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/lit/ - Literature

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15188799 No.15188799 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15189986


Interesting one. My opus is a complete verse translation of the Divine Comedy. Who would read it best? Maybe Ezra Pound, who is one of the few poets who really reads his own work well. (Check out his Usura canto on youtube).

When I hear books in my head, I can choose from among several voices, but my favourite two are:

Orson Welles
Grace Kelly

Does anyone else have a famous voice they hear stuff in? I would expect Morgan Freeman to be a popular candidate.

Also it was quite a revelation to me to hear William Faulkner reading a bit of As I Lay Dying. Now I tend to hear the books more in that sort of voice and it's good. I'm glad I heard it.

>> No.15190006
File: 264 KB, 1080x1440, michael rosen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Michael rosen, unironcially. My novel is a fantasy works that spans multiple genres.

>> No.15190011

Sam Elliott

>> No.15190016

Hanazawa Kana, obviously

>> No.15190146

nick mullen doing african guy voice

>> No.15190215

i hope you know