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15175300 No.15175300 [Reply] [Original]

My brother and me are trying to save my little bro (15) before he goes completely zoomer on us.

I'm going to have a sit-down session with him today where we both read our own book for 30 minutes. If we do this often, will this improve his appetite?

There's no discipline in this kid. He can binge YouTube autoplay and pretend he likes it for hours on end, he never ever reads, he only does what he feels like and wants in the moment, and never forces himself to do anything in the long-term. He recently bought a ukelele but almost completely neglects it like he neglects his school work.

How can I show him the merits of discipline, maintenance, order, building, hobbies, etc? How do we rewire his short-term-hedonistic brain?

>> No.15175326
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>> No.15175328

Well make him read every day, if you have the authority. Do your parents care at all?

>> No.15175331

your father was supposed to have handled this years ago, but like many, he was incompetent and absent. there's nothing you can do about it now except hope he matures in a few years. besides, 15 year olds are supposed to be lazy pieces of shit, dont turn him into an old man. try to get him to exercise rather than read

>> No.15175340

beat him

>> No.15175355

This. Make him exercise, get him to see and experience the world.
This would be beneficial for you as well, I'm sure.
You probably think you're superior because you spend the entire day reading instead of these plebs spending their entire day watching their screens.
Life doesn't happen in books.

>> No.15175371

if this doesnt work show him what he could become and give him a distaste for losers who sit around in their apartments all day smoking weed every single day and saying shit like 'im gonna start streaming bro, just need the right parts for my computer!'

If a person develops a distaste for losers then it is much easier to shame and motivate them to better themselves

of course non of this is possible if they dont respect you, so try beating first

>> No.15175373

he sounds based

>> No.15175378

you have to vest some money into it
like for example if you would read x amount of books you will take him to disneyland or something

>> No.15175438
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his father is not incompetent but absent he indeed was due to divorce. lil bro does behave around him, but when with mother, he flees into his room and zooms. I feel like we (23, 18) need to step in.

We tried exercise but he deems team-sports "awkward", he can't catch a ball. But we go for walks and he's a fairly good cook. Maybe we can try and get him to play hockey again when the virus thing is over. So it's not all bad, he just doesn't get the reading bit.

It's that we all read so much, even when we were his lazy piece of shit age, but his school uses mandatory iPads because muh technology, and he's completely sucked into his. There's a huge cultural divide between him and us.

Other brother (18) bought Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto today to try and challenge his ideas. Not fucking kidding.

Maybe that's a bit much. I'm going to read children's lit with him (picrelated). Maybe slowly I can introduce him to more spiritual stuff. What would you recommend next? I need comfy quality stuff.

>> No.15175451

Our family reads a lot indeed and we do feel very cool about it. But I go out, I hitchhiked to Paris last summer (from Amsterdam) and worked on a farm and shit. I box and skate. Lil bro just retreats.

I'll take him out with me next time, maybe that's a good idea.

>> No.15175472

parents care but are too busy with work, mother asked me to help out with the lil bro situation, father handles things on his own but lil bro doesn't live with him.

>> No.15175848

>My brother and me
I don't think you should be teaching anyone anything about reading.

>> No.15176293

i gave a copy of the tao to my nephew and told him to read the tiny passages while he was waiting in the lobby of fortnite. i haven't had a chance to see if he actually read it but i think i met him half way. its a tiny book and easy to read, you got to meet them half way you can't make them do shit

>> No.15176318

I'm fluent in more important languages

>> No.15176389
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I'm just back from the first session.

After the 30 minutes, I asked him how it was to do something that didn't do the imagining for you, and if he was happy to take some time out of the day and do one thing with focus.

He responded saying that he wasn't taken away by the work, but instead imagined a screen playing a video with a narrator telling the story, like the beginning of older Disney movies.

>Even when reading, lil bro experiences stuff like watching television.

But I guess it's a beginning. He read like 30 pages which is quite impressive. Tomorrow session two.

>> No.15176402

reading the tao resonated a lot with me, but I think you need to have certain questions before you can accept ancient wisdom like that.

>> No.15176448

>"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"
>"You can't change people, and it's rude to try."

Leave the kid alone, he sees how little it's done for you, and in spite of that, how insistent you are to indoctrinate him to your ways.

>> No.15176470

>he imagined a screen playing a video with a narrator telling the story, like the beginning of older Disney movies.
wait, you don't do this?

>> No.15176547

maybe give him some audio books and then get him to show you on a physical copy when he wants to share info on the subject

honestly you need to do more research into sibling psychology and how it affects the learning process/methods of learning. audio, video, disco et sic porro

>> No.15176579

i think you shouldn't force him too much because he'll hate it but you can try to find his interests and try to read books about them. if he plays videogames and he's 15 he's probably into cool history stuff or history memes that 15 year old kids laugh. or he might enjoy sci-fi/post-apocalyptic /utopian-dystopian stuff, you might suggest him things like brave new world or fahrenheit.

>> No.15176689

yeah that makes sense but really hes a whole living person there's no way he doesn't have questions already

>> No.15176832

I'm trying to help him, he gives off a very neurotic vibe that I think has to do everything with his appetite for hyperactive stuff. He's also struggling with his sexuality, and I just don't trust the average YouTuber to provide decent context for these kinds of things.

But I suppose I should be careful not to insist too much or indoctrinate, thank you anon. He chose the book himself from the library of our mother, is that a good way to be more distant but still "lead him to water" like you say?

I'm not trying to chance him I think, but show him where to look when experiencing shit. Books, or movies, or whatever of quality, but no mediocre hyperactive vloggers, ukno?

I gave him Fry's Mythos as an audiobook last year, that really worked. He knows a great deal more about mythology than we do now, and seemed to enjoy the experience in general.

Idunno, I just saw something dystopian in his seeing a screen in front of him instead of seeing the imagined thing in front of him.

Any suggestions?

>> No.15176845

change* whoopsy

>> No.15177329

I was and am in a pretty similar situation. I have 3 brothers and the youngest is 17. My parents are divorced. It’s been difficult. The only things I’ve found that work are introducing him to stuff he’s naturally interested in, getting excited to talk about literature (because I find after a while he reads stuff at least in part because he wants to talk to me about it) and basically just leading by example and showing him it’s not gay or effeminate to read which unfortunately, what most American boys think. Other than that, I think disconnecting the games and internet would help immensely because he does resort to reading when he’s bored but I don’t know how I could achieve that.

>> No.15177985

>my brother and me
It's my brother and I you imbecile. Way to out yourself as a non reader.

>> No.15178002

Sounds to me like you're a pretentious clueless dipshit.

Your brother is 15. Fifteen. He doesn't give a shit what his loser of a brother that still lives at home has to say, much less if it's trying to get him to be more like your pathetic ass.

>> No.15178105

He probably gets more pussy than you

>> No.15178414

Just watched an episode of South Park because of the OP image.

Those guys are witty and talented, but there's nothing really that interesting about the show. Won't be watching more.

>> No.15178457
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Sounds like he’s just enjoying his life.

>> No.15178532 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.15178789


Hello, based department?

>> No.15178818

Just login to your router and blacklist his devices.

>> No.15178833

does no one remember being 15? tunnel vision at that age, only want to do what you want to do, realize you are missing out on other things but who gives a fuck youve already made that decision

>> No.15178847

The only thing I remember about being 15 is smashing my 2/10 slampig girlfriend on the daily for about 9 months straight

>> No.15178851


I'm pretty sure all I did at 15 was watch porn and play videogames...10 years later not much has changed except I have a masters degree.

>> No.15178859

Group reading 30 minutes to an hour every day, everyone picks their own books. Closer to bedtime

>> No.15178864

Like sit in same room and read for 30 minutes or an hour every day. You all have to commit every day

>> No.15179053

Creepypastas and SCP articles were great for me back in the day but those areas seem to have been tainted recently. Perhaps you could search for a modern equivalent.

>> No.15179279

15 to 18 was unironically the most disciplined and productive period of my life
t. NEET in mid twenties

>> No.15179429

>only want to do what you want to do
What's wrong with that.

>> No.15179970

Take him hunting or hiking, just get him away from the electric jew.

>> No.15180022


>> No.15180424
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read some good fantasy or sci fi with him it should really broaden his horizons

>> No.15180442

I find it's best to approach people on a self-benefit basis. The primary objective of any activity is maximum enjoyment so try to appeal to the other ways this could benefit him in IRL.

And provide choice books.

>> No.15180455

I find it's best to approach people on a self-benefit basis. The primary objective of any activity is maximum enjoyment so try to appeal to the other ways this could benefit him in IRL.

And provide choice books. Something to appeal to him, not you. That's key

>> No.15180459

Make him watch a candle every morning

>> No.15180490
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Dangerous, but the power gained will be worth it

>> No.15181021

Get him on psychedelics, got me from bum to college with a full scholarship.

>> No.15181073

I suggest you should not attempt to fill the void which his absent father may or may not have left, it appears as though you are only going to damage him due to your stubbornness to indoctrinate and discipline him.

>> No.15181801

OP here

I'll just stick with the 30 minute a day plan. Thanks for your ideas. I'll be careful not to impose a sense of having-to too much, and he picks the books so should be good.

I live at home due to covid and suck at uni. That's all for now folks.

>> No.15182240

His projected future is grim; allow him to enjoy the comforts of escapism and technology while they are still available to him so that he may still linger in those last remaining years of child-like innocence and true joy.

>> No.15182270

let him live his life sissy

>> No.15182286
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>> No.15182347

>just let jewtube raise the youth bro
>e-thots are a healthy expression of sexuality
>if the kid wants kandy give him the kandy

Faggot decadent candyass

>> No.15182353

Agree with the guys stating he should grow a healthy disgust to nerds and bugmen. Make him read brave new world and ready player one afterwards, maybe followed by adorno. make him disgusted of people squandering their human spirit

>> No.15182397

>but when with mother, he flees into his room and zooms

>> No.15182446

>We tried exercise but he deems team-sports "awkward", he can't catch a ball.
Exercise doesn't need to involve teams.
It's a great time to start bodyweight training. Get him some gymnastic rings and 'overcoming gravity'. Or have him start with some meme routine like fitloop.co
Being able to listen to or watch something made it easier for me to get into when I was in that situation.

>> No.15182516

This. Make him read easy books. Brave New World is not a terrible idea and after that you can give him 1984, and other better and more complex books.

>> No.15182870
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Get a load of these bitter retards, let your brother enjoy his youth

>> No.15183123

youtube raised me and I'm based.

>> No.15183954

All the LARPing in this thread from literal 4chan losers. Ridiculous.

>> No.15184724


>> No.15184747

15 year old me studied a lot in hopes of getting a scholarship to get away from my family.

>> No.15184778

find something for him to hate, if theres something people do that seems degenerate to him then use it, make him want to learn what else they do for him to hate, eventually he may begin trying to change himself as his beliefs form

>> No.15184877

Beat the shit out of him
Seriously, 99.99% of teens just need one ass-whooping to get them on track

>> No.15184886

>I use English imageboards and my life is dominated by Anglo countries but I-I'm important

>> No.15184890

>t. raised by a narcissist and didn't realize it

>> No.15184903

>18 year old incel that lives with mommy thinks that he's in any position to help his (slightly) younger brother
Loving every Laugh

>> No.15185467


>> No.15185475
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you would be the worst bro ever

>> No.15185515

Won't work after the kind of activity you describe, his brain will be so over-saturated by dopamine that he physically won't derive any joy from reading - or anything that isn't binging youtube videos, and even that will have lost its original buzz for him.

Not gonna be as simple as reading to him, even if this might be well-received by an unburdened mind, gonna have to break the habit that's hard-wired into his brain, until then don't expect his mind to be open to anything. How you can do this I honestly don't know, the ideal would be to remove all his devices and induce boredom until the mind is forced to re-evaluate what it considers enjoyable enough. Good luck though, this is something that needs to be more personal, definitely going to be challenging to tyrannically enforce this on a 15 year old, because you bet his brain is gonna lash out when its deprived of its ever-flowing fountain of dopamine

>> No.15185611

>Other brother (18) bought Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto today to try and challenge his ideas. Not fucking kidding.
Kek what? He's 15, he has no real beliefs and challenging them will probably just make him bitter towards you and your beliefs

>> No.15185920

Op is obv trolling

>> No.15187010

beat him senselessly then make him read ender's game

>> No.15187430


>> No.15188436

Leave your brother alone you absolute retard.