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15182036 No.15182036 [Reply] [Original]

Books that help me cope with the fact that I'll never be able to have sex with hot men?

>> No.15182082

Just go to /fit/.

>> No.15182167

try go fucking yourself you stupid sexy stud

>> No.15182182

>imagine bumping this
>imagine the smell

>> No.15182267

If anyone has a large, aesthetic penis, could they take a picture of it sitting between the pages of an open book? Kinda like an intellectual dick hotdog. along with the greentext
>Here's your book back, bro.

>> No.15182294

Sorry, mine is only 9 inches erect and i fucking hate it.

>> No.15182351

Sorry, mine a can.

>> No.15182362

This is why I don't buy used books

>> No.15182404

that's why I don't buy used anything

>> No.15182467


>> No.15183138

The bible

>> No.15183150

sure you can; why shouldn't you?

>> No.15184014


you'll never be able to have one love you though.

>> No.15184037

stop being a coomer

although pic related might not count bc it's cartoon porn?

>> No.15184120

Do you find men aesthetically pleasing? Because I find them extremely attractive but the few times I have had sex with one it was gross. I couldn’t get through it all 3 times.

Sexuality is very complicated. Just because you have sexual urges for men doesn’t necessarily mean you would be happier living a “Homosexual lifestyle”.

>> No.15184132

Just get a bf and pay for his test injections, he'll end up turning into a Chad with abs and high libido

Man I wish I could blast and cruise

>> No.15184143

How did it become gross if you thought they were pleasing?

>> No.15184159 [DELETED] 


>> No.15184178

Not them but the act of sex isn’t very important to me. I don’t care about sex itself. I like the words of praises and cuddles my bf gives waaaaay more

>> No.15184179

Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima.

>> No.15184199

It’s just in practice. Like it’s not like when you are with women and you can just start having sex. That was probably the most concrete example I found displeasing. It made me realize just how unnatural it was.

But really the sex was just a lot better in my head. I like the looks of men and being around men and I really like to see men naked but the sex really isn’t that good for me. I enjoy sex with women much more. Like I said sexuality is complicated.

>> No.15184227

sex is nothing, it's nothing worth missing

>> No.15184266

incel cope

>> No.15184321

Isn’t that true for most women though? It seems like men want sex far more than women and women want a more emotional connection

>> No.15184339

why wouldn't you be able to? if you're into men, getting sex is the easiest thing in the world

>> No.15184344

>sex with men has to be penetration through the anus
Nothing has fucked the homosexual cause more than this obsession with replicating heterosexual intercourse.

>> No.15184349

Nah some of my friends really like sex.

>> No.15184397

but what about the smells

>> No.15185476

aesthetic by whose standard? the ancients? modern day?

>> No.15185570

>oh no a penis touched something i touched, it will trun me gaaay

>> No.15185615

Are you sure you don't also need a book that will help you cope with the fact that you'll never actually be a woman?