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15179469 No.15179469 [Reply] [Original]

will the world-historical covid quarantine of 2020 produce any literature of value?

>> No.15179502

Probably the opposite. Think of all the hack writers stuck inside now suddenly motivated to finish their novels.

>> No.15179507

Maybe in a 100 years from now when people can look back at the situation objectively

>> No.15179517

imagine all the novels about being racially profiled being written by asian american women right now

>> No.15179572

currently writing a novel that uses the lockdown as a setting, and so far I've had really positive feedback on it. So hopefully (for me, at least), yes.

>> No.15179584

I've been keeping a journal since the first deaths in Washington. I'm going to sell it in a few decades and make bank.

>> No.15179612

They look cute in those masks I'm not going to deny it

>> No.15179624


>> No.15179641


>> No.15179707


all the negative fags itt can suck it

>> No.15179896

Literature of value can't be produced if you are unable to properly socialize and talk to anyone which is most likely the case especially for people who were already not writing even though they should and want to because they are too isolated.

>> No.15180005

>literature of value
There is no such thing.

>> No.15180033

I'm working on a major project, and the lockdowns have given me huge impetus to finish it. I mean, I don't really have anything else to do but stay inside and write.

>> No.15180122
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no. isolation journalfags only do things for recognition so its doomed to be soulless boring trash wanna be anne frank.

>> No.15181084


>> No.15181090

No, any potentially good authors get their brain burned by constant twitter streams of nonsense. Internet killed the literature star.

>> No.15181354

I disagree. You can very well produce something like notes from the underground, at least the first half.

>> No.15181880

You really would be surprised at how effective an enclosed or sealed-in approach to setting can force you to be creative with the limited options you have available to you. This is the exact reason why Samuel Beckett > James Joyce. When you have the entirety of Dublin at your disposal, it is much harder to keep your focus razor sharp. On the other hand, a story that takes place almost entirely in one (or a few) interior settings means you can really sink your teeth into the character dynamics.

>> No.15181917

I'm working from home, but if I wasn't I would have been constantly worrying about rent and money.

>> No.15182052

Can't believe she unfollowed me on Twitter

>> No.15182205

im falling in love with this creature

>> No.15182630

Except Dostoevsky wasnt a shut in incel. He wrote a caricature.

>> No.15182950

Kek no, itll be like every other retard making a podcast right now an ocean of garbage no one will care about in a few months

>> No.15183010

Wow! Cute twitter woman!

>> No.15183011

Fuck dude we’re going to have an influx of those all over the place aren’t we. I can see the booker prizes now, “We Are Not Viruses, by [Anglo first name] [Vaguely Southeast Asian last name]”

>> No.15183019

You mean the WuFlu Hoax of 2020...

>> No.15183057
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help me bros... i already reverse searched this twitter gurl etc. i cant resist beautiful ladies. i really become infatuated. i spent probably more than 5min adminring her looks and she doesn't even know i exist. i'd marry her. my heart rushes as if i were a teenage girl

too bad she's an 'intellectual' and has tons of orbiters. 2 huge false flags

>> No.15183061

Would you marry a girl just because she looks cute?

>> No.15183062

shut the fuck up. no one cares

>> No.15183071
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your in the wrong board buddy lit is my personal journal

>> No.15183142
File: 21 KB, 685x292, dumb bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bet you made this thread yourself you cretin

>> No.15183179
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Her name is Martha Anne Clark, graduating from Emory University. Anne Smith is a pseudonym. She used to be a Nazi but I guess got stalkers and maybe stopped? Her mom is Japanese, her dad is Irish or Anglo (?), she's 22, and she's a megaslut.

>> No.15183189

Bait. Why do women post themselves everywhere for attention?

>> No.15183226


>> No.15183246

Bad families

>> No.15183277
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welp... the two false flags were attesting to this. shame because she's beautiful but then again the intellectual types rarely are keepers as they indulge in promiscuity. probably absent father too

anne smith dear stop this, find yourself a husband and settle down. youre wasting your youth seeking attention from nu-male twittors and discord users

t. your secret ex-lover
you can improve your taste in art

>> No.15183282

I got it from some guy she sent it to who posted it in a WhatsApp group called "The 'Anne' Diaries." It has like 500 photos of her and lots of screenshots saying embarrassing shit like "I'm really a nympho" and talking about plans to beat people up

Idak the girl though I just like the drama and someone told me to post that

Her mom Yuki-oh tried to kill herself.

>> No.15183285


she's jewish.

>> No.15183297

>Her mom Yuki-oh tried to kill herself
Sad but expectable
> lots of screenshots saying embarrassing shit like "I'm really a nympho" and talking about plans to beat people up
Again, expectable. I'm sure you can make a book over it.
I feel awkward knowing she is reading us tho.
Good luck Anne

>> No.15183309

she sounds like a dumpsterfire

>> No.15183319

how can you lot keep track of all these internet nobodies

>> No.15183326

It's time to D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD

>> No.15183328

its not a choice for most of these guys

>> No.15183335

It's her. Self-promotion.

>> No.15183352

>no one will care about in a few months
You know if no vaccine is available anytime soon this shit will go in indefinitely, right? And even if it doesn't, the global economy is fucked. Nothing can go back to the way it was.

>> No.15183373
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Told this is fake.