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/lit/ - Literature

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15182873 No.15182873 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you draw the line?

>> No.15182875

>another book not influenced by God or about Allah during Ramadan.

Fuck you OP, reported. :3

>> No.15182893

>Where do you draw the line?
As early each day as possible. Ideally momenta after waking. I try to instantly forget that I am awake in the morning, i do my best to "sleep without dreaming while awake"

Does not always work. I despise posting this, i hate typing these words.

>> No.15183056


Japan didn't invent isekai, they may have invented the name for it but literature was doing other world stories years and years before the Japanese caught onto it

>> No.15184517
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I challenge /lit/ to find an older isekai.

>> No.15184699

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

>> No.15184941

Alice didn't become an op god character

>> No.15186404

How is that even necessary for isekai?
Also didn't Alice overturn Wonderland's government or something?

>> No.15186468

Genre is more than setting and plot structure

>> No.15186521

Oh, you're a retard. I get it now.