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15192822 No.15192822 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15192871


>> No.15192886
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mega-cringe, tradition is the vessel which carries wisdom to us from across the waters of time, gay soγ-boy which wants to 'rebel against' tradition because professor Shlomostein told him to detected

>> No.15192905

Nice. Although I'd be slightly more generous and say it's the mummy

>> No.15192906

for me, its Lulu

>> No.15192909

>he doesn't see the obvious irony
only a guenonfag could be this stupid

>> No.15192920

the only alternate to tradition is atomization, and only a materialist bugman would think it's a good thing.

>> No.15192952

This quote has a lot more abstract meaning than you fags are giving it credit

>> No.15192958

no because both tradition and wisdom are alive & active in the world. Don't expect wisdom without tradition and don't expect tradition without wisdom.

>> No.15192984

People are really quick to throw around "go back to /pol" but this is some highly ingrained level of "I see the same boogeyman everywhere even when what's being talked about has nothing to do with it"

>> No.15193019

i know you wanted to make fun of edgelords

but this is really an great quote and i will use it now in the future and there ´s nothing you can do about it

>> No.15193035

What he means is that once their is no more need for wisdom it dies and leaves behind tradition as a corpse. Not >hurr durr throw away your bible tips fedora

>> No.15193051
File: 9 KB, 236x236, 7651e469d9bd930f97f11543b4e43e91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honor matters. The silence is your answer"

>> No.15193068

>mudslime stan speaking of cringe

>> No.15193069

don't you know the expression "silence means yes"?

>> No.15193073

Utterly based

Hear now the deeper teaching of the Yog,
Which holding, understanding, thou shalt burst
Thy Karmabandh, the bondage of wrought deeds.
Here shall no end be hindered, no hope marred,
No loss be feared: faith — yea, a little faith —
Shall save thee from the anguish of thy dread.
Here, Glory of the Kurus! shines one rule —
One steadfast rule — while shifting souls have laws
Many and hard. Specious, but wrongful deem
The speech of those ill-taught ones who extol
The letter of their Vedas, saying, "This
Is all we have, or need;" being weak at heart
With wants, seekers of Heaven: which comes — they say —
As "fruit of good deeds done;" promising men
Much profit in new births for works of faith;
In various rites abounding; following whereon
Large merit shall accrue towards wealth and power;
Albeit, who wealth and power do most desire
Least fixity of soul have such, least hold
On heavenly meditation. Much these teach,
From Veds, concerning the "three qualities;"
But thou, be free of the "three qualities,"
Free of the "pairs of opposites," and free
From that sad righteousness which calculates;
Self-ruled, Arjuna! simple, satisfied.
Look! like as when a tank pours water forth
To suit all needs, so do these Brahmans draw
Text for all wants from tank of Holy Writ.
But thou, want not! ask not! Find full reward
Of doing right in right! Let right deeds be
Thy motive, not the fruit which comes from them.
And live in action! Labour! Make thine acts
Thy piety, casting all self aside,
Contemning gain and merit; equable
In good or evil: equability
Is Yog, is piety!
Yet, the right act
Is less, far less, than the right-thinking mind.
Seek refuge in thy soul; have there thy heaven!
Scorn them that follow virtue for her gifts!
The mind of pure devotion — even here —
Casts equally aside good deeds and bad,
Passing above them. Unto pure devotion
Devote thyself: with perfect meditation
Comes perfect act, and the righthearted rise —
More certainly because they seek no gain —
Forth from the bands of body, step by step,
To highest seats of bliss. When thy firm soul
Hath shaken off those tangled oracles
Which ignorantly guide, then shall it soar
To high neglect of what's denied or said,
This way or that way, in doctrinal writ.
Troubled no longer by the priestly lore,
Safe shall it live, and sure; steadfastly bent
On meditation. This is Yog — and Peace!

>> No.15193097

Fuck tradition and fuck desires

Those with great Virtue are not bound by virtues,
Thus can be with Virtue;
Those without Virtue fail to liberate themselves of virtues,
Thus remain without Virtue.
Those with great Virtue act not and take no credit in their actions,
Those without Virtue act and demand respect in their actions.
The humane acts charitably and holds no repute.
The righteous acts in the name of justice and relishes the glory.
The moral acts, and when there is no response,
Forces the issue, alas to no avail.
Therefore, when the Dao is lost there is Virtue,
When Virtue is lost there is humanity,
When humanity is lost there is righteousness,
When righteousness is lost there is morality.
When the rituals of morality become customary,
Devotion and faith become skin deep and turmoil begins to stir;
When priority is given to the scholars,
The Dao becomes glorified and are used to fool the crowd.
Hence the master is concerned with depth,
Not with sheerness;
Dwells on integrity, not on glory.
Therefore, detach from exteriors and embrace interiors.

>> No.15193109

The Bible does not lead to any specific tradition. Discarding tradition is not discarding sacred texts.

Tradition is accident. Wisdom is essence.

>> No.15193110
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You take that back you Order of Shadow scum.

>> No.15193124

I just downvoted your comment.


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* Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a `/s`.

# *Am I banned from the Reddit?*

No - not yet. But you should refrain from making comments like this in the future. Otherwise I will be forced to issue an additional downvote, which may put your commenting and posting privileges in jeopardy.

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>> No.15193162

>* Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a `/s`.
my sides are in orbit

the fact alone that this practice is actually pervasive throughout the site is both a testament to the stupidity of the average redittor to interpret any subtlety without an explicit indicator as well as their fear of being misinterpreted and trodden by the herd

>> No.15193714

Just a guess, but I would suppose that it results from a combination overestimating your intellect and at the same time being very poorly read. The best of them communicate like fifteen year-olds that just figured out how to use a thesaurus.

>> No.15193732

Tradition is a solution to which we forgot a problem.

>> No.15193734

You don´t know if it´s dead or not.

>> No.15193909

tradition is a monument of vision, built by the dead who can no longer see
it seeks to solve problems of its time
this may apply whenever, but is blind to today, as it was built in the past
what this means is inconsistent, but likely implies it is not equipped to understand, let alone address or resolve the issues of what comes after it (I.e. today)
consult Egyptian creation mythology for equivalent nonsense vapid wisdom
>tfw I am ozymandias and no one will know
>mfw I have no face

>> No.15194198

I like this

>> No.15195023

Perhaps an insect (or ophidian- since wisdom has often been associated with snakes) analogy would be more appropriate- the sloughed skin

>> No.15195035

Love him or hate him this anon is spitting straight truth.

>> No.15195058

Wrong. Tradition is consistently being modified; wisdom endures. This