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File: 83 KB, 900x900, greg-sadler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15188289 No.15188289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you DID watch your sadlerkino for today...... right, Anon?

>> No.15188294
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1587529296884s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course i did, do you even have to ask?

>> No.15188325

His son is a transsexual.

>> No.15188333

that's a fun fact, but doesn't seem very important, considering that there's nothing wrong or bad with being transsexual

>> No.15188334

i pray to Dr. Sadler everynight for more Cicero videos!

>> No.15188338
File: 29 KB, 332x355, 4C38E7C4-B0A2-4223-B3D8-77BC03FC71F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes! I get all of my philosophy knowledge from Mr. Sanders.

>> No.15188341

I didn't even know he had a family. Source?

Also is someone a pseudo if they just listen and don't study themselves

>> No.15188343

Who is this picture even of?

>> No.15188345
File: 73 KB, 1918x948, 1583681021172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes he is very helpful in understanding Categories

>> No.15188349

The most /lit/ man who has ever existed. Keep his name out yo mouth son

>> No.15188352

Transsexuals are making fun of women by their extreme narcissism

>> No.15188358

trans women are women. And they commit suicide at a higher rate because bigots like you ostracize, alienate, and oppress them.

>> No.15188368

He says in the videos you need to read the texts for yourself. Secondary material is never a stand alone for the primary source.

>> No.15188372

I have to look at something else while I'm listening to him, I just can't watch the videos themselves. He is too fucking fat. His gut. Protruding the way it does, absolutely horrendous. I laugh in amusement, I become disgusted, I bounce between these two emotions at a pace that prevents me from learning from him.

Put the fucking fork down you bastard. I know you're a big guy, probably at least 6'4, but still. Absolutely absurd. No excuse.

Also, is this guy even a professor? Is he just in a room in his house talking to a camera for youtube to play out some desire he was never able to attain?

What a fucking mess. All 325lbs of him.

>> No.15188380

Yeah and the beginning of the premise is almost explicit in telling you it's going to take work to arrive at this stuff for it to be useful

>> No.15188389

I agree so much! I just listen

The visual aspect completely discredits him

It is so pathetic to be fat, it is such a trivial aspect and yet. ...

>> No.15188399

>Nothing Wrong

Commit suicide at a higher rate

Pick one

>> No.15188442
File: 105 KB, 900x900, Based Sadler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has a PhD in philosophy, and spent many years as a faculty member at Ball State University publishing papers, and teaching classes. Something you will never do. I'm sure you'll pretend that because he received an education and worked for a school that isn't the most elite of the elite, you're somehow better than him. But of course, you neither have a PhD from any school, nor will you ever teach a single class. Dr Sadler came from a working class background, and elite schools are socioeconomic class exclusionary.

Secondly, he runs a successful business that does consulting, and makes money on patreon doing something that's just a hobby to him. Unlike you, he isn't a wageslave that has to listen to a boss, because he is his own boss. Further, he currently teaches philosophy classes at a number of small schools in the Milwaukee area, which is again, much more than can be said about you. He would be a professor at a larger school, if philosophy departments around the US hadn't had their funding slashed, as the culture has become more and more capitalist.

Finally, in regards to his appearance, he's a man in his 50's with a family. Because you are a loser, and also a child, you can't understand what it's like to be restricted for time to to exercise, and to have more important things in your life than staying "cut and lean" (since you're posting on 4chan, you probably rarely have sex with women anyway, unlike Dr Sadler, who in his younger days had many girlfriends.)

All in all, I'd say that you're a loser, and he's a winner, and your disrespect for him is just a petty resentment, because you see a man that's worked hard and achieved a lot in his life, when you have nothing.

>> No.15188455

Does he rotate to different Olive Gardens so that each location doesn't realize he goes twice per day?

>> No.15188466

How do you know so much about his life?

>> No.15188477

I choose "nothing wrong"

>> No.15188488
File: 151 KB, 960x983, 1587601107187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I choose "nothing wrong"

>> No.15188498

>a pasta about a man addicted to pasta

Genuinely this has rectified my horrible day

>> No.15188503

so your position is that some trans women are ugly? Congratulations. Some AFAB women are also ugly. Are you going to tell me that some trans women are also bad people too? Yawn.

>> No.15188514

Bro if I see you walking out of a ladies room I'll kick your ass

>> No.15188515
File: 18 KB, 481x501, 1563604769086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gregory go to bed.

>> No.15188534

I unironically love this post

I also am a huge fan of Dr Sadler

>> No.15188538

>assaulting someone that just wants to go to the bathroom
you're insane. What do you think goes in a woman's bathroom? Every toilet has walls between them. If your argument is that "people can be sex predators so we should assault them randomly" maybe you should begin by assaulting men randomly first, considering they're the demographic likely to be one?

>> No.15188555

I'm kicking your ass for your entitlement complex regarding the destruction of social norms, not because you've just taken photos of a woman you're pretending to be.

>> No.15188557

>maybe you should begin by assaulting men randomly first
that’s what he said he’d do

>> No.15188564


>> No.15188565

I don't care what you identify as but leave me the fuck alone. Dude, I don't want your friendship and I just want you to leave me the fuck alone. If you had more than half a brain cell, you would just go away.

>> No.15188571

Same thing with Rose and her dumbass kids. You are dumb as shit and belong nowhere near a philosophy forum. Just do what I fucking asked for politely and then oeave me the hell alone.

>> No.15188585

Every time I've ever tried to treat one of you freakish monsters as a human being they've deluded themselves to the point that they think 1) I want to be friends with them and 2) I'm somehow secretly trans, both of these are wholly indicative of your MENTAL ILLNESS.

FYI, just because doctors haven't found a treatment is not a justification for allowing the perpetuation of your DELUSIONS. The medical community should not give up on solving your terrible problem, they should keep ALL of you in institutions and STUDY you until they find a REAL way to fix you REGARDLESS of the amount of failure they face in doing so

>> No.15188592

>I'm kicking your ass for your entitlement complex regarding the destruction of social norms
This is so funny. The bigot reveals himself to be the narcissist who cannot see. In what sense do you have the right to dictate "social norms" over anyone else? You are the one with the most severe entitlement complex, because not only do you think that you are the dictator, but you don't even understand that that is what you are doing.
Een if trans women were men (they aren't, trans women are women, bigot) - assaulting men randomly would still involve assaulting far more AMAB men, so no, he didn't say that. Unsurprisingly, bigots are also stupid.

I like discussing these things with bigots, because they so readily will reveal their unthinking nature.

>> No.15188603

So is Sadler's faggot kid posting ITT

Did Sadler's faggot kid make the thread and refer to his videos as "Sadlerkino"

Did Sadler rape his kid into being a faggot

>> No.15188608

"there are no social norms" -person whose delusions outweigh any accurate perception of the world they could ever hope to have

makes sense

>> No.15188623

Still got a 100 hours of hegel videos to go before im caught up

>> No.15188651
File: 14 KB, 255x247, BB7E168A-3052-4883-93E7-97C111A21A3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AMAB men
just say men

>> No.15188721

>and teaching [undergraduate] classes
Casting pearls before swine as an associate prof. must be divine.

>in his 50's with a family
Divorced, estranged, and powerless to stop the chemical castration of his Munchausen's-by-proxied son

Stick to the Hegel series, Sad-ler -- and finish it before going untimely.

>Sadleby, Scrivener

>> No.15188743

>Did Sadler rape his kid into being a faggot
All we can say for sure is that someone did

>> No.15188773
File: 284 KB, 604x493, 1587752199060.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trans women are women.

>> No.15188839

>adjunct for 25 years
>never published anything of value
>son is being chemically castrated by his ex-wife

>> No.15188856

Bruh imagine this dude at walmart in one of the motorized shopping carts

>> No.15188905

Why are you people being so mean to Mr. Greg Sandler?

>> No.15188918


>> No.15188969

Why does penn gillete keep shilling here

>> No.15188980

and yet he can still find reasons to be happy and smile. maybe all of things you see as so important aren't so bad at all.

>> No.15188993

Go to bed fatler

>> No.15189000

seethe more cringelord. he's achieved more than you ever will and he's not even done yet.

>> No.15189004

>aren't so bad at all.
>son is being chemically castrated by his ex-wife

>> No.15189012

This thread is awful. All this immature discussion. Let's try to class up the joint a little bit shall we? So: Why is Sadler so fucking fat?

>> No.15189032

is his son happy?
is his ex-wife happy?
is sadler happy?
that's all that matters.

>> No.15189037


>> No.15189038

>is his son happy?
no, he's a tranny
>is his ex-wife happy?
yes, she's an evil harpy who turns little boys into trannies
>is sadler happy?
no, his son's a tranny
>that's all that matters.
more things matter than being/not being a tranny

>> No.15189052

Heroin addicts are pretty happy when they're shooting up. Doesn't mean it's good or desirable.

>> No.15189074

you're projecting your opinion on how you think they should feel to imply how they actually feel. it means nothing.
>more things matter than being/not being a tranny
i agree which is why its silly to bring up his son's gender to judge his happiness. it's completely fucking irrelevant.

>> No.15189156

While Sadler's a pretty cool guy,
>hope he notices this bro

>> No.15189715

wow Mr. Sadler, easy on the carrots

>> No.15189728

this post was written by Sadler in rage years ago, it's a copypasta but I'm pretty sure he sometimes frequents this board with the amount of attention we're giving him

>> No.15189745

How does anyone watch this guy? It's so boring.
I had the idea that I was going to listen to his videos while I played my shitty MMO so I wouldn't be completely wasting my time.
So I chose his series on phenomenology of spirit.
But even while multitasking like this I just had to turn his video off because it was so bad that it was distracting.
Why would I want to listen to someone read the fucking book word for word? I would just read it myself if that were the case.

>> No.15189768
File: 2.37 MB, 1672x2368, Slavoj_Zizek_in_Liverpool_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like how this post has a bunch of rags-to-riches trash about how sadler is a ~successful~ businessowner and suggests that worker coops/"self-employment" are not capitalist then has the gall to have an anti-capitalist undertone at the end. pure ideology, we don't need liberals like you on the left

>> No.15189790


>> No.15189875

Well it depends what you mean by Sadler m, and by kino...

>> No.15189889

it's immature being sadler is a little bitch. i used to like watching his stuff but it turns out he's an asshole

>> No.15189929

yeah that's how i feel too, can't enjoy his stuff after seeing what he's like outside the channel

>> No.15189996

>being happy = hedonism