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15193465 No.15193465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sorry, but what the fuck is a bugman?

>> No.15193518

Anyone who disagrees with me and doesn't subscribe to the alt-Reich

>> No.15193533
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>> No.15193538

Describes either a Chinese person, or a materialistic consumer AKA a "soiboy".

>> No.15193573

How are bugmen different from Nietzsche's Last Man? Quick, I need to write a 100 word essay on this and it's due tomorrow.

>> No.15193635

A person fully submerged into consumerism. Someone with zero bonds to anything that could be considered "human" in the classical sense of the world, like the arts. Falling short of being a human, the bugman is an insect, a being moving on pure instinct and external sensory input, without anything resembling a soul within.

>> No.15193683

But couldn't artistic people also be bugmen? There are plenty of people who are submerged in consumerism, but they also create things.

I looked this up and it seems very similar

>> No.15193696

>Someone with zero bonds to anything that could be considered "human"
Any other examples of this beyond art (besides many bugmen consume "art")

>> No.15193708

NPC probably. im not on par with internet's latest slangs

>> No.15193719

bugman was used way before the term npc you fucking zoomer retard

>> No.15193727

what is a zoomer? hehe j k im trolling you

im not an anglophone could care less

>> No.15193746

>many bugmen consume "art"
Yes, they "consume" art, but they don't appreciate it. Art for the bugman is not an end unto itself but a mere tool : social marker of culturedness, something to signal his virtue with, a tool for mental masturbation, etc.

>Any other examples of this beyond art
Bugmen have no inner voice, dreams, aspirations, or ideals. They have pretty much zero sense of self, so they resemble herd animals much more closely than they resemble actual humans. In this sense of the word, every bugman is an NPC.

>> No.15193758
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>inner voice
demons/mental illness
>aspirations, or ideals
attachment and entitlement
>zero sense of self
>resemble herd animals
All humans are animals

>> No.15193760

they consume products, if they consumed art they wouldn't be bugmen

>> No.15193786

A meaningless term that just means "anyone that I don't like and am assuming to be a Lefty". Early this week I saw some e-trad fuentes zoomer calling a dude a nihilistic bugman for arguing that the Christian concept of heaven is more than just "glowy place in the clouds that you literally wake up in after death", and another calling anyone who didn't embrace firm Academic Skepticism a "fucking Bug".

One thing I personally use it for is to refer to someone whose entire emotional spectrum is purely performative. They're incapable, or seemingly incapable, of actually processing any kind of internal drama, upset, instability, or turmoil at all, and can only ever "feel" something by acting how they think they should to a group of people. Put another way, a Bugman is simply too immature to actually deal with feeling angry in a productive way (even punching your wall is productive by comparison), to the point of being absolutely paralyzed. They literally can't, any intense feeling just stops them in their tracks. To avoid having to ever actually feel anything, they they put on a mask and act in a purely performative manner for a crowd (Bugmen are ALWAYS on social media so that they ALWAYS have a crowd), effectively offshoring the need to deal with their emotions to the crowd.

>> No.15193976

A spiritually dead or small-souled person, a contemptible specimen of subhumanity. Often implies consumerism or liberalism.

I don't think it's right to call all lefties bugmen. Stalin wasn't insectoid at all, or the old anarchists. Bugmen are liberal, but they can be right-liberal/conservative/ancap as easily as left-liberal/progressive/radlib.

>> No.15194020

bugmen are mostly leftists because that's what the system is selling the most right now

>> No.15194029

The "system" isn't selling leftism lmao

>> No.15194030

the word doesnt mean much anymore. It used to refer to a sort of deracinated, often libertarian, sterile person who defined themselves purely by what they consume. It was the 'small souled bugman' originally.

There was particular emphasis on being cut off from the culture of your parents and grandparents some kind of living tradition being passed on in a real place.

>> No.15194052

It really depends on what you mean by that. Most self described leftists bear a ton of progressive priors which were imprinted on them by capitalism (though with the aim of preventing productive leftism).

Also all progressives are bugmen. Without exception.

>> No.15194066

What about african americans that dont have a culture?

>> No.15194073

Anyone who disagrees with me and doesn't subscribe to some weird psuedo Zizek alt-left

>> No.15194126

Ethnic minorities in the first world are so irreparably deracinated from what little original culture they had in the first place that they have no real choice but to be bugmen through no real fault of their own.

>> No.15194162
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>Also all progressives are bugmen. Without exception.
Reactionary trad larping is cringe without exception

>> No.15194167


An improved future evolutionary state of the human animal which is incapable of religious feeling. The Han Chinese are very close to this. Religionists and white people generally seethe and dilate at the thought of their own obsolescence, so they attach the negative epithet to the idea, suggesting a regression when the opposite is the case.

The notion of the "bugman" has been explored in Invasion of the Body Snatchers and derivative science fiction stories, where everyone is gradually replaced by emotionless, inhuman copies of themselves-and then society is peaceful and functions far better than it ever had previously. A very instructive example of the above white seething that I was referring to is found in the remake of Village of the Damned, where the human character Christopher Reeve emotionally lashes out at his betters.

>> No.15194190

Actually, I'm post-cringe. And yes, all left-liberals are bugmen.

>> No.15194192


>sticks and rocks are authentic culture which is the only real culture, nike shoes are inauthentic culture because they're consumer culture, only sticks and rocks count as culture---

>> No.15194227

Nothing lasts, everything is in flux, complexity is constantly unfolding. Reactionaries are losers who don't want to accept reality, progress itself is primordial and constant. It's a sad state of affair, like an animal who is cornered.

>> No.15194235

adam friedland

>> No.15194251

I'm sure that sounded extremely profound in your head. Unfortunately, because I am not a reactionary, it doesn't work as an insult, and comes off primarily as self-fellatio for your incredibly basic bitch, capital-approved opinions. Go watch a Marvel film.

>> No.15194261

>who don't want to accept reality,
How familiar are you with human biology

>> No.15194263

The stereotypes that Chinese are borg like is rooted in a fear of what's seemingly foreign. Chinese culture itself is extremely alien to the West, but the people are still people once you're able to transcend the linguistic and social barriers.

>> No.15194289

What's your consensus on biology? Why does it need to be defended by you?

>> No.15194308

You're not as unique and special as you think you are

>> No.15194319

Okay, bugman.

>> No.15194340

>where everyone is gradually replaced by emotionless, inhuman copies of themselves-and then society is peaceful and functions far better than it ever had previously
Yeah fuck that. If that's the future of the human race then I'm 100% on the side of dudes like Foucault and Bataille. Gay sex suicide orgies and ritualised human sacrifice and cannibalism? Yes please!

>> No.15194352

You're looking into a mirror, you see bugmen everywhere because you are a bugman