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15176227 No.15176227 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't it paradoxical that humans that live in the most abundant and risk-free period of our history in terms of not dying strive for hedonism the most? How would /lit/ explain this?

>> No.15176238

Not really. Humans have always been hedonistic little fucks.

>> No.15176241

how the fuck is that paradoxical. There is no real struggle so theres nothing to do but pursue pleasure

>> No.15176288

I would assume you get bored of it at some point.

>> No.15176291

There is literally nothing wrong with escapism

>> No.15176299

we do, that's why we're depressed

>> No.15176300

I think Mark Fisher wrote something about how "No One is Bored, Everything is Boring. "

>> No.15176319

Its because people have turned away from God yet crave something more meaningful in their lives

>> No.15176320

unironically read industrial society and it's future

>> No.15176337

Recommending against this. Tedfags contradict themselves by even using the internet so its not worth taking them seriously if even they don't want to live by the philosophy

>> No.15176346
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"With this demand there goes the strenuous effort, almost perfervidly zealous in its activity, to rescue mankind from being sunken in what is sensuous, vulgar, and of fleeting importance, and to raise men’s eyes to the stars; as if men had quite forgotten the divine, and were on the verge of finding satisfaction, like worms, in mud and water. Time was when man had a heaven, decked and fitted out with endless wealth of thoughts and pictures. The significance of all that is, lay in the thread of light by which it was attached to heaven; instead of dwelling in the present as it is here and now, the eye glanced away over the present to the Divine, away, so to say, to a present that lies beyond. The mind’s gaze had to be directed under compulsion to what is earthly, and kept fixed there; and it has needed a long time to introduce that clearness, which only celestial realities had, into the crassness and confusion shrouding the sense of things earthly, and to make attention to the immediate present as such, which was called Experience, of interest and of value. Now we have apparently the need for the opposite of all this; man’s mind and interest are so deeply rooted in the earthly that we require a like power to have them raised above that level. His spirit shows such poverty of nature that it seems to long for the mere pitiful feeling of the divine in the abstract, and to get refreshment from that, like a wanderer in the desert craving for the merest mouthful of water. By the little which can thus satisfy the needs of the human spirit we can measure the extent of its loss."

>> No.15176361

You don't have to agree with that we should abandon technology in order to get something out of his writings

>> No.15176368

Such as?

>> No.15176372

where 2 buy auto master-bater pls

>> No.15176388


>> No.15176408

but if all that you do is escape, you never actually deal with shit
it's better to live in the world you live in and do what you can to make it suck less

>> No.15176416

personally, I don't think we need to stop using technology, I just think it should have a less active role in our lives. we should use our technology as a supplement to traditional ways of making meaning as opposed to a substitute

>> No.15176447

Why would you want to have to deal with shit if you don't have to. Just exercise for the 30 minutes you aren't in the heroin masturbation machine

>> No.15176464

That’s not his quote is it

>> No.15176493

Do not love the world or the things in the world. If any one loves the world, love for the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world. (1 John 2:15–16)

>> No.15176499

no it's the loop de loop kraut

>> No.15176554

instead of this read society of the spectacle, and then technological society

>> No.15176567

we need to dismantle the marketing state, everything is a tool for the marketing state including technology and humans

>> No.15176580

but does technology need to be done away with in the process?

>> No.15176656

Heidegger explained it well

>> No.15176668

Humans are inherently hedonistic, we just find different more efficient ways of enjoying life. Even religious are hedonistic, in the same way people enjoy bdsm.

>> No.15176684 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15176690

>The whole world is not worth a single tear

>> No.15176723

Based. Technology is just a way of doing stuff. We simply have to be smarter with the ways we use it and recognize that materialism is not the end all be all of happiness. Ultimately humans should strive to be the best we can be instead of being hedonistic retards, and technology can help us be even better.

>> No.15176772

I don't agree with tedfags at all, but not necessarily. You have to use technology to destroy technology.

>> No.15176801

no not at all
imo 'technology' as used by ted is a very vague term he uses specifically to denounce our modern times
the problem isn't the efficiency or the complexity of technology, it's the way technology is being used as a tool for the psychologically oppressive system
marx was right about everything that was (is) wrong with capitalism, but back then he wouldn't have guessed the power the system had to create such a new industry (marketing) to both absorb the people whose jobs were destroyed by innovation, and to also build an indoctrination machine that kept people even more reliable on the system itself
marketing is the real satan of our world and I sincerely believe there will not be another legitimate philosophical movement unless that subject is concretely tackled

>> No.15176813

I forgot to add I want nothing to do with communism lest it become the topic

>> No.15176825

Is it paradoxical that people with the greatest access to pleasurable things are the ones to use pleasurable things most? No.

>> No.15176831

the problems with capitalism and communism come from the same place. modern societies are so large that corruption will inevitably ruin these systems.

>> No.15176847

disregard my reply then I guess

>> No.15177171

My point is it SHOULD get boring, because it's meaningless. Ecclesiastes put it best, people should be happy, you should derive joy from your works, because then joy has meaning. I refuse to believe the great people of the past were hedonists that just wacked off all the time and took opium, that's not how greatness works. So, why are we so weak today? Obviously technology is addictive, I'll give you that, we can't do away with it, we should probably use it only for important stuff, as some posters said.

>> No.15177234

That's because they don't know better. If you read Plato, Aristotle, Epictetus, etc you will understand that hedonism is not a good idea. Even Epicurus explains why what we call hedonism nowadays is not a good idea. But most people don't really have a contact with their philosophies. What most people have contact with is popular culture.

Take a look at Tyrion, the wise character of Game of Thrones:
>“...How would you like to die, Tyrion son of Tywin?"
>"In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock, at the age of eighty," he replied.”

If you look at life advice in magazine for women, will they tell them to avoid hedonism... ...or will they tell them to become turbosluts and promote drinking and partying hard as a good life?

>> No.15177250

Weirdness is just a spook. No one can explain why this is objectively a bad thing.

>> No.15177269
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>When our distant descendants think about our era, however, differences will loom larger. Yes they will see that we were more like them in knowing more things, and in having less contact with a wild nature. But our brief period of very rapid growth and discovery and our globally integrated economy and culture will be quite foreign to them. Yet even these differences will pale relative to one huge difference: our lives are far more dominated by consequential delusions: wildly false beliefs and non-adaptive values that matter. While our descendants may explore delusion-dominated virtual realities, they will well understand that such things cannot be real, and don’t much influence history. In contrast, we live in the brief but important “dreamtime” when delusions drove history. Our descendants will remember our era as the one where the human capacity to sincerely believe crazy non-adaptive things, and act on those beliefs, was dialed to the max.

>> No.15177270

i just recently tried vr porn after getting free pornhub premium. wow. i immediately ordered hundreds of dollars worth of vr equipment, deleted my social media accounts, ghosted a woman ive been texting for a month. fuck real life

>> No.15177373

This is not really an enjoyable life.

>> No.15177422

Right. The ideal is that we remove the brain from the body and hook it up to a machine that hits it with pleasure until it expires.
You don't enjoy reading, or individuality, or love, or any of the other things you enjoy. You enjoy the feelings that they give you. The middleman should be removed when it can.

>> No.15177587

is this what stirnerfags actually believe

>> No.15177667

>this is on-topic because the pic mentions a book series filmatization

>> No.15177683

Are Stirnerfags even human?

>> No.15177719

I think your problem is you are expecting the moments you are living through to be just like history books but you are not paying attention to the context with which you observe the present and the past. Because we already know how events will play out in history it is possible to only pay attention to the people who matter and not pay attention to those who had minimal impact on the world. In the present it is considerably more difficult to tell who actually matters so you observe all the shit people with as much detail as the great people, giving the impression there are more shot people now than in the past. Think about all the millions of serfs and peasents from the last 2000 years, i guarantee they would have eaten fast food and binge watched netflix if they had had the chance

>> No.15177766

I think God's death left people without direction and that pleasure is the most obvious immediate and most importantly known/recognisable "good" thing to attach yourself to

>> No.15177780

Yes it is

>> No.15177796

Its philosophy you brainlet. If you don't recognize the book its referencing then you don't belong here

>> No.15177846

Adding on to this, this and democracy is the reason people are so interested in politics nowadays, they see the closest thing to God being the state.

>> No.15177892

Ted became the unabomober after being conscripted into MKULTRA´s activities at Harvard. MKULTRA may get a bad rap, but it was really all intended in the naively earnest liberal humanistic spirit of post war america oxbridge educated transatlantic roundtable fabian neougenicists, HG Wells' the shape of things to come, BF Skinner and and Teilhard de chardin paperbacksl, ivy league puritans, neurotic mitteleuropaisches jewish exiles, the military industrial complex and madison avenue, and maybe even a few reformed national socialists(via operation paperclip) the goal was to create a subject willing to sacrifice ANYTHING in order to ensure world peace and save the world from imminent catastrophe(bomb, ecological collapse).

Soviets ran an ideological fairground attraction on decrepit 19th century models while the americans were already moving to fully groundless cybernetic simulation.

If anything, Ted took the systems imperative beyond his handlers intentions, one can't make fun of those autists who found about Ted from netflix. Like him they following to the letter orders that were not meant to be taken seriously,

bombarded from childhood with pornography, and popcultural agitprop the implicit malthusianism of CNN Turner´s captain planet as made explicit the georgia guidestones hippie mandatory love and acceptance, consumer warmachine imperatives, liberalism humanism as civic religion (all praise the lesser races, and sodomites) as reenacted by all your favorite celebrities. the capitalist subject is placed schizophrenic double bind according to Bateson or a coincidentia oppositorum to the occultists. to follow the order to the letter overriding consumer and warmachine imperatives is to bring about the systems immediate and violent destruction.

>> No.15178022

they will tell them what gets them to buy future magazines, which involves relegating thinking to the background and dispensing instant gratification

>> No.15178024
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Based utilitarian

>> No.15178033

It is not. This is not how the human brain works.

>> No.15178146

It sounds counter-intuitive and edgy on an individual level to insist on pain but I believe it's important. The guy in the picture has checked out, he's not making stuff. He's not building infrastructure, he's not inventing things, he's not coming up with cool new dance moves, he's enjoying himself but he's no longer a player. A great inventor doesn't have to know pain but it must be there in some way, in his parents or grandparents, a deep need of finding something new and better. This is ultimately a pain response because it's your brain telling you that you will die unless you prove yourself. The ones who feel pain will inherit the earth forever.

>> No.15178267
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you have to understand the current media stimuli as something similar to a drug
the media and entertainment industries are your drug dealers, and the more of it you take the less you can grasp from reality that's waiting for you outside

>> No.15178333


>> No.15178979

>Isn't it paradoxical that humans that live in the most abundant and risk-free period of our history in terms of not dying strive for hedonism the most?
...why would you call the obvious consequence of some fact paradoxical?

>> No.15178999

Do you use the "weird" word when you want to call something bad and disgusting, but you are a coward who is afraid that the others will retaliate, so you intentionally use the soft language?

>> No.15179071

>enjoyable life is when you don't enjoy things
>freedom is slavery
>peace is war

>> No.15179193

Pleasure and happiness are not the same thing. Living a complete hedonistic life will not make you happy.

>> No.15179202

I'm not OP, but I don't see why this is a given.

>> No.15179395

Happiness is an empty word. When someone promises you million dollars for something, he is probably lying, but at least the potential prize is real. When someone promises you happiness, he is explicitly promising you nothing.