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/lit/ - Literature

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15195019 No.15195019 [Reply] [Original]

What are some minor classics to read after you finish the major ones?

>> No.15195332


You won't ever finish the major ones.

>> No.15195366

God i hate this first world "artists"
with their Mac computers

they are a bunch of woman with cero good taste
and they think that they are special, but no

>> No.15195379

That bookcase in the back, it’s the Laiva model from Ikea. Pretty sturdy and only 20 bucks. I have a few of them, highly recommend.

>> No.15195396

I already did, fuckface.

>> No.15195542

Based Assumption
Cringe Assertion

>> No.15195565

Really. You read ALL the classics. You read Madame Bovary, the Enuma Elish, the Tale of Genji, The Metamorphosis, all of Schiller's poetry, Eugene Onegin, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the Muqaddimah, Shakespeare, the Bible, etc. etc. Very imrpessive.

>> No.15195577
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>> No.15195604

Didn’t read Genji and Four Chinese Novels because I’m only focusing on the Western Canon

>> No.15195615

I'm in love with her.

>> No.15195825

>and they think that they are special, but no
projection. You think what makes you special is the kind of computer you use? Pathetic.

>> No.15196196

You are incapable of original thought if you own a mac. You simply can't create anything of worth.

>> No.15196412

Bro it's just a computer.

>> No.15196417


>> No.15196449
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What books does she have? I can only make out Capital in the 21st Century

>> No.15196663

someone post my chart!

>> No.15196993

She’s a complete sellout.

>> No.15197430

Just keep reading and you will start seeing what you like and group of authors which fit in that category. If you believe you have read all the "classics" or if you are asking this question you have not read enough desu

>> No.15197488

Leftists are always-already sellouts. They're all establishment pawns.

>> No.15197490
File: 41 KB, 720x540, 68612531_2445823245705244_6012053890470510592_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based ivory-tower bourgeois anarchist