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File: 78 KB, 1024x576, Michel Houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15171329 No.15171329 [Reply] [Original]

>"Irony won't save you from anything; humor doesn't do anything at all. You can look at life ironically for years, maybe decades; there are people who seem to go through most of their lives seeing the funny side, but in the end, life always breaks your heart. Doesn't matter how brave you are, or how reserved, or how much you've developed a sense of humor, you still end up with your heart broken. That's when you stop laughing."

- Michel Houellebecq, The Elementary Particles

Was he right anons?

>> No.15171343

Houellebecq is the type of guy who gets pleasure out of whining, he's dishonest as well

>> No.15171346

Literally think he put this exact same paragraph in Serotonin

>> No.15171364

But the happiest people talk about the importance of laughing every day.

>> No.15171368

Surely /lit/ has watched The Kidnapping movie, right? RIGHT?

>> No.15171381
File: 167 KB, 1977x1093, 262B0A7C-FC0B-4AAF-B202-956AB61F36F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I laugh because I live in clown world and it’s to make fun of the absurdity of Western society. I’m not escaping. I know how shitty it all this. I just find the funny side in our inevitable doom.

>> No.15171395

Sucks that the funniest looking person of all time is so miserable. Not intended as an insult

>> No.15171414
File: 61 KB, 331x481, TomClancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is nothing to laugh at, but it's nothing to cry about either. With faith in God, one can always maintain a certain hopeful optimism even though everything is ultimately meaningless.

Now that I've said my main point, please allow for my digression; people who are doomers are fags. I'm sorry, but I you'd really have to think that you're a unique and special snowflake in order to genuinely think that any other suffering creature has any time for your personal reasons for misery. Doomers are morally revolting for thinking anyone ought to care. In fact a doomer is just a nu-male who is sad, but still thinks that life revolves around him. pic unrelated

>> No.15171418

> but in the end, life always breaks your heart.
he's right

>> No.15171425

You mean he self-plagiarizes? What a fag

>> No.15171436

This is just a way to cope with your powerlessness
Houellebecq is right

>> No.15171440

Prove it.

>> No.15171447
File: 24 KB, 600x800, 15853857604616436607687330682166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With faith in God

>> No.15171461

Yes, pretty cool. Watching Houellebecq act is refreshing.

>> No.15171494

I don’t want Hollywood fame
I don’t want to be some big shot in Wall Street
I don’t want to be idolized athletic
I am not jealous of the so-called influence of the politicians
In fact, I’m laughing at the absurdity of it all
I drank my wine as the trumpet sounded!

>> No.15171509

Camus, is that you?

>> No.15171512
File: 8 KB, 218x250, your_a_fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>With faith in God

>> No.15171513

Sounds more like Evola.

>> No.15171521

Don't (you) me

>> No.15171528


>> No.15171550
File: 362 KB, 913x1763, 1577061114952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15171562

>I don’t want to be some big shot in Wall Street
shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.15171575

>High-T men, more attractive to women on average, enjoy benefiting from slut culture too much to spend time praying or going to church

Gee willickers, never woulda guessed!

>> No.15171580

>most of their lives seeing the funny side, but in the end, life always breaks your heart
What about people who die suddenly in a car crash etc? Yeah, I call bullshit.

>> No.15171588

>dated le clown world meme

>> No.15171594

Lmao - get a load of the mental gymnastics in this post.

>> No.15171611


>> No.15171624

>t. Some soulless scumbag from Wall St

I dunno, the sensation of the steering wheel going through my chest would be fairly heartbreaking.

>> No.15171708

I know this post isn't bait, but by "the end" he doesn't mean the final moments before your literal death. He's not saying you will suddenly experience this rush of thoughts on your deathbed as you breathe your lasts gasps of air.

A better metaphor would be this: A depressed, introverted outsider goes to a party for a few hours and has a great time, giving him the illusion everything is alright with him/the world so he can have a brief distraction and forget about all his internal issues. At the end of the night, he returns to his tiny apartment, exhausted and alone once again. After the high (doesn't have to be a literal high, drugs aren't necessary) quickly fades away, he realizes he's the same broken man he was before he left his apartment in the first place.

A lot of people will go to great lengths to avoid being alone with their thoughts by spending their lives on drugs, entertainment, etc. because they cannot confront that reality for more than a few moments.

>> No.15171714

Meant to begin with "I know this post is* bait"

>> No.15171722

That's not what he said, though.

>> No.15171740


>was he right?

No. Eric Idle was:


>> No.15171747


it's not coping, it's embracing!

>> No.15171775

You will not admit it, perhaps because you do not and cannot realize it, but you are the exact type of individual Houellebecq is describing with that quote. You might have buried your emotions with so many overlapping levels of irony, humor, and other coping mechanisms that it has become a part of your identity and lack the self awareness to truly see through it.

>> No.15171799

I know, like I said it was bait, or just good old banter but that's besides the point. I just responded to that absurd example to show what Houellebecq actually means by how we will "still end up with [our] heart broken"

>> No.15171820

No, you mischaracterized what Houellebecq said.

>> No.15171869

Oh, by "he" I thought you meant the anon I replied to - not my actual analysis. How do you think I mischaracterized his quote then?

>> No.15172027

He’s bitter because he swallows suffering as the only fact of life and doesn’t know what to do with it. I love Houellebecq and his books make me laugh but I keep people like him at arms length for a good sad drinking session when I need it. The black pill is only slightly better than being naive, and probably just as dangerous.

>> No.15172087

I doubt hollebeuq really understands what heart broken really means.

you can laugh when you are heart broken.
In fact it may even feel better.
but it isn't really cathartic.
You see when heartbreak happens the glue holding everything together is bitter.
So you laugh with a bit of resentment and hatred in your heart.
And those jokes that you laugh at when heartbroken given you some pleasure from the validation
why do you think edgelord blackpilled comedy is so hot like rick and morty, superjail, and aqua teen hunger force?

>> No.15173610

99% certain he doesn’t mention irony in Serotonin once.

>> No.15173650

Edgy as fuck. Nice.

>> No.15173722

The world breaks everyone. Those who aren’t broken are killed.

>> No.15173784

Houellebecq is nothing but a sad pseud. His pornography addiction coupled with the fact that he is ugly as fuck led him to have this bleak outlook on life. Life is hard and sad and short, we've been aware of this since day 1 of our consciousness. But what did humans do? We hoped and tried our best to make life better, and we did. So good in fact that we have the resources to support all the doomers like Mike above. Having a good life is easy, take it from me for I have overcome depression and suicidal tendencies without medication (admittedly I spoke a lot of weed). The secret to a good life, one that anybody will trade places with is outlook. I have worked with enough depressed people earning six figures to know that material possessions do not make you happy. Neither do other people. Happiness, fulfillment, content, whatever you call it comes from inside. You need to do two things:
>live in the moment
>be kind

I know most of you are already scoffing at this, but I also know that some of you are asking themselves: "How can I be kind?", "How do I live in the moment?". To the latter, I advise them to write me at my throwaway. I am currently working on a novel distilling a decade of hardship, decadence and bleakness into a book that will make young men stronger.

>> No.15173852

>, and we did. So good in fact that we have the resources to support all the doomers like Mike above.
Everything in your post is correct except this.
Progress is an illusion, we didn't improve shit, and fags like him prove it
You're also wrong on the fact that it'a easy.
If it was easy, everyone would do it, because people gravitate towards easy things.
The word you were looking for is "simple", but you know it is simple only after you learn it, and you have to actively learn it and assimilate it, not just read it.
I approve of the message of fixing depression without medication, because medication is a big pharma scam.
But understand that the reasons behind depression start from the bad enviroment humans live in right now, in a lot of levels.
It's not about hardship either, although we do have them now, it's a multitude of things

>> No.15173866

cope is the best option we have

though clownposter seems edgy & inconsequential, he should ride cope till it splutters out underneath him, he has some years still

>> No.15173868

This guy is only shilled here because semi-illiterate incels think he writes about groundbreaking and controversial themes when Celine wrote everything he did in a more creative and convincing prose 70 years ago.