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File: 21 KB, 551x489, ugnigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15190976 No.15190976 [Reply] [Original]

>Just dont think bro lol

This is your god?

>> No.15190988


>> No.15191496

U.G is for fags

>> No.15191504

/lit/ is an anti-natalist board and if you don't think, you therefore aren't

>> No.15191737

I like UG, but this is funny. Top kek.

>> No.15193454


>> No.15193481

He doesn't say not to think, he says it's impossible not to.
God damn you guys are so lazy and stupid you can't even troll UG correctly

>> No.15193505

no other country has produced so many self help gurus as india

>> No.15193928

>To experience this thing called bliss you feel you must control your thoughts. It is impossible, you will burn yourself and die if you attempt it.
>The natural state is not a thoughtless state. You will never be without thought. Being able to think is necessary to survive but in this state thought stops choking you. It falls into its natural rhythm.

>> No.15193996

ok now how is this any different from the myriad of gurus of any hindu, buddhist school?

>> No.15194658

Similarly to OP, if you'd shut the fuck up and read literally anything of these subjects, you'd know.
But you're just going to keep making shit up instead of learning facts.
You worthless faggot.
(The answer is that UG is diametrically opposed to all other Hindu thought, and the vast majority of Buddhist thought, was an anti-guru, hated religion and gurus, and went as far as to burn all the notes, tapes and photos a guy had of him who wanted to write a book about him. Because he didn't want to be remembered at all.)

>> No.15194957

do i have to think when i read his books?
>UG is diametrically opposed to all other Hindu thought
ever heard about advaita vedanta? it is not just sentimentalism, muh stop thinking, mind is a parasite, stop veiling things with abstracations!!

>went as far as to burn all the notes, tapes and photos a guy had of him who wanted to write a book about him. Because he didn't want to be remembered at all.
wow so unique right? a lot of gurus did exactly this (not only indian gurus)

>> No.15195059

Filtered. U.G never claims not to think, to not think is thinking, you're thinking about not thinking. He simply wants you know the destructive nature of thinking.

>> No.15195079
File: 187 KB, 540x506, Screenshot_2020-02-16-03-37-14-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Anything that is born out of this division in your consciousness is destructive, is violence. It is so because it is trying to protect not this living organism, not life, but the continuity of thought. And through that it can maintain the status quo of your culture, or whatever you want to call it, the society. The problems are neurological. If you give a chance to the body it will handle all those problems. But if you try to solve them on a psychological level or on an ethical level, you are not going to succeed"

>> No.15195098
File: 20 KB, 217x320, 1587775003669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"We are always talking about thought and thinking. What is thought? Have you ever looked at thought, let along controlling thought; let alone manipulating thought; let alone using that thought for achieving something material or otherwise? You cannot look at your thought, because you cannot separate yourself from thought and look at it. There is no thought apart from the knowledge you have about those thoughts -- the definitions you have. So if somebody asks you the question, "what is thought?" any answer you have is the answer that is put in there -- the answers that others have already given.

You have, through combinations and permutations of ideation and mentation about thoughts, created your own thoughts which you call your own. Just as when you mix different colors, you can create thousands of pastel colors, but basically all of them can be reduced to only seven colors that you find in nature. What you think is yours is the combination and permutation of all those thoughts, just the way you have created hundreds and hundreds of pastel colors. You have created your own ideas. That is what you call thinking. When you want to look at thought, what there is is only whatever you know about thought. Otherwise you can't look at thought. There is no thought other than what there is in what you know about thought. That's all that I am saying. So when that is understood the meaninglessness of the whole business of wanting to look at thought comes to an end. What there is is only what you know, the definitions given by others. And out of those definitions, if you are very intelligent and clever enough, you create your own definitions. That's all.

>> No.15195099

ok but do i have to think about the destructive nature of thinking? but if i do so will it not destroy me?

>> No.15195114
File: 29 KB, 300x339, 315456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>to not think is thinking

>> No.15195117

>Just don't think bro
This is the final redpill

>> No.15195119
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you look at an object the knowledge you have about that object comes into your head. There is an illusion that thought is something different from objects, but it is you who creates the object. The object may be there, but the knowledge you have about that object is all that you know. Apart from that knowledge and independent of that knowledge, free from that knowledge, you have no way of knowing anything about it. You have no way of directly experiencing anything. The word "directly" does not mean that there is any other way of experiencing things other than the way you are experiencing things now. The knowledge you have about it is all that is there and that is what you are experiencing. Really, you do not know what it is.

In exactly the same way, when you want to know something about thought, or experience thought, it is the same process that is in operation there. There is no inside or outside. What there is is only the operation, the flow of the knowledge. So you cannot actually separate yourself from thought and look at it.

So when such a question is thrown at you, what should happen is [the realization] that none of the answers have any meaning, because all that is acquired and taught. So that movement stops. There is no need for you to answer the question. There is no need for you to know anything about it. All that you know comes to a halt. It has no momentum any more. It slows down, and then it dawns upon you that it is meaninglessness to try to answer that question, because it has no answer at all. The answers that others have given are there. So you have nothing to say on that thing called thought, because all you can say is what you have gathered from other sources. You have no answer of your own"

>> No.15195121

ok but can you ever like get offline and go read any book of any kind?

>> No.15195139
File: 99 KB, 823x455, ug_on_knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Society has put before you the ideal of a 'perfect man'. No matter in which culture you were born, you have scriptural doctrines and traditions handed down to you to tell you how to behave. You are told that through due practice you can even eventually come into the state attained by the sages, saints and saviors of mankind. And so you try to control your behavior, to control your thoughts, to be something unnatural" Mate, read him

>> No.15195141

read? are you retarded? stop thinking bro

>> No.15195152

cant read him sorry anon, in order to read i would have to think and thinking is bad! based ugggg

>> No.15195196
File: 125 KB, 798x495, Ug_thought sphere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does he say to stop thinking you fucking retard>>15195139? He just tells you the destructive nature of thoughts>>15195079 As he would say "the body is not interested in anything "you" are interested in"

>> No.15195208

why do you keep writing and posting all these pictures full of letters i am an orthodox krishnamurtian and i dont think about anything at all, my body does everything automatically thanks to my guru UG (pbuh)

>> No.15195223

if you like him so much why dont you just stop thinking?

>> No.15195258


>> No.15195284

We are fooled into believing the "I" is unique and our expression of individuality, but that is not the case. The "I" or self is universal, it is memory/data passed down to us somehow. There is no thinker there, everything is being done in a mechanical process, whether you realize this or not I don't care, but I guarantee the more you go against this current the worst off you're making things. The stimulus and response is one unit.
U.G wanted all gurus off the earth, i know youre trolling, but actually read him or watch the plethora of videos of him on youtube. You cant confine the man into a box as much as he makes you seethe.

>> No.15195312
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>> No.15195327
File: 659 KB, 271x223, Ryan-Gosling-Laughing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you like him so much why dont you just stop thinking?
all mystics and 'enlightened' people forever and irrevocably btfod

>> No.15195337

I remember when I was 15 and thought like this and acted profound. You will mature one day, enjoy this enlightenment while you can.

>> No.15195342

Samefagging the whole thread

>> No.15195344
File: 9 KB, 240x210, giga4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking is retarded , thats why so many people are miserable now with imaginary problems that arent real only their thoughts make them real. Why so many people are incompetent at things like sex , when you're in the body instead of head your natural intuition takes over ,you're better at everything this way.
Im still bringing down consciousness center from head to heart , makes u feel like u are in mini flow all the time ,while others are miserable and coping

>> No.15195348

that was my first post in the thread

>> No.15195355

There is no enlightenment. U.G denied this lmao you retards never read him and are trying to conflate him as some guru or religious man. Pure seething because he wrecks your spooks. He is a good filter

>> No.15195374

To clarify, his calamity was real, but enlightenment as some abstract ideal which is possible through thinking is impossible, he refuted all eastern religions, he lamented the damage Buddhism and Hinduism did to India. He would openly call India a shithole devoid of any "spirituality"

>> No.15195405
File: 159 KB, 1900x1068, ug-krishnamurti-1-1900x1068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"U.G. points out that the roots of the present ecological crisis lie in the Judeo-Christian belief that the human species is superior to other species because it alone was created for a grand purpose, and that, therefore, it had the privilege of dominating and using the rest of nature. Hinduism and Buddhism also share a variant of this belief, the idea that birth as a human being is the most precious and highest form of birth. It is believed that in order to attain enlightenment or moksha even the gods have to be reborn as human beings. U.G. completely rejects this belief in the special status and superiority of the human species. He observes that the human species is not created for any grander purpose than the mosquito or the garden slug is. Our erroneous belief in our own superiority has been used to justify our extermination of other species, and has led to the environmental problem. What is in question is not just the kind of technology and the economic system we have, but the structure of belief and values which drive the technology and the economic system."

>> No.15195406

why do you treat him as a literal guru then? i think this is his game... stop thinking and worship me

>> No.15195442

I dont, he is helpful in de-mystifying your bullshit though if you can stomach it, especially if you spent years seeking something metaphysical.
He never wrote, people wrote of him, or wrote conversations they had with him, he refused copyright, he refused to profit off the books. You can try to put him in a box, but you can't.

>> No.15195494

the dude is literally inside a box screaming he is outside of it. all his conclusions were reach through that which he condemns, hypocritical brainlet

>> No.15195553

His calamity was real, he left the box. Don't believe me though ;)

>> No.15195773

>De-spiritualize and de-psychologize yourself
absolutely based

>> No.15196302


>> No.15196405

wow only photo were he doesn't seem miserable

>> No.15196431

Who isn't miserable? We all are. I think he looks rather confident and as he gives no fucks too