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15195602 No.15195602 [Reply] [Original]

What must I read before I read the Bible?

>> No.15195622

Babylonian and Sumerian mythology. the Israelites took a lot of mythology from their neighbors

>> No.15195630

Nothing. Just get a study Bible if you can - the footnotes will be helpful. The Bible is the one book everyone should read were they to only read one thing in their lives.

>> No.15195631

Fuckin' atheists and metaphorical interpretation retards ruining religion. Fuck off, moron. You've got the falling castles of what used to be academia behind you.

>> No.15195632

Is that what the priest who raped you told you?

>> No.15195640

not an atheist, why do European Pagan religions considered mythology but middle eastern ones aren't?

>> No.15195666
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Then pay a visit to either the Louvre museum or the British Museum and pay special attention to the Mesopotamia rooms with the translations of their clay tables to get an idea of how their Kings liked to boast about war conquest and divine rights, how they hunted beasts as sport and how they loved boring lists of legislation and grain counting.

Now you're ready to start the Old Testament.

>> No.15195670
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>Virginity, the post.

>> No.15195679

nice try satan

>> No.15196345

God saved me on His own. I had no steady church for over a year after becoming a Christian. I just read the Bible and built a relationship with Him. Also, not a Catholic, so no priests.

>> No.15196372

Start with the Sumerians

>> No.15196394

This. If you want to really understand especially the old testamentet, you should get, or download, the Jewish Study Bible. Fantastic Bible that gives you an interpretation without Christian influence.

>> No.15196409

The post has 666 in it.... RUN THE FUCK AWAY CHRISTIANS

>> No.15196426

Satan wrote similar stories from the bible 1000 years before they happened so it'd be easier to discredit the bible later.

>> No.15196439

Or... maybe those stories actually happened and they are all recounts of the same thing?

How did you get this stupid?

>> No.15196506

Sure, Satan's just gonna do nothing and wait for souls to fall in his lap. Real plausible theory you got there.

>> No.15196566

You're obviously trolling, but if you believe in Satan, you gotta believe some of the disharmony and discord we are experiencing right now in life is because of him. And to a large extent it has to be, not because of anyone or anything but the lover of chaos and evil.

Gluttony, greed/avarice, licentiousness, murder, etc.

You see all vices and sins in today's society in increasing numbers. It screams of degeneracy and satan.

The ever-prevailing social Darwinist philosophies espouse many of these principles. I'm sure you can see who we're up against here, whoever it is has been espousing philosophy throughout academia for the downfall of mankind. Much like how The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf contributed to millions of deaths, so has any other book from a eugenicist like Darwin et al.

The current morality screams Game Theory applied to the Jewish population that controls society...

Except game theory was never intended to be used that way. Game theory was an escape route for the egalitarian utilitarian, someone that believed in the best possible outcome for the entire civilization in general, not select groups of people.

It seems like people are being used, raised, and trained much like cattle. And whoever is in charge (Satan?) thinks they are smarter than every single human being in existence.

>> No.15196575

The invention of God by Thomas Römer

>> No.15196576


>> No.15196704

So does that mean Jews readily admit their beliefs are derived from Mesopotamian myth?

>> No.15196727

There are other theories about existence that should be considered other than a constant dualist battle between good and evil.

>> No.15196740

If Satan is in charge on earth...
I think we're still in the midst of chaos and no one is in control. The supernatural fears to reveal itself lest that evidence become a source of faith. Every increase in the secular age drives more away from the Divine. Only after the faithful are lifted will the Adversary be apparent.

>> No.15196762

Why? What kind of morality could you possibly believe in that's superior to Good and Evil? (please don't resort to Nietzsche).

Agreed completely. Completely.

He would want us to think some ethnic minorities or some kind of physical characteristic is manipulating mankind.

>> No.15196871

>wanting to live under a continual witch trial

>> No.15198463

They are of course. Look at the history of the Talmud

>> No.15198510

Not sure why people here care so much about The Bible. It’s valuable contextual knowledge, but beyond familiarity the actual language isn’t really worth reading.

>> No.15198597

skip it, massively overrated and only read by pseuds to get the references in english lit

>> No.15198643

Exactly. Its utility is limited.

>> No.15198662

Anything by Karl Popper, so you can figure out how full of shit the Bible is