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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 375x512, juli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15181775 No.15181775 [Reply] [Original]

wouldn't know tradition if it spit him in the face. What he calls traditionalism is just a variant of modernism. There is nothing traditional about constructing supposedly "eternal" ideals to model the new world after - marxists are doing the same thing, only that they use dialectic materialism where Evola uses comparative mythology and sexy meditations. His revolt against the modern world is a revolt against a particular modern world in favour of an alternative modern world. Instead of preserving what is left of pre-modernity he and his readers are getting in on the permanent revolution, essentially doing the work of the left for them.

And that would be fine, but the pretentiousness of this pseudo-traditionalism is unbearable.

>> No.15181788

Ok resident 4chan expert on traditionalism

>> No.15181806

to me he is just an enjoyable prose writer. i don't take his ideas (or zolla's or guenon's or coomaraswamy's) seriously.

>> No.15181809

Imagine getting filtered by semantics he already explained
Traditional is different from traditional, he repeated this every time

>> No.15181869

*casts a spell on you*

>> No.15181879

tradition ≠ customs

>> No.15181938

That's the point OP is trying to make though, isn't it? Evola's traditionalism (imagine the capital T) is not traditionalism at all, it is a variant of modernism - therefore calling it a revolt against the modern world is pretentious and dishonest.

No, "Tradition" ≠ customs

>> No.15181992

Your shit take on his stance is unbearable.Have you actually read Revolt or did you just skim wikipedia? That's not what he advocated at all. You just project what you want to read onto it.

>> No.15182015

There's a lot one can criticize about his project, but you don't sound like you've even read him.

>> No.15182227

Substantiate that claim. How exactly is it a variant of modernism? I honestly see so many claims about these authors on this site yet almost no one actually reads enough of their work or seems to understand them.

>> No.15182398
File: 106 KB, 632x1952, giga kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You missed the entire point and the entire definition of ''tradition''

>> No.15182460

Evola can be criticized for a lot but you fags choose the worst shit to focus on that he literally explains in the books you haven't read lol

>> No.15182485

Love craft was anything but a traditionalist, Anon.

>> No.15182529

Traditionalism is just a huge LARP, just like Perennialism. It’s just rambling about different religions and genuine traditions and picking and choosing what is “Traditional” (CAPITAL T). Guenon, Evola and Schuon all belong in the trash along with their pseudo-spiritual rambling
>this is totally the real meaning guyze, the followers of the religion are just exoteric shudras
>hurr I’m gonna revert to Islam now

inb4 “you don’t get it bro”

>> No.15182689

You don't get it bro

>> No.15182764

brainlet here, what is his definition of tradition?

>> No.15182799

based. perennialism is just bad-faith cringe where you need to assume that literally every major figure in the religions didnt actually believe it and were just larping about the "exoterics".

>> No.15182821

So Tradition according to him is not a metaphysical ideal of which pre-modern traditional societies are merely expressions?

>> No.15182822

Imagine a version of /lit/ in which people actually read the work they comment on.

>> No.15182826


>> No.15182835

And have actual meaningful discussions? Nah too much effort.

>> No.15182860

So basically what >>15182821 said?

>> No.15183041

there are the occasional threads where Evola is discussed very competently by people who read him and either love or hate him but they are few and far between.

>> No.15183310

I was reading Ride the Tiger, had to put it away. Evola doesn't come across as a traditionalist, just some satanic nihilistic faggot.

>> No.15183428

It's modernist insofar that it is based on extrapolating from historical sources a set of abstract ideals that when applied in remodeling society should lead to a new and better world than the one that is - it's a rational (insofar that the human, at least Evola's, mind is supposedly capable of recognizing those ideals) progressive ideology, not too different from other "third position" right-wing progressive ideologies of the time.

>> No.15183433
File: 69 KB, 612x640, 1742878E-4439-4020-9094-F83224F310C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Evola was a painter!? Cool I wonder what his traditionalist art looks li-

>> No.15183436
File: 56 KB, 720x445, 843984a516ba2dc70bad0559065f5c0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking based man

>> No.15183604

>dude just start believing in space wizards to save the west

>> No.15183611

>in its frenetic subversion of every hierarchy
Evola is guilty of committing the original subversion, putting the warrior above the priest.

OP is right.

>> No.15183630
File: 27 KB, 640x640, rYFWTiD_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up dadaist/futurist artist
>expect traditional art

>> No.15183646

Sounds like some goofy cultural determinism.

>> No.15183659


>> No.15183733
File: 329 KB, 419x348, Traditionalist Initiation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Somehow btfod the "great" homosexualist Roman empire and all pagans and installed a Christian Empire of its own

>> No.15183764

He’s not extrapolating anything though. It’s a comparative analysis of religious teachings that have been orientating principles for civilizations for a very long time. It’s a call to return to those metaphysical principles. There’s nothing progressive about it at all.

>> No.15183770
File: 48 KB, 440x440, 440px-Cheirotonia_Presbyter_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy based... Guénon was right.... So this is where the Christians originally stole their laying of hands on clergy from.... The East is truly the metaphysical Centre of true spirituality...

>> No.15183771

It was natural for the decadent paganism to be replaced, but it's still a shame it wasn't by something a bit more dignified.

>> No.15183782
File: 119 KB, 700x473, 1587746302739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it wasn't by something a bit more dignified
There is absolutely no-one more dignified than Christ.

>> No.15183795

He never did that. He gave primacy to the caste of action in regard to fulfillment of the monarchical function. He never inverted them.

>> No.15184193
File: 160 KB, 400x400, Evola is PISSED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evola's visage always gets me. His face seems to be the embodiment of "I'm so fucking sick of your shit."

>> No.15184390

He looks like someone who would be crying on 4chan about women if he was alive today

>> No.15185654

>traditionalist paints futurist art

>> No.15185696

Evola's cringe Nietzschean coming out.

>> No.15186276

Evola didn't particularly like Nietzsche that much because he found Nietzsche's existentialism was too modern.
one must only acknowledge the truth of a fragmented human being, who has come to identify existence itself with its lowest and most irrational levels, with its darkest and most senseless expressions, wallowing in a sort of self-sadism. Against all this, let us clearly perceive that ‘existence’ is not the last resort, that existence actually only reaches fulfilment in those who cast their gaze beyond it, those who are capable of subordinating mere living to something more than living.

>> No.15186289

/lit/ once again showing that they've never read Evola