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15193970 No.15193970 [Reply] [Original]

Im 25 and been struggling with alcohol for more than a decade. Drinking culture in europe is fully retarded. Will learning to drink in moderation ever be possible for someone with a history of almost dying multiple times from decisions made from drinking too much? I dont even like other drugs sober, but when I drunk stuff like pic related ends up in my system in the ER. I been sober 6 months ever since. My issue is socializing without it. I dont enjoy doing anything sober. I dont enjoy sober sex or even talking to women sober. I tell myself i only need like 2 litres of beer now to feel good but im afraid i will fuck up again.

My dad is an alcoholic and been drinking for more than 30 years daily if this fact matters to the topic.

Literature on philosophy/psychology/neurology to learn how to enjoy a sober life?

>> No.15193989

infinite jest

>> No.15194000

In your case, moderation is to never drink again in your life.
Try to read Epicurus or the Stoics.

>> No.15194014

I wish i knew anon, the only thing in life that i enjoy is drinking or rather it's the only thing that allows me to enjoy anything.

>> No.15194026

well i read seneca in his serenity book writing to serenus and he said a glass wine or two after work is fine like cicero drinks kek

>> No.15194032

it seems stop drinking will only make you more miserable so what's really the issue here? you're not afraid of dying are you

>> No.15194048

The Bible.

>> No.15194058

pick a different drug to replace alcohol. You could try replacing alcohol with extreme exercise addiction too if you want to be "healthy" about it

>> No.15194075

Erbärmlich, junge.
Do the thing most drunk or druggies who are intelligent enough to still look for help in literature and read Existentialists and pick the one you like most.
Read literature like Dostojevski, Döblin and Mishima and you will land on your own two feet again if you manage to never touch alcohol or drugs again.
Unless you are an edgy anti-religion freak, which your history would suggest, I recommend read Kirkegaard.
And whatever you do, do not read philosophy (or any of the bullshit you listed) from a scientific philosophical approach.
Only way you gain anything is if you avoid that one crucial mistake.
Viel Erfolg.

>> No.15194092

this is what im currently doing and this is how i managed to go 6 months sober but im feeling lonely and the urges to take a thailand trip with a friend to do the usual degenerate shit are getting stronger with the day. i think i simply need to find a good women who will help me on my path of being sober but meeting one is not easy. i have to relearn everything like a child. i used to drink at 13 on dates already.

>> No.15194111


>> No.15194156

>i think i simply need to find a good women who will help me on my path of being sober but meeting one is not easy.
Bro, I don't know you but I can tell you that's not the way. If your life is completely fucked a qt trad gf isn't going to fall out of the sky to rescue you from alcoholism so you can embark on the straight and narrow together. At best you're going to find a girl that's also mentally fucked and just going to reinforce bad habits or you're going to find the kind of chronic bitch that tries to "fix" you.

You just need to get on a good path for yourself and then worry about women.

>> No.15194344


>> No.15194359
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>will learning to drink in moderation ever be possible
Doubtful, if the person has become chemically addicted to alcohol. True "alcoholics" are chemical addicts. You cannot undo chemistry and "learn" to not be an addict. Myself, as a good example. Attempting to replace alcohol with another addictive drug will not work either, for the same reason. People are individuals as to how they learn to enjoy life clean and sober, but it can be done.

>> No.15194394

>And whatever you do, do not read philosophy (or any of the bullshit you listed) from a scientific philosophical approach.

Why tho lol

>> No.15194497

I used alcohol as a social crutch and went from being lonely to being (drunk) friends with a lot of people. Drinking culture in Germany is truly fucked. I quit drinking and lost all those friends, because everything social they do is somehow alcohol related (throwing up was something to be cheered at and perfectly normal) . Now I'm lonely again but at least I don't have to worry about dying from alcohol poisoning anymore.

>> No.15194526

Same story.

>> No.15194647


>> No.15194777

>not afraid of dying
>panic attacks
this dude needs cold turkey and nothing else. been there done that. it's either quit or total nervous breakdown.

>> No.15194800

>i need a woman to be sober
no, you need to be sober to be sober. you're looking for an outside fix instead of developing true temperance. besides that, women make it easier to drink. they're a massive fucking headache that you constantly seek relief from. i repeat, nothing is going to help you except God and yourself

>> No.15194959

Wie kann man sich nur so hart gönnen

>> No.15194965

Did i make this thread in a black out

>> No.15194977


>Will learning to drink in moderation ever be possible for someone with a history of almost dying multiple times from decisions made from drinking too much?

No. Ya dun goofed. You gotta give it up entirely.

>> No.15195042


>> No.15195762


>> No.15195847

Jesus, I'm South European and I thought here alcohol culture was bad. Anyway I'd tell you to search for help, socialize with people staring "from the scratch" without drinking and spend a lot of time doing activities outside. Also of course avoid some people that will make you return to acohol abuse

>> No.15195874

i never understood alcoholism so posts like this are of interest to me.
>i grew up the child of an alcoholic
>was tapping his stash by age 12 in small doses i could get away with
>developed an appreciation for the taste itself rather than the effect
>regardless of that, i began drinking rather heavily during late highschool and college
>had a friend with a fake ID, would regularly get trashed in group of friends and even go onto the rooftop of the barn on their property to look at the stars at night while drunk
>the empty barn itself had been part warehouse for hoarded crap, part feral cat domicile, and part last our clubhouse adorned with alcohol paraphernalia, stolen street signs, and sports team flags
>in college i lost that friendgroup but drank with others, would rampage around the forest drunkenly with them in the dead of night
>did some parties and fucked around
>by myself i drank for fun and rather heavily, made a trip to the booze shop at least weekly with an older go-between, and received payments for certain services in wine and whatever other alcohol they might donate
>through all that time i always kept a certain reservation as a limit--to be fairly tipsy and boisterous but not drunk enough even to vomit
>i have vomited from alcohol only twice in my entire life, only had a hangover 4 times
>after that adored alcohol but drank less
>there was a period i lost interest completely and went an entire year without a single drop
>now i drink once every week or two and have just one or two
>have no desire to become drunk, have never made poor decisions while drunk, have never felt any type of addictive compulsion even at the heaviest drinking period during college
>despite heavy alcoholism in the family and personal chronic depression from childhood on
it's hard for me to really understand that alcoholism is a real thing. by every right i should have developed it, but i have not.

>> No.15195899

based degenerate

>> No.15195938

>My dad is an alcoholic and been drinking for more than 30 years daily if this fact matters to the topic.
It does. You were likely an alcoholic before you even had your first pint of beer, anon.

>> No.15195939

Can relate

>> No.15195948

Source on "alcoholic" genetics?

>> No.15195969

you must just not have the genes for it at all, funny considering your dad/mom

>> No.15196002

I'm in a similar situation to you, anon, and I can vouch for >>15193989 being a great place to start.

My doctor recently put me on a higher dose of antidepressant and on Naltrexone which is supposed to help me cope with being sober as fuck.

>> No.15196472

is that it, just genes?

>> No.15196610

Obviously, there's no easy answer to this. Like most traits, it's partially genes and partially environment (which includes culture). Quick google search provides a rough estimate of alcoholism being ~45% heritable (that is: ~45% of differences among people in this trait are due to genes). But you also obviously share very similar environment to your parents, so in reality you are even more likely to follow their footsteps. Yeah, it's fucked. I'd recommend OP to read some self-help book but I don't know any that deal with alcoholism specifically.

>> No.15196837

and even if you do somehow find a qt trad wife that's no guarantee that will keep you sober, worst case scenario you just feel guilty or fuck things up and make things worse. Trust me, feeling like shit because your getting drunk is better than feeling like shit and also letting down the most important person in your life.
I know it's probably shat on here for being by Kerouac but Big Sur is actually quite good for when you're trying to find something to put you off.
And don't get too despondent, it is possible to learn moderation, the key is finding things you actually enjoy rather than kidding yourself about habits and time wastes that ultimately make you feel worse. If you don't feel comfortable socialising, you might just be trying to socialise with the wrong people.
I had a heart attack 7 years ago and I've been with my gf nearly a decade, still drink but not irresponsibly. You can do it op.

>> No.15196948

Two fucking liters of beer is your minimum? Jesus christ

>> No.15196961
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I've barely ever been exposed to situations in my life where there is alcohol, I guess being a lifelong autistic neet with no friends has some benefits. Mind altering substances are degenerate btw.