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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 339 KB, 757x292, savagedetectivesreg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15189667 No.15189667 [Reply] [Original]

let's do it baby

>> No.15189671
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>> No.15190042

expect book, read book, get book, nothing too it you might be looking for /vis/ with that attitude pal this is a literature bored

>> No.15190139

The savage detectives is a very bad book.
Bolaño said that he write like 40 years
but his character didnt change
they are the same like before

and i can notice how he write the book very easy. He just write a normal short story and then he realized that this can be novel. and for making more interesting he fragmented the story in many short storys.

2666 is the only good book of bolaño

>> No.15190172


Montages almost never work for these. You want a crisp, clear image that hits the eye and the brain in one go. Of course there are exceptions, but not many.

>> No.15190580
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Miss these threads

>> No.15191142
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>> No.15191162

Dubliners and this are pretty good

>> No.15191255

You must be fun at parties

>> No.15191352
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>> No.15191388
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>2666 is the only good book of Bolanos

The Third Reich would like a word with you

>> No.15191427
File: 1.64 MB, 1936x766, faust in a nutshell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a nice book. I'm going to reference Walpurgis night in my book.

>> No.15191429
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>> No.15191490

Except for the part where Faust needs convincing to even pay attention to women and use his hell-friend for something fun for a change. I would hardly call the man a coomer. It wasn't even about the sex with Gretchen.

>> No.15191495
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>> No.15191499
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>> No.15191502
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>> No.15191507
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>> No.15191510
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>> No.15191512
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>> No.15191516
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>> No.15191587

Kek, I was reading this when I first started frequenting/lit/, and realized that Thoreau was an extremely litpilled author
>no one reads the Greeks anymore
>I'm fine by myself with just my books
>Woman are a non-factor

>> No.15191592

He thought the blacks deserved freedom, though.

>> No.15191595

>It wasn't even about the sex with Gretchen.
I know, I'm just memeing, but you have to admit that the man is a pendulum swinging back and forth between muh Gretchen and muh knowledge.

>> No.15191665
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>> No.15191670


>> No.15191681
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>> No.15191798

Yeah, I figured as much, and yes, which is why it was so much fun to see Mephistopheles getting sarcastic and bored with his bullshit all the time.

>> No.15191834


A legitimate criticism well made.

>> No.15191840
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>> No.15191849
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>> No.15191886
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>> No.15191948
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>> No.15191974
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>> No.15192125
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>> No.15192357
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>> No.15192442
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>> No.15193269

looks epic desu

>> No.15193283

The fencing was fucking kino. Bolano is based.

>> No.15193313

that paragraph was so touching

>> No.15193342
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>> No.15193420
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>> No.15193478

I legit lol'd.

>> No.15193579

you should at least read a book before passing gas online

>> No.15193616

this book sounds cool
thanks anon

>> No.15193686
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>> No.15195480


>> No.15195705

This book was horrific in a very insular way

>> No.15195777
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>> No.15195885

I'm reading Dubliners and I don't get the appeal of most of the stories

>> No.15197245
File: 407 KB, 1028x392, house on the borderland.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from the meme machine

>> No.15197294

nothing happens house burns. Love this book

>> No.15197414
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