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15173046 No.15173046 [Reply] [Original]

>ruins the life of two women by fucking with their husbands for years
>as a teacher seduces many of her students
>grooms two students a decade younger then herself for Sartre to fuck
>talks about woman's independence but relies on men her whole life
>leads people on then friend-zones them while fucking others behind their backs
>gets drunk and turns up at boyfriends houses screaming outside their door like your crazy ex

Why is this woman considered an idol in feminism? She was literally the evil men she wrote about.

>> No.15173056

She's only popular because she sucked the right cock,

>> No.15173058

Because she did it all backwards and in heels.

>> No.15173062

She was clearly not an evil man, Anon. Plus I haven't read her (have you?) but I doubt she was advocating for everyone living comfy modest trad lives. In fact she probably advocated for women being held to the same standards as men, which it seems she lived by.

>> No.15173063

her existience proves that feminism at its core is a rotten parasite of a belief system

>> No.15173072

>as a teacher seduces many of her students

With regards to this, remember she was teaching high school and don’t forget that she petitioned to have age of consent laws abolished. She was a literal pedo.

>> No.15173075

She idolised because she doesn’t give a fuck. Why are you demonising her for acting like the spergs you think she replicates? Go after the spergs, you blowfly.

>> No.15173076

Just read Wittig instead desu.

>> No.15173080

Why is it always the French?

>> No.15173081


>> No.15173087
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>as a teacher seduces many of her students

>> No.15173094

Because she wrote The Second Sex, which is the intellectual foundation for all the claims about the supposed subordinate status of women that you hear today.

Basically, all of contemporary feminism relies on her work.

>> No.15173168

>as a teacher seduces many of her students
pretty based ngl

>> No.15173212
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I actually have, and I agree with much of her views on equality and freedom for women. I also believe most people today would agree with her, but third wave feminism has given feminists such a bad name that many steer well away from it all.

That said, she did not live by her words, other than maybe not having children (which she believed was bad for women).

She did have a nice T H I C C butt though, gotta give her that.

>> No.15173220

Don't get me wrong, she was based, but I am surprised that women today look past this shit.

>> No.15173272
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whores idolize whores

>> No.15173280
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>>She idolised because she doesn’t give a fuck.
no, it is because women want to sleep around without being called sluts

>> No.15173303
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>> No.15173324

holy shit it's her. how are you friends on ig?

>> No.15173330
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>> No.15173967

B-but muh double standards!

>> No.15173979

fuck me that is a good picture

>> No.15173997

Because feminism is nothing more than cope and hypocrisy propagated by the upper class to gain more control of the population

>> No.15174009

>no, it is because women want to sleep around without being called sluts

No derr. Sex is fun, not some perverted religious rite.

>> No.15174026

I thought it was always the Jews, or sometimes always the Anglos. This is getting hard to follow desu.

>> No.15174040

People give passes to their idol, same with Woolf who gets away with being a racist snob because she was a rare example of leading female novelist.

Look into the antics of say Dosto, Tolstoy, Baudelaire. Many indulged in behaviors that we would judge (and that were often judged in their own time) repellant.

>> No.15174058

England, France and Israel are like the unholy trinity of all the world's evils. For real.

>> No.15174060

It's Simone de Beauvoir, and not "Simon du Beauvoir'...

>> No.15174231

>Woolf who gets away with being a racist snob
Examples? I'd like to know more about this.

>> No.15174311

Her wikipedia article is a gold mine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virginia_Woolf#Controversies):
>[t]he fact is the lower classes are detestable
>imbeciles should certainly be killed
>"Germans" are akin to vermin;
>some "baboon faced intellectuals" mix with "sad green dressed negroes and negresses, looking like chimpanzees"
>Kensington High St. revolts one's stomach with its innumerable "women of incredible mediocrity, drab as dishwater"

Most of it is from her diary. Sounds like she was pretty based but in a strict 4chan sense.

>> No.15174318

That makes sense but where do the "soulless Chinese" and the "world-corrupting US" fit in there? Seems like it's more of an unholy pentarchy, and there's perhaps more. Not to mention Jews are not just Israel.

>> No.15174328

She would write shit about her maids/servants in letters and sprinkle them around the house for them to find. Passive aggressive lil bitch

>> No.15174340

She was totally based. I read The Waves; I had Lighthouse in my backlog but I think I'll read it next. Cheers.

>> No.15174353

I recommend The Voyage Out. It isn't as trippy as the rest of her work but still poetically beautiful.

>> No.15174358

The US is just England 2. American civilisation is just the natural development of Anglo-Saxon civilisation. The future of China is still unwritten, they may yet have a positive role to play.

Though Germany is arguably up there too.

>> No.15174389

Sounds like basically all Western Europe is cancer and the only reason Italy and Spain aren't also up there is that they almost don't matter.

>> No.15174405

Spain had their chance when they had the American empire but fucked it up.

>> No.15174429

They didn't fuck it up, they won.

In the future when Europe is a black, Islamic continent Spanish blood and culture is still going to live on strong in Latin America. They're the one people that managed to cheat the fall of Faustian civilisation.

>> No.15174452

True. They most certainly had a linguistic victory.

>> No.15174489

She refers to herself as "frog woman" in letters, so I think I'm okay misspelling her name.

>> No.15174497

>Sounds like basically all Western Europe is cancer
ah yes, while the rest of the world lives in poverty and war, where women are oppressed (for real), men are backwards, and society is shit for pretty much everything (music, art, culture)... that's heaven, but in western europe, the only habitable place on earth, it's cancer.

delusion leftist moron

>> No.15174567

sexy women trigger my agp
and ever since i've seen pics of her naked i've thought of her as a sexy woman

>> No.15174634

because she was still a great thinker and writer. great people get away with a lot of questionable shit. and beauvoir's legacy to contemporary feminism is more fraught if you bothered to look at any contemporary readings of her

>> No.15174656

I was simply trying to get anon to the logical conclusion of his own assessment, what need is there for you to sperg irrelevant bullshit?

Reread the exchange you're answering to and reread your own post and you'll realize you've just reacted like a blabbering retard who doesn't understand assumptions (or culture for that matter, be it European or otherwise) and cannot make a relevant contribution to even a simple discussion.

Just look at all the silly inferences you're drawing
>assuming people are saying only Europe is cancer
>assuming people itt must be leftists (because not liking jews, anglos, french and germans is a leftist thing? are you even familiar with the history of Europe before 1960? you fucking mong)
>assuming Western Europe is the only cultured and habitable place on Earth (what are Japan, South Korea, the better half of what remains of the Middle East, Northen Europe, the better parts of Southern and Central Europe, the cultured places in Russia, etc.?)

I'm tempted to say you word your argument like a redditor, but your post is actually veering into 9gag tier, it's embarrassing.
No TL;DR for you, in your current state even 300 characters worth of reddit would do you good.

>> No.15174768

okay sorry I misread the conversation due to skimming, but yes, leftists hate the west and especially northern europe and america, while defending whatever problems are present in africa/south america as the result of imperialism.

ironic that you call my post reddit when reddit is literally the opposite. they hate the west and love the rest of the world like typical leftists.

>> No.15174823

Being a slut is bad for yourself. And for the poor bastard who marries you.

>> No.15174852

who is that pic

>> No.15174858
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Mfw I have only ever been with thots and I will never be able to turn a hoe into a housewife
I declare there are no "good women" left

>> No.15174859

>shaved eyebrows
Haha. She’s cute in all six shots.

>> No.15174863

A thot that cooks and cleans is a decent substitute.

>> No.15174873

You'd be surprised how many housewifes are former hoes. Like the men who are partying retards in their 20s and who settle down in their 30s. Iirc the Amish even have this rite of passage where their young men are encouraged to travel the world and break the rules of their faith (to an extent) to let it out of their system.

>> No.15174874

May Li (sp?) from facialabuse
She's a hapa that did a porno at 18 because she's an over-privileged modern empowered woman
Her father was a rich man

>> No.15174875

>turn a hoe into a housewife
Isn't it mathematically proven that this is not possible?

>> No.15174935

> Iirc the Amish even have this rite of passage where their young men are encouraged to travel the world and break the rules of their faith (to an extent) to let it out of their system.
Rumspringa isn't supposed to be college for Amish people. It's supposed to be an opportunity to see the modern world and think about if you want to be Amish for the rest of your life. You're not just suddenly not Amish for a couple of years, you're still expected by your parents and community to uphold the religion.

They don't move to New York and slut around snorting coke like in the movies. It's more like occasionally going on trips with the other Amish kids to play basketball and Christian awkward dates with 14 y/os.

>> No.15174940

Are you referring to the correlation between higher sexual partners and increased divorce rates?
Any whore in her 20s will just say she doesn't want to have children or get married to instead focus on an art career or whatever meme degree

This whole generation is doomed

>> No.15175002

I was just kidding in the "mathematically proven" part.
But yeah, you should never marry a promiscuous woman. Much more likely to cheat on you, to have an unhappy marriage, to have mental issues, etc

>> No.15175141

How would you even prove that?
I have a few former classmates who were hoes in college and are now having kids and looking like the average housewife.

>inb4 I'm sure they'll cheat on their husbands
Maybe, but isn't that pretty unsurprising of a housewife? There's a reason the milkman jokes are as old as the milkman.

>> No.15175148

They'll divorce their husbands in their 40s to find themselves

>> No.15175193

Women are hedonists and their enemy is boredom, effort, risk, danger.
Fortunately, men are desperate enough to feel relevant, dutiful, respected, valued so they are pushy enough to try to be noticed by women (because they fail to be relevant beyond women). and sooner or later, they cracks the bf-shield

Women know that chads and other robots are willing to help them, to have an easy life. The natural problem of women is that they get bored sooner or later with whoever choose to try to entertain them.
So women change their partners to avoid the rut and to create drama. men do not like to be changed, since they loved to be relevant for once in their life, they whine and hate women when women find other providers.
Of course, changing partners constantly becomes a bore too, so they want some fixed men in their life to give them emotional and material support, Rarely sex because women know that, no matter how good the lover is, it gets boring sooner or later.
When they are replaced, men become resentful towards women, since they lose the validation of their existence. They pretend that they can live without women and that they even are better than women, smarter, stronger (in forgetting that women do not need to be so, because men want to be so in place of women)

Knowing that they are not able to stop loving to be supported by men, Women love also to think that they need no man and that they live to help others >muh compassion. This is part of the tactic to enhance their pleasures: women think that they are good people in society, only to feel even more raw, more animal, more of a little minx, typically in private, when they are fucked properly by some beta ready to serve them sexually.

>> No.15175195

Ok we'll wait about 20 years and see how it goes.

>> No.15175202

Women are not to be trusted with their own interests

>> No.15175232 [DELETED] 

Some women cheat, some women do.
But you want your wife to not cheat on you and you reduce your chances of being cheated on by not marrying a hoe.

>> No.15175245

Some women cheat, some women don't.
But you want your wife to not cheat on you and you reduce your chances of being cheated on by not marrying a hoe.

>> No.15175450

>Are you referring to the correlation between higher sexual partners and increased divorce rates?
If you can't see why correlation does not imply causation here, you're literally sub 90IQ. No offence.

>le young people de doooomer!
Shut the fuck up dork.

>> No.15175488

pics on right look good too

>> No.15175827

>She was literally the evil men she wrote about.
She didn't write about anything like that, you obviously don't know what you're talking about

>> No.15175883

What does this have to do with my post? Are you to be trusted with your own interest? Yet you're on 4chan and you're not even answering on point.

>> No.15175998

I'm not him. Could you explain why correlation is not causation in this case?

>> No.15176691

Sounds pretty based honestly

>talks about woman's independence but relies on men her whole life
What do you mean by this? She was independently successful. Are you referring to the fact that she wasn't single

>> No.15176717

Past behavior is a great indicator of future behavior

>> No.15176817

But France seems to be were the most decadent and perverse expressions of liberalism has its roots.

>> No.15176877

Why do all leftists turn out to be deeply immoral and hypocritical people whenever you look at their private lives, despite their constant moral grandstanding?

>> No.15176920

I feel like France are the japanese of europe. But instead of anime, they have 3d waifus in artsy films (see Jeune & Jolie)

>> No.15176936

>can't be bothered to spell the author's name correctly
>OP is only a rant

>> No.15176961

?Why do people whose worldview consists of a series of rationalizations for bad behavior behave badly?

We'll never know

>> No.15176989
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>You'd be surprised how many housewifes are former hoes.
That's probably why my country has a 46% divorce rate. The idea of "getting it out of their system" is a boomer myth. Hoes becomeing housewives is just what happens when they realize that their getting old and their best years are piling behind them, so they need to settle before time runs out.

>> No.15177001
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Do you think he died with shame on his mind?