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15182793 No.15182793[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Any books to cope with possibly having silent hypoxemia thus obscuring you from knowing if you have COVID-19 pneumonia? I'm worried bros. The virus has mutated. It now can block a chemical produced by your lungs that lets you know you're having trouble breathing. You don't realize it until it is too late when your blood oxygen level is around 50%! For reference anything below 95% is considered a serious health risk that requires immediate medical attention. Now because of this update, over the counter blood oximeters are out of stock in stores and on Amazon. What can you do guys? You could silently be dying and you'd never know it.

>> No.15182801 [DELETED] 

>create an account to read
I hope you die of it, OP

>> No.15182820

literal just google silent hypoxia or silent hypoxemia and it will pop up on different news sites. Also it should literally be free because the NYT has made all their coronavirus articles free.

>> No.15182825

Pick up smoking because smokers are less likely to get coronavirus. And read the bible in case you die anyway

>> No.15182879

Is this in the same strain of advice Trump offered yesterday about looking into injecting disinfecting/cleaning agents to kill the virus?

>> No.15183032

No, that one is legit. You can look, some french fags and chinks did an study on that

>> No.15183053

Is there any denying this is a bioweapon at this point?
>Human to human spread
>Up to three weeks of infection where you're asymptomatic but still contagious
>Switches off your ability to know you're low on oxygen, probably causes lifelong brain damage
>Leaves you fatigued and bedridden for at least six months if you recover

>> No.15183065

who uses this as a weapon? the chinese? they've also been fucked with it and now the world hates them. the Americans? they've been hit stronger the chinese

>> No.15183074

it doesn't have to be a bioweapon that released on purpose
and of course you could make the tinfoil hat argument that the CIA released it to keep Trump out of office / make China look bad or that the Chinese released it knowing that it did so they could weather it and come out on top of the world while they solved their elderly demographic crisis

>> No.15183095

Have you heard of the T-virus, the G-virus, Las Plagas, or Uruboros? Bioweapons never work as intended.

>> No.15183122

America hasn't been hit the worst. That's unfair considering Europe is roughly the size of the US and if you add the case totals for 5-6 of the major European countries, they have more cases than the US. Europe has been hit the worst.

>> No.15183391

>the CIA released it to keep Trump out of office
Why do you tards believe that Trump is some enemy of the status quo?

>> No.15183520

nigger you dumb

>> No.15183557

And yet Umbrella is fucked and nonexistent now thanks to STARS and the BSAA

>> No.15183581

I don't, that's why I listed it as a tinfoil hat argument. Qtards won't give up though.