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/lit/ - Literature

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15172654 No.15172654 [Reply] [Original]

You're pretty smart /lit/, right?
Give me a gestalt on this kraut's autistic ravings.
Cause I don't got a fucking clue what the fuck he's going on about.

>> No.15172698

I will give you the gist of the first half of the preface.
Nothing more.

>> No.15172701


Don't bother, anglos, meds, chinks, arabs, whatever? Don't got the brain the germanic PHENOtypes got..

>> No.15172711

Is that as far as you could get? Are you a brainlet as well?
>I totally understand it
>But I'm not gonna explain it cause you can't
Sure bud, that's why.
I'm pretty sure NO ONE fucking understands what the fuck it means.

>> No.15172715

>I'm pretty sure NO ONE fucking understands what the fuck it means.
that's the beauty of it

>> No.15172716

No, I just dont want to write 7 pages tonight.

>> No.15172722

Yeah like you got something better to do faggot.
Just do it pussy.

>> No.15172726

why don't you read a book from a peripheral author explaining it, like hegel for dummies?

>> No.15172728

I actually did it to my mother and it took me 40 pages
It's written in my language so I cannot give it to you

>> No.15172749

I hate reading.

>> No.15172751
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>> No.15172754

yes that's why it's for dummies

>> No.15172757


>> No.15172768

The introduction of the pos is a microcosm of what Hegel believes what Philosophical inquirey and philosophy itself should be. I think he puts it best as philosophy being that of the universal that also contains the particular within itself. he then goes on (maybe before this) explaining what others usually put in the preface. He conceptualizes and bring up a number of concepts that will be explained in furhter detail later in the book outside of the prefiece. a few notable ones including the idea of the dialectic and trans dialected which he believes is necisary to understand the persute of truth. He comments that many thin that one truth disproves a previously thought to be truth destroing it as a thesis antithesis (dialectic process), but in fact he believes this to be insubstantial and better conceptualizes truth as an ittinerative process that organically develops (becoming)

Another idea he puts forth is geist a byward which he substituses for god since god is simply a sound the is defined by the proceeding words "is...." and classifies it as the subjectivity of the absolutly into a self, and as we are selves, we are selves looking back upon us as selves. THis concepts being the driving force birthing contingency and the idea of us as the counciousness of the universe, the geist, or in a lower form god.

He also goes more into detail in the process behind which he comes to this conclusion which involves a bit of illustration and epistomology.

the sun is comming up i must sleep. bad post srry.

>> No.15172775

Do you big brained fags get off on people not understanding what the fuck you're saying?
How's about trying to explain it in English you smug cunt?

>> No.15172786


>> No.15172787

Its 5 am and i am high on aderal doing this instead of work. give me a break. I thought I layed out my terms, but im either sleep deprived and/or you dont have the basics in philosophy to learn hegel. Lets start at beginning. you read plato? you read hume? I will not respond to this as I will sleep now.

>> No.15172805

What the fuck are Plato and Hume?
Sounds gay.

>> No.15172822

This thread is about as illuminating as I expected. To be fair, it's a hard book. I'm working through it now. Listening to these as I go, which helps some:
bernsteintapes . com/hegellist.html

>> No.15172842

You're listening to a kike about kraut philosophy?
You sure that's wise?

>> No.15173259
File: 123 KB, 523x487, LIT_HEGEL_AbsoluteEgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goethe wrote Faust not long after having extended conversations with Hegel -- they part, and Hegel goes all in on negation -- and Goethe writes of "the spirit of negation" in the person of Mephistopheles. Getting cucked by his Cathlic waifu probably played into this, as far as that turn in the Phenomenology goes.

>> No.15173630

well to begin with hegel thought that philosophy couldn't be summarised because thinking is an active process, and to summarise implies already that something has been finished or closed, but all right. i'll try to give you the gist of what spirit is. it's a fun exercise.

ordinarily we think of human beings as individuals and society as a collection of individuals. we also see the products of human industry as a separate thing from human beings. we also see tools as distinct from their users. hegel dipsenses with all of this. he sees all human beings, all tools, all products as one thing. this he calls spirit. now, spirit is a peculiar thing. because it is both singular and plural, it is on the one hand the self-moving principle in each human being, but it is also all these self-moving principles taken together as one self-reacting principle.

think of an organisation. in an organisation what each person does is determined by the purpose of the organisation, but the organisation is not itself anything separate from the work of the individuals which compose it. when one member of the organisation makes a contribution to it, he simultaneously alters his own and those of the other members' relationship to one another, by altering what the state of the organisation is with regard to its goal.

spirit is in this sense the fact of one human being being capable of reacting to a situation, it is the resultant reaction (the product of the activity which is in response to the situation) and it is also and simultaneously all those who react to that product and the products of their activities.

in essence, the book is an account of the necessary preconditions for hegel to sit down by his desk, take his pen and write what is in his head.

what the book does, then, is sketch out the stages of development and self-understanding of spirit. that is, how it comes to see itself as reflected back to it in the objects it produces.

hope that helps!

>> No.15174022

Assuming anything that anon claimed was accurate he's basically saying that Hegel was a positivist. If you don't understand that then you are beyond help.

>> No.15174031

>tfw writing an essay on Hegel and Ween
Hegel was the brownest fuckin philosopher, I'm not even kidding.

>> No.15174051

Did you read Kant?

>> No.15174068

It's unironically an esoteric text

>> No.15174658

>what the Hell is an absolute egg
fucking kek

>> No.15174685
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Hegel is essentially writing about spirit's eternal ascent into the absolute (that is it exists objectively and subjectively). In the Phenomenology, Hegel essentially narrates the journey that Spirit undergoes in order to obtain existence in and for itself (absolute being). He begins with sense-certainty, in which it implicitly appears to exist absolutely. However, Hegel points out that to have sense-certainty (I see a house right now), it presupposes a higher form of consciousness (in order to posit the right now, one needs to posit a before and after). Thus an absolute being is sublated into a higher form of consciousness. This essentially repeats as Spirit goes through the stages of self-consciousness, reason, will, art, religion, and finally into philosophy in which Spirit truly obtains existence in and for-itself. The phenomenology is quite an important work of philosophy. One can read it as a meta-critique of Kant's CPR, or one can see the phenomenology as a work of pre-Kantian dogmatism. Nonetheless, it was extremely influential on future philosophers, and it acts as a foundational starting point for Hegel's philosophical system (which he will expound upon in his encyclopedia, Philosophy of Right, and Philosophy of Nature).

>> No.15174735

>bring up
Honestly just don't bother

>> No.15174760

thank you bba (big brained anon)

>> No.15174782

I feel smarter for understanding this post

>> No.15174797

What the fuck does any of this garbage have to do with Marx

>> No.15174826
