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15170621 No.15170621 [Reply] [Original]

Recommend me some books on Christian mysticism, I'm almost done with The Desert Fathers and I don't know where to go from here. I also don't really want hermetic or occulty things, but if you feel the need you may recommend them.

>> No.15170626

The Interior Castle - St Teresa of Ávila

>> No.15170636

Have you picked up The Essential Writings of Christian Mysticism? It's like a buffet of samples from the most ancient up through Simone Weil and others

>> No.15170650

The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence is a personal favorite. Not occulty in the least.

>> No.15170726

Taking advantage of this thread to ask recommendations on Divine, Ecstatic Love. Not sure if Porete would fit here, but any christian work on the topic of compassion toward all beings and Divine Love itself (in the same way Christ, by love, emptied himself to gather all creation in uncreated Divinity).

by the way, what did you think of it? I plan to reading it soon.

>> No.15170790

Very good, a bunch of people in my parish were begging me to read it, and I must say that it shows me how pitiful my own asceticism is and how my lifestyle makes me incapable of interpreting and seeing the small interweavings of God within everything physical and ethereal.
I'm also going to say that even though I am not Catholic that the French film Under the Sun of Satan was a wonderful piece on Christian mysticism.

>> No.15170934

Is it good? I purchased it a while ago and I've been thinking of picking it up some time soon.

>> No.15171015

The Ladder of Divine Ascent
The Philokalia
The Works of Dionysius the Areopagite.
On The Cosmic Mystery of Jesus Christ
The Cloud of Unknowing

>> No.15172046

Read Simone Weil, she's truly a page-turner.

>> No.15172449

>Is it good?
>Simone Weil
i'm gonna go ahead and say "no".

>> No.15172467

>"her virtually wholesale rejection of the Old Testament and her overall distaste for the Judaism that was technically hers by birth"

Wasn't she a marcionite bugman? How can you be an "mystic" when you don't even have the basic humility to recognize that the Church was right in condemning all of these heretical groups?

>> No.15172501

The most interesting people are always outside the main current.

>> No.15172526

Truth > entertainment
>outside the main current
Might as well be outside Christ altogether then.

>> No.15172534

>"her virtually wholesale rejection of the Old Testament and her overall distaste for the Judaism that was technically hers by birth"
holy BASED Simone
>How can you be an "mystic" when you don't even have the basic humility to recognize that the Church was right in condemning all of these heretical groups?
The New Testament is the only Christian part of Christianity. The (((Old Testament))) is for Jews only. It's literally the Hebrew Bible.

>> No.15172585

>The New Testament is the only Christian part of Christianity
you wouldn't even know who Christ was if not for creation (described in the OT) and the countless prophecies about him.
>the Hebrew Bible
Any even remotely legitimate apostolic church uses the septuagint, not the judaizied "hebrew bible".

>> No.15172591
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>technically hers by birth
every single time.

>> No.15172594

Sounds Jewish so no

>> No.15172606

remind us what 'Christ' even means again

>> No.15172616

She was raised in a secular Jewish household, wanted to be part of the Church. There are Jewish people who eventually converted to Christianity and their perspectives are truly worth reading about (for example Edith Stein, Roman Brandstaetter)

>> No.15172622

Jesus and the apostles were Jewish you larper

>> No.15172630

Judaism is the new modern term

>> No.15173307

Oh fuck, is this for real? I was considering reading her.

>> No.15173336

Meister eckhart

>> No.15173399

read MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra by Nagarjuna

>> No.15173511

you can't be this retarded

>> No.15173575

What were his thoughts on Christ?

>> No.15174367


>> No.15174373

>wanting to avoid Jewish things
>in a thread about Christian mysticism
I have bad news anons...

>> No.15174392

I read this book, but it was too inconsistent and I found only a few parts to be stimulating.
>Poeman are you still alive? Go, sit down in your cell; engrave it on your heart that you have been in the tomb for a year already.

>> No.15174498

Love this book, early Christianity is such an interesting topic

>> No.15174536

The inconsistency is what makes it good, it's a collection of sayings from different groups of Christians who disagree with each other, very similarly to perspectives from the Bible itself

>> No.15174562
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x1508, mystic lit spain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fruit of the now-defunct Spanish General

>> No.15174577

I did like seeing how much rejection of tradition there was, since any new cult back then would have had to sell itself on that platform.
>Are we still the slaves of men? We did what was necessary, the rest is superfluous. He who wishes to be edified, let him be edified; he who wishes to be shocked, let him be shocked; as for me, I meet people as they find me.

>> No.15174586

>The Septuagint
>A Jewish translation of the Jewish scriptures, by Jews
>"Not Judaized"
Yeah ok

>> No.15174618

This is the only correct post unless you want Weil's anarchist ramblings and Teresa of Avila's heretical 'divine orgasms'. Mysticism as a tradition lives and breathes in the Orthodox Church.

>> No.15174639

it's not judaized because judaism (the religion based on rejecting Christ) did not even exist yet.

>> No.15174699

Indeed; although I never liked The Cloud of Unknowing or found it very fruitful.

On the west,
Eckhart's writings.
Cusa's De visione dei.
Saint John of the Cross.
Am I forgetting a man worth mentioning?

>> No.15174702

Great stuff, I loved the one Abba who rejected the others perspective on books and said they were the pathway to the spirit. I forget the exact sayings

>> No.15174722

Palestinian/Israeli is even more modern. If anything term you're looking for is Hebrew (but the uses of the term Jewish isn't inaccurate as long as you're talking after the Hebrew conquest of Judea).

>> No.15174724

Try and remember, if you can, anon, for I'd like to see it.

>> No.15174743

Cope as you might, the Yahweh-worshipping people of Judea with their mythology of having got their scriptures from God through Moses already existed.

>> No.15174759

>Abba Sisoes' disciple said to him, 'Father, you are growing old. Let us go back nearer to inhabited country.' The old man said to him, 'Let us go where there are no women.' His disciple said to him, 'Where is there a place where there are no women except the desert?' So the old man said, 'Take me to the desert.'

>> No.15174825

Sisoes was seriously based
>A brother asked Abba Sisoes the Theban, 'Give me a word,' and he said, 'What shall I say to you? I read the New Testament, and I turn to the old.'
>A brother asked Abba Sisoes to give him a word. He said, 'Why do you make me speak without need? Whatever you see, do that.'
>There was a liturgy on the mountain of Abba Anthony and they had a small bottle of win there. One of the old men took a jug and a cup and offered some to Abba Sisoes. He drank some. A second time, he also accepted some. But when he was offered some a third time, he did not accept it, saying, 'Stop, brother, don't you know that it is of Satan?'

>> No.15174934

I would pull out my copy, but it's at my apartment and I'm quarantined elsewhere. He was one of the Egyptians, not very specific I know. What always struck me was how many had the essentially same parable of the monk running away and sinning, being rejected in coming back, and the Abba then rejecting those who rejected him. Forgiveness to those genuine in heart felt like the building block to the entire asceticism

>> No.15175184

>having got their scriptures from God through Moses
That's true. How does that make the religion of Judaism exist before Christ though?

>> No.15175223

The name you put on it matters little, Scriptures and worship were already established before the birth of Christ, and Christ himself was raised in this tradition. So Christianity naturally bears the mark of that tradition that presided over its birth, and that is for most intent and purposes what we call judaism nowadays. When the /pol/tard say you're following a judaized creed, he may be ungainly in his choice of word, but not wrong in spirit.

>> No.15175243

>Scriptures and worship were already established before the birth of Christ, and Christ himself was raised in this tradition. So Christianity naturally bears the mark of that tradition that presided over its birth,
>what we call judaism nowadays
is a complete innovation and did not exist even back when Christ was refuting the pharisees.

>> No.15176302
