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15174870 No.15174870[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did god make me attracted to men?

>> No.15174880

>literature board

>> No.15174888


>> No.15174898
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i’m with you there, anon. retards, all of them.

>> No.15174907

He is calling you for chastity.

>> No.15174908

if you're a woman then there's nothing to be ashamed of

>> No.15174913

Imagine complaining that you never have to interact with women

>> No.15174950

Found the repressed homo

>> No.15174958
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God made you attracted to men so you could eschew the spells of the heinous witches which populate Earth and focus on a superior ideal of physical and emotional beauty. You're immune to the black magic of foids and many men would kill to be in your position. As to what the bible says, it's really unnecessary to force yourself to be a permanent virgin and everything will work out so long as you seek to remain monogamous and committed to your relationship and the true nature of God can not be ascribed to a collection of books written by desert jews.

>> No.15174962

>literally wish I was gay
I know its stupid. but I do. How repressed am I?

>> No.15174964

kill thyself tripfag

>> No.15174979

>this how fags think
did you type this before or after gargling some cocks? you pure "virgin"

>> No.15174990

Don't tell anyone I'm the one whose cock gets sucked.

>> No.15174999

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.15175009

>You're immune to the black magic of foids and many men would kill to be in your position.
This. I wish I wasn't attracted to women. Shit is awful.

>> No.15175040

You need to love both sexes, bisexuality is the ultimate redpill. Just think about it, every single human is a prospect for fucking

>> No.15175048


>> No.15175058

read Freud, Lacan, Bataille and Land, start watching sissy hypno videos and immerse yourself in g/acc thought, finally go on Grindr and get TOPPED in your boipussy by 10 inch long black cocks

>> No.15175067

Why did god make murderers?

Or...maybe he didn't. Maybe people make choices in life, sometimes wrong one. Sometimes really really gay ones.

>> No.15175072

niggers like you are the reason why the aids epidemic jumped from faggots to us heteros

>> No.15175086

Honestly I wish I was gay
Women view me as subhuman trash if I was gay I could probably at least have sex

>> No.15175126

Thats just cause niggas dont wear protection. A lot of repressed gay niggas had wives they had to fuck

>> No.15175139

am >>15175086
I do not wish I was gay in an incel way like >>15175086 I just am really drawn to queer people and want to be one

>> No.15175140

Come on anon, you know its not gay to dock with your bros as long as you say "no homo" first, right?

>> No.15175143

>why did god allow me to be sexually assaulted at a young age
FTFY. Don’t accept things as they are. Accept why things are the way they are. Once this happens, decide what the best course of action is. Maintain celibacy or try to leave it as a ‘phase’? Accept your sin, with the knowledge that everybody else sins and that god is all-forgiving? Do nothing and be tormented forever? There are many choices.

>> No.15175151

To amend this, I mean tormented forever As in mentally, not hell

>> No.15175157

It isn't gay if the balls don't touch

>> No.15175176

Yeah, most of the gays I've met over 50 have wives and kids. I imagine it's more gays than bi's.

>> No.15175189

Prove that there is a God and then detail how he is responsible for your degeneracy

>> No.15175213

Okay now that the conversation devolved into christcucks patting each other on their shoulder we can get rid of the thread.

>> No.15175220

the oldest religion in the world is against faggots. christians just plagiarized that law

>> No.15175227

Is it gay to pop a testicle into their asshole like a piece of fruit in a chocolate fondant, and then have the same man proceed to suck the ball clean of his own shit?

>> No.15175248

Dunno about gay, but based yes

>> No.15175281

Is it gay to fold your flaccid dick into a door jam and swing it shut while biting into another man's asscheek?

>> No.15175297

Everybody wants to be bottom though.

>> No.15175321

I only like women's bodies, not their personalities. There's prostitutes for that. If I was gay I'd fuck for free in all meanings of the word.

>> No.15175335

Get on with it will you fag

>> No.15175416

bullshit, finding a horny BBC wanting to pound your intestines is easy AF
t. faggot