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/lit/ - Literature

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15191968 No.15191968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15191988
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>> No.15191994
File: 2.43 MB, 640x352, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even normies should know
>Light of my life, Fire of my loins.

>> No.15192010

can you be a worthless roastie somewhere else?

>> No.15192012

'The best and most authentic reaction against feminism and against every other female aberration should not be aimed at women as such, but at men instead. It should not be expected of women that they return to what they really are and thus reestablish the necessary inner and outer conditions for a reintegration of a superior race, when men themselves retain only the semblance of true virility.' - Evola

>> No.15192030

seethe cucks

>> No.15192043

i'm fucking tired of these apps
i'm using okcupid and every girl is an insufferable art hoe feminist
even worse, a girl talked to me and tol me she loved ben shapiro wtf, she thought he was the smartest person she's seen

>> No.15192048

no one gives a shit you incel

>> No.15192068

Damn that gets my pussy wet

>> No.15192076

don't ever say talk to me like that again you dumb faggot
i'll post as many blogposts as i want on this shitty site and you're going to read them all and answer to me understood retard?

>> No.15192089

“i’m 4ft tall & i’ve never eaten a vegetable”

>> No.15192095

why would you even use tinder during the pandemic

>> No.15192096
File: 17 KB, 500x608, 870EE829-EE15-406C-A95C-C9B0602727A1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one works very well

>> No.15192098

Think about how shockingly easy it is for women, the only reason attractive ones are on the site are either exclusively looking for literal 10/10 Chads for quick hook-ups or have some kind of serious personality defects (low IQ, highly neurotic, whatever) which scare off even the simps in their lives

>> No.15192101

for a while i used the opening lines to Van Morissons astral weeks:
If I ventured in the slipstream
Between the viaducts of your dream
Where immobile steel rims crack
And the ditch in the back roads stop
Could you find me?
Would you kiss-a my eyes?
To lay me down
In silence easy
To be born again

i did ok

>> No.15192102


>> No.15192107

is this what inceldom does to the brain? rots it from the inside out. pathetic

>> No.15192122

>pretentious transexual psychedelic weeb looking for an egoistic union for the purpose of low impact consensual cuddles

>> No.15192131

>It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her.

>> No.15192140

>There are but three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the warrior and the poet. To know, to kill and to create. The rest of mankind may be taxed and drudged, they are born for the stable, that is to say, to practise what they call professions.

>> No.15192162

"Tinder is everything wrong with the Western World."

>> No.15192168

Good quote for grindr

>> No.15192170

ngl this will get you gash by the hunnids

>> No.15192176

"The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of gender struggles."

>> No.15192179

English, motherfucker

>> No.15192184

Okc is fine, many hoes but real human beings in between. Get your questions and answers right.

>> No.15192193

ngl dis makes me sandpaper

>> No.15192201

If you smell shit all day, check your shoes.

Obviously you dont talk to women. A lot of them struggle to find a guy who wants more than a hookup, which, believe it or not you fucking tool, is just as frustrating as not being able find someone to get your beta dick wet.

>> No.15192229

idk but I mentioned tolstoy to a finnish-russian qt and she never replied back so dont do that

>> No.15192274
File: 788 KB, 1536x2048, 43B07CFB-3992-4BCD-9E7E-4EA4AD7042A0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon wish me luck, removed the tranny part

>> No.15192286

I hate to use this word because it's so overdone now and gets thrown around way too frequently, but you are fucking coping.
I wish I could live in this delusion, I'd be a much happier person

>> No.15192311

I'm really not. I'm definitely not putting up crazy numbers, but I've been with my share of pretty girls. Around 10. Most in relationships. If you go into dating with your mentality, you're going to fail. I don't want that for you.

>> No.15192316
File: 219 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20200425-112818_Tinder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15192327
File: 64 KB, 564x518, 1413571608915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Tinder is just the mercantilization of a need we didn't know had a price"
-Karl Marx, 1871

This one got me a couple numbers/ig of girls I never talked to ever agan.

>> No.15192344

Seething beta white knight
I’m sure defending roastwhores on 4chan is going to get you tons of pussy

>> No.15192343

This is terrible, and pedro, if you're reading this, just include the height in the tinder space for height. "If that matters" makes you sound like a prick

>> No.15192359

Guarantee I've had more sex than you have

>> No.15192361

There isn't a space to put your height in dumbass

>> No.15192369

Wordcraft like that negates the need for luck, but I wish you some all the same

>> No.15192375

Reminder to all you retards: if pic related posted this quote he'd still be drowning in pussy.

>> No.15192376

tinder doesn’t have a height section I don’t think

>> No.15192389

lmao I don’t care about how manny trannies you’ve sucked off

>> No.15192391

do you feel good about yourself man? A lot of people of 4chan aren’t here because they’re popular or fit in. I often find it hard to socialise and honestly you don’t know what a person is feeling or how they got to that point. Bullying, loneliness and rejection can manifest itself into this bitterness and resentment in this thread and I don’t necessarily hate women but I don’t think it’s nice to respond like this and it just pushes people further away from normal functioning society

>> No.15192406

*commodifies self by reducing self to a shallow blurb and a disingenuous pic*

>> No.15192409

I said nothing offensive. In fact, little of what I said was even critical. You're a man with a victim complex. You need to work vigorously on self improvement.

>> No.15192415

You're completely delusional if you think average or even slightly below average looking women struggle in any way to find relationships (and I mean long term, not talking about hook-ups), and I'm not doing that bad myself so stop with the armchair psychoanalysis crap.
Everyone who disagrees with you isn't an incel caricature

>> No.15192423

For a while my bio was "I think I might be autistic" and it worked rather well.

>> No.15192425

Damn bro I can smell the virginity on you

>> No.15192434
File: 58 KB, 287x425, tedkaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race"

>> No.15192440

Cool, mmy nigga

>> No.15192446

That pic + that quote would slay millions

>> No.15192450

All because Flora Weiss didn't want to eat his grapes.

>> No.15192456

>You're completely delusional if you think average or even slightly below average looking women struggle in any way to find relationships
You're a clown. You've obviously not talked to any women seriously, but considering your attitude, it's not hard to see why that's the case desu

>> No.15192461

10/10 argument

>> No.15192462

They do though, that's why there's so many on tinder, okcupid and so on.

>> No.15192485

you’re bragging about your ‘sexual conquests’ on 4chan you know what you’re doing. And Im actually studying at university at the moment and have had past relationships but they have never stuck and when I see your previous reply posturing like it’s so easy and seamless to have relationships it hurts a bit quite frankly

>> No.15192487

Not him, but they're the cause of that themselves. Their standards are too high. There's tons of men out there, but women don't want a good chunk of them

>> No.15192499

It is easy. You know exactly how to do it, you're just scared to change yourself. Hit the university gym. Hard. 6 days a week. Be nice to girls. Go out and try meet people at events and clubs. It's so easy. Its just scary.

>> No.15192501

Nice goalposting

>> No.15192505

I'm not him, so I don't know what the argument even was to goalpost or whatever

>> No.15192506

>heh, once again you shirk the burden of proving that by sheer dialectic that women are not all hoes and tricks. Another internet victory on the books!

>> No.15192518

just b urself

>> No.15192524

Bro anyone who brags about relationship success on 4chan is a bottom of the barrel loser
They need to punch down to make themselves feel better and the only place where they can find people to punch down on is a forum filled with mentally ill social outcasts

>> No.15192525

No, dont. Yourself probably sucks, but at least you read lit, which gives you a leg up on the sheep. Just try, for gods sake.

>> No.15192526

>post explicitly states to change yourself

>> No.15192533

Considering that "just b urself" is really the conclusion of all philosophy that we call existentialist, writing it off as meaningless just shows your ignorance. Just being oneself is one of the key techniques leading to the acquisition of Gnosis.

>> No.15192534

high impact simp-posting itt

>> No.15192536

just b ur not self

>> No.15192538

I hope she sees this post bro

>> No.15192543


>> No.15192544

>0.00 pussy have been deposit into your account

>> No.15192549


>> No.15192556

I cant take any pussy rn, I'm fuckin your fat moms asshole

>> No.15192567


>> No.15192578

Samecucks only argue when its true

>> No.15192586

>He simps for women on 4chan FOR FREE

>> No.15192590

My opening like is usually
>Sushi or Spaghetti?


>> No.15192597
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>> No.15192612

I think when people say b urself (bro), what they are really trying to say is be confident. But confidence is a hard thing to build up. Confidence comes with success. When one is starting to get interested in girls, one is not usually aware of how attractive one is. One starts off neutral. One makes an advance. If it's corresponded, confidence comes. With more confidence, more success. And vice-versa: failure build up lack of confidence, and less attempts. Less attempts, less success. Less success, even less confidence. It's a vicious circle.

>> No.15192616

That's gotta be one fugly dude lol

>> No.15192621

>have sex with countless strange men on a hookup app
>”nooooooo why can’t I find a nice guy who wants a meaningful relationship???”

>> No.15192627

that's a woman's profile, my illiterate friend

>> No.15192633

This is why you're a virgin desu

>> No.15192640

Thats gotta be one fugly chick

>> No.15192641

"I am a sapiosexual who respects womyn. I am a proud feminist. I'm a really nice guy, definitely not a creepy stalker or a rapist lmao!! Down with the patriarchy! >:D My fursona is a bat
I do prefer to date white girls. I am an anti-racist, but it's an aesthetic preference."

>> No.15192644

based this is what I mean when I say people get bitter and resentful your seeing people at the bottom of this cycle and I feel bad for them

>> No.15192646

I hate whores more than I hate being sex-deprived, cest la vee

>> No.15192648

If the sex isn't good why would she want to pursue a relationship with said man?

>> No.15192655

it shows how she was swiping, not how people swiped on her, my illiterate friend. The point is if you saw her on tinder you have a 1.483371406532768e-4 chance of going on a date with her.

>> No.15192659
File: 15 KB, 644x800, tfw driving the car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why you're a virgin desu

>> No.15192666

haha you're pathetic xD

>> No.15192710

I’m a girl irl and let me tell you nothing turns me on more than a guy who respects women and defends women from the nasty incels on anime forums
To all my stalwart defenders: please give me your addresses so that I can come over and fuck you right now plsssssss

>> No.15192714

Maybe if you're fugly

>> No.15192719

go back to facebook faggot

>> No.15192774

You may not like it, but this is the optimal male bio. This is peak performance.

>> No.15192873

threads like this make it obvious that the seething disdain for self help trash like mark manson is just a self loathing

>> No.15193747

this is a man

>> No.15193753


>> No.15193767


>> No.15193837

"Open wide your mouth and I will fill it." - Psalm 81:10

Gets the Job done, no need to thank me

>> No.15193860


>> No.15193898

bruh movement

>> No.15193899


>> No.15193903

im sure you're a perfect cumdump bukkaked tranny, americans that started this must have sex 200time a day or u are a loser need to kys
std infested cocksucker

>> No.15193913

I met my gf on tinder. Shit's actually pretty cash.

She's fat but she sucks my dick whenever I want and does all the housework.

>> No.15193935
File: 170 KB, 1200x1200, F7B10FAF-4D23-4579-BFF6-E91C9BEC35E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice cool story man

>> No.15193937
File: 2.52 MB, 498x280, lalo2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not using occult and energy manipulation for huge dick aura which dumbfounds the normies to follow you around for reasons unknown to them
I truly pity the hylic existence

>> No.15193958
File: 30 KB, 668x324, file-20180219-75974-1norarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anger be now your song immortal one

>> No.15193961

>this thread
the absolute fucking state of the west man lmaooo

>> No.15193990

well then chances are your skins brown mate so btfo

>> No.15193994

Question for /lit/ nerds: if a chick is rlly tall does she need to disclose it the same way males do? Is it false advertising not to?

>> No.15194002

Obviously. Tall = very unattractive

>> No.15194007

seeth harder scum skin incel

>> No.15194009

>she's fat

>> No.15194035

Why? Like if everything else works, height is that big of a deal?

>> No.15194039

I'd like it. I'm very tall and I feel like meeting girls off the internet is a complete lottery on whether or not I'll have a backache tomorrow. It'd be nice to filter the womanlets.

Manlet that's afraid of getting mogged by a woman.

>> No.15194041

why would you not want a tall girl to prevent manlet offspring

>> No.15194145

only based poster in this thread
Dating is a numbers game, everyone here trying to explain it is just using under a lot of cope

>> No.15194285

I’m sure Ted would have been on board with slaying millions

>> No.15194323

I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, that was also a river. In real life, she had been a victim of Alzheimer’s disease, and had regressed, before her death, to a semi-conscious state. In the dream, as well, she had lost her capacity for self-control. Her genital region was exposed, dimly; it had the appearance of a thick mat of hair. She was stroking herself, absent-mindedly. She walked over to me, with a handful of pubic hair, compacted into something resembling a large artist’s paint-brush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm, several times, to deflect her hand; finally, unwilling to hurt her, or interfere with her any farther, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush, gently, and said, like a child, “isn’t it soft?” I looked at her ruined face and said, “yes, Grandma, it’s soft."

>> No.15194616

ah yes, getting fucked by a different guy every week is just as frustrating as not having any kind of human contact in your life

>> No.15194630

Well, nobody said that. However, getting fucked by a different guy every week without being able to develop a more complex romantic life is, I would wager, no better than being a guy with a family and friends who has a hard time getting laid (and I would say there are many more of those than there are basement-dwelling doomers)

>> No.15194643

decent b8

>> No.15194646

interesting to see how coomerism manifests itself in w*men, thanks

>> No.15194655

women aren’t capable of complex romantic life and don’t care about it

>> No.15194664

Ty anon <3

>> No.15194707

why don't you post this absolute garbage thread in /soc/ where it belongs

>> No.15194774

That's not what's at question (though that's obviously an absurd thing to believe). The question is who has a higher quality of life. What I'm saying is that humans are above all adaptable creatures, which entails, perhaps most importantly, that they are excellent at finding ways to be unhappy regardless of the objective conditions of their life. A deep and dynamic companionship is, I would wager, one of the few things that can truly make someone happy; cumming on someone's dick every week isn't.

>> No.15194776

not a woman though. shit sex ruins relationships on both sides

>> No.15194820
File: 154 KB, 400x400, 772FC96D-ED33-437C-A5FC-F7CA5248E4AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn’t sex better when you take things slowly and discover a genuine connection? you begin a relationship with someone because they are interesting, friendly, funny, kind, compatible with you, sweet, whatever. you don’t need to know if someone is okay at one-night stands before you start dating them. >>15192621 is in the right here. a little respect for yourself and others goes a long way. if you want a relationship, don’t try to fuck yourself into one. i’m not saying it doesn’t happen but the statistics do not favor that outcome.

>> No.15194844

>isn’t sex better when you take things slowly and discover a genuine connection
no lol

>> No.15194858

>cumming on someone's dick every week isn't.
it is for a woman as long as the dick is attached to a chad

>> No.15194863

>t.never had sex

>> No.15194893
File: 129 KB, 360x360, 90539AC4-54C4-4D4A-8411-3D572662E59A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it doesn’t work this way for everyone but i’m coming at this from the angle that a strong emotional connection and good communication make sex less...regrettable. besides, if you get along well with someone they become that much more attractive. everyone has their thing, though.

>> No.15194898

You've confused getting attention from the opposite sex with successfully finding a partner

>> No.15195077

bad sex is always regrettable, even moreso if it's with someone you're attached to

>> No.15195087

isn't /lit/ suppose to be good at writing?

>> No.15195089

hunchback lanklet freak back in circus