the reason things like socioeconomic status are singled out to control for is that they differ between groups. Blacks in America are typically lower on this scale, which is why it's important to control for. There are probably billions of environmental factors at play in our intelligence, but by controlling for major identifiable ones we also inevitably control for many smaller ones. So the idea of yet unidentified environmental factors can explain the gap seems unlikely, especially when we know intelligence is genetic and these racial groups coincide with genetic clusters. Nutrition, by the way, has been taken into account, it had a small effect.

Look at this study on happiness.

Imagine If I had controlled for all the factors youd said for a study on happiness... well according to this they would only account for maybe like 20% of the variance or something like that which leaves about 60-70% environmental variance unexplained despite apparently controlling for the major factors.

Look at this talking about unexplained non-shared environmental variance


The point is that the environment is far more complex than just eliminating these major environmental variables. They are only the surface of a deep well of environmental difference, presumably from factors that we just havent looked at or are too difficult to look at. Its very plausible tha those major factors may not account for all the environmental variance and we aren't looking at factors of culture and microbehaviours which are unrelated to the major factors.

>Seems like you'll never be convinced though. First you denied the existence of race and the genetic variance in racial groups
No I didnt.

>then you said no studies had accounted for environmental factors,

No studies show between group heritability and studies controlling for environmental factors arent controlling for all of them if anywhere near all of them.

So I must concede, that we have not omnisciently controlled for every possible factor.

No you havent and by logic that means theres room for you to be wrong until you can fully account for heritability.

Its also of great interest to society to be sensitive with these issues in terms of race relations which requires people make assertions based on evidence and not speculation. I generally disagree with those policies generally more or less but I dont think this type of science is the reason to argue whether they should be implemented.

>> No.15202885

>Well, you are wrong. We have a lot of evidence for genetic differences. We wouldn't even need to know what genes are to know that these differences are hereditary.

I guarantee you that you couldnt find one study showing the heritability of iq test scores in terms of between group differences. You have no direct evidence for differences. Just speculation and this one recent unpublished study. If you did then you would show them to me.

>We do. We know that IQ is partially hereditary. Which means that the differences between groups in IQ, accounted for environmental factors are also hereditary.

IQ is highly heritable at the individual level but we dont know at the group. Individual doesnt automatically apply and any scientist and wikipedia will agree with me.

>Prove it. Name me one culture that affects these test results. What culture on earth can't deal with lines and shapes?

Despite all the discussion that IQ may not be culturally sensitive and the studies on how cognitive perceptions differ widely in non western cultures, which both would argue against you, you are missing my point. Im not talking about needing culture to interpret to the shapes Im talking about culture having an effect on your development. For instance culture may lead you to engage less in school or even be taken out of school and lower your IQ or have less environmental enrichment outside of school. Like i said before poverty lowers heritability which is another example of environment affecting these tests.

Why would you think I had a gripe with that study?

White IQ is higher. I dont know what youre asking.