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15191880 No.15191880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, /lit/?

>> No.15191954

Bump. You can't hide, /lit/.

>> No.15191970

I'm a shit person.

>> No.15191975

I am, though

>> No.15191979

Health problems

>> No.15191993

This, my life is too shit to sacrifice one of the few things that gives me pleasure even though I know it's immoral and at odds with my beliefs.

>> No.15192000

meat tastes good

>> No.15192004

I watched a community of goats recently just going about their business. The small kids were learning to walk on logs and the teenagers were helping them. What looked like the dad was play fighting with the teenagers. The mum was sitting back and watching it all. It all looked very beautiful I don't understand why we have to be cruel to them.

>> No.15192007

It's really not that good.

>> No.15192013
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Because meat tastes great.

>> No.15192015

meat is pretty gross. I am not really a vegetarian but I avoid most meats usually.

>> No.15192021

Besides being unhealthy, it is cringe.
Unless you are Hitler.

>> No.15192027

It's not even unhealthy. Vegan diets lead to a deficiency in calcium, b12, iron, and some other nutrient but it's easy to make up for this just by taking a multivitamin.

>> No.15192029

I'm sure there are a plenty of tasty s o y substitutes

>> No.15192046


>> No.15192064

>"Because meat tastes great"
>covers his meat in so much spices that you cant even taste it

I eat meat because I actually like how its tastes, its healthy, and its natural. People might say thats an appeal to nature fallacy, but I dont really care, Im not a philosophyfag and I dont care to convince anyone. If you want to live an unnatural life do it, but imma keep hunting juicy ducks with my dog, fishing fresh mackerel with my bros and buying tasty steaks.

>> No.15192075

Because animal fats are healthier for you than veggies

>> No.15192077

>morality is completely arbitrary when it's about human social and sexual degeneracy, but when it's about animals, then morality is absolute and unquestionable dogma.

>> No.15192081

>whining about flavouring meat with spices

can white people end themselves already? you have no culinary culture, taste buds, or anything worthwhile to say about food.

>> No.15192082

Is a lion cruel because he eats a zebra? No, it's his nature. Just like it's human nature to eat animals. Circle of life.

>> No.15192085

I hate animals

>> No.15192106

my pleasure and well-being is the only things that matter in the world.
since eating delicious meat makes me happier than not eating it I do it.

>> No.15192110

This is a retarded argument and you're retarded for bringing it up unironically. Please reflect on the differences between a lion and a human and return at a later time.

>> No.15192111

White people must be making lines to go live in whatever shanty town hellscape that spawned you right? Oh right, it's the exact opposite. It's you that always want to escape having to live with your own people and go be "opressed" in white societies and neighborhoods.

>> No.15192115

Lions don't have a sense of morality like humans do you retard. I bet you wouldn't even be able to work in a slaughterhouse without going through a spiritual crisis.

>> No.15192126

Putting spice on meat is only good if it helps bring out the flavours of the meat, like salt, mushrooms and garlic does. Go back to eating your bean sludge, shitskin. "White people" (actually just the French) have one of the only worthwhile culinary traditions in the world.

>> No.15192142


>> No.15192145

>just the French
If you're talking about the high cuisine, yes, but when it comes to normal food I prefer Italian.

>> No.15192156

literal pleb

>> No.15192161

>the French

When Mighty Roast Beef was the Englishman's Food
It ennobl'd our veins and enriched our Blood:
Our Soldiers were Brave and our Courtiers were Good:
Oh! The Roast Beef of Old England,
And Old English Roast Beef.

But since we have learned from all vapouring France,
To eat their Ragouts, as well as to Dance.
We are fed up with nothing but vain Complaisance,
Oh! The Roast Beef, etc.

Our Fathers, of old, were Robust, Stout and Strong,
And kept open House, with good cheer all day long.
Which made their plump Tenants rejoyce in this Song,
Oh! The Roast Beef, etc.

But now we are dwindled, to what shall I name,
A sneaking poor Race, half begotten ... and Tame,
Who Sully those Honours that once shone in Fame,
Oh! The Roast Beef, etc.

>> No.15192183

When good Queen Elizabeth sate on the throne
E'er Coffee and Tea and such slip-slops were known;
The World was in Terror if e'er she did frown.
Oh! The Roast Beef, etc.

In those days, if Fleets did presume on the Main,
They seldom, or never, return'd back again,
As witness, the Vaunting Armada of Spain.
Oh! The Roast Beef, etc.

Oh! Then we had stomachs to eat, and to fight:
And when wrongs were a-cooking to do ourselves right,
But now we're a ... I could, but good Night.
Oh! The Roast Beef, etc.

>> No.15192198

Are you saying the human sense of morality is vegan? Can you prove that

>> No.15192209

Pleb food is the nicest though. I'm from Eastern Europe. All we eat is bread, meat, cheese, and dumplings. Have no need for pretentious garnishes or incredibly small portions costing £70

>> No.15192217

Most people can't even watch the documentaries showing the reality of slaughterhouses. Watch Dominion and tell me if that doesn't repulse you as a (presumably) moral being.

>> No.15192231

No it's not, both humans and lions are animals. Lions are carnivores and humans are omnivores with carnivore tendencies, veggies are crisis food. And you call me a retard?

>> No.15192240

Morality is a social construct you idiot

> I bet you wouldn't even be able to work in a slaughterhouse without going through a spiritual crisis.
Projection city, just because you're too weak to handle it doesn't mean normal people are

>> No.15192262

Join /lit/ Discord server the code is cvn4Qx

>> No.15192265

Go back.

>> No.15192279
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Pretty much everyone agrees that slaughterhouses and factory farming is bad, but that doesn't mean we have a morality against killing animals, i think, it means we have a morality against slavery and for freedom.

>> No.15192280
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>Go back.

>> No.15192285

Why would I be? I mean, I'd eat a human tortured to death if it wasn't too pricey.

>> No.15192302

Vegetarianism for ethical reasons is pretty retarded. Dairy cows and egg-laying hens suffer just as much as animals raised for meat. And they’re slaughtered as soon as their bodies can’t keep up anyway.

>> No.15192304
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Yes they can lmao, even in middle school no one cared about food industry documentaries. Most people have seen st least one of these "brutal" documentaries in school and still no one cares

>> No.15192313

I'm a pescatarian
luv me fishies
luv me oysters
luv me veggies
'ate beef
'ate chicken
'ate lamb
simple as

>> No.15192317

There is some pain, therefore even more pain is fine
Oh okay

>> No.15192318

i like meat sue me

>> No.15192331

Human dietary requirements means needing meat

>> No.15192336

Not even remotely true

>> No.15192338

This, modern farm animals have been bred over millenia to either be food or produce food for us. They can't survive in the wild. Without using them for food, they literally have no reason for existence.

>> No.15192345

Prove it to me and i'll turn veggie today

>> No.15192348

Very true. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it untrue. Look at how unhealthy vegans looks vs how healthy exclusive carnivores look.

>> No.15192360

There’s no reason to differentiate between meat and other animal products though. A vegetarian who eats a shitton of eggs and dairy is causing more harm than someone eating a small amount of meat once in a while.

>> No.15192365
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>> No.15192374

He's a druggie, you idiot.

>> No.15192385

Yeah, and letting them all go extinct is probably the most merciful thing we can do for them.

>> No.15192397

What a fucking brainlet retarded argument
Have you considered that it's probably better that billions of animals simply didn't exist instead of existing to suffer?

>> No.15192410

This just proves that you vegans are insane freaks. Imagine having a brain that works like this. (ps eat more animal fats, it will clear the brain fog and help you think like a normal person again)

>> No.15192421

Damn only a severely depressed or mentally ill individual would reason like this. They have a reason for existence, just one you don't like. You are officially retarded.

>> No.15192428

remember ironic shitposting is still shitposting

>> No.15192436

>They have a reason for existence
To be brutally enslaved and murdered by the trillions? What a good reason.

>> No.15192449

Yes, sounds like a very good reason to me. They die so they can sustain the life of others. That's the circle of life.

>> No.15192492
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>being tortured for 2 years is better than not existing
based, this is also my justification with having children and making them slaves.

>> No.15192500

So you're a depressed nihilist vegan? Got it.

>> No.15192514

I'm a different anon and not vegan.

>> No.15192588
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LMAO bloodmouths are pathetic
>I am literally a lion you guys

>> No.15192607

No, they are murdered to sustain the carnal pleasures of others. Vegan diets are perfectly healthy. In fact, the elimination of the meat industry would not only decrease CO2 emissions but would cause us to produce MORE food.

>> No.15192626

>lion bad sheep good

Also that guy's not veg

>> No.15192650

Yes more nutritionally deficient food so we can all become good little bugmen like yourself, sounds great.

Also no vegan diets are literally never healthy. Vegeterian diets can be healthy, vegan diets cannot. Just because you're not dying doesn't mean your body is working like it should.

You sound like a religious zealot. You spout corporate nonsense but believe you sound very intelligent and moral, keep dreaming kid.

>> No.15192692

My metabolism is so fast, I tried it for a couple of years and lost an extraordinary amount of weight, like an unhealthy amount. I know I can do better but its really fucking hard to cook things with a lot of variety if you're trying to cover as many food groups as possible without using meat or produce. But I personally think that flexitarianism/any gradual or progressive change to a plant-based diet should be encouraged. Don't give it all up, just do whatever you can in order to move your diet in that direction.

>> No.15192700

look at this dude being reasonable lmfaoooo

>> No.15192702

This thread made me hungry

>> No.15192726

>also no vegan diets are literally never healthy
>longest living population is vegan
based anti-natalist meat eaters

>> No.15192768

Okinawans? Debunked vegan propaganda.

>> No.15192847

I was for three years and then began eating chicken and fish again due to health reasons. I'm allergic to soi unironically so many alternatives or simply foods used would cause me to break out in hives. That sucked.

One thing you really notice when you're vegetarian is how much people cultivate a personality around their meat consumption and if you don't eat it they get very weird. Asking questions, proclaiming things, being insulting, etc. It's odd. You wouldn't think meat eating would be commodified but capitalism is crazy.

>> No.15192891

You sound like a suburban white who doesn't use seasoning or have access to more than potatoes and onions with salt and pepper.

>> No.15192908

Seventh-Day Adventists

>> No.15192927
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>not being a moral nihilist altogether
You will never make it.

>> No.15192959

Literally the opposite, after over a decade of daily smoking my tastebuds are fucked and everyone finds my food too spicy.

>> No.15193002
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Every rational individual would acknowledge that industrial farming is disasterous, even those who believe animals are 'soulless' and mere biological machines.
But modern vegeterianism/veganism is motivated primarily by cosmopolitan sentimentality and weak utilitarian ethics, no one who actually grows up on farms and with livestock adopts these ideas. Why? Because they are not sheltered by supermarket conveinence nor develop far-removed anthropomorphic notions of animals and their suffering.
I raise chickens for eggs and meat, as well as rabbits. Although I do love them I have no problem with killing them when I need too. A chicken is a chicken, its spends its time pecking the earth and chasing insects, and a rabbit eats grass for 16 hours a day. They lead a good, natural life and die in a moment without realizing it (unless the fox snags one).
I also grow vegetables and fruit, so why not live of them? Because doing so is nutritionally inefficient, significantly more labour intensive, it takes up more land, is more prone to disease and pests, and more suseptible to weather damage.
My rabbits and chickens are entirely subsistent in a fenced field, and all I have to do is lock their enclosures at night and clean them out once a week.
On an industrial scale everything is abbhorent, like the decimination of insect, bird and small mammal populations needed for plant-based agriculture, and the myriad of 'untested' pesticides and insecticides used.
Grow your own food, hunt, fish and kill your own animals. And most importantly leave the city.

>> No.15193149

based , balkan food best

>> No.15193333

nice ad hominem, soiperson

>> No.15193411

>What is domestic civilization for the past 4000 years.

Do you think its a coincidence that modern veganism started as the post-domestic world began? Dont try to connect it to some sort of eastern mysticism. It only happened when people became disconnected from the animals they slaughtered. Even places like china or India did the same

Read Hunters, herders, and Hambergers.

>> No.15193455


>Buys meat already killed, skinned, butchered
>Cooks it
>Gets sick if it's not cooked
>Adds seasoning

>Carnivore tendencies

Yeah okay bud

>> No.15193487


It's astounding how people act when they discover you don't eat meat but one quickly learns this is clearly a defense mechanism.

People will resort to ridicule and blatantly contradict themselves if it means they don't have to acknowledge the harm and pain they are causing other creatures for the arbitrary and fleeting pleasure of eating meat.

>> No.15193541
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>> No.15193592

Well, It is kinda part of peoples culture in the west, and when western veganism took off it was (and to some extent still is) rather combatitive. So it created an understandable polemic dialectic. Its easy to just blame the other, but it takes two to tango.

>> No.15193631

this is not a "why aren't you this" questions board
that would be your mum's face

>> No.15193665
