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15179876 No.15179876 [Reply] [Original]

I like fantasy books
but the only ones I know are kids books
does this mean fantasy books are for kids?

>> No.15179895
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Mythology, legends, religion, all just fantasy when you get down to it. Fiction. Meant to enjoy, not taken too seriously. But who wants to be serious all the time?

>> No.15179903

lord of the rings is for fun
the bible is for learning

>> No.15179913

For dumb nomads.

>> No.15179952
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Here is a fantasy book that definitely is not meant for kids:

>> No.15179972

>the tranny hates the book that reproves their evil deeds
color me shocked

>> No.15179990

The Illiad and Oddysey aren't kid's books

>> No.15179996

Andrei Sepkowski's Witcher series
definitely not for kids
maybe teens
not kids

>> No.15180009
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I would disagree fantasy books can be for all ages
Like LOTR can be read by most people and they can still enjoy it

>> No.15180060

thanks anon you are really nice

>> No.15180062

but there is no magic in those

>> No.15180066

No, but the fantastic does appeal to children in particular.
For more mature fantasy (not in the idiotic pornographic sense)- ER Eddison, Lord Dunsany, George MacDonald, Ursula K LeGuin, Mervyn Peake.

>> No.15180090
File: 2.42 MB, 1936x2592, 4928D1B2-F4D7-4A70-A36C-B81892678583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is

>> No.15180120

I dont read books written by women

>> No.15180151

This man is beyond based

>> No.15180701
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Does beowulf count as fantasy?

>> No.15181537

Yes. Please grow up, anon.

>> No.15181618

What would make a fantasy not for kids?
I want to say sex drugs and violence, but I have deep memories of a fantasy book tackling each of those concepts as a young kid and those where what was in the schools library.

Is Morrowind a kids game? It has a Teen rating so it would be played by kids, but that game tackled slavery and drug addiction.

Fantasy is just universal and is really good at masking it's gritty elements behind fantasy flair.
It's not meth it's warmweed. He didn't die he was banished to the shadow realm.
It gives it an ageless quality.

Of course there are ones specifically not for kids, but most are universal. Actually I doubt that any fantasy is written with actual children and not young adults in mind.

I mean, you could always read the weeb fantasys too. Webnovels and what not.

>> No.15182070

Could you stop being retarded for a single thread please? Mythology, legends, religion are meant to be life lessons, not enjoyed and not taken seriously. You keep proving yourself to be either a shitposting tranny or a brainlet.

>> No.15182080

Yes. If you want the grown up version, read myths, they have actual substance.

>> No.15182095
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Learning what? That jews are subhumans who'd sell their brothers as slaves for a sack of shekels? If anything the bible bolstered my anti-Semitism.

>> No.15182131

the entire OT is about the repeated failures of the Jews and how God punishes them for it, it's kino and important for understanding the importance of Jesus in the NT

>> No.15182190

read Homer

>> No.15183348
